The Angles of Lattitude Podcast: Learn from the Successes of the Creatively Self Employed show

The Angles of Lattitude Podcast: Learn from the Successes of the Creatively Self Employed

Summary: A podcast for people who want to make an impact in the world with their life's work. We interview entrepreneurs, experts, and artists who will give you insights from their lives so you can live a life with more intent. If you're interested in work life balance, following your passions, making yourself an MVP in any arena, and self employment, then you're in the right place. Discover how you can create income streams that work for you so that you can have the time and freedom to do what you love, whether it's traveling the world, or just living comfortably at home. Other topics include business essentials, productivity, motivation, growing an audience, marketing, self employment advice, work-life balance and all the modern online business stuff.

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 Stephanie Calahan: Overcoming Mental Blocks, Making Complex Decisions Simple, and Becoming a Business Vision Catalyst (AoL 065) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:13

You can easily get in your own way when it comes to the success of your business. Certain mindsets that you have about the world around you can make all the difference in how well your business performs. Making all your decisions super complex doesn't help either. In today's show, Stephanie Calahan joins Daniel and JC to look at some of those mental blocks that many of us have - including visibility and money blocks. We also go in depth about using a resentment test to make complex decisions simple. If you've already started your business and you feel overwhelmed, or you want to make building your future business a bit easier, then I really think you'll get a lot from this particular chat. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * What did Stephanie major in college? 6:48 * What was her first job after college? 8:29 * What prompted her to start her first business? 12:56 * When she started Calahan solutions, what did she bring with her? 16:24 * What are some of the fastest changes she's seen in working with the small businesses she does? 18:33 * Who was her first client and what was her experience like? 21:28 * What does working with mindset means to her and what kind of things change after a mental shift? 22:29 * What's a money block and a visibility block? 26:10 * Is there a general process to get through money blocks and why is it important? 28:10 * How did Stephanie get through her money block? 31:28 * What is the resentment test and how can you use it to help make decisions? 32:43 * How clarity come into play with the resentment test. 40:46 * What's the process of finding an ideal client? 42:20 * How does she manager her business systems? 50:16 * Items that she's working on in the upcoming year. 53:42 * What does her ideal client look like and what does it take for them to work with her? 54:43 * One gift Stephanie likes giving others. 58:22 * What she would do if she woke up as her 10 year old self and had all her memories. 58:31 * How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 59:28 * Who's the most awe inspiring person she's met and why? 59:51 * What's it mean to live a life of abundance? 1:02:35 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Stephanie Online: Website, Facebook, Twitter Chris Gardner: His book is Pursuit of Happyness (Amazon Link) SHOW NOTE EXTRAS: Interview with Lany Sullivan Are Visibility Blocks Stopping Your Messages From Getting Out? Blog Links: Visibility Blocks that Keep You From Having a Great Podcast Do You Have the Courage to Release the Familiar and Claim Your Power?   Thank You For Sharing Some Time With Us! Thanks so much for joining us again this week.

 Debra Jason: A Glimpse into Millionaire Marketing and Breakthrough Copywriting (AoL 064) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:17:43

  Most of us are doing who are working for ourselves have a passion for it or it's just a talent that we can monetize. Just like we have our strengths, we also have our weaknesses. For many solopreneurs, marketing can be a weakness. I know I'm always trying to figure out what I can do better in improving my ability to connect with more people. To me, the "feel" of connection is really important in achieving true success in a business. I feel that the best marketing is done by coming from a place of simply adding value to others. Sometimes, though, it's hard to express that value in a way that motivates your potential clients from seeking you out for help. That's where today's guest, Debra Jason, focus is at. Having started in the catalog publishing business, she has taken what she’s learned from there and has helped many people nationally and internationally say what they mean in a way that moves people to take action. She’s also the author of the book, Millionaire Marketing on a Shoestring Budget in which she covers items like improving your blog following, how to get fewer spam complaints, and other basic fundamental strategies that will motivate your audience to take action. If you’re looking to improve the way you connect with people about what you have to offer, then this is chat will definitely help you out. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How did she get into writing in the first place? 6:47 * Was she able to use her college degree after graduating? 8:54 * How did Debra get into copywriting? 10:51 * When did Debra realize she could help other people with their copywriting? 13:14 * What was the trigger in starting the Write Direction? 15:45 * What are some marketing fads that she's seen come and go over the years? 19:27 * How quickly did she jump onto the internet marketing train? 22:42 * What kinds of things have changed since she transferred to an internet focus? 25:01 * How often does she send out emails to her followers and what how does she know what to send? 27:47 * How did her book "Millionaire Marketing on a Shoestring Budget" come about? 34:49 * What are some of the things that someone can learn from her book? 41:19 * How to craft a magnetic marketing message by filling in the blanks of a formula. 46:55 * What to blog about when you don't know what to blog about. 50:44 * Couple of things that she's looking forward to in the not too distant future. 58:59 * One thing that costs under $100 that has changed her life? 1:04:00 * Smallest decision she's made that has had the greatest impact on her life was? 1:04:58 * Something she believed as a 30 year old and now considers false and why? 1:05:49 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Debra Online: The Write Direction, Facebook, LinkedIn Millionaire Marketing on a Shoestring Budget (Amazon Link) What Color is Your Parachute 2017 (Amazon Link) Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz (Amazon - yikes!

 Laura Petersen: Teaching Future Podcasters and Writers from Around the World (AoL 063) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:10:38

If you're creating a business from scratch, there's going to be so many things that you need to learn. If you're going to building it online, you're probably going to be utilizing some form of content marketing. Be it a podcast, making videos, or writing. If you're making a podcast, there's plenty of information out there. But what I've found out is that there's not many folks that are going to take the time and really show you from the beginning what you need to know. There isn't really any niched podcast teaching assistants. In this session, I get the chance to chat with Laura Petersen, one of the co-founders of Podcast Teachers. Not only does she teach people how to podcast, but she also teaches copy as well. And she does it all while she's traveling around the world. In this podcast, we discuss how relatively "easy" it is for people to get started in podcasting, what she's been able to learn from past businesses, and we talk a little about mindset when starting a successful business. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * Why Laura and her husband decided to spend the last year in Europe. 6:13 * What are some things that Laura has learned in her travels? 11:34 * What she felt when she finished reading Rich Dad, Poor Dad 16:54 * How long did it take for her to realize she could actually start her own business? 19:33 * What were some struggles she had to deal with when she started her first business? 23:02 * How can someone get over the mindset that money is really hard to come by or is bad? 26:09 * Where did her podcast and Podcast Teachers come from? 31:00 * What are some of the hurdles that people normally deal with when starting a podcast? 34:49 * Are Instagram quote images still a thing? 38:13 * What are three of her more popular podcast episodes? 40:41 * The story behind Laura interviewing Brandon T. Adams 44:40 * More about the book she's working on. 49:33 * What are top three favorite books? 52:24 * Something she believed when she was a 30 year old and doesn't now? 54:11 * What is one thing all high school students must know? 57:08 * One thing that costs under $100 that has changed her life? 59:03 * When she thinks of the word success, who comes to mind and why? 1:01:48 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Laura Online: Podcast, Facebook, Twitter Plitvice Lakes National Park Traveler’s Mindset Travel Savvy Guide (Get out there and explore the world!) Clay Green shows off his trailer Drew Badger’s AoL interview Dane Maxwell's AoL interview Thrive - Make Money Matter Creative Live Sue Bryce (photographer) - Relationship with money...

 Cam Adair: Traveling to Tanzania, the Value of Service, and Building Community (AoL 062) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:07

Making content and regularly posting it is a great way to grow an audience. In fact, it's like, one of the most common pieces of online business advice around right now to do some sort of content marketing as soon as possible. Blogs, Podcasts, YouTube videos - these are all forms of content marketing. But the real question is, how do you build engagement? And once you build that engagement, how do you keep people coming back for more? Cam Adair, today's guest, is all about building relationships with people. That's one of the main things he gets out of helping those in his Game Quitters community. Relationships. Oh, that, and he just loves helping people with whatever he can. In fact, this past October, Cam went to Tanzania to help a village get potable water... and he made even more "online" friends while he was there. So in this first Silver Edition session (meaning second interview), Ginger and I get the chance to chat with Cam about his recent trip. We also talk a little strategy about how he's been able to engage so well with his followers, and finally what he's planning on doing to continue building Game Quitters. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * What was Cam's recent experience in Tanszania like? 8:51 * What is EPIC all about? 9:57 * How Cam is going to relate his experenice to Game Quitters. 11:53 * What was the most meaningful part(s) of his trip? 13:54 * What's his involvement in CampuSpeak? 19:14 * How do you meet people that have the same interests that you do, even if you're in college. 25:17 * How has travel made Cam more creative in his business? 27:46 * What was the biggest hurdle in building the lifestyle he wanted when he started Game Quitters? 30:34 * What has worked for Cam in creating a following on YouTube? 33:23 * How does someone get people involved in the work they do? 35:37 * Does Cam think that commenting is dead on most blogs and sites outside of the big social media platforms? 39:37 * How does being of service to people actually fuel Cam to do what he does? 42:13 * What is Cam looking forward to be working on in the New Year? 47:01 * What is something that he believed as a 25 year old but doesn't now? 52:24 * What is one thing that all high school students must know? 53:16 * One thing under $100 that has changed his life. 55:42 * What does it meant to live a life of abundance? 52:03 * How can someone be a difference maker for their community? 57:36 * What are 4 steps to being more like Cam? 1:01:21 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Cam Online: Website, Facebook, Twitter Previous Cam Adair AoL Interview EPIC the Movement Alexis Panos Tennille Amor CampuSpeak Jonathan Field’s “How to Live the Good Life” (Amazon Link)

 Joe “JoeWoo” Rychalsky: Helping Others Find Their Right Career Path by Being the Example (AoL 061) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:41

When it comes to getting started making a living on something you love to do, it can be hard to determine where to be begin. For many of us, we will have many interests and we'll try to involve all of that into what we're doing. Depending on how exactly you do that, you can have one of two results. It can either differentiate you from the pack, or, what tends to happen most of the time, is that you spread yourself too thin when it comes to others understanding how you can help them. So, the trick, is to fixate on one segment of your life like today's guest, Joe "Woo" Rychalsky has done. Joe has many interests that he could have pursued as a business. But he didn't. Instead, he decided to take it upon himself to help others do something he wasn't able to - find and fit into the right job and career for them. Trying to find that niche that you can help others with can be tough, and there's a lot riding on the decision we finally make. So, in this chat we're going to help you make that decision by walking you through his story of becoming a coach and what all he has considered while making the decision to help others figure out their dream career. We'll also talk about what you need to look for when choosing your own coach, and we briefly talk about his podcast entitled The JoeWoo Career and Life Show. SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * What gave Joe the mind of a creator. 6:41 * Which parent did he strive to please growing up and how. 9:09 * What went into Joe choosing his major in college? 11:52 * How well did Joe survive as a square block in a circle hole? 14:13 * Was realizing that he wanted to be a career coach a single moment or a series of moments? 15:18 * What did it take for him to make the transition from working in the corporate world to becoming a career coach? 17:13 * What kind of clients does Joe like working with? 24:04 * What need is he solving with his courses? 27:11 * What do people need to look for when searching for a coach that can help them with a particular issue? 29:31 * What's the difference between a therapist, a psychologist, and a coach? 31:14 * How Joe knocks people out of patterns that he sees. 33:52 * How does someone go about becoming a coach themselves if they're interested? 35:38 * What's the purpose behind Joe's podcast? 38:19 * What's Joe's interview style? 45:05 * What are some of the things that Joe's looking forward to in 2016. 49:47 * 3 of Joe's Favorite Podcasts 51:53 * What he would do as his 10 year old self if all his memories were intact? 52:27 * What is something he believed as a 35 year old and doesn't believe it anymore. 52:57 * What is one thing that costs under $100 that changed his life? 53:43 * What does it mean to live a life of abundance? 55:43 * What are three steps that someone could take to change their career? 56:51 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Joe Online: Website, Facebook, Twitter XS Energy Drinks The Matrix

 Joey Chandler: Delivering the Best Version of You through Personal Tribute Videos (AoL 060) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:03:04

In today's world, people are not used to compliments. In fact, they're used to the opposite - complaints. When people are asked why they dread going to work, one of the most common responses is, "I feel like I don't belong." Part of that can be attributed to only being reprimanded when they do something bad. Not necessarily be thanked when they actually perform well on the job. Today's guest, Joey Chandler, is trying to change that - one person at a time. Through his work via You Are Videos, people get to actually hear good things about themselves for once. In this chat, we find out how he stumbled into his new profession of being a video producer. And we also learn how you can become a videographer and find your first clients. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How did he get into making montage videos for people? 8:56 * What his videos do for those he makes them for. 12:22 * How did he originally get into photography? 13:56 * What spurred Joey to make the leap of faith to becoming a professional photographer? 17:28 * Even with his success there, why did Joey opt to go the online route with 19:32 * How does he prompt people to come out with good material for his videos? 23:14 * How he would recommend someone become a videographer. 24:50 * What would Joey recommend to find those early clients that can help you grow? 32:30 * What his inspirational newsletter is all about and what possessed him to start it. 34:48 * What are 3 books he likes telling other people about? 48:04 * One gift that he likes giving others? 51:05 * What he thinks all high school students should know. 53:26 * One thing under $100 that has changed his life? 54:18 * Three truths he's learned. 54:39 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Joey Online: Website, Facebook, Twitter Gary Vaynerchuk - Periscope of an Ask GaryVee episode Fine Brothers' session of YouTubers React Dane Maxwell AoL Interview Funk to Flow Course The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (Amazon Link) Summer Edwards AoL Interview Being Mortal by Atul Gawande (Amazon Link) Cider House Rules by John Irving (Amazon Link) SHOW NOTE EXTRAS: An Example of a You Are Video Tribute: Reaction of a You Are Video Recipient, Coach Chad: Joey’s Appreciation Challenge: Funk to Flow Intro: Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

 Drew Badger: Touring Alaska and Teaching English by Rejecting the Menu (AoL 059) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:29:13

It seems that most everyone in the world wants to be a part of modern western culture in one way or another. I don't think you can go far in most big cities in the world without seeing a McDonald's or Burger King. That said, traveling abroad shouldn't be this big scary thing anymore - especially if you're American. There seems to be hundreds of books, podcasts, courses, shows and instagram accounts about travel and learning to speak other languages. But for so many people, it still seems unobtainable. To actually get out and move around the world and explore. Today's guest, Drew Badger, is all about getting out of the norm. In fact, that's how he's lived his life for quite awhile now. Having grown up in the midwest and going to Japan as soon as he could, he's done something that many only dream of doing. But he didn't stop there. He's always looking to do more outside of the norm - rejecting the menu. So that's what we talk about in this session. The ideas and influences he had as he was growing up that made him go live a life of adventure. We also talk a bit about how he started English Anyone, and how he's been able to make the brand as successful as it is. Enjoy, and thanks for listening. SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * Where did he get his entrepreneurial know how from early on? 10:00 * What was the some of biggest game changers in his business? 19:21 * How he got paid to take a tour of Alaska. 25:15 * How can people get out of their own box to see what's really available to them? 28:26 * How did a guy who grew up in Chicago end up living in Japan? 35:05 * How he did Drew go from teaching English in person to doing it on YouTube? 44:36 * What does he contribute to his success on YouTube? 55:17 * What his really cool upcoming language app is all about. 1:01:56 * Who are three influencial teachers in his life? 1:05:36 * One gift he likes giving others. 1:08:26 * What is something he used to believe as a 30 year old and now knows is wrong and why? 1:09:30 * What is one thing under $100 that has changed his life? 1:11:44 * What does it mean to live a life of abundance? 1:13:15 * ... and MUCH more! * Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Drew Online: English Anyone, YouTube, Facebook Ingress Osaka Garden in Chicago Princess Mononoke & Totoro Ryokan - Traditional Japanese Inn Dane Maxwell's AoL Interview Robert Kiyosaki (Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad) 22 Inmmutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries & Jack Trout (Amazon Link)

 Danielle Watson: Navigating the Peaks and Valleys of Success in Business and Life (AoL 058) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:43

Overwhelmed. Lethargic. Swamped. Lost. This is what we can feel like in the valleys of our work and our lives. You... - think you're the only one who cares. - feel that you're the only who gets stuff done on your team (if you're lucky enough to have one). - get lost in the fog of un-motivation. (Or is it “de-motivation”?) - start wondering "what if I'm doing it all wrong?". No matter the success level, at one point or another all creative entrepreneurs go through this funk. It comes with the territory - just like crazy success. Today's guest, Danielle Watson, knows all about the highs and the lows - the peaks and the valleys. From being on all types of media platforms talking about her Purse Process, to having to do a TEDx presentation during one of the most dramatic periods of her life. She's gone through it. In this interview, Laila and I get the chance to ask her why she chose the major she did as a self professed girly-girl, how she stumbled upon the Purse Process, and more about what all happened during the time she was preparing for her TEDx talk. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * Why did she pick a degree in anthropology? 11:27 * Would she go through her schooling all over again? 14:54 * What advice Danielle would give someone who's just going into college 16:39 * How did she feel that she didn't fit the mold of her peers in college. 20:34 * Did she ever use her degree as most people would out of school? 22:14 * How did she find out that she could add value to others using her anthropological skills? 24:39 * What your purse can tell you about your personality. 32:06 * How Danielle got into doing a TEDx presentation. 35:57 * Why she had a very bumpy road in preparing for it. 39:42 * What direction she's going after her TEDx experience. 46:59 * What are 3 of her favorite podcasts? 55:58 * What's the secret to achieving personal freedom? 57:28 * Something she believed as a 35 year old but doesn't believe now? 57:55 * One thing under $100 that has changed Danielle's life? 58:21 * If someone was trying to put their knowledge to use in a new business, how could they do that? 1:00:08 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Danielle Online: Website, Facebook, Twitter Veronica Kirin Interview Jim Carrey’s Commencement Speech Morning Scramble Excellence Expected Sports Gal Pal SHOW NOTE EXTRAS: Danielle’s TEDx talk: Danielle’s interview with Mimika Cooney: Sample of her Facebook Live show: Danielle on Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast: Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

 Felipe Frietag: Business Pivoting, Focus, and Online Content Marketing Done Right (AoL 057) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:46

Of course you’re worried about your business idea. Of course you don’t want to put all the time and effort into building a business only to realize there was a mistake built into the idea that will forever stunt it’s growth. But how do you know if something that comes along is better than what you were already doing? How do you know it's time to put something that you poured into onto a shelf, say "It's not working as well as I'd like." and start doing something else? In today's session, content artist, Felipe Frietag talks about how he essentially stumbled onto the business he has today. Even though that's not what he started off doing. In fact, he started off as a trainer and coach. We talk about his artwork, when he knew it was time to pivot, why he's focused on providing his particular type of service, and what counts as good content marketing. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT:   * What's a Brazilian education like and what was his experience with it? 7:22 * What made him want to set out on his own? 10:16 * What were some of his first attemps at creating his own business? 11:47 * The first time he was inspired by hearing a story of a successful entrepreneur. 17:18 * What gave him the idea that his drawings were something that was needed in market? 19:54 * How long does it take for him to do one drawing and what's the process like? 22:14 * What kind of flexibility has he received by just focusing on one area of his business? 28:39 * Why do people need content marketing in the first place? 30:27 * What are some examples of bad content marketing? 33:38 * What's makes his drawings different than the "hand animations"? 41:26 * How he believes he can leverage the success that he has with the drawings. 45:27 * Who are his top 3 favorite influencers? 47:59 * What are his top go to podcasts? 50:20 * Something he believed as a 25 year old but now thinks is wrong and why? 54:00 * What Felipe believes all high school students should start practicing. 55:44 * What does "living a life of abundance" mean to him? 57:13 * What are some steps that someone can take to find a business they should be working on if they're struggling with one they currently have. 58:49 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Felipe Online: Website, Facebook, Twitter David Piccutio Interview Procreate The Icarus Deception by Seth Godin (Amazon Link) SPI Podcast 224 - Mark Barnes Bill Barren - Big Shift Podcast SHOW NOTE EXTRAS: Felipe’s Notes on SPI Podcast 224 Notes for GaryVee on scaling GaryVee on long form content marketing Brené Brown on Vulnerability Thanks for Listening! Thanks so much for joining us again this week.

 Dane Maxwell Unplugged – The Journey From Entrepreneur to Musician (AoL 056) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:33:02

One huge risk in modern small business is to spend months or years working on a project only to release it… and find nobody wants it. That's one of the issues that The Foundation tackles head on. When I first heard it's founder (and today's guest) Dane Maxwell discuss the matter with Pat Flynn on the SPI Podcast, it blew me away. Not only did he promote not having the initial idea, but he also said you can build this product with no money of your own. (Meaning, if you do it right, you don't need money to make money!) Ever since then, I haven't looked at business the same way. However, one thing that I realized about the way that Dane approached business was that he was using it as a method to make an income, sure. But was it his calling? Today, we find him entering into another point in his life - becoming a musician. Daniel and I were really interested to find out more about what he was up to when given the opportunity. In this conversation with Dane, we talk about way more things than the transition. We also discuss what he's learned about people during his time running The Foundation, why many people struggle to find worth, and more about his style of music and the message he wants to convey with it. This is a great listen if you're a fan of Dane's or genuinely want some good soul food. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * What has been Dane's perspective on being one of the most influential online entrepreneurs in recent years? 7:08 * Was music something Dane always wanted to pursue? 9:56 * What does "born to sing" mean to him? 12:54 * Why he loves singing in nursing homes. 16:49 * What was Dane's childhood like? 19:16 * Why he believes many people struggle to find out their meaning, purpose, and worth. 21:04 * Are there any ways for someone to find their worth? 25:24 * What's the process of articulating stress in your life to get over it? 27:38 * What are some musicians that have inspired him? 28:16 * When did he know it was time to pursue music? 30:16 * What was the 8 months of vocal lessons like? 34:19 * How would Dane describe his style of music? 39:12 * Why he feels people don't have the discipline to get things done they want to in their life. 41:30 * What is the cause of all the amazing things that happen in his life? 47:08 * Does he believe in luck? 47:30 * Why Dane repeatedly says there is 100 million people in his heart. 57:18 * What are some of the patterns that Dane sees in music that he did in business? 57:00 * What's the message with his music? 1:29 * Why he really started The Foundation for. 1:14:58 * One gift Dane likes giving others. 1:20:07 * One thing he believed when he was 25 but now realizes is wrong. 1:20:16 * Three truths he'd like to share with others. 1:21:09 * Who does he think of when he thinks of the word success? 1:22:46 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Dane Online: Website, Get the Songs, Facebook Page, Twitter

 Summer Edwards: Sustainable Fashion, Social Innovation, and Building a Portfolio Career (AoL 055) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:27

Real talk: are you working your butt off trying to figure out what your niche is? So many business advisors on the web today are about finding one avatar that you can serve. For me, that never really worked. Nor has it worked for today's guest - Summer Edwards. Summer is another member of Fizzle (why haven't you joined yet?) that I had the opportunity to meet. In a blog post a month or so back, she really hit the nail on the head when she brought up that women and especially women entrepreneurs, don't "brag" about their success. Summer's success is multi-faceted. She's a blogger, consultant, and leader who works with people in several niches. Those include sustainable fashion and social innovation. In today's talk, we discuss her success with these aspects of her, what she calls, portfolio career and what she's learned along the way. We also dive into what made her made the transition in the first place. Note: I didn't know much about sustainable fashion going into this chat, so I'm kinda like a kid asking random questions in this one. But Laila was definitely on it. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * What her post was about in Fizzle that inspired so many people. 5:43 * Highlight of her successes she's had and what kind of things she's up to as a creative entrepreneur 7:06 * Difference between working mom culture in the US and Australia 11:43 * Did Summer always have the gene to start her own thing? 15:57 * What is sustainable fashion? 20:51 * Where the name for her blog came from and what are resources folks can use to educate themselves further? 31:44 * How has leading with the mission in mind lead to her success as a social entrepreneur? 35:57 * What are some examples of making a non-profit a social enterprise? 38:31 * What a portfolio career is and how she's been able to be successful with hers. 42:19 * What are some of the things that's she excited about coming down the line? 48:38 * Name three influencers that have helped her launch her career. 53:13 * Name favorite books she recommends to others. 54:32 * One gift she likes giving others 58:02 * Something believed as a 25 year old and doesn't anymore. 55:48 * When she's thinks of success, who comes to mind? 59:53 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Summer Online:Blog, Consulting Firm, Leadership Social Enteprise, Facebook Page, LinkedIn Who Gives a Crap Factory Girls by Leslie T. Chang (Amazon Link) Unbowed One Woman’s Story by Wagari Maathai (Amazon Link) Getting to Maybe: How the World Is Changed by Frances Westley (Amazon Link) I am Malala - The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai (Amazon Link) * Fizzle.

 Barrett Brooks: ConvertKit Transition, Empowerment of Others, and Meaningful Conversations (AoL 054) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:47

We've all felt that feeling where, at the end of the day, you wish you felt better about the work that you're doing. Perhaps you feel like you're stuck in a rut. Maybe you want to pursue something else with your time? Make more impact on people. How do you do that? There's so much to the answer of that simple questions. Like the team at New Inceptions, Barrett Brooks, today's guest, is all about helping people make an impact. He did it with his first business called Living for Monday, then went on to join Fizzle, and now he works with ConvertKit as their Brand Strategist and Community Builder. In this chat with Barrett, we find out more about that transition to ConvertKit and what he looks forward to doing with them. We also got the opportunity to find out more about his time with Seth Godin, why he likes empowering others, and why he believes meaningful conversations are the basis for great relationships. SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How Barrett got involved with ConvertKit 8:00 * What's the people and culture at ConvertKit like? 11:28 * Who is ConvertKit for? 13:48 * What was Barrett's time with Seth Godin like? 15:56 * Knowing what he knows now about business, how would he have changed his business plan for his old business "Living for Mondays". 23:13 * How did Barrett get started with 26:17 * What were things that made Barrett want to become an empowerer of others? 29:05 * Where does he get his interest in politics and world events? 40:02 * Why he believes that great relationships are built on deep conversations and connections. 45:16 * Who does Barrett coach and how does he reach out to them? 47:26 * His thoughts in how to get more people in deep and meaningful conversations. 52:01 * Biggest 3 Influencers in Barrett's Life 59:24 * What he believed when he was 21 and now sees as bogus. 1:00:11 * Who's the most awe-inspiring person he's met? 1:01:23 * One thing under $100 that has changed his life. 1:02:37 * Who comes to mind when he thinks of success? 1:03:10 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Barrett Online: Website, Twitter, LinkedIn World Domination Summit ConvertKit Nathan Barry Caleb Wojick Minimalist Baker - Dana Schultz Seth Godin Krypton (article by Barrett) Gary V Advice to Graduating Seniors (a classic!!) Highlands Ability Battery Adam Grant - Researcher of Univ. Pennsylvania Warden College of Business Relationship Building and Meaningful Work Muhammed Yunus on the Social Bu...

 Tips for Starting a SaaS Business and Exploring Current Events with Matej Leban (AoL 053) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:12:36

Have you heard of The Foundation? The one educational program with Dane Maxwell teaching people how to build a SaaS based business? Perfect students are those who don't have their own idea, money, or skills to make it work out on their own? If you haven't, go check it out! If you have heard of it, you might have heard that the hardest problem that many Foundation students have is finding someone to work on the technical aspect of things. They don't know where to look or how to vet those that they have found on a site like Upwork. That's where today's guest, Matej Leban comes in. Just like other students, Matej struggled with this part. Eventually, though, he figured out a way around it. Today with SaaSBloom, he helps others do the same thing. In this chat, we talk about that story and some tips he's learned in making a profitable SaaS. We also discuss why a guy like him, who's from Eastern Europe, would be interested in US Politics. SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * Matej's Experience Being a Mentor in the Foundation 8:52 * What flipped his entrepreneurial switch. 11:21 * Some tips that Matej has learned to successfully cold contact potential clients. 20:28 * Where the idea for SaaSBloom came from 24:20 * What Matej would use to create in the world. 32:54 * Why Matej, who's from Eastern Europe, has an interest in US Politics. 34:06 * Sources that Matej follows to stay on top of World Events 48:50 * What are 3 influencers that have influenced Matej to where he is today 55:21 * One gift he likes giving the most. 57:43 * One thing Matej believed when he was 28 years old, but doesn't any longer. 58:19 * If he was going to place an ad cost free into world, what would it be? 2:32 * One thing under $100 that has changed his life. 3:54 * When he thinks of success, who comes to mind? 1:04:58 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Matej Online: Website, Referral River, Facebook, Twitter, * SPECIAL LINK for AoL Podcast Listeners to get a free Software Strategy Call with Matej (a $100 value!) Shadowing A Multi-Millionaire For 30 Days: This is Everything I Learned by Daniel Postma (Amazon Link) Brian Tracy Robert Kiyosaki Mixergy A Patriot's History of the United States The Young Turks Louder with Crowder Glenn Beck Cato Institute Penn Jillette Dane Maxwell Amy Hoy

 Sara DiVello: Finding the Courage to Step Out of a Rut and Get Noticed Nationally (AoL 052) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:27:17

If you want to inspire others to take a certain action in their lives or simply get out a message, eventually you're going to have to start that journey. Simply wanting to help others isn't going to get you anywhere. However, when you do start your journey, you might come to find out that getting your message out there is somewhat harder than you might think. So you might wonder, "How will I ever get this thing to go big?" Today's guest, Sara DiVello, has had the opportunity to not only start her journey, but she has been able to take it nationally in just a few years after launching her book in 2013. She has appeared in many outlets including, Forbes, ABC, The Boston Globe, USA Today, Boston Magazine, Marie Claire, Redbook, MindBodyGreen, and Dr. Oz's The Good Life Magazine. Today, Laila and I get the opportunity to chat with Sara about what it took to get noticed at a national level and also how she found the courage to leave her 6 figure PR position behind. If you're looking for some inspiration to get out of your rut and go big with your message, then Sara's insight might just be what you're looking for. SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * Why and how Sara got the courage to leave her big PR position, where she was making 6 figures, to find more fulfilling work. 9:45 * Why including "The Meat" and the culture of her office was an important part in relating her book to other women. 19:58 * Where Sara decided to follow a path in yoga. 19:18 * Why having a strong differentiating brand is so important from the beginning. 25:25 * If someone was wanting to get well known nationally, what's a strategy she would use to start getting recognized? 51:12 * What would she tell people who want to get recognized on local TV network affiliates? 58:55 * What's her thoughts on utlizing HARO to get noticed? 1:01:03 * What kinds of things does she have lined up for 2016 and Q4? 1:01:57 * Who are her favorite influencers in her life? 1:06:08 * What's something that she believed as a 30 year old but now things is bogus? 1:06:30 * What she was to put an ad in any medium, what it be and where would she put it? 1:07:50 * Three truths she'd share with others 1:08:14 * When she thinks of the word success, who comes to mind and why? 1:09:34 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Sara Online: Website, Facebook Page, Twitter Sara’s Book - Where in the OM Am I? (Amazon Link) HARO Elizabeth Gilbert Dani Shapiro Emily Giffin Well Summit - NYC October Ahimsa Festival - Woodstock, NY - First Weekend in November * 6 Cornerstones of a Successful Online Busines...

 Veronica Kirin on Utilizing Personal Connections in Web Design and Coaching (AoL 051) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:13:58

Of course you're worried about your business idea. You're not sure if it has what it takes to do anything out in the wild of the market. Do people really want what you have to offer? Who knows? For so many of us, this worry keeps us from moving forward with our idea. Many times we're held back more by the fear of what we might lose than what we might gain - even if we don't have anything to lose yet. According to today's guest, Veronica Kirin, women tend to feel this fear and other emotions even more. She herself has had to struggle with being an outsider looking in - in her home town. She says,  "both men and women burn out, but women have to deal with extra hurdles that men might not have to".  Knowing these differences allows her to design websites and coach her clients in a very personal manner. She gets it because she's been there herself. In this chat, Laila and I talk with her about how she got over her initial obstacles of starting a business. (Which included having people in her network that didn't support what she wanted to do because she had other ideas.) We also talk a bit about her new podcast, Degrees of Separation, and we also find out more about her experiences with coaching. The thing about business ideas is that there’s no such thing as certainty, only confidence. There is no way to tell if a business is going to work with 100% certainty, but we can find confidence. Perhaps hearing Veronica's story, will help you start finding your confidence. SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * Where her interest in helping others came 13:55 * Why she majored in Social Anthropology and how she put it to use after graduation. 15:21 * Why she decided to start a non-profit disaster relief organization. 20:21 * How her first business, Green Cup Design, got started. 23:30 * What she learned from Fuse West Michigan 28:53 * How she knew it was time to enter into coaching 33:01 * What she likes and dislikes about coaching 38:30 * Why do entrepreneurs struggle with getting past point A? 43:44 * Why she wrote a presidential speech when she was 17 49:08 * Struggles women might have when starting an entrepreneurial career 50:18 * What her new podcast, Degrees of Separation, is about. 55:21 * What other projects she's looking forward to releasing. 56:37 * Who are 3 of her favorite influencers? 58:53 * What are 3 of her favorite podcasts? 59:53 * One gift she likes giving others. 1:00:18 * Something she'd tell her 21 year old self is bogus. 1:00:45 * Message or ad that she'd put out into the world where lots of people would see it. 1:01:57 * When she thinks of success, who comes to mind? 1:02:49 * ... and MUCH more! Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Veronica Online: Website, Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter * Green Cup Design * The Intern (which is a different movie than The Internship) * Degrees of Separation Podcast *


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