Cam Adair: Traveling to Tanzania, the Value of Service, and Building Community (AoL 062)

The Angles of Lattitude Podcast: Learn from the Successes of the Creatively Self Employed show

Summary: <br> <br> Making content and regularly posting it is a great way to grow an audience.<br> <br> In fact, it's like, one of the most common pieces of online business advice around right now to do some sort of content marketing as soon as possible.<br> <br> Blogs, Podcasts, YouTube videos - these are all forms of content marketing.<br> <br> But the real question is, how do you build engagement? And once you build that engagement, how do you keep people coming back for more?<br> <br> Cam Adair, today's guest, is all about building relationships with people. That's one of the main things he gets out of helping those in his Game Quitters community. Relationships.<br> <br> Oh, that, and he just loves helping people with whatever he can.<br> <br> In fact, this past October, Cam went to Tanzania to help a village get potable water... and he made even more "online" friends while he was there.<br> <br> So in this first Silver Edition session (meaning second interview), Ginger and I get the chance to chat with Cam about his recent trip. We also talk a little strategy about how he's been able to engage so well with his followers, and finally what he's planning on doing to continue building Game Quitters.<br> <br> Enjoy!<br> SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT:<br> <br> * What was Cam's recent experience in Tanszania like? 8:51<br> * What is EPIC all about? 9:57<br> * How Cam is going to relate his experenice to Game Quitters. 11:53<br> * What was the most meaningful part(s) of his trip? 13:54<br> * What's his involvement in CampuSpeak? 19:14<br> * How do you meet people that have the same interests that you do, even if you're in college. 25:17<br> * How has travel made Cam more creative in his business? 27:46<br> * What was the biggest hurdle in building the lifestyle he wanted when he started Game Quitters? 30:34<br> * What has worked for Cam in creating a following on YouTube? 33:23<br> * How does someone get people involved in the work they do? 35:37<br> * Does Cam think that commenting is dead on most blogs and sites outside of the big social media platforms? 39:37<br> * How does being of service to people actually fuel Cam to do what he does? 42:13<br> * What is Cam looking forward to be working on in the New Year? 47:01<br> * What is something that he believed as a 25 year old but doesn't now? 52:24<br> * What is one thing that all high school students must know? 53:16<br> * One thing under $100 that has changed his life. 55:42<br> * What does it meant to live a life of abundance? 52:03<br> * How can someone be a difference maker for their community? 57:36<br> * What are 4 steps to being more like Cam? 1:01:21<br> * ... and MUCH more!<br> <br> <a style="line-height: 1.5;" href="" target="_blank">Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.</a><br> ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:<br> <br> Cam Online: <a href="" target="_blank">Website</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Twitter<br> </a><br> <a href="">Previous Cam Adair AoL Interview</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">EPIC the Movement</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Alexis Panos</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">Tennille Amor</a><br> <a href="" target="_blank">CampuSpeak</a><br> Jonathan Field’s “How to Live the Good Life” (<a href="" target="_blank">Amazon Link</a>)<br>