Drew Badger: Touring Alaska and Teaching English by Rejecting the Menu (AoL 059)

The Angles of Lattitude Podcast: Learn from the Successes of the Creatively Self Employed show

Summary: <br> <br> It seems that most everyone in the world wants to be a part of modern western culture in one way or another. I don't think you can go far in most big cities in the world without seeing a McDonald's or Burger King.<br> <br> That said, traveling abroad shouldn't be this big scary thing anymore - especially if you're American.<br> <br> There seems to be hundreds of books, podcasts, courses, shows and instagram accounts about travel and learning to speak other languages. But for so many people, it still seems unobtainable. To actually get out and move around the world and explore.<br> <br> Today's guest, Drew Badger, is all about getting out of the norm. In fact, that's how he's lived his life for quite awhile now.<br> <br> Having grown up in the midwest and going to Japan as soon as he could, he's done something that many only dream of doing.<br> <br> But he didn't stop there. He's always looking to do more outside of the norm - rejecting the menu.<br> <br> So that's what we talk about in this session. The ideas and influences he had as he was growing up that made him go live a life of adventure.<br> <br> We also talk a bit about how he started English Anyone, and how he's been able to make the brand as successful as it is.<br> <br> Enjoy, and thanks for listening.<br> SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT:<br> <br> * Where did he get his entrepreneurial know how from early on? 10:00<br> * What was the some of biggest game changers in his business? 19:21<br> * How he got paid to take a tour of Alaska. 25:15<br> * How can people get out of their own box to see what's really available to them? 28:26<br> * How did a guy who grew up in Chicago end up living in Japan? 35:05<br> * How he did Drew go from teaching English in person to doing it on YouTube? 44:36<br> * What does he contribute to his success on YouTube? 55:17<br> * What his really cool upcoming language app is all about. 1:01:56<br> * Who are three influencial teachers in his life? 1:05:36<br> * One gift he likes giving others. 1:08:26<br> * What is something he used to believe as a 30 year old and now knows is wrong and why? 1:09:30<br> * What is one thing under $100 that has changed his life? 1:11:44<br> * What does it mean to live a life of abundance? 1:13:15<br> * ... and MUCH more!<br> * <a style="line-height: 1.5;" href="http://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/289984853-newinceptions-touring-alaska-and-teaching-english-by-rejecting-the-menu-with-drew-badger-aol-059.mp3" target="_blank">Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.</a><br> <br> ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:<br> <br> Drew Online: <a href="http://englishanyone.com/" target="_blank">English Anyone</a>, <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJHj7MDQhmQ9iFuACdoWCg" target="_blank">YouTube</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/EnglishAnyone" target="_blank">Facebook</a><br> <a href="https://www.ingress.com/" target="_blank">Ingress</a><br> <a href="http://www.hydepark.org/parks/osaka2.htm" target="_blank">Osaka Garden in Chicago</a><br> <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119698/" target="_blank">Princess Mononoke</a> &amp; <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096283/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1" target="_blank">Totoro</a><br> <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryokan_(inn)" target="_blank">Ryokan</a> - Traditional Japanese Inn<br> <a href="http://newinceptions.com/56" target="_blank">Dane Maxwell's AoL Interview</a><br> <a href="http://www.richdad.com/about/robert-t-kiyosaki" target="_blank">Robert Kiyosaki</a> (Author of <a href="http://amzn.to/2eVaD2W" target="_blank">Rich Dad, Poor Dad</a>)<br> <a href="http://amzn.to/2fj1bdQ" target="_blank">22 Inmmutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries &amp; Jack Trout</a> (Amazon Link)<br> <a href="http://newinceptions."></a>