The Angles of Lattitude Podcast: Learn from the Successes of the Creatively Self Employed show

The Angles of Lattitude Podcast: Learn from the Successes of the Creatively Self Employed

Summary: A podcast for people who want to make an impact in the world with their life's work. We interview entrepreneurs, experts, and artists who will give you insights from their lives so you can live a life with more intent. If you're interested in work life balance, following your passions, making yourself an MVP in any arena, and self employment, then you're in the right place. Discover how you can create income streams that work for you so that you can have the time and freedom to do what you love, whether it's traveling the world, or just living comfortably at home. Other topics include business essentials, productivity, motivation, growing an audience, marketing, self employment advice, work-life balance and all the modern online business stuff.

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 Damion Lupo – Don’t Live to Work! Discover Your Own Balanced Lifestyle (AoL 125) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 59:06

The saying goes, "If you can do it once, you can do it again!" This is especially true for us creative types who might see success with one project, but on our next, we might start seeing our metrics go down. This session's guest, Damion Lupo, once owned 150 single family houses as as a real estate investor. But in 2008, everything came to a grinding halt. He was no longer able to live the lavish lifestyle that he was pursuing at the time. It was soon after that he started on a quest to put more meaning into his life. In 2012, he coauthored a book called Reinvented Life, where he talks about many of the things he learned during that journey. In today's chat, we go over some of these concepts as well as some pointers that he'd give someone just starting in investing. SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How did Damion become so resilient as an entrepreneur? 6:36 * How does he see wealth and how can abundantly thinking people reach out to others? 10:22 * What's his thinking behind financial freedom and retirement? 12:23 * Why entrepreneurs might not make the best investors. 20:20 * If someone has a $5,000 - $10,000 to invest in something, what's a good strategy to get started? 27:41 * What's the best way for someone to find great opportunities in REI? 33:28 * What are the pillars of Yokido? 37:05 * What does Damion believe about Elon Musk's perspective on having a universal income? 43:45 * Who are the three influencers that has helped Damion get to where he's at? 51:21 * What's an issue that more people should be talking about? 52:01 * If Damion woke up tomorrow as a 10 year old and all his memories were intact, what would he do? 53:17 * Something he'd like to do in his lifetime that no one knows about? 54:18 * What's the secret to achieving personal freedom? 54:54 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Damion Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube * Fizzle - Start Your Online Business Today with Great Community, Courses, and Coaching - All in ONE place! (1st Month Free) Dane Maxwell’s AoL Interview HBO’s Silicone Valley 5 Levels of Leadership Peter Diamandis - 6 D’s of Technology The Future of Fake News

 Kevin Bupp – Investing in Mobile Home Parks: Are They the Best Places to Invest in Real Estate? (AoL 124) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 52:46

In this session, we're continuing on with our education about the real estate investing (REI) world. Again, REI is something that a lot of us online folks are familiar with. Mainly because one of the most recommended books about passive income was written by Robert Kiyosaki. It's no mystery that he made most of his income through REI. As we'll be reminded in today's conversation, you can get started at any level. Ideally, you'd be able to put your own money to work for you just like Robert suggests. However, if you don't have the resources, you can find opportunities for people who do. These are a couple of the ideas that today's guest, Kevin Bupp talks about. Kevin has seen it all. Starting nearly 20 years ago, he went from single family homes to owning all kinds of property. Today he focuses on one type in particular - mobile home parks (Or better yet, manufactured housing communities). Why? Listen in to find out! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How'd Kevin first get into real estate investing? 10:03 * How did he get started with his first property? 13:39 * Should people new to real estate investing focus on wholesaling or buying to produce recurring revenue from the property? 14:44 * Why did Kevin start investing in mobile home parks? 17:23 * Where can someone do research to learn more about doing REI with mobile home parks? 20:53 * How does Kevin alleviate the problem of tenants not paying on time in his parks? 27:48 * What would Kevin of today tell himself back in 2000 to invest in if he only had $5000 to $10000 initially? 33:14 * If someone wants to bring opportunity to someone like Kevin, what kind of property should they be on the look out for? 35:16 * How can someone find those opportunities for established real estate investors? 36:51 * Could someone develop their own mobile home park? Why might it be a good or bad idea? 38:42 * Is there any trend in tiny home parks starting up? 41:15 * How important is it for Kevin to give back to his community? 42:34 * What's Kevin looking forward to in the future? 44:53 * Who are the 3 most influential people in his life? 46:06 * One gift he likes giving others? 46:56 * What's Kevin looking forward to in the future? 47:15 * How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 48:24 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Kevin Online: Sunrise Capital Investors, Personal Website, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn * This session's cohost: Harrison Painter * Millennial Skills: Get Educated on Chatbots here!  MyINREIA LoopNet

 Whitney Nicely – Real Estate Investing Made Simple: Learning the A, B, C’s of Investing Basics (AoL 123) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 51:37

If you're an entrepreneur who's making money passively or you're simply interested to do so, there's a good chance you've read a book called Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. I remember when I read that book back in 2002 - it was an eye opener. I couldn't put the book down. Since then, it's one of the books I've bought whenever I see on sale so that I can give it to other people when I see them struggling to get ahead. What's cool is that this particular book isn't the only one that Robert has written. And if you spend any time reading those other books, you realize that he made a big part of his fortune early on in Real Estate. Today's guest is on the same path. After starting in 2013 being paid $24k a year, she now does that in a month. In fact, she actually owns more than $2.5 MILLION in real estate assets! Personally when I saw that she's in the business of helping others do the same, I had to jump at the chance to get her on the show. In our chat, we talk about getting started in real estate investing and some of the common pitfalls that newbies make when they're getting started. If you're thinking about getting into the investing game and not sure where to start - real estate might be a good choice. Listen in to find out! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How did Whitney get started in real estate? 7:26 * Where can people find real estate auctions to attend? 10:35 * When did she believe that she could leave her 9 to 5 position to do real estate investing (REI) full time? 12:10 * What's some good advice that she'd tell someone first starting out? 14:55 * What's the process in finding a property to possibly buy as a someone starting out? 17:48 * What are some mistakes that she's see newbies make in REI? 19:31 * How does someone scale their real estate business without getting over consumed by responsibilities? 23:20 * How can someone find an apartment complex to buy if they have the means to? 26:35 * What are some emotional pitfalls that can happen when you're a landlord? 29:31 * What's a good strategy to use when you're looking for places to invest in? 34:48 * What's she looking forward to in the near future? 37:00 * Who are 3 influencers that have helped her get to where she's at today? 38:42 * Is there something that she believes is going to affect entrepreneurship or REI in the future? 41:45 * What's an issue that people should be talking about yet hardly anyone is? 43:17 * Is there something that all high school students must know? 44:24 * What's it mean to live a life of abundance? 45:44 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Whitney Online: Website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube Inman Connect in San Francisco 2018

 Rob Greenlee: Podcasting for Everyone? – Why It’s Easier than Ever to Start Making a Podcast (AoL 122) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 57:57

A lot of creatives want to have a podcast. In the past, it took a lot of work to get one off the ground - especially when you're talking about post production. However, we're in 2018 and a lot has changed since the mid 2000's. Including the introduction and evolution of handheld digital devices - particularly phones and tablets. In today's chat with Spreaker's Rob Greenlee, we reflect on what he had to do early in his career as a podcaster and how that has changed to today. This is a conversation you don't want to miss if you are on the fence about starting your own podcast or already have one and want to know where the industry is going. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How did Rob first get started in podcasting before the word "podcasting" even existed? 10:05 * Did he always see himself as "made for radio"? 14:16 * How has podcasting becoming more accessible been key to it's development? 16:40 * What's some of things podcasters should be aware of in the future of the industry? 22:08 * Should people be focused on using podcasting as a marketing tool or an actual way to make an income? 26:44 * What's the ideal podcast length when getting started? 32:34 * Is mobile podcasting or live broadcasting something that new folks should try? 36:25 * Is there any specific equipment that someone would need if they chose to do Live Recording or Broadcasting? 39:16 * What's Rob looking forward to in the future? 44:35 * Who are 3 influencers who've helped him to where he's at today? 47:12 * What's something he's currently learning about? 49:24 * What's the smallest decision he's made that's had the largest impact on his life? 51:30 * What's the meaning of living a life of abundance? 51:58 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Rob Online: Spreaker Live Show, New Media Show, Webtalk Radio, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram April Yvette Michael O’Neal Interview Spreaker Studio Apps Ken Rutkowski Dave Winer Adam Curry SHOW NOTE EXTRAS: Creating Live Broadcasts at School Booming Business of Podcasting In an Age of On Demand - Is Live Worth It? Ask the Podcast Coach Dave Jackson w/ Rob

 Kate St Hilaire – Being Introvertedly Bold: Unlocking the Magic of Introverted Intuition (AoL 121) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 52:07

Introverts are said to be geeks, lonely, and awkwardly shy. At least that's what society would have us all believe. Many of us use that stereotype as a means to stay in our comfort zone. In fact, we trick ourselves to think that extroverts are the only people who can make a big impact in the world. I mean, they're people-people, right? Actually that's not totally the case. Some of the most influential figures in tech, art, and business have been and are introverts. So how do we embrace our introversion and use it as a superpower? That's what today's guest, Kate St Hilaire, helps members of her Facebook community with. Join us as we talk about how she found herself in this business and how you can use your leverage your intuition as a super power! Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * When did Kate realize there was a big difference between introverts and extroverts? 8:05 * Why did she pursue studying Psychology in school? 9:14 * How'd she came to the realization she could make her interest in introversion as a business? 11:05 * What can happen if people can "get over" their introversion? 27:42 * What are some specific tools that someone can use to change their mindset or get out of their limiting beliefs? 31:04 * What's Kate looking forward to in the future? 35:48 * What are 3 of Kate's top favorite books? 41:39 * What's a gift she loves giving others? 42:36 * Smallest decision she's made that has had the largest impact on her life? 43:30 * What is something Kate has learned to say no to? 44:54 * What's the secret to achieving personal freedom? 46:21 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Kate Online: Website, Facebook Group, Instagram * Cohost for this session: Harrison Painter * Arne Giske's Cheat Sheet for Facebook Groups * Castbox * Selena Soo * Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert * Island - Aldous Huxley * Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle SHOW NOTE EXTRAS: #BeBoldGoLive Challenge 1 #BeBoldGoLive Challenge 2 You Don’t Want to Bother Anyone? Put yourself out there to make more impact! Thanks for Listening! Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below! If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

 Dave Sanderson – Moments Matter: Why Being Certain about an Uncertain Future is Necessary to Your Success (AoL 120) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 42:29

It's been said that real leaders step up in challenging moments. In fact, that's one trait that professional sports players have to possess in order to win close games. Even us creatives need to be able to give clients what they need when they need it. We also need to be able to do well under fire during negotiations as well. Unfortunately, life can be a little more complicated than playing games and making business deals. In today's world, we've become all too familiar with crisis. And those that can help cope with these traumatic times, can quite possibly save lives. That's exactly what today's guest, Dave Sanderson did. In this interview with Dave, we find out what he's learned from the Miracle on the Hudson and how he's using that to empower people around the world. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * Who was Dave before the "Miracle on the Hudson"? 8:37* How does a sales guy become the head of security for someone like Tony Robbins? 9:54* Where did Dave get the skill set to handle the plane crash? 11:47* How did the plane crash affect him emotionally? 13:34* What made Dave that he should write a book after the event? 15:05* How does the lesson Dave learned on the Hudson about leadership translate to everyday entrepreneurs? 17:38* What are a few common traits that Dave sees in successful people he meets around the world? 20:30* How can someone "do the right thing" when they're not a decision maker in an organization? 24:09* How did Dave finally get over his fear when it came to doing his own thing? 27:18* What kind of individuals is Dave currently working with who deal with PTSD? 30:15* What's he looking forward to in the future? 5:05* 3 Influencers who have helped get to where he's at today? 36:52* What's the best advice that he's ever received? 37:26* What's something that more people should be talking about? 37:49* How can people be a difference maker in their community? 38:23 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer. ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Dave Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter* Guest Cohost for this session: David Anderson* Looking for great courses, coaching, and community but you don't want to pay a small fortune for it? Get Fizzle for $35/mo. (FREE Month Trial!)* CastboxMoments MatterLeadership Mindset Series with Dominique WilkinsDave Sanderson Declassified on Amazon SHOW NOTE EXTRAS:

 Michael O’Neal – Don’t Make It About Your Podcast Gear! – Learning How to be a Great Interviewer (AoL 119) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 51:00

When it comes to podcasting, you can get geek out about equipment and marketing tactics all day long. However, what separates the good from the great is, especially when you have an interview based show, is the content. When you have an interview based show, this means that you should have a good feel for interviewing. For me, I've listened to a number of interviewers styles since I first started: Larry King, Tim Ferriss, Cal Fussman, and Lewis Howes are some of the folks that I've tried to emulate. Another is this session's guest, Michael O'Neal. According to Michael, when he first started the Solopreneur Podcast, he wasn't sure how to help people get better at interviews. It was just something he was naturally good at. But, over time, he's been able to deconstruct his ability and help hundreds of interviewers get better at their craft. In this session, we'll learn about what we can expect from his course as well as some new tips he learned recently at Podfest. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How'd Michael end up as a Steelers fan? 9:16 * What was his experience like being a cohost with Hines Ward? 11:19 * How'd he realize that he was unemployable? 14:28 * What was the attraction to podcasting that got Michael started with it? 22:17 * What's his process in connecting with influencers and producing the podcast? 25:48 * Has Michael seen a drop in his Google Analytics since shortening his show notes? What are a few things he learned at * Podfest 2018? 28:22 * What can someone expect from his course "The Art of the Interview"? 32:02 * Who are three influencers that have helped launch him to where he's at today? 42:54 * How does Michael say no to all the opportunities he receives these days? 43:18 * Something he's been learning about recently that he's excited about? 44:44 * What's his least favorite social custom? 45:27 * What's the secret to achieving personal freedom? 45:45 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Michael Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter * Cohost for this session: Harrison Painter * Looking to find out more about using Facebook chatbots? Enroll in the Millennial Skills Training Courses! Beginner Audiophile Art of the Interview Castbox App for Android Robert Heron Hines Ward Show Isagenix

 Milana Leshinsky – Telesummits aren’t dead! How Great Webinar Marketing Can Make a Huge Impact for Your Small Business! (AoL 118) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:02:14

Webinars, telesummits, and virtual summits. They used to be a staple in digital marketing. In recent years, however, they've become rarer to see. Why? Because for the most part, people have used them primarily as a way to build their email list. They used it primarily as part of their funnel. While this is a function that webinars can serve, we shouldn't overestimate their power to connect us with thought leaders in our various industries. Today's guest, Milana Leshinsky, is on a mission to help people see the power that telesummits (aka virtual summits) can provide for a small business. On top of finding out how she got to be such a huge advocate of these mediums, we find out how they've played a role in her own business. She also talks about the mindset you should have when building your own virtual summit.   SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How was it that Milana first came to the US? 9:12 * What made her change her focus of study in school from music to something completely different? 11:32 * Why did she quit her IT job in 2002 as a mom of two? What did it get her in a relatively short amount of time? 13:25 * How has digital marketing changed during her career? 17:10 * Why should someone do a telesummit and what makes a good one? 19:53 * In what ways has she been able to get back into her artistic roots? 39:00 * What's Milana looking forward to working on? 45:04 * Who have been influencers in Milana's life? 47:40 * What are three books that she tells others about? 49:13 * What's something Milana has been good to saying no to? 51:37 * What is her least favorite social custom? 52:43 * How can someone find their own personal freedom? 54:26 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Milana Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter * Cohost for this session: Veronica Kirin * Find the Founder Series and get started with Fizzle for FREE for your first month. (Offer ends April 1st.) * Coaching Millions Edwin Culver AoL Interview Dr. Laura Schlessinger Show Make Your Knowledge Sell - Ken Evoy What was Blab? Meaningful Work by Shawn and Lawren Askinosie Unleashing the Ideavirus - Seth Godin Get Unstuck and G...

 Solving Community Problems through Social Innovation with Harrison Painter (AoL 117) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:22:56

Having a business is one thing, but starting one that's on a mission to make an impact in your community is something else. Especially one that focuses on creating Massive Positive Social Impact. What does that mean exactly? Well imagine if your sole focus of your business is to amplify purpose driven entrepreneurs, creators, and nonprofit founders in your community. This is what Amplify Indy and it's creator, Harrison Painter is all about. By working with Collaborate 317, Harrison has helped start an awesome community through the Amplify Hope Program. In this interview with Harrison, you'll learn what it's all about and what sparked this vision. It's our hope that you'll want to make Massive Positive Social Impact in your area and join us in the Junto on Facebook. SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How did Harrison originally get into marketing and event promotion? 7:19 * How did he realize that it was time to leave the traditional job world and strike out on his own? 13:22 * What made him move to LA with his business? What's the difference between there and the midwest? 21:00 * How did Amplify get off the ground? 33:34 * What are some secrets to launching and marketing an event? 44:07 * What's the Amplify Hope Program all about? 47:36 * What else is Harrison looking forward to in 2018? 55:43 * What are three favorite movies or documentaries? 1:04:13 * One gift he likes giving others? 1:06:21 * What's a topic people should be talking about hardly anyone is? 1:07:57 * What was something Harrison believed when he was 30 and now believes was inaccurate? 1:13:46 * How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 1:15:27 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Harrison Online: Amplify Indy, Collaborate 317, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter * Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson - Get your FREE Copy METal International Ustream Jay Samit Nolan Bushnell Voice of Disruption Don Wettrick - Noblesville High School DK New Media Hope Center Indy Charles "Chuckie" Guynn AoL Interview with Summer Edwards Session 55

 Tim Paige – There’s Money Where Your Mouth Is: Discovering How to Get Into Voice Acting (AoL 116) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:06:13

Voice acting is something that a lot of people don't think about, yet we probably hear it everyday. It's one of those things that if done well, is not noticeable - but when it's done poorly, you can't help but notice. As a podcaster, I've learned to appreciate good audio as well as vocals. One guy that I've known for several years has made it his business to be great at vocals. And as you'll find in this interview with our guest, Tim Paige, being a voice actor doesn't come automatically. Just like any other craft, you have to work at it. In today's chat, we'll find out why he chose voice acting as a career, how he broke into it, and why he's happy at the level he's at. Enjoy! SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How did Tim get started with The Foundation? 10:02 * How did he get into voice acting? 12:09 * How did Tim eventually get become the webinar guy for Leadpages? 14:09 * What gave him the confidence to get into voice acting? 19:06 * What's a common misconception that people have about voice acting? 22:02 * How did Tim arrive to a point in his career where he was doing voice overs for big shows including Jimmy Kimmel? 27:06 * How does one find a voice over coach? 32:02 * What's a topic Tim would never do a webinar for? 36:14 * What kind of teas do we each like? 38:18 * Why does he prefer working with service based business vs product based ones? 43:06 * What's Tim looking forward to in 2018? 52:32 * Tim's favorite top influencers are? 55:03 * Hardest thing that he's had to say no to? 55:49 * What's something that isn't as bad as he thought it would be? 56:35 * Which three truths has he learned over time that he'd share with others? 56:59 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Tim Online: Website, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter * Co-Host: Veronica Kirin * Rick Wasserman * In a World * Roger Love * Susan Bennett - Voice of Siri * Benefits of Tulsi Tea * Pu-Erh Tea (Veronica's favorite!) * Kambucha * Rishi Tea * Glenn Livingston’s AoL interview *

 Tori Reid – Become a Master Content Creator! Why Blogging Should Still be a Part of Your Content Strategy (AoL 115) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:06:01

Lots of people would say that blogging as we know it is dead. There's little ROI on it because you have to compete with all the other blogs that are out there. That's why a lot of people use Medium as their blogging platform. They then link those posts on social media hoping that the eyeballs see it. However, today's guest, Tori Reid, suggests otherwise. She says that people still find blogs and other websites when they want to find information. However, when it comes to personal connection, that's when they hop on social media. Knowing this is important to content creators. As are many other pointers. This is what Tori's group helps people with - keeping on top of what's popular in the content creation world and how to get it out in a way that resonates with its intended audience. In today's chat with Tori, we find out how she got into content writing in the first place, how she started writing for LifeHacker, and her thoughts on blogging in 2018 and beyond. Enjoy!   SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How'd Tori end up in Columbus and what are some of the benefits of working there as an entrepreneur? 11:20 * What was it like to wake up to 1000 members in her Facebook group? 18:19 * How did she get into content writing? 19:35 * What was the pivot moment that she decided to drop out of school to pursue her business? 23:39 * How did Tori become a writer for LifeHacker? 25:15 * Why did she change her focus from blog writing to content development? 29:01 * Can people still create successful brands online without putting a hub of theirs on a social media app? 32:44 * What was the point where things start getting traction in her online career? 36:38 * What's a way for introverts to ease themselves into doing Facebook Lives? 40:01 * What are a few tips that someone can utilize to craft a better selling message? 42:22 * What's Tori looking forward to doing in 2018? 48:24 * What are her top 3 favorite books? 51:59 * What's something she's learned to say no and what realizations have helped with that? 52:45 * Something that she believes is going to affect entrepreneurs in the near future? 54:22 * What bad advice does Tori hear adults giving children that she disagrees with? 56:34 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: * Tori Online: Website, Facebook Group, LinkedIn, Twitter * Co-Host: Veronica Kirin * Want to build a Facebook group the RIGHT way? Get started today by checking out Arne Giske's Cheat Sheet * Gregory Diehl Mission Coffee Co. - Columbus, OH Tim Hortons

 Mike Thorp – Less Talk and More Creation! – How Saying No to Gary Vaynerchuk Helped Launch a Hospitality Consulting Business (AoL 114) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:11:24

There's a reason that many businesses fail in the first several years of business. Of course, finances might play a part in that. But I think that even having a revenue problem is the sign of a deeper issue. The issue is simply that business ownership doesn't necessarily make one a great leader. And without the ability to paint a vision and help employees see what's going on, of course a company is going to fold. Today's guest, Mike Thorp, helps restaurants with this problem. He says that what he does for his clients is a combination of Hell's Kitchen and The Profit. He loves what he's doing, as you'll find out. But doing his own thing - it came at a cost. As creatives, we find out that to create our consumption must go down. And sometimes, we have to cut it out completely. That's exactly what Mike had to do with Gary V. So in today's chat, we'll hear all about what Mike brings to the table with his business, but we'll also learn what motivated Mike to pull the plug on Gary. Enjoy!   SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * How'd Mike get started in the restaurant industry? 9:43 * How does Mike view leadership and culture in the restaurant industry? 15:16 * What's an important role he sees his company doing for local students? 22:02 * Does he only work with local businesses around Grand Rapids? 26:53 * What was his transition like going from corporate work to consulting? 30:43 * What does Mike wake up for in the morning? 34:18 * What lead Mike to write his viral post on Medium? 42:28 * Why do so many people have trouble leaving the consumer mindset to becoming a creative? 50:37 * What are some of the things Mike's looking forward to? 52:39 * What are his three top favorite books? 54:50 * What's a fact from today that would blow the mind from someone ten years ago.? 56:41 * Smallest decision he's made that's made the largest impact? 57:08 * What's a life skill that he's amazed people lack? 58:44 * How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 1:01:44 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Mike Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Periscope * Co-Host: Veronica Kirin * Looking for a great community to start your Indie Business? Try Fizzle for 5 Weeks free! Bow Ties and Stilettos Mike’s Medium Post on Turning Off Gary Vaynerchuk Gordon Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen

 Andrew O’Brien – Forging the Vetrepreneur Tribe: Helping Veterans become Successful Entrepreneurs (AoL 113) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 57:33

Let's face it. The world can eat you up and spit you out if you let it. And the number one way that this happens is by not having a personal mission. Or simply not having something to fight for. Like anyone else, military veterans are susceptible to having a numb life after they retire from the armed forces. However, because they have had something to fight for they know what it means to have a mission - even though it didn't begin in their own head. This mission gives veterans a unique sense of comradeship. And when they retire - they lose all of the support they've become accustomed to. As we've been learning, entrepreneurship can be a way to not only develop a personal mission, but embrace it as well. And that being the case, veterans can make great entrepreneurs who support each other. In today's chat with Vetrepreneur Tribe founder, Andrew O'Brien, we learn how his life struggles have lead him to realize this and why he felt it was necessary to start the Tribe even though he had been having pretty good success with his PR company. Enjoy!   SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * What's the short version of Andrew's story of how he ended up in the Army? 8:04 * How did he come to the realization that he wanted to be public speaker? 14:38 * What was Andrew's early days of speaking like? 16:22 * How did things start picking up for him where it eventually lead him to becoming the Publicity Guy? 17:33 * How did Andrew realize there was a gap that he could fill as an entrepreneur? 21:21 * What was the transition like from being the Publicity Guy to being the Vetrepreneur Tribe leader? 23:42 * What does he contribute most of the success with the group to? 25:52 * How can people build up their own resiliency? 31:26 * How does one determine when it is actually time to pivot what someone's doing in their business? 34:52 * What's Andrew looking forward to doing with Vetrepreneur Tribe? 39:07 * What are his top books? 40:49 * What's a gift that Andrew likes giving others? 42:32 * One thing that costs under $100 that has changed his life? 43:59 * What's something all high school students must know? 45:29 * What's Andrew's secret to achieving personal freedom? 47:00 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Andrew Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter Co-Host: Albert Winks * Start building your Facebook Group today the right way! Get Arne Giske's Cheat Sheet for Group Building. Brendon Burchard on Knowing When to Quit Extreme Ownership - Jocko Willink

 Rachel Pedersen – From College Dropout to International Influencer: How a Former Hairdresser made her Side Business a 6 Figure Recurring Revenue Machine (AoL 112) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:02:00

It's easy to get the mindset that because we have some sort of disadvantage compared to someone else that we won't be able to do what they've done. Truth is, though, that's usually an excuse more than anything else. It's a victim mentality. If you truly want to do something with your life and your work, then having that mentality isn't going to get you anywhere. For me, when I was growing up in my hometown, I knew I was going to go to grad school. Both of my parents had their master's degrees, so it was an automatic that I would at least have that. It didn't matter how long it took or what I had to do to achieve that goal. It was going to happen. However, a lot of my peers didn't have that perspective and/or support that I did. So their goals weren't as "big". While they might have dreamed about leaving our hometown and doing great things, many fell short. They just didn't have the missing ingredient to get to that point. I'd argue that this particular missing ingredient, for most, is unfortunately hitting rock bottom. Where things are so unbearable that we are forced to dream of a better life. For this session's guest, this was definitely the case. Rachel Pedersen has lead a life peppered with all kinds of ups and downs. Growing up in Minnesota as a pastor's daughter, she had great expectations. But somewhere along the line, life took a turn and she found herself a college dropout with kids AND on welfare. But her story doesn't stop there. It got much better. In fact, today she finds herself working on her own 7 figure marketing business. What happened in the middle there? That's what we're going to be finding out in today's session. Enjoy!   SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * Did she ever see herself being as successful as she's become? 7:50 * While growing up, did she live her life based on what other's expected of her or did she do her own thing from get go? 9:49 * What was the first mental click she had that started her on her current path? 12:38 * Did she start working with her clients for free like Russell Brunson suggests in his book or did she charge right away? 19:03 * What are some tips for someone to become as successful as Rachel even if they live in a "small town" or don't have the best support in getting there? 23:34 * What are 5 steps that someone should take if they want to start their own work? 29:44 * How does Rachel build a real human connection with people through social media? 39:14 * Who does she pay attention to when it comes to watching FB Live videos? 42:42 * How do you build a following and how does one define that? 44:52 * What's Rachel looking forward to in 2018? 46:57 * One gift she likes giving others? 53:11 * What's something that's going to affect entrepreneurship in the future she's excited about? 53:37 * What's an issue that's not being talked about enough? 54:42 * How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 55:04 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Rachel Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn,

 Dr. Robert Garcia – The Warrior Strategist – Making Your Veteran Owned Business Your Next Battlefield (AoL 111) | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 52:32

In the military, people are groomed to be able to take a given situation (many times dangerous) and take charge of it. Often an objective will change at a moment's notice, but the end goal remains the same. Because of this, they learn to be flexible and resourceful. When they get out of the military, many veterans find it hard to get back into civilian life primarily because the world they're used to is so different than what they're now having to adjust in. A lot of times, the work their working life doesn't make as much impact as the work they're used to. And, further more, the mindset of your typical civilian worker is completely different. Many veterans who start their own business do so because they feel that calling to do something more than the typical 9 to 5. In fact, they don't just feel it - they know that they can build something meaningful because of their experiences. However, just like any entrepreneur's journey, the path to do that isn't super straight forward. So that's why folks like today's guest, Dr. Robert Garcia are needed. They can relate to the veteran because they've been there - but they also know what it takes to be successful in business. Today we find out why he's referred to as the Warrior Strategist.   SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT: * What was life like growing up for Robert? 7:58 * How does Robert focus on getting so much creative work done? 11:28 * Why did Robert start his digital magazine? 14:48 * How does someone who wants to interview or talk to a influencers get access to them in the first place? 16:19 * What made Robert decide to go after his PhD? 20:17 * What inspired him to create his Warrior Path program for entrepreneurs? 21:32 * What are 3 steps that someone can take to get better at anything? 30:34 * What's coming up for Rob in the near future? 34:59 * How can a veteran who's used to being told what to do become a well known entrepreneur? 36:02 * What are Rob's top 3 favorite books? 41:40 * What's something under $100 that has changed Rob's life? 42:33 * What's an issue more people should be talking about yet hardly anyone is? 43:39 * What's something all high school students must know? 45:26 * How can someone be a difference maker in their community? 47:25 Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.   ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: Robert Online: Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter * Cohost of this session: Albert Winks Shift Magazine Lulu Self Publishing Nathan Chan Dr. Howard Wasdin - Black Hawk Down - Seal Team 6 Dave Daley - Monster Motivator...


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