Dane Maxwell Unplugged – The Journey From Entrepreneur to Musician (AoL 056)

The Angles of Lattitude Podcast: Learn from the Successes of the Creatively Self Employed show

Summary: <br> <br> One huge risk in modern small business is to spend months or years working on a project only to release it… and find nobody wants it.<br> <br> That's one of the issues that <a href="http://thefoundation.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Foundation</a> tackles head on.<br> <br> When I first heard it's founder (and today's guest) Dane Maxwell discuss the matter with Pat Flynn on the SPI Podcast, it blew me away.<br> <br> Not only did he promote not having the initial idea, but he also said you can build this product with no money of your own. (Meaning, if you do it right, you don't need money to make money!)<br> <br> Ever since then, I haven't looked at business the same way.<br> <br> However, one thing that I realized about the way that Dane approached business was that he was using it as a method to make an income, sure.<br> <br> But was it his calling?<br> <br> Today, we find him entering into another point in his life - becoming a musician.<br> <br> Daniel and I were really interested to find out more about what he was up to when given the opportunity.<br> <br> In this conversation with Dane, we talk about way more things than the transition. We also discuss what he's learned about people during his time running The Foundation, why many people struggle to find worth, and more about his style of music and the message he wants to convey with it.<br> <br> This is a great listen if you're a fan of Dane's or genuinely want some good soul food.<br> <br> Enjoy!<br> SPECIFICALLY, YOU’LL FIND OUT MORE ABOUT:<br> <br> * What has been Dane's perspective on being one of the most influential online entrepreneurs in recent years? 7:08<br> * Was music something Dane always wanted to pursue? 9:56<br> * What does "born to sing" mean to him? 12:54<br> * Why he loves singing in nursing homes. 16:49<br> * What was Dane's childhood like? 19:16<br> * Why he believes many people struggle to find out their meaning, purpose, and worth. 21:04<br> * Are there any ways for someone to find their worth? 25:24<br> * What's the process of articulating stress in your life to get over it? 27:38<br> * What are some musicians that have inspired him? 28:16<br> * When did he know it was time to pursue music? 30:16<br> * What was the 8 months of vocal lessons like? 34:19<br> * How would Dane describe his style of music? 39:12<br> * Why he feels people don't have the discipline to get things done they want to in their life. 41:30<br> * What is the cause of all the amazing things that happen in his life? 47:08<br> * Does he believe in luck? 47:30<br> * Why Dane repeatedly says there is 100 million people in his heart. 57:18<br> * What are some of the patterns that Dane sees in music that he did in business? 57:00<br> * What's the message with his music? 1:29<br> * Why he really started The Foundation for. 1:14:58<br> * One gift Dane likes giving others. 1:20:07<br> * One thing he believed when he was 25 but now realizes is wrong. 1:20:16<br> * Three truths he'd like to share with others. 1:21:09<br> * Who does he think of when he thinks of the word success? 1:22:46<br> * ... and MUCH more!<br> <br> <a style="line-height: 1.5;" href="http://feeds.soundcloud.com/stream/286436507-newinceptions-aol-056-dane-maxwell-unplugged-the-journey-from-entrepreneur-to-musician.mp3" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Right click here and save-as to download this episode to your computer.</a><br> ITEMS and PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:<br> <br> Dane Online: <a href="http://danemaxwell.com">Website</a>, <a href="http://danemaxwell.com/songs" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Get the Songs</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/DaneMaxwell">Facebook Page</a>, <a href="https://twitter.com/danemaxwell" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Twitter</a><br>