Cantonese show


Summary: Comprehensive coverage of major news events across Australia and around the world with regular reports from China, Hong Kong/ Macau, Taiwan and other parts of the world. Also featuring lifestyle, youth programs, settlement information and morning talkback to share listeners their views and bring the Cantonese-speaking communities across Australia closer together.

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 Australian Story: what Iife is like in Rockhampton? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For many of us, migrating to Australia could mean choosing to stay in Sydney or Melbourne. But for our guest Yonny Tse, the only option is Rockhampton of Central Queensland. Is it hard for Yonny to adapt the new life style in Rockhampton since she had been growing up in Hong Kong for most of her life? What are some of the struggles and the rewards living in such a remote place? Let's find out in the interview with Yonny and Ivan.   (相信大家都聽過昆州中部一個沿海城鎮Rockhampton的名字,但該鎮的居民經常面對水浸及山火等危機,你又是否知道呢?而一名香港著名雜誌的設計師及插畫師,為何會選擇放棄多姿多采的生活,毅然移民到Rockhampton居住呢?於當地的生活又有何苦與樂呢?詳情請聽梁焱剛與嘉賓謝少雲(Yonny)於【我不是名人】內的訪問。)

 Morning Talk - Monopoly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In today's "Morning Talk", Selina Kong, Ivan Leung and James Kwok talk about the boardgame "Monopoly" and other boardgames when they used to play in their childhood. (不知道大家在小時候是否有玩過『大富翁』 這個遊戲,在今天的『晨早嗲一嗲』, 鄺美玲、郭庭生和梁焱剛會談談『大富翁』和其他兒時的一些遊戲。)

 Settlement Guide: Why you shouldn’t avoid conversations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Talking about death makes many of us uncomfortable.   But by avoiding the subject, it might just make things worse when the time comes.   Talking with your loved ones about your Will, Advance Care Directive and other wishes is important for you and for them.   Ivan tells us more. (不少中國人會視談論「身後事」為一種禁忌,或者覺得難以將問題向家人或朋友啓齒呢?其實原來大多數澳洲人都不會向他人提起身後事。不過,有關注團體就認為,澳洲人是時候要改善這個文化禁忌。梁焱剛會於節目內,探討更多有關「身後事」的討論,如何為澳社會帶來正面影響。)

 10am News Bulletin 07.08.2017 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

News in details…   (收聽十分鐘新聞,掌握本地及國際資訊  )

 Global finance: Obamacare and wealth re-distribution | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, is the largest overhaul of the US healthcare system since the 1960s. Its aim is to extend health insurance coverage to some of the estimated 15% of the US population who lack it. Those people receive no coverage from their employers and are not covered by US health programs for the poor and elderly. But it turns out to be quite controversial among US society and that Republicans are making every afford to topple Obamacare. So what are the pros and cons of Obamacare? How should the government balance public benefits and economic gain? In todays "Global finance", Ivan has talked to Dr. Wei Li from Sydney University Business School to give us more insight into the government's role when wealth is unevenly distributed. (特朗普競選時承諾會撤消在美國備受爭議奧巴馬醫保法案,不過未能獲國會通過。而這個目的是既保障美國較貧困市民受醫療保險保障,又可減低政府長遠所承擔醫療費用的法案,為何不是人人受落呢?經濟理論上,要平衡保障貧苦大眾與讓經濟自由發展的兩者之間,政府又該扮演甚麼角色呢?梁焱剛請來雪梨大學商學院講師李薇博士於節目內為大家作分析。)

 Current affair: special Coalition party room meeting to tackle gay marriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Gay marriage is set to dominate the federal Coalition's party-room debate on Monday.   A group of Liberal MPs is hoping to convince colleagues a free vote on gay marriage is the way to go after drafting its own laws that enshrine protections for religious communities.   Ivan and Selina report. (兩黨聯盟將於今日下午召開黨團會議,外界認為屆時兩黨聯盟將會就有關如何處理同性婚姻合化婚的問題,作出定案。有自由黨議員於黨團會議前提出私人議案,建議於向宗教組織及有宗教背景的生意提供保護之前提下,讓任何性別及性傾向嘅兩名人士合法結婚,並呼籲黨內其他同僚就該議案自由投票。詳情請聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛報導。)

 Gourmet Express: Damp-clearing tea of whole corn | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Consuming damp-clearing tea or soup regularly helps supplementing your bodys nutrients and clearing poisonous substances from the liver. In this episode of Gourmet Express, May Lee and Winmas Yu introduce you the Damp-clearing tea of whole corn. (定期飲用去濕清熱的湯水,有助補充營養、清除肝臟毒素。今集的「美食速遞」,李太和余睿章為大家介紹「全粟米祛濕茶」。)

 Current Affairs: Calls for an Indigenous voice in parliament during NT's Garma Festival | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has refused to give a firm commitment to the call for an Indigenous body in Parliament, warning that Australians are "constitutionally conservative". The call for an Indigenous body to represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in Parliament was a key recommendation of the Uluru statement delivered in May. Winmas Yu reports. (一連四天的原住民珈瑪節,在剛過去的周末舉行。原住民團體重申有必要修改憲法,承認原住民的權利,但總理譚保似乎未有意訂立修憲的時間表。詳情請聽余睿章報道。)

 Patrick Lee - Being a social worker is like a sponge | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Patrick Lee Chiu Leung is a social worker in Hong Kong. He differentiates to be a social worker and to become a social worker. He also shares his experience how to avoid job burnout as being a social worker is like being a sponge - you soak up all your clients' difficulties. (社工是一份崇高的工作,因為很多時候,社工不止扶助社會上需要幫助的人士,好的社工,更要有愛心,還時常超時工作。温楚良訪問了從香港前來墨爾本訪問的資深社工李超良,談談他這次前來的目的、現今社會上有哪些陷阱,和爲何他把社工比喻為一塊海綿。)

 Community Interview - How Hundred School Project Inc. help poor school kids in India | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Interview Mr. Alan Wong and Ms. Fairlie Foo, Founder of Hundred School Project Inc. re how they set up this charity organisation to help poor school children in remote areas in India.   (在印度,有很多居住在窮鄉僻壤的學童,在上課時因沒有書檯和椅子,只 能坐在地上學習,這樣不但影響學習更影響健康。在今期的社團專訪,谷建華訪問一個名為[百校項目]慈善機構的其中兩位創立人黃凱倫與太太符月麗,介紹該機構如何去幫助印度貧苦學童,讓他們有一個較為舒適的學習環境。)

 The Story of Song Dynasty's Restaurants' Business Model Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Story of Song Dynasty's Restaurants Business Model Part 2     (宋代的經濟面貌相當繁華,當時酒樓食肆做生意手法,比之今日有過之而無不及,詳情請大家收聽陳玉清的介紹。  )

 Taiwan Notebook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Stella Lee talks about Taipei is hosting the 29th Summer Universiade, from 19-30 Aug. More than 7000 athletes come from 131 countries . Taipei organizer spent 3 years in preparation for this Game. (臺北市在八月十九日到三十日將會舉辦第二十九屆世界大學運動會。主辦當局用了三年時間籌備這次盛會,參與的運動員來自131 個國家,人數超過七千人。開幕典禮更會邀請歷届總統出席。 )

 Medical Series: Dentist Sensitive Teeth | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr Claudia Yung explains what sensitive teeth are and what are the preventive measures to protect your teeth. She also talks about those clinical-proven products if they are effective?   (今集請來牙科醫生翁靜華,解釋甚麼是敏感牙齒,以及有甚麼方法避免變成敏感牙齒,她又會講解市面上稱經過臨床試驗的產品是否有效。  )

 Welfare Express - Family tax benefits and paid parental leave | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Mr Di Hong Lam from Centrelink explains eligibility for Family Tax Benefit part A supplement and Parental Paid Leave. He also reminds clients to promptly provide tax return or income statement for accurate calculation of payments. (民政部多元文化主任林義雄先生為大家講解家庭稅優惠A部分的補充津貼與家長有薪產假,也提醒客戶依時報稅或提供收入數字,以準確計算福利金。   民政部網址 多語言查詢電話:131202 。)

 What options left for US in the midst of North Korea Second successful testing of continental ballistic missile? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

What options left for US in the midst of North Korea Second successful testing of continental ballistic missile? (北韓再成功試射洲際導彈,震驚全球,美國擺出劍拔弩張的架勢,但美國在壓制北韓發展核武計劃上,還有什麽籌碼在手?宋慶勤會同大家報導個中的情形。  )


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