Global finance: Obamacare and wealth re-distribution

Cantonese show

Summary: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, is the largest overhaul of the US healthcare system since the 1960s. Its aim is to extend health insurance coverage to some of the estimated 15% of the US population who lack it. Those people receive no coverage from their employers and are not covered by US health programs for the poor and elderly. But it turns out to be quite controversial among US society and that Republicans are making every afford to topple Obamacare. So what are the pros and cons of Obamacare? How should the government balance public benefits and economic gain? In todays "Global finance", Ivan has talked to Dr. Wei Li from Sydney University Business School to give us more insight into the government's role when wealth is unevenly distributed. (特朗普競選時承諾會撤消在美國備受爭議奧巴馬醫保法案,不過未能獲國會通過。而這個目的是既保障美國較貧困市民受醫療保險保障,又可減低政府長遠所承擔醫療費用的法案,為何不是人人受落呢?經濟理論上,要平衡保障貧苦大眾與讓經濟自由發展的兩者之間,政府又該扮演甚麼角色呢?梁焱剛請來雪梨大學商學院講師李薇博士於節目內為大家作分析。)