Current affair: special Coalition party room meeting to tackle gay marriage

Cantonese show

Summary: Gay marriage is set to dominate the federal Coalition's party-room debate on Monday.   A group of Liberal MPs is hoping to convince colleagues a free vote on gay marriage is the way to go after drafting its own laws that enshrine protections for religious communities.   Ivan and Selina report. (兩黨聯盟將於今日下午召開黨團會議,外界認為屆時兩黨聯盟將會就有關如何處理同性婚姻合化婚的問題,作出定案。有自由黨議員於黨團會議前提出私人議案,建議於向宗教組織及有宗教背景的生意提供保護之前提下,讓任何性別及性傾向嘅兩名人士合法結婚,並呼籲黨內其他同僚就該議案自由投票。詳情請聽鄺美玲及梁焱剛報導。)