Patrick Lee - Being a social worker is like a sponge

Cantonese show

Summary: Patrick Lee Chiu Leung is a social worker in Hong Kong. He differentiates to be a social worker and to become a social worker. He also shares his experience how to avoid job burnout as being a social worker is like being a sponge - you soak up all your clients' difficulties. (社工是一份崇高的工作,因為很多時候,社工不止扶助社會上需要幫助的人士,好的社工,更要有愛心,還時常超時工作。温楚良訪問了從香港前來墨爾本訪問的資深社工李超良,談談他這次前來的目的、現今社會上有哪些陷阱,和爲何他把社工比喻為一塊海綿。)