Berkeley Buddhist Monastery show

Berkeley Buddhist Monastery

Summary: Weekly Lecture on the Ten Grounds chapter from the Avatamsaka Sutra

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 Avatamsaka Sutra 2012-01_07 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:34

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.50,51

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-12-24 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:34:14

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.48,49 "This is how the Bodhisattva diligently seeks the Buddha dharma. In his search he does not cling to any of his treasures or wealth, nor does he see any object too rare or special to renounce. He considers truly special only someone who is able to explain the Buddha Dharma.Therefore the Bodhisattva can renounce all inner and outer wealth in his search for the Buddha Dharma. He can show any manner of reverence; he can swallow any amount of pride; he can offer any kind of service; and he can endure any kind of pain and toil." 十地品,第三地,第48,49頁 "菩薩如是勤求佛法,所有珍財皆無吝惜,不見有物難得可重,但於能說佛法之人生難遭想。是故,菩薩於內外財,為求佛法悉能捨施。無有恭敬而不能行,無有憍慢而不能捨,無有承事而不能作,無有勤苦而不能受。"

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-12-17 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:15

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.48,49 "After the Bodhisattva has contemplated and thoroughly understood in this way, he increases his diligent search for the Proper Dharma and its practice.By day and night he wishes only to hear the Dharma, delight in the Dharma, enjoy the Dharma, rely upon the Dharma, follow the Dharma, understand the Dharma, accord with the Dharma, reach the Dharma, stay in the Dharma and cultivate the Dharma." 十地品,第三地,第48,49頁 "菩薩如是觀察了知已,倍於正法勤求修習,日夜唯願聞法、喜法、樂法、依法、隨法、解法、順法、到法、住法、行法。"

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-12-10 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:09

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.48,49 "Then he thinks: the wish to take beings to nirvana is related to the unobstructed wisdom of liberation. Unobstructed wisdom of liberation is related to awakening to the reality of dharmas.Awakening to the reality of dharmas is related to the light of wisdom from cessation of action and creation. The light of wisdom from cessation of action and creation is related to investigation through the wisdom of clever, decisive contemplation.Investigation through the wisdom of clever, decisive contemplation is related to skillful learning." 十地品,第三地,第48,49頁 "便作是念:『欲度眾生令住涅槃,不離無障礙解脫智; 無障礙解脫智,不離一切法如實覺; 一切法如實覺,不離無行無生行慧光; 無行無生行慧光,不離禪善巧決定觀察智; 禪善巧決定觀察智,不離善巧多聞。』"

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-12-03 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:27

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.46,47 "This is how the Bodhisattva grows weary of all conditioned things and abandons them.Thus he deepens his empathy for all beings as he recognizes the supreme benefits of omniscience.He resolves to take sentient beings across by means of the Tathagata’s wisdom and he reflects, "All these beings suffer greatly from their afflictions. What skillful means will work to release them from their pain, and bring them the bliss of ultimate nirvana?" 十地品,第三地,第46,47頁 菩薩如是厭離一切有為,如是愍念一切眾生,知一切智智有勝利益,欲依如來智慧救度眾生,作是思惟:『此諸眾生墮在煩惱大苦之中,以何方便而能拔濟,令住究竟涅槃之樂?』

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-11-26 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:52

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.46,47 "He sees that all beings flow with birth and death, and he feels sympathy;He sees that all beings lose the means to liberation, and he feels sympathy. Those are the ten. Thus the Bodhisattva witnesses the limitless misery and troubles in the realm of living beings. He energizes his mind and makes the following reflection:I should rescue all these beings, liberate them, purify them, take them across and set them in a wholesome place.I should provide them a peaceful dwelling.I should bring them happiness, bring them to know and to see, teach them, and guide them to Nirvana." 十地品,第三地,第46,47頁 "見諸眾生隨生死流,生哀愍心;見諸眾生失解脫方便,生哀愍心。是為十。 菩薩如是見眾生界無量苦惱,發大精進,作是念言:『此等眾生,我應救,我應脫,我應淨,我應度;應著善處,應令安住,應令歡喜,應令知見,應令調伏,應令涅槃。』"

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-11-19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:01

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.44,45 "He sees that all beings are forever covered by the dense forest of afflictions, and he feels sympathy;He sees that all beings lack the perspective of contemplation, and he feels sympathy; He sees that all beings do not desire wholesome dharmas, and hefeels sympathy;He sees that all beings lose the Buddha dharma, and he feels sympathy;" 十地品,第三地,第44,45頁 "見諸眾生煩惱稠林恒所覆障,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生不善觀察,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生無善法欲,生哀愍心;見諸眾生失諸佛法,生哀愍心;"

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-11-12 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:01

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.44,45 "He sees all beings imprisoned in the jail of the existences, and he feels sympathy;He sees that all beings are forever covered by the dense forest of afflictions, and he feels sympathy;" 十地品,第三地,第44,45頁 "見諸眾生諸有牢獄之所禁閉,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生煩惱稠林恒所覆障,生哀愍心;"

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-11-05 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:01

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.44,45 "Thus the Bodhisattva sees such limitless benefits to the Tathagata’s wisdom; he sees the limitless disadvantages inherent in conditioned things.At that point he has ten sympathetic thoughts for all beings. What are they?He sees all beings alone, with no refuge, and he feels sympathy;He sees that all beings are poor and destitute, and he feels sympathy.He sees that all beings poisoned by the three poisons, and he feels sympathy. He sees all beings imprisoned in the jail of the existences, and he feels sympathy;He sees that all beings are forever covered by the dense forest of afflictions, and he feels sympathy; He sees all beings imprisoned in the jail of the existences, and he feels sympathy;He sees that all beings are forever covered by the dense forest of afflictions, and he feels sympathy;" 十地品,第三地,第44,45頁 " 菩薩如是見如來 智 慧 無量利益,見一切有為無量過患,則於一切眾生生十種哀愍心。何等為十?所謂: 見諸眾生孤獨無依,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生貧窮困乏,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生三毒火然,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生諸有牢獄之所禁閉,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生煩惱稠林恒所覆障,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生諸有牢獄之所禁閉,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生煩惱稠林恒所覆障,生哀愍心; "

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-10-29 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:43:21

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.42,43,44,45 "He also contemplates how those conditioned things cannot be saved and cannot be relied upon, how they bring worries and lead to troubles, how they are tied up with love and hate, and how they increase anxiety and sorrow. He contemplates how they create misery that never stops, so that the fires of greed, rage and delusion burn without cease. He sees how dharmas bring with them a host of calamities, which increase and grow by day and night, yet all of which are, in reality, nothing but illusions. Having seen dharmas in this way, he increases his distaste for all conditioned things and he approaches the wisdom of a Buddha. He sees how the Buddha’s wisdom is inconceivable, incomparable, limitless, rare, free of pollution, troubles and worries. He arrives at a place beyond fear and never again retreats; from then on he is able to rescue living beings from limitless suffering and difficulties." 十地品,第三地,第42,43,44,45頁 "又觀此法無救、無依,與憂、與悲,苦惱同住,愛憎所繫,愁慼轉多,無有停積,貪、恚、癡火熾然不息,眾患所纏,日夜增長,如幻不實。 見如是已,於一切有為倍增厭離,趣佛智慧,見佛智慧不可思議、無等無量、難得無雜、無惱無憂,至無畏城,不復退還,能救無量苦難眾生。"

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-10-22 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:28:54

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.42,43 "Disciples of the Buddha, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva, having stayed on the Third Ground, contemplates the appearances of conditioned dharmas as they really are. That is: as impermanent, as suffering, as impure, as having no peace, as subject to destruction, as not lasting long, as coming and going in an instant, as not arising from a past time boundary, as not approaching a future boundary, and as staying nowhere in the present." 十地品,第三地,第42,43頁 "「佛子!菩薩摩訶薩住第三地已,觀一切有為法如實相。所謂:無常、苦、不淨、不安隱,敗壞、不久住,剎那生滅,非從前際生,非向後際去,非於現在住。"

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-10-15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:42:25

Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.42,43 "At that time, Vajra Treasury Bodhisattva answered Moon of Liberation Bodhisattva thus: Disciple of the Buddha! the Bodhisattva, Mahasattva who has already mastered the Second Ground, and who wishes to enter the Third Ground, should bring forth ten profound thoughts.What are the ten? They are purified thoughts, thoughts that abide in peace, a thoughts of satiation and renunciation, thoughts free of greed, un-retreating thoughts, enduring thoughts, thoughts of abundant light, courageous thoughts, vast thoughts, and great thoughts. The Bodhisattva who holds those ten thoughts enters the Third Ground." 十地品,第三地,第42,43頁 "爾時,金剛藏菩薩告解脫月菩薩言: 「佛子!菩薩摩訶薩已淨第二地,欲入第三地,當起十種深心。何等為十?所謂:清淨心、安住心、厭捨心、離貪心、不退心、堅固心、明盛心、勇猛心、廣心、大心。菩薩以是十心,得入第三地。"

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-10-08 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:31:07

Ten grounds chapter, Second Ground, p.38,39, Third Ground, p.40, 41, 42, 43 Ten grounds chapter, Third Ground, p.40,41,42,43 十地品,第二地,第38,39頁 十地品,第三地,第40,41,42,43頁 Ten grounds chapter, Second Ground, p.38,39, Third Ground, p.40, 41, 42, 43 "Of the ones who help and aid each and every world With the most supreme Bodhisattva practices which they cultivate-- Such merit and virtue as that upon the Second Ground, For all disciples of the Buddha I have now proclaimed." Ten grounds chapter, Third Ground, p.40,41,42,43 "Buddha’s disciples who heard about the practice of that Ground, The Bodhisattva states that are difficult to conceive of, Were all most respectful; they rejoiced in their hearts; And scattered flowers in space by way of offerings. They praised the Buddha saying, "Good indeed, Great King Lofty As Mountains!With a kind and empathetic heart you remember all beings And speak skillfully about the Wise One’s precepts and deportment, The attributes of practice that we meet upon the Second Ground. Those are all Bodhisattvas’ rare and wondrous practices, True and real, special, free from differentiation. From your wish to benefit all the many beings, You explained their pristine state. We hope that you, to whom both gods and humans make offerings, Will proclaim the Third Ground for us: How the many wise deeds interact with the Dharma; Please explain in detail how such states unfold. All the Great Immortal’s dharmas of generosity and morality, His patience, his vigor, his concentration and wisdom, His expedient skill, and his way of kindness and compassion. Please explain all such pristine behaviors of the Buddhas." 十地品,第二地,第38,39頁 "一切世間利益者,所修菩薩最勝行,如是第二地功德,為諸佛子已開演。」" 十地品,第三地,第40,41,42,43頁 "佛子得聞此地行,  菩薩境界難思議, 靡不恭敬心歡喜,  散華空中為供養, 讚言:「善哉大山王,  慈心愍念諸眾生, 善說智者律儀法,  第二地中之行相。 是諸菩薩微妙行,  真實無異無差別, 為欲利益諸群生,  如是演說最清淨。 一切人天供養者,  願為演說第三地, 與法相應諸智業,  如其境界希具闡! 大仙所有施戒法,  忍辱精進禪智慧, 及以方便慈悲道,  佛清淨行願皆說!」"

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-10-01 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:25:26

Ten grounds chapter, 2nd ground, p.38,39 "All of the various powers of spiritual penetrations The Bodhisattva on this Ground is able to manifest. If he acts through power of vows, it surpasses even these, And with limitless sovereign ease he saves the flocks of beings." 十地品,第二地,第38,39頁 "所有種種神通力,此地菩薩皆能現,願力所作復過此,無量自在度群生。"

 Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-09-24 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:39

P.38, 39 text: "The Buddha’s disciple dwelling here acts as a wheel-turning king, Universally teaching living beings to practice the ten goods. All of the good dharmas which he cultivates in practice Are to seek the ten-fold powers and then save the world. He willingly forsakes kingship, wealth, and jewels, Abandons household life and relies on the Buddhas’ teaching. With courageous vigor, inside a single thought, He obtains a thousand samadhis and sees a thousand Buddhas. " 經文: "佛子住此作輪王,普化眾生行十善,所有善法皆修習,為成十力救於世。欲捨王位及財寶,即棄居家依佛教,勇猛精勤一念中,獲千三昧見千佛。 "


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