Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-10-15

Berkeley Buddhist Monastery show

Summary: Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.42,43 "At that time, Vajra Treasury Bodhisattva answered Moon of Liberation Bodhisattva thus: Disciple of the Buddha! the Bodhisattva, Mahasattva who has already mastered the Second Ground, and who wishes to enter the Third Ground, should bring forth ten profound thoughts.What are the ten? They are purified thoughts, thoughts that abide in peace, a thoughts of satiation and renunciation, thoughts free of greed, un-retreating thoughts, enduring thoughts, thoughts of abundant light, courageous thoughts, vast thoughts, and great thoughts. The Bodhisattva who holds those ten thoughts enters the Third Ground." 十地品,第三地,第42,43頁 "爾時,金剛藏菩薩告解脫月菩薩言: 「佛子!菩薩摩訶薩已淨第二地,欲入第三地,當起十種深心。何等為十?所謂:清淨心、安住心、厭捨心、離貪心、不退心、堅固心、明盛心、勇猛心、廣心、大心。菩薩以是十心,得入第三地。"