Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-12-10

Berkeley Buddhist Monastery show

Summary: Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.48,49 "Then he thinks: the wish to take beings to nirvana is related to the unobstructed wisdom of liberation. Unobstructed wisdom of liberation is related to awakening to the reality of dharmas.Awakening to the reality of dharmas is related to the light of wisdom from cessation of action and creation. The light of wisdom from cessation of action and creation is related to investigation through the wisdom of clever, decisive contemplation.Investigation through the wisdom of clever, decisive contemplation is related to skillful learning." 十地品,第三地,第48,49頁 "便作是念:『欲度眾生令住涅槃,不離無障礙解脫智; 無障礙解脫智,不離一切法如實覺; 一切法如實覺,不離無行無生行慧光; 無行無生行慧光,不離禪善巧決定觀察智; 禪善巧決定觀察智,不離善巧多聞。』"