Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-10-22

Berkeley Buddhist Monastery show

Summary: Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.42,43 "Disciples of the Buddha, the Bodhisattva Mahasattva, having stayed on the Third Ground, contemplates the appearances of conditioned dharmas as they really are. That is: as impermanent, as suffering, as impure, as having no peace, as subject to destruction, as not lasting long, as coming and going in an instant, as not arising from a past time boundary, as not approaching a future boundary, and as staying nowhere in the present." 十地品,第三地,第42,43頁 "「佛子!菩薩摩訶薩住第三地已,觀一切有為法如實相。所謂:無常、苦、不淨、不安隱,敗壞、不久住,剎那生滅,非從前際生,非向後際去,非於現在住。"