Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-10-29

Berkeley Buddhist Monastery show

Summary: Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.42,43,44,45 "He also contemplates how those conditioned things cannot be saved and cannot be relied upon, how they bring worries and lead to troubles, how they are tied up with love and hate, and how they increase anxiety and sorrow. He contemplates how they create misery that never stops, so that the fires of greed, rage and delusion burn without cease. He sees how dharmas bring with them a host of calamities, which increase and grow by day and night, yet all of which are, in reality, nothing but illusions. Having seen dharmas in this way, he increases his distaste for all conditioned things and he approaches the wisdom of a Buddha. He sees how the Buddha’s wisdom is inconceivable, incomparable, limitless, rare, free of pollution, troubles and worries. He arrives at a place beyond fear and never again retreats; from then on he is able to rescue living beings from limitless suffering and difficulties." 十地品,第三地,第42,43,44,45頁 "又觀此法無救、無依,與憂、與悲,苦惱同住,愛憎所繫,愁慼轉多,無有停積,貪、恚、癡火熾然不息,眾患所纏,日夜增長,如幻不實。 見如是已,於一切有為倍增厭離,趣佛智慧,見佛智慧不可思議、無等無量、難得無雜、無惱無憂,至無畏城,不復退還,能救無量苦難眾生。"