Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-11-05

Berkeley Buddhist Monastery show

Summary: Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.44,45 "Thus the Bodhisattva sees such limitless benefits to the Tathagata’s wisdom; he sees the limitless disadvantages inherent in conditioned things.At that point he has ten sympathetic thoughts for all beings. What are they?He sees all beings alone, with no refuge, and he feels sympathy;He sees that all beings are poor and destitute, and he feels sympathy.He sees that all beings poisoned by the three poisons, and he feels sympathy. He sees all beings imprisoned in the jail of the existences, and he feels sympathy;He sees that all beings are forever covered by the dense forest of afflictions, and he feels sympathy; He sees all beings imprisoned in the jail of the existences, and he feels sympathy;He sees that all beings are forever covered by the dense forest of afflictions, and he feels sympathy;" 十地品,第三地,第44,45頁 " 菩薩如是見如來 智 慧 無量利益,見一切有為無量過患,則於一切眾生生十種哀愍心。何等為十?所謂: 見諸眾生孤獨無依,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生貧窮困乏,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生三毒火然,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生諸有牢獄之所禁閉,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生煩惱稠林恒所覆障,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生諸有牢獄之所禁閉,生哀愍心; 見諸眾生煩惱稠林恒所覆障,生哀愍心; "