Avatamsaka Sutra 2011-12-17

Berkeley Buddhist Monastery show

Summary: Ten grounds chapter, 3rd ground, p.48,49 "After the Bodhisattva has contemplated and thoroughly understood in this way, he increases his diligent search for the Proper Dharma and its practice.By day and night he wishes only to hear the Dharma, delight in the Dharma, enjoy the Dharma, rely upon the Dharma, follow the Dharma, understand the Dharma, accord with the Dharma, reach the Dharma, stay in the Dharma and cultivate the Dharma." 十地品,第三地,第48,49頁 "菩薩如是觀察了知已,倍於正法勤求修習,日夜唯願聞法、喜法、樂法、依法、隨法、解法、順法、到法、住法、行法。"