Straight Truth Podcast show

Straight Truth Podcast

Summary: Join Dr. Richard Caldwell, Dr. Josh Philpot, and their guests as they discuss news events, current affairs, and cultural issues from a Biblical point of view. Find the truth at The Straight Truth Podcast is a weekly opinion show which is available as an audio podcast on iTunes or as a video podcast through YouTube or Vimeo. The duration of the podcast is approximately 10 minutes. We release new episodes every Thursday. The topics discussed in the Straight Truth Podcast are current events, matters that challenge traditional Christian values, and questions submitted by audience members. Dr. Caldwell, Dr. Philpot, and their guests seek to answer these questions with Biblical truths and from a Christian conservative point of view. The Holy Bible is the inspired, infallible, and inerrant Word of God; it alone is and will be the basis and authority of answering any and all questions. The Straight Truth Podcast is the perfect podcast for those seeking to strengthen their faith, to be informed on how to broach difficult topics with a Christian point of view, to share their faith with unbelieving friends, to challenge the status quo of their own beliefs by viewing them under the lens of the Scriptures, to interpret current news events from a Biblical point of view, and more.


 What Do the Words – the Kingdom of God – Mean? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:44

What Do the Words – the Kingdom of God - Mean? | Watch This Episode on YouTube {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/what-do-the-words-the-kingdom-of-god-mean\/#arve-youtube-un2tiabsyrk65fa0700e6396064747529","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/Un2tiABsyRk?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0","name":"What Do the Words \u2013 the Kingdom of God - Mean?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/05\/STP-S11-EP02-What-is-The-Kingdom-of-God.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-04-14","description":"What Do the Words \u2013 the Kingdom of God - Mean? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel Join Our Mailing List Related Messages What Do the Words – the Kingdom of God - Mean? Matthew chapter 6 is about being brought into the kingdom of God, knowing our heavenly Father, and having the whole of our lives transformed. It teaches us that knowing our heavenly Father is key to living in the kingdom of God. The difference this makes in our lives will be between living for ourselves and living for the glory of God. If you’d like to learn more about these things discussed in today’s podcast consider listening to the following sermons by Dr. Richard Caldwell: Trusting In the Trustworthy God The Fear Free Life Words to Worriers Pt.1 & Pt.2 Christian Contentment Pt.1 & Pt.2 Understanding the Kingdom Fearless Expectations Biblical Giving Four Fruits of Biblical Giving Watch this episode on Vimeo {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/what-do-the-words-the-kingdom-of-god-mean\/#arve-vimeo-41418965465fa0700e6f60123662292","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/video\/414189654?h=8a144d0c48&dnt=1&app_id=122963&html5=1&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0","name":"What Do the Words \u2013 the Kingdom of God - Mean?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/05\/STP-S11-EP02-What-is-The-Kingdom-of-God.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-04-14","description":"What Do the Words \u2013 the Kingdom of God - Mean? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Follow Us On Vimeo Listen to the Audio Podcast Subscribe on iPhone Subscribe on Android Subscribe on Spotify What Do the Words – the Kingdom of God - Mean? Matthew 6:33 tells us, "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." What is meant by this saying? What exactly are we to be seeking? What is the kingdom of God in this passage? What is it that will be added to us in our seeking? How will we know that we have received it? These are the topics of this week’s Straight Truth Podcast. Dr. Richard Caldwell and host Dr. Josh Philpot take up and discuss these questions and more as they relate to Jesus’ words from the sermon on the mount found in Matthew chapter 6.   Dr. Caldwell tells us that the kingdom of God is used in more than one sense in the scriptures. The context in which these words occur will always be key to help us understand the meaning. Here, in Matthew 6, it speaks of that which pleases God. We are called to prioritize and strive after that which would advance God’s will on the earth. Specifically, in this section of Scripture, what’s been discussed are temporal things that all people need.

 Debunking So-called Biblical Contradictions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:30

Debunking So-called Biblical Contradictions | Watch This Episode on YouTube {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/debunking-so-called-biblical-contradictions\/#arve-youtube-yt1vqh6dxuq65fa0700ebbf1579305938","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/yt1vqh6dxUQ?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0","name":"Debunking So-called Biblical Contradictions","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/05\/STP-S10-EP10-Contradictions-In-The-Bible.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-05-07","description":"Debunking So-called Biblical Contradictions. This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel Join Our Mailing List Related Messages Debunking So-called Biblical Contradictions. To hear more on topics addressed in this weeks podcast consider listening to the following sermons exposited by Dr. Richard Caldwell from the Word of God: The Seriousness of the Ministry The Glory of the Incarnate Word Why Christians Love Each Other Seeing Jesus The Glory of the King Hope & Holiness The New Jerusalem Watch this episode on Vimeo {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/debunking-so-called-biblical-contradictions\/#arve-vimeo-40238631465fa0700ec754305830661","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/video\/402386314?h=bd42ac74ef&dnt=1&app_id=122963&html5=1&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0","name":"Debunking So-called Biblical Contradictions","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/05\/STP-S10-EP10-Contradictions-In-The-Bible.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-05-07","description":"Debunking So-called Biblical Contradictions. This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Follow Us On Vimeo Listen to the Audio Podcast Subscribe on iPhone Subscribe on Android Subscribe on Spotify Debunking So-called Biblical Contradictions This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and host Dr. Josh Philpot discuss the topic of biblical contradictions. Contradictions are where parts of a text seem to say the opposite of what is said in another part. When reading the Bible people often come across certain verses or passages that seem to contradict each other. On the face of it, one set of verses says one thing and then another set appears to say something entirely opposite. How does one reconcile these difficult passages of Scripture? How do we answer supposed Bible contradictions? Dr. Philpot tells us the specific question this week relates to 1 Timothy 6:13-16 and Exodus 24:9-11. The verses in Timothy tell us that no one has ever seen or can see God and those in Exodus say, Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, along with seventy elders of Israel saw the God of Israel. These texts seem contradictory, contradicting each other and even other texts which describe various people “seeing” God. Throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament, we find several verses like these that seem to contradict each other. We know what the verses say is true, but there still appears to be a real contradiction. How do we understand these verses? Dr. Caldwell explains that these people saw God to the extent that God wanted them to see Him, but they didn’t see Him in all His fullness. God manifested His presence in such a way that was real and tangible to them,

 Coronavirus, The Hand of God at Work or Something Else? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:19

Coronavirus, The Hand of God at Work or Something Else? | Watch This Episode on YouTube {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/coronavirus-the-hand-of-god-at-work-or-something-else\/#arve-youtube-dllzk8foonq65fa0700f106d294670780","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/DLlzK8foOnQ?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0","name":"Coronavirus, The Hand of God at Work or Something Else?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/04\/STP-S11-EP01-Corona-Virus.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-04-30","description":"Coronavirus, The Hand of God at Work or Something Else? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel Join Our Mailing List Related Messages Coronavirus, The Hand of God at Work or Something Else? To gain a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty and the importance of knowing that He is, consider listening to the following sermons exposited by Dr. Richard Caldwell from the Word of God: The Sovereignty of God Sovereignty & Urgency The Providence of God The Judge of All the Earth The Fear Free Life Patience Under Trial - Parts 1 & 2 Watch this episode on Vimeo {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/coronavirus-the-hand-of-god-at-work-or-something-else\/#arve-vimeo-41254899965fa0700f1b9d192257166","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/video\/412548999?h=4d66dd9d1f&dnt=1&app_id=122963&html5=1&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0","name":"Coronavirus, The Hand of God at Work or Something Else?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/04\/STP-S11-EP01-Corona-Virus.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-04-30","description":"Coronavirus, The Hand of God at Work or Something Else? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Follow Us On Vimeo Listen to the Audio Podcast Subscribe on iPhone Subscribe on Android Subscribe on Spotify Coronavirus, The Hand of God at Work or Something Else? Is the coronavirus like a biblical plague? Is there a connection or relation to sin? Is God judging all the earth with the coronavirus? If not, what is God doing in allowing Covid19 to take place? This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and host Dr. Josh Philpot discuss the current pandemic that we find ourselves both living through and dying as a result of. Dr. Philpot brings these concerning questions to Dr. Caldwell. He also asks how should we be thinking as we seek to protect ourselves, our families, and others as we go through something we’ve never experienced on such a global level, nor in our lifetimes. Dr. Caldwell shares that in the Word of God calamity and destruction are often tied to the hand of God. So the first thoughts he has when it comes to Covid19 and other things like it are yes, God is involved. If we think that God is not actively involved, then we are thinking wrongly. God is involved with all that is taking place. Nothing happens in this world that God doesn’t have a plan for; God is sovereign in and over all things. There is not a single stray atom in this universe. We are Living in a World That is Fallen What’s important to remember is that we are living in a world that is fallen. When Adam fell in sin, there was a curse pronounced not only upon mankind but also upon creation itself.

 Are There Physiological Causes for Anxiety? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:35

Are There Physiological Causes for Anxiety? | Watch This Episode on YouTube {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/did-the-old-testament-saints-go-directly-to-heaven-2\/#arve-youtube-jwykz1ttbke65fa07010250b789969271","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/jwYKZ1TtbkE?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0","name":"Are There Physiological Causes for Anxiety?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/04\/STP-S10-EP09-Physical-Causes-for-Anxiety.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-04-23","description":"Are There Physiological Causes for Anxiety? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel Join Our Mailing List Related Messages Are There Physiological Causes for Anxiety? Dr. Caldwell addresses some of these issues in another podcast, and in several sermons. Listeners may want to prayerfully consider watching or listening with their Bibles in hand. This affords the hearing of what God has to say about these things but also the seeing. Below are a few links to some of these sermons: The Answer for Anxiety The Life for All Circumstances - Parts 1-6 Words To Worriers - Parts 1 & 2 The Life of Peace - Praiseworthy Thinking The Life of Peace - Praiseworthy Practice The Believing Life Watch this episode on Vimeo {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/did-the-old-testament-saints-go-directly-to-heaven-2\/#arve-vimeo-40117437465fa070103096970912147","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/video\/401174374?h=b7e79ad7bb&dnt=1&app_id=122963&html5=1&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0","name":"Are There Physiological Causes for Anxiety?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/04\/STP-S10-EP09-Physical-Causes-for-Anxiety.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-04-23","description":"Are There Physiological Causes for Anxiety? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Follow Us On Vimeo Listen to the Audio Podcast Subscribe on iPhone Subscribe on Android Subscribe on Spotify Are There Physiological Causes for Anxiety? This week on the Straight Truth Podcast a discussion ensues over a previous podcast due to a listener writing to share feedback and ask a question. Dr. Richard Caldwell and host Dr. Josh Philpot take up and discuss the feedback and question that the listener presents regarding Answering Anxiety. Answering Anxiety, being both a podcast topic addressed on the Straight Truth Podcast, and a book by Dr. Caldwell, compiled from a sermon where he exposits 1 Peter 5:5-11. Dr. Caldwell’s podcast, book, and sermon all have a heavy emphasis on pride and the need for humbling ourselves as a key way of answering anxiety. The listener writes asking about the physiological issues that are not addressed in the podcast. The listener states that anxiety runs on a spectrum from low to high, where it can lead to panic attacks, etc. Further stating that pastors ought to address these other aspects when they are talking about anxiety. So what about these physical or physiological aspects of anxiety, how should Christians approach this? What is the biblical perspective or worldview? Dr. Caldwell says there is no doubt that we are physical creatures and as a result, how we deal and respond to issues of life can be physical in nature.

 Did The Old Testament Saints Go Directly To Heaven? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:55

This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and Dr. Josh Philpot discuss what happened to the Old Testament saints when they died. Dr. Philpot says obviously something unique happens in the New Testament when Jesus is raised from the dead and ascends to the Father. Explaining that it’s in the New Testament where Jesus tells us before He dies, He goes to prepare a place for us. So from that Scripture, we understand that He is the One who provides entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven for us. The Old Testament saints hadn’t seen Jesus or been given this promise by the second person of the Trinity. Yet they died and died believing in life after their physical death. So then what happened to them when they died? Where have they gone and what kind of existence do they have? Dr. Caldwell explains that there are different theories and understandings of this. One is that before Christ’s incarnation, life, death, and resurrection there were two compartments of the realm of the dead. He gives a brief overview of this but tells us he thinks this is a misreading of Ephesians 4. He believes that when the Old Testament saints died they went immediately into the presence of God, just as New Testament saints do. Further explaining that, of course, this was not with their resurrected bodies, as that is yet in the future. Finding Any Biblical Evidence He also believes that we are hard-pressed to find any biblical evidence to the contrary, giving us an example from Matthew 22:29-33. Here Jesus quotes Exodus 3:6 in His discussion with Sadducees, affirming that God is the God of the living. Showing by the very Words of God, Old Testament saints having a present relationship with God, after they have died. Dr. Caldwell gives a second example from the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17. Here there is a conversation that takes place between Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. Moses died and was buried and Scripture tells us plainly, “Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.” So it appears that they have both gone to the same place and that Christ is known to them both. Dr. Caldwell tells us the Scriptures present the expectation of Old Testament saints as the enjoyment of God’s presence after death. Psalm 16, and 139 are passages that speak of them looking forward to the pleasure of being in God’s presence. Moving into the New Testament we even read of Jesus saying to the thief on the cross beside Him, “today you will be with me in Paradise.” So whether we read the phrases - present with the Lord, in Paradise, or in Heaven, there’s no difference, the place is the same it is the presence of God. There Is a Place of Temporary Torment Dr. Philpot then asks would this be the same situation for hell? Dr. Caldwell tells us there is a place of temporary torment right now, but the final casting into hell awaits the great white throne judgment of Revelation 20. He explains that we never want to be more specific than what the Bible is. So what he can say for those who have already died not knowing Christ, they are suffering. The scriptural example for this is Luke 16:19-31, where Jesus is speaking of the rich man and Lazarus. The rich man is suffering in Hades and Lazarus is in the presence of God, in Abraham’s Bosom. Dr. Caldwell says that’s the picture we are given and beyond that what he sees is what’s given in Revelation 20. There is a resurrection and there is a final judgment, where the casting into the lake of fire will take place. The lake of fire is the place of eternal torment, the very hell that Jesus speaks much of in the Gospels. Beyond that, when the Scriptures are silent he wants to be silent, but where the Scriptures speak he wants to speak.

 Why Doesn’t God Save Everyone? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:10

Isn’t God all-loving? Doesn’t God have all power and the ability to do all things? If these are true, why doesn’t God save everyone? This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and Dr. Josh Philpot discuss the topic of universalism. Dr. Philpot explains that universalism is a doctrine that presupposes that God will save everyone that has ever lived. He tells us it has not been a predominant doctrine in church history nor is it orthodox. Yet it seems to keep a foothold in the church throughout church history. Today this seems possible through the mass amount of information we have at our disposal, the proliferation of blogs, podcasts, debates, and even new books written on the subject. The specific question asked this week is, why doesn’t God just have mercy on everyone, why doesn’t He save everyone, whether they choose to believe in Him or not? Dr. Caldwell tells us the reason people ask such questions, and why this doctrine has kept a foothold in the church, is because what God has actually done is at odds with fallen man’s sense of fairness. While men would not deny that there is a need for judgment and justice, they still cannot comprehend a God who loves, who has all power and ability but does not save all men. This attacks man’s sense of fairness, so doctrines and questions like this, show how it works out in our minds. The answer to this question will most likely not satisfy, but it is the answer nonetheless. God has not saved everyone because He’s chosen not to save everyone. God is merciful, and mercy is mercy, but mercy is not something that is owed. What Man Actually Deserves It is something that God offers when, where, and how He chooses. To properly understand these things we must be fully convinced in our minds and hearts of what man actually deserves. Since the fall, all that mankind deserves is God’s wrath. Ephesians 2:3 even tells us that by nature we are children of wrath. So if God had damned the entire human race, He would have done nothing wrong, it would have been absolutely just for every single one of us to spend eternity in hell. We must be fully convinced of this. God is Holy, He is our Creator and King, He is perfectly right to judge sin and sinners, that’s justice. Our desire is for sin, not holiness, we desire sin which dishonors God, we are sinners by nature and by choice. Therefore, if we only deserve His wrath, why then does He save anyone? The answer is because He is merciful, because of His grace, kindness, and love. No one, not a single soul deserves any of these, for we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Dr. Caldwell tells us that this is the stuff of Romans 9. Here questions are asked and objections raised over the matter of God’s sovereignty, free grace, and mercy. Dr. Caldwell reads through verses 14-18 where it reveals God will be glorified not only in salvation but also through judgment. God’s everlasting degrees are perfectly wise and good. God has not acted arbitrarily, He has done so with perfect wisdom. In God Alone His actions are not explained by us, something He saw in us, or something He foreknew about us. The answers to why God has done what He has done are found in God alone. Therefore because He is perfect in all of His ways, we can trust that whatever He does is perfect. God has chosen to save some and not others, this is His prerogative and it is perfectly just. He’s the potter, we’re the clay; the clay does not have the right to say to the potter, why have you made me this way. Dr. Philpot asks, but isn’t this cruel? Isn’t this a cruel God that would take a lump of clay and form two different kinds of vessels out of it, one for honor and one for dishonor? Dr. Caldwell reminds us it is true, God was working from one lump of clay. However, that one lump was fallen clay,

 My Teen Won’t Go to Church | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:49

My Teen Won’t Go to Church | Watch This Episode on YouTube {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/my-teen-wont-go-to-church\/#arve-youtube-3ojjourq8ai65fa07010f3ca205893820","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/3OjJOuRQ8aI?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0","name":"My Teen Won\u2019t Go to Church","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/04\/STP-S10-EP06-My-Teen-Wont-Go-To-Church.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-04-02","description":"My Teen Won\u2019t Go to Church. This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel Join Our Mailing List Related Messages My Teen Won’t Go to Church. Sermons to help with applying and living out these biblical truths shared in today’s podcast can be watched and listened to from the following links: God’s Gift of a Godly Wife Submitting One to Another The Great Correction Time for Correction Gentleness Living for the Will of God The Beautiful Life & Marriage – Pts. 1, 2 & 3 Difficult Marriages - Pts. 1 & 2 Dealing With Disobedience in Marriage - Pts. 1 & 2 Watch this episode on Vimeo {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/my-teen-wont-go-to-church\/#arve-vimeo-39680016465fa07010fed5166505799","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/video\/396800164?h=07bb0c5857&dnt=1&app_id=122963&html5=1&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0","name":"My Teen Won\u2019t Go to Church","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/04\/STP-S10-EP06-My-Teen-Wont-Go-To-Church.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-04-02","description":"My Teen Won\u2019t Go to Church. This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Follow Us On Vimeo Listen to the Audio Podcast Subscribe on iPhone Subscribe on Android Subscribe on Spotify My Teen Won’t Go to Church This week on the Straight Truth podcast Dr. Richard Caldwell and Dr. Josh Philpot talk about the role of a parent in relating to a rebellious teenager who lives at home. Dr. Philpot tells us that a parent has written sharing that their teenage daughter refuses to come to church on Sundays. The teenager tells her parents her relationship with God is personal and that she doesn’t need to go to church to be a Christian. The parent asks how do you bring children in rebellion under your authority, and how old is too old for a parent to force their children to go to church? Dr. Caldwell says that there are two things come to mind when he hears these questions. First, the daughter is using language that reveals a lack of understanding of the gospel. He would really aim at explaining the gospel to this young person.  The statement that she makes, “my relationship with God is personal”, is not true. It is true that we each individually come to faith in Christ, and in that sense, we do have a personal relationship with God. But nowhere in the New Testament do you see people living a private, individualistic, secretive kind of relationship with God, that’s just not found in the New Testament.  The second issue, additionally, is related to the statement she makes saying, “I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian.”.  Going to Church Does Not Make You a Christian Dr. Caldwell says it is true to say that going to church does not make you a Christian. But also,

 Choosing Our Friends and Companions Wisely | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:35

This week on the Straight Truth podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and Dr. Josh Philpot discuss the issue of friendships and influence as it regards to a question submitted by a listener. Dr. Philpot tells us that the listener is a married woman seeking biblical and godly wisdom on how to best address a friendship issue she sees as potentially dangerous for her husband, their marriage, and home life. She wants to honor God concerning marital submission and at the same time desires to embrace her role as her husband’s helper. She states that her husband has begun to hang out with new friends that engage in ungodly behaviors. How can she approach this issue with her husband without usurping his role as the leader in their home? Dr. Caldwell says that as a husband’s helper, wives are absolutely obligated to raise concerns if they see their husbands headed in any direction that is dangerous to their soul, to your relationship and dangerous to your home. He tells us that this is absolutely the role of a Christian wife. 1 Peter 3 is the way wives are to address issues related to disobedient husbands. Here, God's Word encourages the wife to first set her focus on her demeanor, her own attitude, and devotion to the Lord. She is to make sure that as she addresses the issue(s), that she does so in a godly manner, desiring to be the godly helper that God has provided. She is to go forward humbly, lovingly, and patiently explaining the dangers she sees in his pursuit. Dr. Caldwell also speaks to the role of submission, reminding wives, that submission is not silence. Responsibilities That Belong to All Christians Submission is not in any way wives pushing away the responsibilities that belong to all Christians. He says the best thing we can ever do for our marriages is to live out the Christian life in our own homes. There are marital responsibilities given specifically for those who are married, but there are also commands that are given for all Christians that we need to take seriously. If we consider all the commands given, to and for 'one another' in the Bible, we will see that correction is included among them. Dr. Caldwell gently reminds us that we need to love 'one another' enough to correct each other. If we do not address these kinds of issues in our homes, that is not loving, and it is not submission. This would be a distortion of Christian love, and additionally for wives, a perversion of biblical submission. Dr. Philpot discusses the subject of how men, both young and old, sometimes have this life of hanging on to some of their past friendships, relationships, and other things as well. They sort of cling to these things neglecting to move on in maturity. Therefore, they often neglect the biblical command to cling to their wife and their marriage. He asks what can be said to men who find themselves in these kinds of positions? Dr. Caldwell reminds men, that they are to leave their father and mother. They are to cling to their wives, forming a new bond and family unit. Furthermore, this leaving also applies to your friendships. You are no longer single and no longer have the time you once had. Marriage requires devotion, there are new responsibilities that require your time, energy, effort and focus. This new relationship of marriage, to your wife, is to become your primary human relationship. Walk With Friends And Companions Who Are Godly Now having said this, Dr. Caldwell says it's not that we won't have friends as married people. He tells us that what is true for all Christians, single or married, is that we want to walk with friends and companions who are godly. We see the importance of this reflected by the Psalmist in the first Psalm. We want to walk with friends and companions who love the Lord Jesus Christ with all their hearts. We want to walk with people who are pursuing holiness in their lives,

 Why Did Jesus Preach in Parables? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:24

Why did Jesus preach in parables? Why was the meaning of them only explained to His disciples and not the crowds more generally? This appears intentional as if Jesus didn’t want them to understand what He was saying, how could this be? This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and host, Dr. Josh Philpot discuss these questions. They seek to help us understand why Jesus used parables to teach during His time here on earth and why they are helpful to believers. They also point out why we must take them seriously, and not just graze over them because we say we believe or already believe.   Dr. Caldwell says we, as believers tend to think of parables helping us get a hold of the truth. Often they involve stories that are illustrative using things we are very familiar with, therefore they do tend to be helpful. However, he explains that we have to put our feet in the shoes of those who would have first been hearing these parables. Those people would have been wondering: what does this mean and why would Jesus do this? Dr. Caldwell asks, “Why would Jesus teach in such a way that would cause people to not get the message and then go and explain it to His disciples so that they can get the message?” He points us to the Word of God and tells us that Jesus answers it. He turns to Matthew 13:10-15 for us to see what Jesus Himself has to say about it. What Christ Explains  What Christ explains in these verses, is that this manner of teaching is a form of judgment. He has spoken to these people plainly and clearly. He says that what He has given them they haven’t received, their ears are dull and their hearts are hard. Christ has said that He was willing to heal and bless them, but they would not receive it. Therefore, when He teaches in a way that only His disciples have access to it, but the rest of the crowds do not, this is just. It’s a form of demonstrating God’s judgment against people who won’t listen. But for those who do believe, those whom the Lord has saved, these parables are helpful to us as they would have been to Jesus’ disciples. Just as Jesus explained, these things mean something, they express something that we need to take seriously. It’s a dangerous thing to hear the truth and not pay attention to it. God may justly take away from you what you have because you didn’t take hold of it, you weren’t willing to hear it.   Dr. Philpot says that he has heard people say that preachers today should be preaching as Jesus preached. Some say preachers ought to be using stories and parabolic teaching. He asks Dr. Caldwell, what could he say about this? Dr. Caldwell explains that if preachers today practiced in this way with parabolic stories, they would be practicing a method of preaching that was intended to express judgment. This isn’t what you see in the New Testament. The Normal Approach that you See In the New Testament The normal approach that you see in the New Testament is expository preaching. This begins with reading the text, then explaining the text, synthesizing or summarizing the text, applying the text, exhorting people, and calling people to obey by responding to it. This is expository preaching and it is the very method Peter used on the day of Pentecost when he preached his sermon. As the preacher faithfully preaches the Word of God, it is as God making His appeal through the preacher, as he both exhorts and begs people to be reconciled to Christ. Preachers in this way are acting as both evangelists and shepherds who are feeding the flock as they teach and preach. Many other examples of this method of preaching can be found throughout the New Testament. Preaching is to be done expositorily, rather than with any imaginative or creative alteration by way of parabolic stories.   Lastly, Dr. Philpot wonders who Jesus is speaking to specifically when He says,

 Should Women Be in Combat Roles in the Military? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:38

Should Women Be in Combat Roles in the Military? | Watch This Episode on YouTube {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/should-women-be-in-combat-roles-in-the-military\/#arve-youtube-hsoztoa_8sk65fa07011c715733144619","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/HsoZtoA_8Sk?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0","name":"Should Women Be in Combat Roles in the Military?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/03\/STP-S10-EP03-Women-In-Combat.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-03-12","description":"Should Women Be in Combat Roles in the Military? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel Related Messages Should Women Be in Combat Roles in the Military? Sermons by Dr. Richard Caldwell that will help in further defining and clarifying the roles of men and women from the Scriptures may be watched or listened to from the following links: The Real War On Women What God Would Have Women to Be Living Lives That Are Pleasing to God Respecting God's Order For Men & Women Six Marks of Godly Manhood Biblical Manhood & Womanhood Series Watch this episode on Vimeo {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/should-women-be-in-combat-roles-in-the-military\/#arve-vimeo-39504358365fa07011d23c799476559","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/video\/395043583?h=bf32f4589f&dnt=1&app_id=122963&html5=1&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0","name":"Should Christians Fast?","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/03\/Fasting.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-03-04","description":"Should Christians Fast? This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Follow Us On Vimeo Listen to the Audio Podcast Subscribe on iPhone Subscribe on Android Subscribe on Spotify Should Women Be in Combat Roles in the Military? Should women be in combat roles in the military? How can the Bible help inform our response? For this or any matter how can the Bible help address any question about our culture or any other culture? This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and Dr. Josh Philpot discuss the answer to the question regarding women in combat roles through the lens of Scripture. Dr. Caldwell reminds us that this is always their approach to answering any question or topic that is presented in these weekly podcasts. They take the whole of what Scripture teaches about everything and then work to the specific issues that are discussed. There will be some issues that are directly addressed in Scripture and others that are not. As Christians, we are to see and understand the world around us through the lens of Scripture. We do this by having our minds saturated with, and informed by the Word of God. As we do this, our worldview is dictated by God's revelation. So then when we come to the things that the Bible doesn’t directly address, we still have the principles by which we can think through these issues. We are then able to go about living our lives, choosing, deciding, and giving answers in light of these truths. That’s part of what we want people to learn through this podcast, how to think biblically. Dr. Caldwell says to answer this particular question, we must take the whole of what the Bible teaches about God’s design for men and women, what He designed them to be,

 Should Christians Fast? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:50

This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and Dr. Josh Philpot discuss the practice of fasting. Dr. Philpot tells us that Jesus seemed to talk a good bit about fasting, even more so than the Apostles that came after Him. He mentions that on the Sermon of the Mount, Jesus says, “when you fast” not, 'if you fast' to His disciples but gives no instructions on when or how to fast. So he asks Dr. Caldwell should Christians fast, and if so, what are the circumstances? Dr. Caldwell says that there are times when Christians will fast, but what’s interesting is, there's no place in the Scriptures where we are commanded to fast. There are times where fasting is assumed that it will happen, but no command to fast. What he thinks we find, when looking at the New Testament, is that fasting is something that always belongs to unique circumstances. These would be times of grief and sorrow, times of devotion to the Lord, seasons where we are facing special circumstances, and so especially burdened for prayer that it’s all-consuming, resulting in a lack of desire for food. But what you don’t see presented, in these Scriptures, is fasting as a way of gaining God’s favor, getting His attention, or being done as a means of obtaining something from God. These approaches take on the aspect that we can earn something from God. Fasting is more of an expression of some extreme burden in one’s life. Dr. Caldwell shares an example from Matthew 9:14-17, where a question about fasting is put to Jesus by the disciples of John the Baptist. Fasting Comes Out of Times of Trouble Jesus answers with a question that suggests fasting comes out of times of trouble, concern, or mourning. Dr. Caldwell elaborates on this further so that we might have a clearer understanding of what is meant by Jesus’s answer. Dr. Philpot then asks if we find ourselves in dire circumstances or feel led to fast because of a big decision that needs to be made, how long should we fast, and can we fast from things other than food? Dr. Caldwell says when we do fast it will be supernaturally natural. It won’t be a question of how many days we do it. The end of our fast will come when we desire to eat. So given that it’s supernaturally natural, our desire or burden will be, overwhelmingly, to seek the face of God, and to be in His Word and before Him in prayer. It’s during this time of concentration and devotion to the Lord, that there will be things for which we have no desire or appetite. There will be things that we put away from us, and it may very well be that these are things other than food. He shares that it’s not so much about how many days or what exactly it involves. Our fasting will be a very unique circumstance, in which we are especially burdened about something, and during this time we don’t want to eat, we want to pray. He shares a couple of examples where this has been the experience of his life. Fasting In Private Dr. Philpot says that Jesus gives instructions to go about fasting in private. How should we consider this? Dr. Caldwell responds that we don’t want to go about making a show of it. He states that this should be true of prayer or anything else we do in the Christian life, as we aren’t doing these things to perform. Supernatural fasting is real, it’s a heavy burden we’re under, it’s not something we want others to know or see. We fast because it's the Lord we're seeking, and if that’s not our reason, it’s not sincere and it’s not real. Lastly, Dr. Philpot shares that he knows of people who have fasted for 40 days using Jesus’ example in the wilderness as their motivation. He asks Dr. Caldwell, what would he say about this sort of thing, or what about the classic tradition of the liturgical calendar which calls for a Lenten fast of 40 or so days? Dr. Caldwell says that he doesn’t think anyone is sinn...

 Are There Spiritual Realities at Work in Sickness and Disease? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:25

Was the demonic activity and possession during the times of Jesus's time on earth different or unique? Do demons really exist within the spiritual realm today? Are people affected by demonic influence? Can physical and mental illnesses be explained by demonic possession or influence? This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and Dr. Josh Philpot discuss the topic of demonic possession. The particular focus is on a listener's question as to how this would relate to physical and mental illness today, but also touch on demonic influence in temptation, and the inaccurate, and unhealthy focus that many have with the demonic realm. Dr. Caldwell answers the main question by the listener, in short, by saying not all sicknesses are related to demonic possession or influence. Both Dr. Philpot and Dr. Caldwell give examples from the Bible, from the Gospel of Mark, where we can read of this kind of activity taking place. Dr. Caldwell tells us it is reasonable and understandable, that when we read the New Testament, that these kinds of questions would come to our minds. Today these kinds of issues, that Jesus dealt with, would be either diagnosed as mental illnesses or some sort of physical malady. Looking at the example Dr. Caldwell shares from Mark 9:17-23, he says it is easy to think that this is epilepsy or something similar to that. He shares that what we read about in the New Testament pages of Scripture is definitely different and unique. The manifestation that is described here is most likely given to say something about Christ, more than about the demons. It’s told in such a way to make clear who Jesus was and is. That’s not to say that demons don’t exist today, they do, they are still in this world and active at this time. So some of what is being diagnosed as mental illness or even in some cases as physical problems may have a demonic connection. It is possible, we just don’t know and have no way of knowing, because there are physical problems that have nothing to do with demons as Scripture also shows. We live in bodies of flesh that are subject to sickness, illnesses, diseases, and ultimately death, due to the fall. Therefore, we should never discourage people from seeing a doctor, taking appropriate medicines and those things that are necessary to assist in remedy. What we do know as Christians, for those who already know Christ and are living for Him, is we are not demon-possessed. A Christian cannot be demon-possessed because we have the Spirit of Christ living in us. So then, if the problem were to be demonic, the answer for that person is to know Christ. It is salvation in Christ that is needed; the answer for that person is to hear, know, receive, believe, and submit to the call of the gospel. So, says Dr. Caldwell the spiritual realm is real, and demons do exist within it. People are affected by demonic influence, and it is possible that someone can be demon-possessed. But not all physical and mental illnesses are explained by demon possession or influence. He reminds us to take seriously the warnings that God has given us about our spiritual enemy. We are to do battle with the enemy but not through verbal confrontation with them. We are not given commands or instructions to interact with demons in any way! We are to take advantage of all that God has supplied us with in Christ and the Word of God. We are to battle with what God has given and directed us, our spiritual armor. We are to put it on and stand firm on the ground of the truth. Dr. Philpot and Dr. Caldwell go on to discuss satanic and demonic influence when it comes to temptation in the life of a Christian, with Dr. Caldwell saying that the Bible is gloriously vague about most of this. Yet he gives some thoughts on the subject. They also discuss the infatuation or uncanny fascination many have with latching on to ideas about demon possession, the manifestation of demons and demonic activity.

 How Much Time is Enough for Personal Bible Study? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:03

This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and Dr. Josh Philpot discuss another listener’s question. Michael wants to know how much time is enough when it comes to personal devotional time. He shares some of the things he regularly does and the approximate amount of time he spends doing them. But then shares that he sometimes feels overwhelmed by this commitment and at other times guilty, for not doing it all. He asks if this amount of time is too much, not enough or just right? Dr. Caldwell says in all honesty, he doesn’t think he can answer the question as asked, whether it’s too much, not enough or just right. He explains that this is an individual issue, each one of us having to weigh this according to our life circumstances, time available, etc. He further explains what’s important to remember is what these times of devotion are for. They are for your own personal worship, study, and growth, but also so that you will go out into the world and live it out. Individual time with the Lord is only one aspect of our Christian life. Serving Christ will look similar yet different for each individual based on where you are in life and the responsibilities you have at that time. There are all sorts of things that are addressed in the Scriptures as it relates to serving and living out our lives. The time spent during our devotional time ought to move us toward living well. The aim is to know God and to have that knowing reflected in our living. This is a way we can actually weigh our devotional time. It’s not just about tasting and receiving the knowledge, but it’s taking what we have learned and applying those truths as we go about life daily. Dr. Caldwell says he cannot definitively answer the question of how much time is right for individual devotion. However, he does say you want to think about how you spend that time, what you include in that time, and how it’s impacting your life. He believes that personal devotion time should include prayer, reading the Scriptures, thinking about the Scriptures, studying Scripture, and having a heart that is committed to living out what you’ve studied. Then as you walk throughout your day you will want to be meditating upon what you’ve read or studied. He reminds us that the Word of God is meant to be the pathway for our feet, so we don’t leave it behind when we are finished with our devotional time. We can go on worshipping and serving God wherever we are and in whatever we do because all of life is worship. Worship is acknowledging the worth of God, and He has provided a variety of ways for us to do that. Getting the daily intake of the Word of God into our lives is vital, how we do it and how long we do it will vary from person to person, and on the season of life, we are in.

 Help Me Explain The Doctrines of Grace | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:13

Help Me Explain The Doctrines of Grace | Watch This Episode on YouTube {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/help-me-explain-the-doctrines-of-grace\/#arve-youtube-matritbfxvc65fa07012cdcf474982302","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/MAtritBfXvc?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0","name":"Help Me Explain The Doctrines of Grace","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/02\/STP-S09-EP09-Grace-vs-Armenian-Theology-1.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-02-14","description":"Help Me Explain The Doctrines of Grace. This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel Related Messages Help Me Explain The Doctrines of Grace. Sermons that will help you think through this process more deeply and sermons that will help you to keep fresh in your mind the sovereignty of God can be listened to from the following links: The Sovereignty of God The Believers Response to Sovereign Grace The Knowledge Grace Brings – Prts. 1 and 2 Grace that Brings More Grace – Prts. 1 and 2 The Teaching of Salvation – Prts. 1 and 2 The Glory of God in Salvation – Prts. 1 & 2 Gentleness Watch this episode on Vimeo {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/help-me-explain-the-doctrines-of-grace\/#arve-vimeo-38704749165fa07012d8bd207462607","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/video\/387047491?h=b461184c39&dnt=1&app_id=122963&html5=1&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0","name":"Help Me Explain The Doctrines of Grace","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/02\/STP-S09-EP09-Grace-vs-Armenian-Theology-1.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-02-14","description":"Help Me Explain The Doctrines of Grace. This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Follow Us On Vimeo Listen to the Audio Podcast Subscribe on iPhone Subscribe on Android Subscribe on Spotify Help Me Explain The Doctrines of Grace This week on the Straight Truth Podcast, Dr. Richard Caldwell and Dr. Josh Philpot discuss another listener’s question. Molly writes asking for some passages of scripture and questions to ask when engaging her Arminian relatives in conversation about the doctrines of Grace. She has written that she is eager for her family to know and believe these truths; she wants them to love and submit to them as the Word of God. However, she shares that she is fearful that her zeal over her new convictions will be more of a deterrent than anything else. Dr. Philpot asks Dr. Caldwell what kind of advice can be offered and given in this situation. Dr. Caldwell assures Molly that for those of us who have come to this place of understanding and loving these doctrines, we can definitely identify with her zeal. We understand this desire for those we love to see and embrace these things for the glory of God.  It’s because of God’s glory that we are driven for Him to be in their minds and hearts as He should be. Yet what’s interesting about this is that it’s these very doctrines we have embraced that should set us free to rest in God’s sovereignty. As we go about striving to teach our family members these things, we ought to be able to rest as we present the truth, waiting and watching for His work in their lives. Dr. Caldwell suggests a way of approaching this that is more about sharing what God is doing by way of enrichment in our life,

 I Am Afraid to Share My Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:17

I Am Afraid to Share My Faith | Watch This Episode on YouTube {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/i-am-afraid-to-share-my-faith\/#arve-youtube-eeahimnr4ry65fa0701321dc308065909","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/EEAHImnr4rY?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0","name":"I Am Afraid to Share My Faith","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/02\/STP-S09-EP08-Im-Afraid-to-Share-my-Faith.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-02-06","description":"I Am Afraid to Share My Faith. This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Subscribe To Our YouTube Channel Related MessagesI Am Afraid to Share My Faith.To hear more about overcoming your fears and being a faithful witness for Christ consider listening to the following sermons from the Word of God by Dr. Richard Caldwell:Confidence In The GospelFree From The Fear of ManConfidence and ConscienceThe Attitude of a Faithful WitnessConvictions That Fuel Gospel CourageThe Assignment of a Faithful WitnessThe Ambition of a Faithful Witness - Pt. 1 & Pt. 2Answering Gospel ObjectionsChrist’s Witnesses Watch this episode on Vimeo {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/i-am-afraid-to-share-my-faith\/#arve-vimeo-38659983365fa070132c9e207947124","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/video\/386599833?h=66bbd8d7e1&dnt=1&app_id=122963&html5=1&title=1&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=0","name":"I Am Afraid to Share My Faith","thumbnailUrl":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/02\/STP-S09-EP08-Im-Afraid-to-Share-my-Faith.jpg","uploadDate":"2020-02-06","description":"I Am Afraid to Share My Faith. This topic is addressed by Dr. Richard Caldwell on the Straight Truth Podcast"} Follow Us On Vimeo Listen to the Audio Podcast Subscribe on iPhone Subscribe on Android Subscribe on Spotify I Am Afraid to Share My Faith  This week on the Straight Truth Podcast Dr. Richard Caldwell and Dr. Josh Philpot discuss another listener’s question about sharing the gospel. Dr. Philpot shares that Brenda has written saying that she has always struggled to share the gospel with others. She states that she has done it a few times but never in a direct way. She tells us that as she has examined her heart, she sees that she fears the rejection of man, she’s afraid to be offended and feels inadequate. She shares that she has a desire to share the gospel but it just seems like she can’t. She asks, ‘how can I overcome all these sins and share the gospel with boldness?’  Dr. Caldwell says it sounds like Brenda knows the answers. She has already identified that the fear of man and the fear of rejection are a big part of the problem. He tells us one of the ways that we can overcome these hindrances is by our very desire. If you desire to share the gospel and give a reason for the hope that is in you that is a great thing, now you just have to be ready to do it. But, that readiness will not come by just having all the right information. Being prepared to share is as important as having the right knowledge to share.  Something that might be helpful is to sit down with someone a little older in the Lord. Ask for help, ask about ways that they witnessed to others, ask about ways to introduce the gospel into the conversation,  and what to do if the conversation takes a wrong direction. So in your readiness and preparedness, recognizing your human weakness and frailty,


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