The Get Over Yourself Podcast show

The Get Over Yourself Podcast

Summary: Brad Kearns covers health, fitness, peak performance, personal growth, relationships, happiness, and longevity. Slow down, take a deep breath, take a cold plunge, and get over the high-stress, tightly wound approach that often leads to disappointment and burnout. Kearns, a New York Times bestselling author, Guinness World Record holder in Speedgolf, and former national champion and #3 world-ranked professional triathlete, offers a diverse and sometimes spicy mix of shows: expert guest interviews, peak performance primers, and brief “Breather” shows recapping interviews or providing quick insights and how-to tips.

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  • Artist: Brad Kearns
  • Copyright: Copyright 2019 Bradventures LLC. All rights reserved


 Amanda Renteria: California Gubernatorial Candidate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:24

One evening prior to 2018 election day, I discover an intriguing YouTube video from an unlikely candidate for the Governorship of the great nation of California. A couple weeks later, after a longshot email solicitation to her campaign office, I find myself chilling in the Silicon Valley home of the remarkable Amanda Renteria.

 Battling Phone Addiction (Breather Episode with Brad) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:26

Check out the they have great articles on assorted topics. An article by Clint Carter offers insights from eight technology leaders about how to best manage our mobile devices to minimize stress and make life more productive and relaxing. Carter makes the convincing argument that we are feeding the tech beast with our obsessive use. We must recognize that companies are working hard to get and keep us addicted.

 Andrew MacNaughton: Putting Health Number One | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:19

Andrew is an evolved coach of endurance training and life, my longtime friend and triathlon mate from the pro circuit and popular recurring guest on the Primal Endurance Podcast. Andrew had dozens of wins on the pro triathlon circuit from ’86-’93, as well as some extraordinary performances as a master, including a national XTerra triathlon title and destroying the Wildflower 50+ course record with a pro-level performance even as an old dude.

 Dr. Wendy Walsh: Evolutionary Psychology Applied To Modern Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:11

Wendy blows into the SoCal Get Over Yourself studios (aka my old childhood bedroom) and leaves a vapor trail! What a wild and fast moving show, with plenty of asides, profanity, Borat references, and Brad rapping to punctuate the conversation. Dr. Wendy Walsh is a Psychology Professor, an Award winning television Journalist, a radio host and a brand ambassador. As a Silence Breaker, she was named one of Time Magazine’s Persons of the Year.

 Deconstructing "The Ultimate Mark Sisson Interview” (Breather Episode with Brad) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:46

Enjoy some reflection inspired by my lengthy conversation with Mark Sisson. This show features extensive color commentary and outright tangents on matters relating to the big themes of Mark’s story, such as the ideals of entrepreneurism and competitive success, and how we often distort these ideas to day.

 The Ultimate Mark Sisson Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:23

Get to know Mark, his background, and his entrepreneurial spirit like never before! Mark Sisson has been a great friend and mentor of mine for 30 years. As one of the founding fathers of the primal/paleo/keto/ancestral health movement, Mark has probably been on a couple hundred podcasts, including perhaps a dozen of our own for Primal Blueprint and Primal Endurance shows (listen to the very first Primal Blueprint podcast, published December 30, 2013, where he talks about the dangers of chronic cardio.)

 The “Coconut Oil is Poison” BS (Breather Episode with Brad) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:13

Perhaps you saw the headline stories about some Harvard professor calling out coconut oil as “pure poison?” Her ridiculous lecture sound bites were seized upon by the modern media machine and turned into a salacious international news story. Predictably, folks in the primal/paleo community quickly weighed in to discredit her irresponsible comments, which are remnants from the decades of flawed conventional wisdom that issued a blanket condemnation of saturated fat as the proximate cause of heart disease

 Tennis Temper Tantrums (Breather Episode with Brad) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:15

This show is an interesting compare and contrast to my earlier breather show about the Japanese men’s World Cup soccer team, and the evolved competitive spirit of doryoku (“honor in the effort”) that is a central element of Japanese sports culture.

 Dr. Elisha Goldstein: Mindfulness in the Age of Distractibility and Hyper-connectivity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:19

Dr. Goldstein stops us distracted, social media addicted humans in our tracks and rock our world! We all know the dangers and drawbacks of hyper-connectivity and distractibility, and our diminishing focus and mindfulness in hectic modern life, but we seem to be collectively shrugging our shoulders, complaining a bit here and there, and carrying on, glued to our devices.

 Mia Moore: Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:19

I welcome Mia Moore to the studio for her first show, appropriate being that the Get Over Yourself Northern California studios are located in her house! (SoCal studios are at my mom and dad’s in case you are curious). Mia is seen by many, or at least and perhaps most importantly by Brad, as an ideal relationship partner. Hence we aspire to have her as a recurring guest to talk about healthy relationship dynamics and strategies.

 Personal Advice That Makes Me Want to Gag and Some Cool Stuff (Breather Episode with Brad) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:16

I complain about the trend of overused, over-glorified peak performance tips and tricks. How about this one: "Making your bed could change your life and increase productivity 10x!" We get the spirit of the idea - that doing proactive stuff builds focus and discipline. Do we really need to exaggerate it to the level of a life-changing habit? Además, research suggests that making your bed can trap microbes and pollutants all day, which is why many European cultures frequently leave the covers off all day

 Brian MacKenzie: Power, Speed, Endurance Guru | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:42

Brian is co-author of Power, Speed, Endurance, and the New York Times bestseller, Unbreakable Runner. As founder of the CrossFit Endurance movement, Brian gained notoriety for challenging the conventional endurance wisdom of a mileage obsessed, “more is better” approach. Brian’s comprehensive program blending traditional aerobic mileage with varied forms of explosive strength training, flexibility/mobility work, breath work and recovery has busted the boundaries and barriers of the old school approach

 Relationship Advice Tidbits (Breather Episode with Brad) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:42

I offer up memorable nuggets from some of the world’s leading relationship experts, including John Gottman, Harville Hendricks, and Esther Perel. When in conflict, call to mind the acronym WAIT: “Why Am I Talking?!” Understand Gottman’s profound assertion that at all times in relationship interactions, you are either operating as a team or not a team. There is no gray area. Even if the issue is, “hey, you’re kinda being a jerk right now,” this issue can be addressed and solved as a team.

 Brad Kearns: Cold Water Therapy (Breather Episode with Brad) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:03

Welcome to a detailed account of the benefits, rationale and how-to instructions for the fabulous health regimen of cold water therapy. As you may know from watching my soon-viral YouTube video, I am big into his daily morning and evening chest freezer cold plunge regimen, for a variety of reasons detailed in the show.

 Elle Russ: A Journey of Healing, Health and Helping Others | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:26:05

In this wide ranging and surprisingly vulnerable interview at Elle’s top secret crib/film and recording studio in the Santa Monica mountains, Elle describes the unlikely journey to her current position as a thyroid expert and health author, coach, and speaker.


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