Date Smarter, Not Harder! show

Date Smarter, Not Harder!

Summary: Ms. HeartBeat (Deborrah Cooper), a social researcher, dating expert, author and advice columnist, serves as producer and host of The Date Smarter, Not Harder Relationships Talk Show. With almost 20 years of relationship industry experience, Ms. HeartBeat provides reliably witty, often hilarious and informative advice about modern dating issues. She is the author of the Top Black Books of 2007 Award Winning guide to modern dating: "Sucka Free Love - How to Avoid Dating The Dumb, The Deceitful, The Dastardly, The Dysfunctional & The Deranged", "24 Types of Suckas to Avoid" and "The Black Church...Where Women Pray and Men Prey!" Order your copies on Amazon.Com. Join Deborrah and exciting guests as they discuss a wide variety of relationships based subject matter on Sunday nights at 6:30 p.m. (PST).

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  • Artist: Ms HeartBeat
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Why Men With No Game Fail With Women | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

The so-called "good men" complain that women choose style over substance and prefer players. At least the playa steps up! Even if he just wants to play he presents himself with energy and charisma while the 'men of substance' just stand around too scared to approach or speak up, then they get angry and want to condemn women for being with "the wrong man." Did you ever consider that maybe you "good men" need to tighten up your game? Maybe you would have gotten picked too if you had approached instead of sitting back on your butt waiting for a woman to approach YOU. Deborrah and a panel of female guests lay it down for men confused about what to say when approaching a woman and how to say it to get results.

 Dating in 2010... Should Women Ask Men Out ? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

When is it right for a woman to ask a man out on a date? Are there circumstances where it is a good thing to do, and others where she should slow her roll? What are the pros and cons of a woman initiating a relationship with an eligible male? Should modern women sit back and wait for the man to approach, or should she take the bull by the horns and ask out a man she is interested in? What is your take on single women being the initiator asking men out on dates?

 Sexually Confident Women Scare Men | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Are men afraid of the sexually confident woman that doesn't care about their labels? Do men feel a loss of control over a woman that laughs at their condemnation and attempts to limit her sexual freedom? What's your take on why so many men are prone to call the sexually free woman some really nasty names? Charles J. Orlando, the author of "The Problem With Women... is Men! The Evolution of a Man's Man to a Man of Higher Consciousness" joins us. Let's talk about men, women, male socialization regarding female sexuality and sexual double stereotypes which makes men champs and women skanks for the same behaviors. Call into the show by dialing 347-327-9215.

 Gender Wars - Emotional Women vs Logical Men? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Is it true that women are more emotional than men, or is it that men are just as if not more emotional than women - guys just don't feel comfortable with their emotions and try to deny having them! Dr. Joyce Morley-Ball guests and provides insight into the psychology of both men and women. Let's talk about which gender is truly the most logical and which has the greatest number of emotional responses in daily life. Call into 347-327-9215!

 If He Really Loved Me Why Did He Cheat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

The recent spate of celebrity relationships destroyed by adultery has turned the nation's eye on infidelity. Women that are stunningly attractive, sexy, madly in love with their husbands, successful and intelligent are STILL the victims of cheating men. How can a woman know in advance if her man is the "cheating type" before she gets too deeply involved? Is leaving a cheater always the best thing to do? Is there any way to "cheat proof" your relationship? Dr. Catherine Cardinal, author of "Men to Run From So You Can Find the Right One to Run To!" returns to the show to share her insight into the reasons for cheating, how it destroys relationships, and what we can do to prevent cheating in our own lives.

 Can Abused Children Have Healthy Relationships? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Dr. Nancy B. Irwin is a psychologist and clinical therapeutic hypnotist in private practice in Los Angeles. She co-leads group therapy sessions for sex offenders, and is also a busy speaker for Children of the Night (a shelter for sexually abused children in Southern California), and RAINN (the Rape and Incest National Network). Tonight she discusses with us the many challenges faced by childhood victims of sexual abuse in forming healthy bonds and relationships in adulthood and how both victims and perpetrators can turn around their lives. Please join us for an important discussion on a sensitive subject which affects millions of Americans.

 Relationship Problems Caused by Sexual Imagery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Whether in books, films or on the Internet, repeated exposure to sexual imagery has devastated millions of relationships and the self-esteem of both the addicts and their partners. What is the reason some people become addicted to p-o-r-n to the point they are unable to function with a partner unless they get their fix? Is there a way out? Wendy Maltz, LCSW, DST is a sex and relationship therapist and national expert on sexual addiction. Please join us for an important discussion on a growing problem. Call in with your questions or comments - 347-327-9215.

 Isadora Alman: Intimacy, Sexuality and Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Syndicated sex and relationship columnist Isadora Alman, MFT (Ask Isadora), sits in with us tonight to discuss the importance of good communication both in and out of bed, and what we can do to improve communication with our partners and thus improve our sex lives. Isadora is a board certified sexologist, a California licensed therapist, and the author of "Doing It - Real People Having Really Good Sex" a collection of sexy suggestions and helpful hints on relationships and sex from column readers and Forum members. Her "ASK ISADORA" advice column has appeared in newspapers around the world for more than 25 years. She is in private practice and consults locally here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Call with your questions about developing intimacy and improving your relationship communication at 347-327-9215.

 Miss Lady Can I Talk To You For a Minute? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Ladies, how do you feel about a guy trying to "holla" while you are walking down the street or in other public places? You're minding your own business then suddenly you've been intercepted and bombarded with conversation and questions. Do you see this type of thing as flattering attention or a nuisance from some sucka that looked at your ass and decided he wants to get some of it? Guys, have you ever done that type of thing? If so, what was your approach? What type of man from the male perspective tries to pick up women on the street anyway? What did you think about the women that responded either positively or negatively? Let's discuss the pros and cons of picking women up on the street, and the caveats/warnings for women of allowing themselves to be picked up.

 Dating and Dollars - What Makes Cents? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:30:00

Tonight's discussion revolves around the importance of money in dating and mate selection. We'll look into female expectations with regards to a male's financial stability and his suitability as a boyfriend or husband. Is love better if you have money in your pocket or does not matter? Would you date someone that was "between jobs", or that made much less money than you? Do you adhere to the belief that you can fall in love with someone rich just as easily as you can someone that is broke! Do you believe in the saying "ain't no romance without finance?" Let's talk about it! The call-in number is 347-327-9215.

 Dead End Relationships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Discussion of relationships between mismatched couples that have no real future. Why do so many singles involve themselves in relationships that are basically a waste of time, providing nothing but emptiness, distance, stress, loneliness and sometimes even abuse? For more information on this topic, read 10 Early Warning Signs of a Dead-End Relationship by advice columnist Deborrah Cooper.

 Sex Addiction - Reality or Excuse for Bad Behavior? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Tiger Woods is being treated for it, as well as dozens of other celebrity married men caught with their pants down. Is "sex addiction" real or an excuse cheaters use to avoid taking responsibility for their greed and lack of commitment? Guest experts include Catherine Cardinal, Ph.D. who says "Sex addiction is used as an excuse to let men who live in the lifestyles of the rich and famous cheat on their wives. Why do these women really believe their husbands? Will Tiger Woods go back to cheating on his wife in a couple of months/years?" Tanja Diamond, is a Tantra teacher and Sexual Intimacy expert, who believes ignorance in the bedroom destroys more than relationships. Boring sex leads to depression, divorce, lawsuits, broken homes, careers lost, and poor self image. She states "Cinderella is contributing to infidelity and divorce." Please join us for this important discussion on commitment, cheating and compulsive behaviors by cheating men.

 Your Man is Cheating on You! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Get a clue, your man is cheating on you! Tonight we will focus on the things men do to set up a situation which makes it easy for them to cheat. We'll also uncover how cheaters get away with it, signs a man is either thinking about cheating or actually doing it, signs women usually overlook, signs which reveal the identity of the other woman, and how a wife or girlfriend should handle cheating behaviors. Guest expert is Ruth Houston, author of "Is He Cheating on You? 829 Tell-Tale Signs" which is the result of nine years of research on infidelity.

 Blind Dating Pros and Cons | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Joining us tonight to discuss the ups and downs and particulars of the scary "blind date" is Megan Carson. Megan Carson, author of A Year of Blind Dates: A Single Girl’s Search for "The One" (Regal Books), knows all too well the fears and anxiety of blind dating, after she spent an entire year going on one blind date after another. With a light-hearted narrative and anecdotes, Carson shares her personal experiences to help other women recognize their own relationship standards. Learn to identify the personality of blind dates, such as "Bachelor Blake," "Miguel the Matador," "Penthouse Pete" and "Humanistic Henry." Call in at 347-327-9215.

 Are You Happy Being Single or Not? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

Not everyone is meant to be in a partnership, and some people relish their freedom and single-ness. If you're happy being single, clap your hands! But if you are looking for a partner and unsure about what you are doing wrong, we have suggestions for you as well. Joining me tonight is Daniela Koenig, M.A., a certified Relationship Coach and workshop facilitator. Daniela supports singles in recognizing and overcoming old relationship patterns that might be standing in the way of them attracting their life partner.


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