The Chris LoCurto Show show

The Chris LoCurto Show

Summary: Chris has a heart for changing lives by leading people to greater perspective, and helping them to discover the life and business that they really want. Decades of life and leadership development experience, as well as running multi-million dollar businesses, has helped him become an expert in business and leadership, personality styles, and communication. On this weekly podcast, Chris becomes your personal life and leadership coach, giving you the tools and insight you need in order to succeed! To learn more, head over to today!

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 491 | Risks & Rewards: Communication | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1998

How would you rate yourself as a communicator on a scale of 1 to 10?Most of the time, leaders and their teams think they’re doing just fine. However, most are seriously mistaken!After a careful assessment of team dynamics and interpersonal communication among leaders and team members, we discover time after time that quality communication is missing.High levels of quality communication can be your team’s greatest asset, while the lack of this kind of communication - at high levels - can absolutely be your greatest liability. There’s just no way around it. The number #1 issue that we see holding leaders and teams back from greater unity and greater growth is a LACK of high quantities of high quality communication. There are several reasons that leaders tend to get held back in this area: things like fear, anxiety, stress, poor processes and time management being among the top contenders. Communication, we discover, is also a risky business. There are so many things that can go wrong, including losing face as a leader or followers getting offended. So, how do we manage the Risks and Rewards of communication?On today’s show, we’re going to take a deeper look at communication, and try to solve this dilemma for leaders and team members alike. It’s worth the effort, I promise you.Greater unity, growth, and job satisfaction are just some of the rewards waiting for you!I hope you enjoy this episode!Grace and peace,Chris

 490 | Why Can’t I Just Cope? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1962

How do you know if your coping skills are actually helping you in life or holding you back?There are different kinds of coping skills or strategies. For example, some focus on emotions, some on problems, some help us to disconnect from stressful circumstances, and others are basically social or religious support systems. And these things aren’t bad, I mean, they might actually help you to get you through a crisis or two… but are they a good long-term strategy? Well, not if they don’t address the problem! While they might help us to feel better in the short run, masking our real feelings and emotions does little to empower us to understand what’s happening (and why) in the long run.Think about it. Counting to ten, taking a walk in a park, stopping a moment to pray, and even cleaning or organizing a messy room may help us avoid lashing out in anger or breaking down in tears. But if that’s all we’re doing, then we’re not actually dealing with the underlying cause.On today’s episode, I sit down with Brian as he asks the question, “Why can’t I just cope?” An honest question, especially when so many people are feeling triggered and traumatized.Coping is like wearing designer eyeglasses, instead of getting the corrective surgery you need. It may feel cool or attract some attention, but if it doesn’t actually fix the problem, then it’ll keep manifesting and get worse over time, leading you to use other coping skills or even vices. Hope you enjoy this important episode!Grace and peace,Chris

 489 | Developing Your Personal Growth Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1734

You were created to grow, thrive, and flourish. You weren’t created to barely get by, wander aimlessly through life, or just maintain the status quo. In fact, that’s contrary to your very design!In fact, when we’re not doing what we’re created to do, fulfilling our God-given purpose and growing into what He created us to be, then we’ll have a hard time enjoying life to its fullest.Viktor Frankl said, When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure. But, that pleasure is often temporary, and serves only to distract us from purpose.But things like joy, fulfillment, and growth are not necessarily easy to find. In fact, obtaining a deep sense of purpose takes time: it takes deliberate effort and developmental growth.Today, we want to dig into the soil of one of your core needs: to grow, thrive, and flourish as God created you to. And the story of our growth as human beings began in a garden, long ago.In that garden, God gave Adam and Eve work to do, things to enjoy, as well as things to avoid. Gardens are messy and take time to cultivate, but there are rich rewards for those who do it!John Maxwell says, Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow is going to get better. We can probably say this too: if we choose not to grow, then we’re guaranteed nothing will get better!So, join me in doing the hard work of developing your personal growth mindset!Enjoy today’s episode,Chris

 488 | Leaving Your Job: The Right Way, The Right Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1920

Should I stay or should I go? That can be a loaded question when it comes to employment.It’s no secret, transitions are stressful, especially when looking to change jobs. And, knowing how to leave a dead-end job, the right way and at the right time, can be a real challenge.Statistically, this is one of the most pressing questions in today’s workplace. However, with so many jobs available, how do you know when to make a change or even if you should?Where I live, in Middle Tennessee, there are wanted signs everywhere I look. And, I don't mean a search for on-the-run criminals, haha! I’m talking about employers ready to hire workers!On the podcast today, I want to walk you through a process of assessment of yourself, as well as your situation, in order to accurately discern if you’re ready for this kind of transition.You don’t have to stay stuck in a role or at a company where you don’t fit, and now may be the perfect time to prepare yourself for what’s coming up next in life. Let’s get to work!Enjoy today’s episode, Chris

 487 | Why Character Counts (and why it gets discounted) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1490

Today we’re learning why character counts, and why it gets discounted so quickly. In modern culture, character is one of the last virtues to get noticed, even though it's responsible for the rise (and fall) of many. From preachers to politicians to parents and business CEOs, character matters.Without character you won’t last, but that’s not to say that it’s the easier path. Far from it. The road to character is an upward climb; it’s the narrower path, the one less traveled. And yet, it’s the surest way to longevity and, quite frankly, sanity in a world gone mad.Character is like the DNA coding of your unique soul. Your mind, will, and emotions are all responsible for contributing to and creating the components of your character.Around here, we like to say that character is who you are when no one else is looking. And while that’s true, it also bleeds into everything else that you say and do, regardless of who’s around. Whether you know that someone’s watching you or not, your character is hard at work.Character is who you are - the real you - deep down to your core. It’s arguably the most important asset in your life. It’s a treasure to be guarded and a garden to be cultivated.Your character determines how you are likely to speak, act, and behave …And those words, attitudes, and actions ultimately determine the results you get out of life. Character largely determines and becomes part of your destiny. So, let’s dive into why character counts, why it gets discounted, and what you can do about it!I hope you enjoy this episode!Grace and peace,Chris

 486 | Risks & Rewards: Accountability | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2482

Have you ever felt a slight hesitation before confronting a team member, coworker, or even a family member on a goal that they set or a commitment that they made? I think we all have. What’s that tinge of uncertainty or anxiety pointing us to? It’s probably something from our Root System that’s afraid of a negative outcome, the possibility of conflict, or something worse.And while we’ve all seen it abused, when we truly understand what real accountability is, it can become something that’s helpful, healthy, and even life-giving. It’s necessary for growth!On today’s podcast, I want to take a deep dive into the Risks and Rewards of holding others accountable. Now, let me clarify what I mean by “holding others accountable”. This is so important to understand: accountability means lovingly helping others to succeed. That’s it. Not as heavy as you thought, right? That’s because we’ve all got examples in our lives when others held us accountable, but their intentions were… well, neither loving nor helpful.But, if you get this concept, it could be a game changer in your business and your personal life. Lovingly helping others to succeed is one of the greatest keys to success a leader can learn.I hope you enjoy this episode!Grace and peace,Chris

 485 | Three Rules For Changing Your Financial Trajectory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3160

Feeling stuck or out of control with your finances? You’re not alone. That’s why these three rules for changing your financial trajectory are so important.When you really think about it, what do you imagine is currently holding you back from reaching your desired financial destination? Is it that debt that you just can’t seem to get rid of? Do you feel like you never get the traction that you need towards your goals?Is it that dreaded budget conversation with a spouse or business partner that you just don’t want to have? Don’t let a sense of helplessness or hopelessness keep you from making the changes necessary to change the direction of your finances! Whatever’s holding you back, I promise you that there’s a way through the decision-making maze to get you where you want to go. Sometimes, a little nudge can go a long way towards making that dream a reality. On today’s show, Joel, Brian, and I discuss three rules to help nudge you - or push if necessary - to help you get unstuck and on your way today.Enjoy this episode, Chris

 484 | Limiting Factors: Are Processes Holding Your Capacity Captive? P2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 930

You’ve probably encountered a roadblock like this before. The person on the other end of line or behind the plexiglass partition, a person responsible for “serving customers” and resolving problems, says something to the effect of “No ma’am, I’m sorry, that’s just not our policy, or I can’t help you with that, or no we don’t do it that way.”Whatever happened to the idea of customer service? It can easily get limited by processes.You likely didn’t feel well served or like your problem was addressed at that moment. In general, businesses offer products and/or services that help to resolve the problems of others. They try to make their lives better, easier, and more enjoyable. But, it doesn’t always work out that way.Sometimes we encounter the policies, procedures, and processes of businesses that make them unable to provide the resolve that we’re after. We can feel stuck and even out of control. Maybe we end up frustrated, with no one to appeal to. And what comes next is less than ideal.Then we’ll likely try to avoid using their product or service again as a way of avoiding frustration.Now, let’s turn this table around and change our perspective a bit. Where are your business policies, practices, or procedures holding your capacity captive? One of the biggest reasons that businesses get blocked is that their own processes are limiting their growth and capacity.It’s time to take a good look at how unhealthy policies could be holding your capacity captive.I hope you enjoy this episode!Grace and peace,Chris

 483 | Limiting Factors: Are Processes Holding Your Capacity Captive? P1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1432

When’s the last time you came across a really well-oiled machine?Well, you might not have even known it was there! Yup, and that’s kind of the point. Processes blending seamlessly into the structure that they serve and support is a beautiful thing.It’s really only when we run into a process that’s out of date or out of touch that we recognize there’s something that’s wrong with the picture. In today’s episode, we want to talk about the positive side of processes, the side that has the potential to catapult your business forward.If information and communication are the central nervous system of your organization, then process and procedure are its spine, giving it structure and stability.We create and implement processes in our businesses that give form and structure, but also extend the capacity of our team! At the same time, we scrutinize these processes relentlessly as soon as they stop delivering the results that we want!Here’s the deal: all things change, your clients’ needs change, your team members change, etc.Process gives form and structure to your organization, but they must remain flexible.Let’s take a look at how healthy processes could help your business scale to success!Enjoy today’s episode!Grace and peace,Chris

 482 | How Not To Take Things Personally | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1629

Look, don’t take this personally, ok?Sounds like good advice, right? But how many times have you been able to follow it? We tend to look at things that are going on around us as if they're actually happening to us.When we're struggling, we can be pretty quick to be the victim, and slow to take responsibility.To make matters worse, there are all kinds of things from our past, buried in our Root System, that come to the surface whenever we’re “triggered”. Instantly, a specific trauma or situation from our past is relived. Have you ever taken criticism poorly, and then had one or more of these reactions?Your self-worth felt jeopardizedYou retreated into victim mentalityYou held onto it like it was an insultFelt like your character was being attackedYour mind couldn’t let it go. And why is that?Taking things personally creates a negative feedback loop that’s tough to break out of.Ideally, we should take a more objective stance; one that’s open-hearted and appropriate to whatever situation we find ourselves in. However, our knee-jerk reaction is spontaneous, and usually an under or over reaction. What if we could respond in a healthier way?How can we learn to NOT take things personally, and instead keep a steady balance, an open mind, and an objective perspective? Today, I want to tackle this topic with you.Grace and peace, Chris

 481 | How Not To Take Work Home With You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1796

Ever get the feeling that your workload is following you home at the end of the day? It might even take on a presence, like a little lost puppy. And if you decide to feed it, oh geez, you might never get rid of it! Taking your work home from the office can quickly get out of control.Nowadays, it takes discipline and intentionality to separate yourself from your work, especially if your work is done at your home office. I mean, it’s hard to find the boundaries, determine the cut off point, and find space to actually disconnect and rest.Whether or not you have the luxury of a traditional commute to and from your workplace, technology makes it all too easy to blur the lines between the home and office.Meanwhile, your mental and physical health can suffer, relationships get taxed, and stress levels on all sides of the equation can start to rise.Borders and boundaries can be incredibly helpful in identifying where work and home begin and end, but the reality is that these two often overlap. Definition and clarity are essential skills, especially for you business owners!On today’s episode, I sat down with Brian to answer the question of how NOT to take your work home with you. I’ll give you a spoiler though, there are no quick fixes here!Depending on your personality type, family situation, your role at work, etc. there can be many strings attached to this question. So, give a listen as we help you to separate who you are from what you do.Enjoy today’s episode, Chris

 480 |What Happens When Leaders Train Their Teams Well? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 522

Wanted: looking for someone to lead a confident, creative, and highly effective team of people. Would you apply for that job? Well, you can actually have that kind of a team, as well as other tangible and measurable benefits, but you just have to do one thing to get it. Leaders who train their teams well, investing time and resources, reap the rewards!People are your greatest asset as a leader, and the role of the leader is to lead your team to success, not the other way around. So, why do so many leaders struggle here?Oh there’s a whole list of reasons… From time crunches to Crazy Cycles, from misplaced priorities to misallocated resources, we’ve heard it all when leading leaders and business owners through their strategic planning event in our offices. And it’s painful to see them stuck!I can tell you that most leaders struggle with pushing through this barrier, and rarely get to see what’s on the other side, without some outside help. But until they start training their teams well, they’ll never get to the kind of scalability and strategic execution that’s possible for their business.Maybe it’s not your team that’s holding you and your business back after all. Find out what happens when leaders train their teams well on today’s episode!Grace and peace,Chris

 479 | Can Someone Be Both Submissive And Controlling? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2120

We’ve probably all felt that tension in a relationship at least once, right? Someone appears to be calm and agreeable, and yet they’re trying to control you or the situation at the same time. In fact, if we’re honest, we’ve even been that person!Well, we’ve had this question pop up from time to time, and so we wanted to tackle it head on: can someone be both submissive and controlling at the same time? Yes, absolutely.There’s some frustration here, agitation, and maybe even a little manipulation. I mean, people are people, we’re all human, and at times we can get a little controlling and self-centered. Healthy roles with accountability are life-giving and will help us avoid getting stuck relationally!So, we want to be able to recognize this activity, identifying it even in ourselves, so that we can respond to it maturely, with humility and respect, safeguarding ourselves and the relationship. If we’re successful here in bringing balance and proper alignment to our relationships, we’ll enjoy fewer breakdowns, more harmony, and even more happiness with others. I hope you enjoy this episode!Grace and peace,Chris

 478 | What Happens When Leaders Love What They Do? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1679

Can you tell the difference between someone who’s truly passionate about their work and someone who’s just putting in the hours, passing time, and waiting for the weekend?Well, of course you can! And so can your team members.Maybe you don’t love every little task that you do, but there are probably things that you do enjoy, that are fulfilling, and that no one else can do quite like you can. King Solomon, often referred to as the wisest man who ever lived, explained God’s plan for mankind engaging the work that He’s given them to do… and actually enjoying it!“God gives people the ability to enjoy the wealth and property He gives them, as well as the ability to accept their state in life and enjoy their work.” (Ecclesiastes 5)Have you ever felt a tension around accepting and enjoying your work? If you’re struggling in your role or with your tasks, then there are going to be negative signs that others can see and feel.On the other hand, leaders who love to show up everyday, who give themselves to what they’re doing, and who embrace their jobs wholeheartedly will create a truly wonderful workplace.Today, you’ll discover what happens when leaders love what they do. Enjoy this episode!Grace and peace,Chris

 477 | What Always Having To Be Right Says About You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1844

How far would you go to prove your point or to make sure others know that you’re right?Sometimes, we can get caught up in needle-point precision, focusing on technicalities and useless facts, all the while losing touch with what really matters. It’s easy to lose sight of the forest because of the trees. But, why do we do this?We try so hard to convince the other person that we knew in advance, that we were right, and that they were wrong. But, what exactly did we gain, and what were we trying to win anyway?Well, maybe we didn’t win at all; maybe we lost something. Dale Carnegie said You can't win an argument. You can't because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it. In other words, whether we succeed in proving our point or not, the people that we’re validating ourselves to can feel unloved, shut down, and unvalued when we do this.So, what exactly is it that we’re trying to do by being right all the time, and what does that say about what’s going on inside of us?If you’ve ever found yourself trying just a little too hard to press your point, be heard, or to be believed, then this episode may just help to change all that! Living a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life is just ahead of you. Today we’ll untangle what always having to be right says about you. Grace and peace,Chris


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