The Chris LoCurto Show show

The Chris LoCurto Show

Summary: Chris has a heart for changing lives by leading people to greater perspective, and helping them to discover the life and business that they really want. Decades of life and leadership development experience, as well as running multi-million dollar businesses, has helped him become an expert in business and leadership, personality styles, and communication. On this weekly podcast, Chris becomes your personal life and leadership coach, giving you the tools and insight you need in order to succeed! To learn more, head over to today!

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 446 | Replenishing Your Leadership Toolkit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1912

Do you ever feel like you're just trying to keep up with the speed of tasks and "fires" that come your way? Or the number of decisions you have to make every day?This is no way for a leader to live! It's critically important for leaders to get out of, what we call, "The Leadership Crazy Cycle," so they have more time to concentrate and lead people to success in their roles.Leaders who have TIME to lead move businesses forward!Get your free assessment tool that we’ve developed to help leaders like you determine their current state of health as it pertains to the Leadership Crazy Cycle.As you listen to today's episode we go over the 3 tools that every leader must replenish to further grow and succeed!

 445 | Personal Responsibility (In The Age of Entitlement) Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1451

Today’s episode is part 2 of "Personal Responsibility in the Age of Entitlement".We’re going over how to change your inner dialog, complain less, and move towards taking responsibility for everything that we have control over in our lives!So while you listen today, think about what Jordan Peterson says, "Treat yourself like someone you’re responsible for helping."

 444 | Personal Responsibility (In The Age of Entitlement) Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1799

Our theme for the month is Personal Responsibility, and today we’re focusing on how entitlement can easily make us play the role of victims and refuse to accept responsibility for our lives and actions.The person with a sense of entitlement believes: everything that happens should somehow benefit them. Anything unfavorable or unfortunate that happens in life is happening “to” them.The person with a sense of responsibility believes: it’s their duty to deal with whatever comes up, to be accountable, and to accept all of the consequences of their own actions.On today’s episode, we’re going to dive into a topic that I think is very important for the times that we’re living in. Especially, if you’re younger than 40 years old, this could be vital to you!

 443 | 3 Ways To Avoid Mission Drift Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1819

Today's episode is part 2 of "3 Ways to Avoid Mission Drift". This week we continue with what happens when you've found yourself drifting away from your mission and how to get out of that "crazy cycle". It’s ok to force a culture of accountability if you want to avoid drift.Part of forcing culture is teaching your team what is right. Learn how to rehearse your vision with your team. If you don’t catch your team doing it right, they’ll forget what right is. Catch them doing it right, rehearse it, reinforce it, help them memorize it, never forget it.Leaders must lead to the destination they want to go.Make every decision count.Stay accountable to the mission.Reinforce your very best practices.Listen now to be sure you're still heading in the direction of your original mission and not experiencing mission drift!

 442 | Navigating Life With Courage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1588

Navigating Life with CourageYou’ve got clarity on your purpose and who you are in life, but what now?Learn how to maintain your course with confidence!Today we dive into the three keys to courage in times of trial.• Take courage- You can choose to be discouraged when setbacks come,or you can choose the courage to move forward with confidence.-Anonymous• Follow your instruments- Find out what instruments God has given you to help you navigate through life.• Refuse to get off course- you’ve got to refuse to get distracted from your goal and destination!We have all faced trials through life and business but I would like to help guide you on how to not only make it through these difficulties but to do so without fear, and even rejoicing!

 441 | 3 Ways To Avoid Mission Drift Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2938

Have you ever found yourself drifting away from your mission? Where you're just trying to survive the "crazy cycle"?It's easy to get off track and "drift" from your original plan and purpose.Drifting happens one decision at a time and eventually, your decisions start to drift away from the direction you had set.We decide our way into drift and we can decide our way out of it...Today we dive into these 3 ways to avoid drifting away from your original vision:• Decision making• Constant accountability• Rehearsing VisionLife and business can get messy! Learn to recognize the signs of falling back into old patterns that do not serve your mission.

 440 | Charting Your Course With Clarity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1266

Many leaders stumble and fall because of dis-ordered lives, but God wants us to live well-ordered lives.What do you need to do and/or change today, in order to gain perspective and clarity?Beginning with a goal or purpose in life is a great start but in order to discover your purpose you must know who you are at your core.Today we go through the 4 important questions to ask yourself for more clarity on who you are before leading others.

 439 | How Transformative Is Purpose? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1671

You are not here by accident! You were created on purpose for a purpose!Making sure you have a a clear purpose might be just what you need to propel you to the next level in life and business.In this episode, we discuss the path of finding out what that purpose is, and how it will help launch you into your potential.We also go over what type of effects may occur in your life when you do not have a clear purpose.Find out today how to set clear goals that will lead to obtaining your personal mission statement and learn how to overcome obstacles along the way.

 438 | Cultivating Real Communication, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1261

What’s the number one obstacle that I see when it comes to personal relationships?You guessed it, bad communication. That’s why we revisit this subject so often, because it’s something we have to continually work on. Cultivating healthy communication is a lot like gardening; no matter how much time and attention we invest in the garden of our communication, we’ll always have to deal with the weeds that easily and frequently crop up. There are habits, or learned behaviors, that we all have that can get in the way of real communication. Simple things that you may not even realize you’re doing can choke the information you’re sending or receiving!On today’s podcast, we’ll dig into the garden and discuss three of the most common weeds that we find choking our communication with others.

 437 | Pause and Reflect Episode: Choosing Our Influences | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3215

What are the influences that you're currently choosing in your life?You know, we all have various influences that are currently at work in our lives, shaping our thought patterns, habits and behaviors, and ultimately our character. The tricky part can be discerning the effect they’re having on us, and what to do about them!The theme for the month of September has been influence, and in this final episode of the month (wrapping up the 3rd Quarter of 2021) the coaches get together to reflect on the influences that they’ve allowed in their lives - delving deep into both the positive and the negative effects of those choices.The good news is that we can accept or reject the influences in our lives, it's a powerful choice. I hope this episode helps you to choose wisely!

 436 | Cultivating Real Communication Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1377

What’s the number one obstacle that I see when it comes to personal relationships?You guessed it, bad communication. That’s why we revisit this subject so often, because it’s something we have to continually work on. Cultivating healthy communication is a lot like gardening; no matter how much time and attention we invest in the garden of our communication, we’ll always have to deal with the weeds that easily and frequently crop up. There are habits, or learned behaviors, that we all have that can get in the way of real communication. Simple things that you may not even realize you’re doing can choke the information you’re sending or receiving!On today’s podcast, we’ll dig into the garden and discuss three of the most common weeds that we find choking our communication with others.

 435 | How Influence Shapes Character | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2071

We talk an awful lot about leadership in-person with our clients and on this podcast, and that’s for good reason. Leadership is a major form of influence in our modern world!As leaders, we’re interested in helping to shape and impact others in a positive way.Think about this as a parent. You exert “influence” on your kids, because you want to train them well and prepare them for life; you want them to have a good future. But, when you think about it, there are many different kinds of influences in our lives. Some are positive and some, well, maybe aren’t so positive.In today's episode, I want to discuss those other influences that are already at work in our lives. What are some of the forces that currently have sway; what’s forming us, our thoughts, our behavior and our character either positively or negatively?P.S. I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject. Feel free to leave a comment on the podcast platform you’re listening from!

 434 | How Challenges Promote Growth Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1824

What’s your knee jerk reaction when facing discomfort or pain? If you’re like most people, it’s to seek to avoid pain and seek comfort. But, that could be the very thing holding you back from growing deeper roots and producing sweeter fruit. It tends to be the hardships in life that either make us or break us. But, focus for a second on that first part. That tough break in life could make all the difference to you achieving the destiny that God has called you to. How is that?Most people don’t understand that uncomfortable challenges are the very things that prepare us for our future. Discomfort is the “training course” of life, and without difficulty and pain we’ll rarely find the opportunity to really grow!This week we continue our discussion of how pain prepares us for our destiny. In particular, you’ll discover three tips on how to respond to and get the most out of discomfort in your life.

 433 | How Challenges Promote Growth Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1360

It’s a little counterintuitive to think that the things currently causing us pain or stress in life could actually be working in our favor. I mean, we generally tend to avoid discomfort, rather than embracing it, am I right?Well, let’s spin that around a bit. Lots of people pay good money every month to go to a gym where they workout, sweat, toil, have to endure hardships, and for what? Because they know that where there’s “no pain”, there’s “no gain”!In today’s podcast, we’re going to dig down into what’s to be gained, and we’ll discover how to turn the tables on our discomfort. Here’s what C.S. Lewis had to say on the matter:Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.I’d like you to consider this week: what discomfort are you trying to avoid? And how might that perspective be keeping you from growing, improving, and reaching your extraordinary destiny?

 432 | Building Predictability Into Your Business Finances Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1293

As a business owner, can you imagine a day when you start meeting and/or exceeding your target projections because your financial engine is so well-tuned? Well, I have to tell you that I can, and so can our clients!Over the last few weeks we’ve been diving into the world of economics, and this week we’ll continue looking at how to build predictability into business finances. Predictability, scalability and dependability are the order of the day. This is your future, if you want it!If you haven’t listened to part one of this podcast, then you might want to start there as it will help to set the direction we go from here. these episodes, you’re going to discover not only how to create predictability, which will get you through tough times, but you’ll also learn how to thrive in unstable economic conditions. Enjoy today’s episode!Chris


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