sleeptrust podcast show

sleeptrust podcast

Summary: Inform. Entertain. Sleep!

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 The Masterplan To Increase Your Sleep Drive - Appetite | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:53

Are you having a hard time falling asleep? Or are you waking up too early or at bad times. Your (missing) sleep appetite probably has a lot to do with that. Lucky for us that science knows a lot more about this topic than it did 50 years ago. And even better than I’ve got a masterplan for you that you can use to fully utilize the two major forces (homeostatic sleep drive / circadian rhythm) in your favor. Tune in to this week's episode of the sleeptrust podcast and get the simple #6 step sleep appetite masterplan. Also, check out the show notes for additional information and to the sleep drive masterplan for FREE at

 The Insomnia Workout - Build Your Sleeptrust | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:12

Too tired to workout? This one is not about the gym. If you want to get on the fast track to superb sleep this is the episode for YOU. Will you have to put in effort. YES! Nothing will happen if we are not willing to put in the effort. But with the proven Insomnia Workout you will get on the fast track back to superb sleep. Join me on these #5 workout sessions and start working out your sleep today. Sounds exhausting - maybe. BUT - if we don’t get our sleep we feel exhausted anyway - so - maybe it’s worth giving it a try. I’m sure it is and the sleeptrust community is there to support you. Keep in mind that it’s going to be easier than you thought once you start to work out. You will also find additional sources of information the show notes to this week’s episode here:

 Entering The Insomnia Matrix | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:40

Do you know what is causing your insomnia? Sleep is something personal, right? The causes of insomnia are personal too - and individual. It’s honestly not the one fits all thing that many people out there want to tell you. But who will tell you what you should do right now to improve your sleep? In this week’s episode, I will walk you through the Insomnia Matrix that will give you a unique view on where exactly you are standing right now and give you the insight of what you need to tackle to return back to a superb sleep again. Download your FREE insomnia matrix at As this is the core of our best selling product better grab it now. I can’t promise that I will give this away for free forever.

 The Scary Truth About Insomnia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:16

Insomnia is something that we all heard about. Many people suffer from it and the media hypes it in the news, the internet, the radio and you name it… In this week’s episode, we do not only dive into what the word Insomnia exactly means - but also REVEAL a scary truth when it comes to insomnia. This one might change your perspective on Insomnia and is a must-listen. Also, check out the show notes to this week’s episode at to get even more out of it.

 Superpower Forgiveness - Free Your Emotions And Sleep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:07

In this week's episode, we will dig into what forgiveness is AND why it is so important to acknowledge our role in the process. To help you to practice forgiveness effectively I will share the best three meditation techniques to help you forgive yourself and others to free your mind and emotions and return to super sleep again:

 Dream Yoga - The Lucid Dreaming Practice Part II | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:51

This week we are getting a bit more advanced when it comes to lucid dreaming techniques. We will not only expand the techniques but also tie them together to help you understand which role each technique has and how the combination of them will benefit your practice to dream lucidly. Also, consider following me on Instagram to get further inspiration and help to get into your lucid dream practice. To grab your FREE version of a DREAM JOURNAL - visit us at

 Dream Yoga - The Lucid Dreaming Practice Part I | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:33

This week you will get a solid toolset that you can use right away to start learning and practicing to go lucid. Lucid dreaming is not only good to integrate the shadow aspects of our personalities BUT also to simply have fun. It is such a great experience that I am convinced that everybody should give this a try. This week I start off by giving you an understanding of what dream yoga is all about and how you can start to practice lucidity right away. And if you want to take it a level higher you will get even more information on next week’s episode where I will give you even more techniques to increase your lucid choices. Also, check out the show notes of this episode to download a FREE DREAM PLAN template at

 The Shadow Warrior - Embrace Your Nightmares With Lucidity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:57

Nightmares are a thing that we all have from time to time. When high-intensity nightmares come on a regular basis that wakes us up or creates a fear of falling asleep we know that we have to change something. Lucid dreaming is the single one technique where you can fight the nightmare where it occurs - in your dreams. The best way to fight the nightmare is the counterintuitive approach to embrace the thing that is causing the fear /shame/guilt and to deeply integrate it on a level that will be hard to accomplish with other approaches as quickly and intensely. Also have a look at the show notes for further information:

 The Law Of Attraction - Order Sleep From The Universe! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:23

In this week's podcast, I talk about the secret underlying principles that fuel the law of attraction and how we can use this universal law to drastically improve our sleeptrust. For those of us that this is too goofy I will also deliver the neuroscience and psychology that backs this universal law and that you can use to replace the universal force part with if you wish to.

 Lucid Dream Retreat - Mindfulness To Sleep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:29

Mindfulness can help us to keep calm, relax and reduce our stress levels BUT mindfulness also does things for us that are far more important. In this week's episode, we walk through what happens when we practice our mindfulness and how this can help us to further gain our sleeptrust. I also cover two simple techniques that you can use to practice mindfulness right away. Also, check out this weeks show notes at

 Sleep Triathlon Discipline III - The Miracle Of The Right Mindset | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:49

Mindset is the last part of our Sleep Triathlon Discipline and the boss of the ring. What you think of and what you believe will become a reality. In this week's episode we will talk about how to use our conscious mind to make a decision, command our body and take control.:

 Sleep Triathlon Discipline II - The Impact Of Nutrition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:16

Proper nutrition helps our bodies and minds to perform best. Looking back where humanity is coming from - not only our way to nurture our bodies changed (e.g. processed food, sugar, etc.) BUT even how food is grown has changed dramatically. Often Illness and sleeplessness are the result of long periods nurturing our bodies bad. In this week's episode I will walk you through the sleep triathlon discipline #2 which is nutrition and give a basic insight into the important role that microbiology plays in this field:

 Sleep Triathlon Discipline I - Foundation Through Body Movement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:31

Throughout the past decades, habits of humanity changed dramatically. Looking back we were hunters and gatherers that required a lot of movement to look for food and our bodies often went into fight or flight mode in order to survive. Now, our job doesn't require heavy movements and we often experience stress without the releasing effect of body movement. In this week's episode we will talk about why body movement is so important and also how it affects our nutrition and mindset and what can we do to get aligned with our evolutionary programming:

 Sleep Triathlon - The #3 Must Know Categories For A Superb Sleep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:35

Improving sleep is like a triathlon, we have to improve these three categories in order to improve our sleep. In this week's podcast, I will be talking about Body Movement, Nutrition and Mindset and how they are interconnecting to each other. We will talk about these topics individually in the next podcast:

 Do It - The #5 Must Do Tips For Superb Sleep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:24

Avoiding things and implementing changes are both sides of the same coin that includes being committed and taking action. In this week's podcast, I will be talking about my personal Top #5 tips YOU SHOULD DO to actually to get a good and quality sleep:


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