sleeptrust podcast show

sleeptrust podcast

Summary: Inform. Entertain. Sleep!

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 How A Sleep Coach Can Help You To Improve Your Sleep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:47

Having sleep problems for a while? Then you probably tried a lot of things to improve your situation. Often these efforts are the result of thousands of tips you can find on the internet. As a consequence, the implementation is more random action than a structured path to superb sleep. Today I walk you through what a sleep coach can do for you and what you should check before starting to work with a sleep coach. Visit the link to download your FREE Sleep Map

 The #3 Power Steps For Lasting Sleep Motivation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:25

When feeling exhausted or fatigued at daytime is a common experience for you, then it’s time to change a couple of things. But how can we do so if we hardly have enough energy to live our challenging lives. The very first step is to create a burning desire in us for change. This desire will motivate us to take all the necessary steps to make us feel better. This week I walk you through a simple & proven three-step model that will give you the motivation to implement your personal sleep changes to give you back more energy than you might be able to imagine right now. For more information and a free goal card template visit this week’s show notes at:

 The Cost Of Not Sleeping Enough | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:37

When it comes to the cost for a lack of sleep there are clear numbers out there. Do you feel that you sleep enough mostly? Do you feel refreshed and energized during the day? What about the price that you might be paying for not sleeping enough already. We often try to avoid thinking of this or even taking this into consideration. But the truth is that we all have to pay the price for not sleeping enough. Let’s get real about it and start to change together. To find out more have a look at this week’s show notes at:

 Changing Perspective On Covid - 19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:40

Covid-19 is spreading not only as a virus, but also over the media. As a result many of us are feeling uncomfortable, anxious and maybe even fearful. The effect can be seen in partly empty supermarket shelves and looking at the recent rise of gun sales. Today I share the two things that worry me most in the Corona crisis and a big opportunity for all of us. Find out more in this week’s episode . To find out more have a look at this week’s show notes at:

 Can Sleep Really Help Us With Corona | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

Corona will continue to be a part of our life in the next couple of weeks. The entire discussion has a very clear focus on avoiding getting sick. Even though nobody can say how high the percentage of corona infected people will be in the next couple of months - the number is very likely to be substantial. To further protect ourselves we should start to think about our immune system. Find out more in this week’s episode . To find out more have a look at this week’s show notes at:

 Utilizing Accountability To Superb Sleep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:19

Utilizing Accountability To Superb Sleep by Michael Hildebrandt

 Utilizing Accountability To Superb Sleep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:19

Finding back to superb sleep always involves change to a certain degree. Implementing change can be a hard task for us to follow through at times when our motivation drops or life gets in between. Through having an accountability partner that will keep track of our actions we can profit from something that has been baked into our genes through evolution to help us ease the process and improve our success rates dramatically. To find out more have a look at this week’s show notes at:

 Three Simple Things To Build Your Sleep Resilience | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:45

Being faced with sleep problems can ramp up quickly if we do not have sleep resilience. Missing out will cause us to take random, hectik action that will not help us to improve our situation. But this does not have to be the case. Building a strong sleep resilience will help us to evaluate and overcome a couple of bad nights of sleep and let us grow during the process. To find out more have a look at this week’s show notes at:

 The #1 Thing You Need To Do To Increase Sleep Quality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:14

When it comes to increasing our sleep quality change is mandatory. If we don’t change things nothing will ever improve. When it comes to our sleep the formula is quite simple: Your sleep quality equals your current circumstances multiplied with your current behavior. This simple formula makes it easy to keep in mind that we need to change and where we can start to implement change. In short, that’s what it’s all about in this week’s episode. Find out more reading the show notes:

 The #1 Thing You Need To Do To Increase Sleep Quality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:14

A major thing to get right when it comes to getting the high quality sleep that we deserve is to set clear sleep signals. This is a thing that nature took care of for us until we started to completely control our daily environments. Electricity gives us the freedom to turn night into day and the self made need for productivity leaves us with working hours that are not always biorhythm friendly. In this week’s episode we’ll walk through a couple of things that we can do to set clear sleep signals helping bringing us back to superb sleep.

 Happy Valentine's Sleep Promotion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:55

Nearly Valentines Day and a good time to think about what loving relationships can do for our sleep. Bad emotions that we direct against others (or ourselves) and the other way around are a big issue when it comes to sleep. So let’s fight them with love this week and get prepared for Valentines Day together.

 Hidden Psychology Traps Of Insomnia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:10:46

Our minds are complex things that have one primary goal: To let us survive. Sometimes we want to change but there are things going on that we are not aware of. These are like blind spots and for some of us these blind spots can make us stay in a place that is very uncomfortable. The dangerous thing is, that being in an uncomfortable space for a long time can have positive things for us in place. Furthermore these hidden benefits are able to unconsciously keep us from taking appropriate action for the better. Check out the show notes to read more about this phenomena...

 Measurement - Your GPS To Superb Sleep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:11

Working on our sleep quality always means change. And this is always a journey. But what about having a journey without constantly checking if our decisions are bringing us nearer to our goal. Would we ever reach our goal? Maybe by accident, but not reliable. This week we walk through the reasons why we must measure our progress and I will show you how you can easily get started to do so today. Let’s turn your journey back to superb sleep from a wish to a fact.

 The Magical Sleep Effect Of Cold Showers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:16

We all want to have superb sleep. So, for all who are willing to take a portion of pain, there is something great that you can do at home right away. Curious? Having a cold shower for 3-5 minutes is not only known to strengthen our immune system but will furthermore decrease inflammation and also improve our sleep quality. So this week’s topic is: Are you ready for superb sleep?.

 Top Three Techniques To Improve Will Power To Sleep | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:01

Being faced with bad sleep means that we have to change things to get a new and better result in regards to our sleep. And every change needs a conscious decision upfront and the willpower to follow through in the beginning and at times. Doing this the wrong way can be exhausting and frustrating. So today I walk through an easy and reliable way sharing three ways to use your willpower with ease:


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