Movement By Lara: Redefining Yoga show

Movement By Lara: Redefining Yoga

Summary: International yoga leader and creator of the LYT Method, Lara Heimann, investigates the modern evolution of yoga from her background as a Physical Therapist and neurodevelopmental treatment specialist. She passionately explores the core values of her groundbreaking yoga method: smarter movement patterns, kindness to ourselves and others, compassion for all beings, finding the best way through inquiry, the courage to change, discipline to grow, and taking a stand for what we believe in.

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 25 | Sustainability | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

Today is an uplifting, but serious topic about the concept of sustainability. I thought it would be great to talk about this on today’s episode because I talk about sustainable movement on the mat, and living on and off the mat in a sustainable way.

 24 | The Intricacies of Shoulder Movement | with John Frank, PT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:53

My brother, John Frank, is back to discuss the shoulder complex. John is a physical therapist, athlete, and fellow lover of movement. So often, we think that the shoulder is simple, but the shoulder is, in fact, quite complicated!

 23 | Growth Mindset | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

Today I’m talking all about growth mindset, and what better way to grow than to grow within your body and change your movement patterns? Today I’m going to share what growth is, and why it’s so important that we all experience growth in our lives.

 22 | Why I Never Teach Seated Forward Folds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:34

Today I am discussing the forward fold! Seated forward folds specifically are a move that I do not do, nor do I teach, and today we are going to explore why.

 21 | Seven Things My Dogs Have Taught Me About Living | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:31

Today I thought it would be fun to talk about several of the lessons that I have learned from my dogs!

 20 | Small Shifts to Expand | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:45

This time of year can really be overwhelming, and this episode today will hopefully serve as a reminder that small shifts in life, mindset, your body, and your practice can truly make big differences.

 19 | Our Journey, Humane Education, & A Silent Retreat | My Husband, Mark Heimann | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:59

Today I have a very special guest joining me on the podcast! He is an actor, activist, educator, parent, and an amazing partner: my husband, Mark Heimann.

 18 | Questions for Lara | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:21

I reached out on my social media platforms and asked all of you what you’d like to hear, and the response was great! So many of you had questions for me, so in today’s episode, I’m going to answer them.v

 17 | Working the Wrists & Why Weight-Bearing Can Help Heal Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:32

Today’s topic is all about the wrists. I tend to hear a lot of complaints about the wrist in yoga, though I’m sure it’s across the board. Wrists are actually in the top 5 of complaints and injuries in yoga practice!

 16 | Manual Therapy & Myofascial Release | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:46

We are going to talk about just what manual therapy is, and why it’s great if you have different issues within the body that movement patterns aren’t fully addressing.

 15 | How to Practice Gratitude | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:54

Today’s episode is all about gratitude! This time of year can be challenging with the holidays and travel, and this idea of gratitude can be hard to grasp. I'm sharing my tips for how to practice gratitude so it becomes part of your daily life, just like movement. 

 14 | Anatomy of Movement: Pelvis, Glutes, Feet, & More | John Frank, PT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:56

Today I welcome my brother, John Frank, back on the podcast. John is a physical therapist and movement specialist. (If you haven’t already, listen to John’s first episode!) I wanted to have John back on to answer questions that were sent in by you, and to further discuss movement and anatomy.

 13 | More Core | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:35

Today is dedicated to my favorite phrase of all time: more core. What does it mean and why is it so important in your yoga practice and life? 

 12 | How to Reset During the Holidays | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:11

I always talk about how important it is to RESET at the start of your yoga practice, but what about reseting during the holidays? It is the day after Thanksgiving, so today I'm talking about how to hit the reset button after traveling, spending time with family, or perhaps overindulging. Reset is an idea that we have these buttons within ourselves that we can press in order to start with a fresh plate. Since we already have two acronyms this week, I'm bringing you one more so you can remember how to reset.

 11 | Being a Badass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:19

Today I am talking about being a BADASS! I wanted to share my acronym for what badass means to me, based off of a speech I created for International Women's Day.


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