Simply Living for Him show

Simply Living for Him

Summary: On this podcast, I talk about all things simple-life on our hobby farm, homeschooling, and always about Jesus! I believe the remedy for clutter and chaos in our world, is Jesus. The more we desire Him, the less we desire the things of this world, and the easier it is to live more simply.

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 Turn Your Goals, Resolutions, and Plans Upside Down | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:50

This is one of my favorite podcasts that I have recorded. I hope you listen and are encouraged!  The new year is always full of promise, resolutions, and plans. We have high hopes on THIS being the year that we will get it right. And very slowly as the months go by, we tend to fall back into old patterns and habits. And we begin the very same cycle next December/January to resolve again, to make THIS year the year we get it together. As Christians, we know that we will never have it fully together this side of heaven. We are on a journey, and while the plans and resolutions we make can be helpful, many times the focus is on US and what WE can do for a better year. Resolve this year to focus on Jesus. What can HE  do through you in the new year? Better yet, what does HE want to do? Many times the plans look very different from yours, but they are always best.

 Homeschooling High School: Keeping It Simple • ep 119 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:48

I have been asked about homeschooling high school so many times, so today I am addressing the topic...with the caveat that I am NOT the expert and I will never proclaim my way is the way to go! This is merely OUR experience with homeschooling high school and I am learning along the way. Having one graduating this year, and three more behind, there will be more to learn ;) The most important thing to do in homeschooling high school is to PRAY- seek the Lord in all you do, and you will succeed. I never, ever, thought we would homeschool high school, and here we are with two college acceptances under our belt. But even without those, my goals have always been to raise an adult who loves the Lord wholeheartedly and seeks His will. Our journey has never been about achieving the perfect test score, scholarship, or college acceptance, but to raise our children to be disciples of Christ. You’re not developing a transcript. You’re developing a person. Focus on who your child is, not just a paper credential. I am addressing a bit about the "how to's" but mostly the heart of the matter- we don't have to over complicate things and we don't have to stress. God is in control!

 Keeping It Real: Sharing Struggles and Joys Unfiltered • ep 118 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:28

Today was a hard topic but necessary. I have struggled recently with so many different things, and have found that God is showing me more and more just how important it is to BE REAL with others. We need to share our joys and share our sorrows. And we need to do it with complete honesty. We all deal with different things and we all deal with them differently...but in those differences, we find our unique places in the relationships that God gave us. We aren't all meant to be the same and that is the beauty of the body of Christ. Romans 12:15  says, "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." Let us purpose to live that out each day.

 Christmas Schooling • ep 117 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:59

Christmas can bring a whole new level of stress to your homeschool year, or a whole new level of JOY! It doesn't have to be complicated and it doesn't have to be Pinterest-worthy. I know in our early years of homeschooling, I often felt overwhelmed in December. But I have learned over the years how to naturally make Christmastime meaningful in our homeschool and not stressful. Homeschooling moms often feel extra pressure this time of year to get it all done. Let's talk today about changing up your schedule a bit, teaching the things that matter most, and focusing on Jesus this Christmas season.

 Clutter-Free Christmas • Ep 116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

Since this episode is airing on Black Friday, I wanted to remind you that this year's "must-haves," are next year's garage sale items. Right? What we want so badly right now will be just a memory in the future. So today I wanted to remind you all how to focus on how to have less stuff, less busyness, and less perfect decor and focus more on Jesus. After all, this is the day we celebrate our Savior! And Satan would want nothing more than to distract us from the Good News of Christmas by making us focus on material things and stress. We are to SHINE Jesus' Light this season. Join me as we talk about having a less cluttered Christmas season.

 Holiday Hospitality • ep 115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:56

In an age of Pinterest and Instagram, we have mistaken hospitality for entertaining. One says, "Look what I can do!" and the other says, "What can I do for you..." Hospitality is not about the perfect recipe or decor but all about opening your home to show the love of Jesus. This holiday season we will have opportunities to open our doors more than usual. Let's use those opportunities to share the love of God and practice true hospitality.

 Idols and Simplifying • ep 114 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:48

The first commandment is clear that we are to worship the One true God and Him alone. We bow to Him and serve Him. Yet, every single day I fail when I start to let other things occupy my thoughts and my time, and ultimately, they risk taking my eyes off God. It is very easy is in our culture to chase after false gods. Money, possessions, homes, jobs, health, and other things all become the object in which we strive for. Often times, my own self, becomes the god I serve first. Yet, if we truly live out the first commandment and honor God above all, everything else falls into its proper place. Want to simplify? Obey the first commandment. When God is first, everything else flows out from Him and is no longer the object of our desire, but an outflow of our desire for His Kingdom. Join me today as I talk about my own struggles and offer encouragement for not bowing down to the false gods of today's culture.

 Q&A With Karen • ep 113 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:34

Q&A Time! Today I am answering questions that readers and listeners have sent in. I am tackling such subjects as: •Kids and Chores •Routines •Bible versions •Kids and Social Media •and more! Join me today as I address several different issues!

 I Never Should Have Homeschooled • ep 112 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:20

As we approach the end of this journey for our oldest daughter, I am still in awe of how we ever got to this place. The truth is I never should have homeschooled- I was the least likely to take on this task, and many days I ask myself if I am ruining my kids. But God. He reminds me why I am doing this and He also provides me the means to do it. So yes, I never should have homeschooled, but God said otherwise. I obeyed. And here we are and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Whether you are contemplating homeschool or struggling in the thick of it, or you are not a homeschooler but feel God calling you to something in life, be encouraged today that we do NOT rely on ourselves! The most important thing to do is ASK GOD. Follow Him. You can't go wrong!

 The Slow Life: Quitting the Rat Race and Finding Joy in the Simple • ep 111 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:11

Today I am chatting about how I have found more joy in the slow life, living intentionally, and not always just taking the "quick" and easy way to do things. We have no desire to live a rat race, but to live a life where we run the race that matters..the one for Him.

 Life Training. Using Real Life Lessons to Teach Our Kids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:04

Anyone who knows about our homeschool, knows we are all about hands on and real life learning. There's been lots of that around here these days (hint: we might be getting goats!) But how does one reconcile that with the standardized tests and formal schooling? Listen in today as I talk about how our family is dealing with all of these things these days. Our goal is to let them use their God-given gifts and desires for the purposes He has made them for, and ultimately to glorify Him in all they do. And most importantly, we need to train them spiritually. Homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers will both benefit from this episode as we tackle life training!

 My Real Life Methods: Planners, Meals, Kids and Chores, and More • Ep 109 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:24

I have been asked many times what my favorite methods are for planning, cleaning, meals, kids and chores, and more! Today I am tackling those questions and you may be surprised at some of my answers! Listen in as we talk about how I tackle these areas and keep it simple.

 Living Simply in a World of HGTV, Pinterest, and Instagram • Ep 108 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:24

With the advent of home and garden TV shows, Internet feeds, and social media floods, it has become normal for us to focus on how things look. But we forget, that is not what this life is about. Recently I posted this on my facebook page: What if you lived in a place where no one cared what you wore- they didn’t even see it. You just wore what was comfortable. It could be the same thing day after day and it wouldn’t matter. You were clothed. And they just saw YOU. What if you lived in a place where folks came over to each other’s homes just for the sake of visiting or helping or loving. It didn’t matter if you served the richest of meals or crackers and water. Those were just additions to a visit. Not the purpose. What if you lived in a place where your home was simply a shelter. A place to rest your head, enjoy company, and to sleep soundly. But how it looked was never an issue. It was simply your dwelling place. What if you lived in a place where no one compared. No one envied. Each was working for the good of the others. What if you lived in a place where the center of your life was truly the Gospel. Without all of the other things distracting you, and daily life consisted of being steeped in God’s Word and then living it out. Why do we spend so much time on the details? Why do we add the Gospel to our lives instead of living our lives from the Gospel? Join me today as we talk about living simply in this world that focuses on the temporal while we have the eternal! **Please note: at one point I mention a verse in Romans. I should have said Romans 12 and not 2. (I meant Romans 12:2 and spoke too fast ;) )

 Less Clutter. More Joy. Ep 107 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:08

It's never about the stuff. Having less stuff or less clutter doesn't necessarily bring you more joy in and of itself, but what it does is eliminate the things that are hindering you from realizing the true joy you already have! As Christians, we already have joy in Jesus. We have our ultimate contentment and satisfaction...getting rid of clutter only helps us to see the things that matter most.

 My Struggle with Anxiety and How Keeping it Simple is Key• Ep 106 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:40

Since as long as I can remember, I have had that inner voice that has plagued me. It usually comes in the middle of the night or when my mind starts asking, “What if?…” Jesus has been the answer for me in every way and today I want to talk about how my struggle with anxiety has changed over the years, how simplifying my life has been key, and how I am learning to let God prevail over the voice of fear. (Please note this is just my story…everyone has a different story in their struggle. I am simply sharing what has helped me and what my journey has look like…it is not to say know the answer for your journey…but I hope to encourage you in some way and most importantly, to point you to Jesus.


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