Living Simply in a World of HGTV, Pinterest, and Instagram • Ep 108

Simply Living for Him show

Summary: With the advent of home and garden TV shows, Internet feeds, and social media floods, it has become normal for us to focus on how things look. But we forget, that is not what this life is about. Recently I posted this on my facebook page: What if you lived in a place where no one cared what you wore- they didn’t even see it. You just wore what was comfortable. It could be the same thing day after day and it wouldn’t matter. You were clothed. And they just saw YOU. What if you lived in a place where folks came over to each other’s homes just for the sake of visiting or helping or loving. It didn’t matter if you served the richest of meals or crackers and water. Those were just additions to a visit. Not the purpose. What if you lived in a place where your home was simply a shelter. A place to rest your head, enjoy company, and to sleep soundly. But how it looked was never an issue. It was simply your dwelling place. What if you lived in a place where no one compared. No one envied. Each was working for the good of the others. What if you lived in a place where the center of your life was truly the Gospel. Without all of the other things distracting you, and daily life consisted of being steeped in God’s Word and then living it out. Why do we spend so much time on the details? Why do we add the Gospel to our lives instead of living our lives from the Gospel? Join me today as we talk about living simply in this world that focuses on the temporal while we have the eternal! **Please note: at one point I mention a verse in Romans. I should have said Romans 12 and not 2. (I meant Romans 12:2 and spoke too fast ;) )