Simply Living for Him show

Simply Living for Him

Summary: On this podcast, I talk about all things simple-life on our hobby farm, homeschooling, and always about Jesus! I believe the remedy for clutter and chaos in our world, is Jesus. The more we desire Him, the less we desire the things of this world, and the easier it is to live more simply.

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 Simplify Your Time: Stop the Glorification of Busy//ep 166 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:02

We live in a very busy world and everywhere you turn around someone is proclaiming just how busy they are! It seems to be our mantra: "I'm SO busy!" Today I am talking about what the Bible says about how we use our time, and not getting caught up in the glorification of busy. If you are overwhelmed with a busy schedule, then I invite you to slow down for a bit, listen in, and be encouraged to make the most of your time each day. You can simplify your schedule and find peace amidst the chaos. Get the new devotional--->

 To The Woman Who Feels Like She Can't Hold It All Together//ep 165 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:08

Today I am talking to the woman who feels she can't hold it all together. Whether you are in a hard season now or not, it is petty much a guarantee that you will at some point. You may feel discouraged, despondent, or even despair. You just can't hold it together anymore. But the good news can't hold it all together, but you have a God who holds all things together! (Colossians 1:17) Let's focus on the Lord and how He leads us in all things and holds us together.

 Help for the Harried and Discouraged Homeschool Mom: Finding Endurance and Encouragement//ep 164 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:32

"I'm not doing enough. I am ruining my kids." "I am failing." "I am overwhelmed and not sure what to do." "I can't do this anymore!' Every week I talk with homeschooling moms who say all of the above and more. I have said all of the above and more! Today, I want you to stop. Sit still for a bit. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and let me set your mind at ease.  Let's look to Jesus when we start to get overwhelmed and let His peace assure us in our homeschool journey. Whether you are a homeschooling mom or not, I am confident this podcast will help you settle your soul as you find rest in Him with whatever struggle you are facing. Get the new devotional--->

 How I Am Getting Back to Simple | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:08

This year has already shifted my focus to better things. So many things have happened lately, but I believe they all intersected at the same time perfectly so that I could turn my gaze back to Jesus and get back to simple. For me, simple is about getting rid of distractions so I can have less clutter and more joy. And ultimately that joy is found in Jesus. When I have less of this world, I have joy in Jesus. Listen in as I talk about ways I am getting my heart and mind back to simple this year. From life on the hobby farm, to homemaking, to connecting with people in real life. And most of all, because I am spending more time sitting at Jesus' feet. Get my new book-->

 The Only Goal in My New Year//ep 162 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:25

Today I am talking about a few different things going on lately, but mostly, I wanted to share my perspective on goal setting at the New Year. I am sharing my only true goal in 2020. Get my NEW Devotional--> Join me at these events: SLFH Women's Event, Chester NJ Homegrown Generations Teach Them Diligently 2020

 Christmas Calm: Seeking Jesus This Christmas// ep 161 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:35

Take a little time to listen this week, and find calm amidst the chaos. I am encouraging you, as you are in the midst of the hustle and bustle to let your soul settle, in Jesus.

 Living From the Spirit and Not the Flesh // ep 160 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:21

Do we really trust God and believe His every word? Do we say we trust Him and want to be in His will, but really want our own outcome? When we live from the Spirit and not the flesh, we have the freedom to know that God is in control, and no matter what the outcome, we are where He wants us. And when we operate out of a place where the Spirit controls us and not the flesh, it will affect every single part of our lives. How you treat people. The decisions you make. The thoughts you have in your mind. Everything is an outflow of your relationship with Him.

 Lessons From 5 Years on the Hobby Farm • ep 159 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:43

TODAY is exactly five years to the day that we moved into our little hobby farm here in the country. What a journey it has been. Today, my husband Steve is joining me as we discuss some of the lessons we have learned since trying to achieve a simple life.

 Homeschooling (and Raising!) a Houseful: How to Survive the Early Years and Thrive in the Teen Years | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:49

Today I am talking about homeschooling a houseful and how to survive the early years so that you can thrive the teen years! Yes, we love the older years! Even if you aren't a homeschooler, much of the encouragement today will apply to anyone who has children. There were certainly some difficult seasons with a whole bunch of littles that I didn't know how we would ever make it-but we did. And I am so thankful to the Lord for Him leading us. We just need to shift our thinking and realize this is a journey and a process, and not an instant result. There are so many ways to build foundations early on and then see your family thrive as you grow!

 How Do God's Purposes Fit in With the "American Dream?"// ep157 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:36

Today we are talking about true success. Are we pursuing the American Dream and the ability to pursue opportunities and achievements, or are we pursuing God wherever He leads? Are we being productive in our pursuits for our own comforts or are we being productive in things of the Lord? Let's talk about how God's purposes for our lives fit in with the American Dream today.

 Mental Clutter and Overanalyzing: Find Freedom to Make Decisions • ep 155 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:28

Have you suffered from overanalyzing to the point where you can't make a decision? Are the voices and choices of our noisy world adding mental clutter to your life? So many of us never get past the scenarios in our minds and the fear of "What if?" or "What will happen?" and all the questions that distract us from the freedom to make a choice knowing God is in control. We don't have to overanalyze when we choose to follow God and then walk in faith!

 Martha and Mary and Keeping it Simple • 154 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:16

Our world certainly glorifies the Martha lifestyle- busy, busy, busy- take a look at Pinterest and Instagram and we see a world of Marthas. Those who can cook, sew, decorate, throw parties, and do it all with perfection are pretty much considered the epitome of modern-day success in homemaking and womanhood. You don’t see many Pinterest posts of a woman, completely oblivious to how the “photo” looks because she is sitting at her Savior’s feet. Maybe her hair is askew, her makeup absent, but she has a glow about her that comes from being at his feet. And it is more beautiful than any photo. In a world that focuses on busyness and a picture-perfect life, Jesus tells us that Mary chose the better. And even more importantly, it will not be taken away from her. Let's talk about how we can live more simply when we live like Mary.

 Transformed By the Word//ep 153 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:41

Have you allowed God's Word to transform your life? Or is your time in the Word merely to check it off your list or to do your Bible study "homework?" Do you go to His Word with an agenda in your mind of what you'd like Him to tell you? Or do you truly want to get to know who God is? God's Word is living and active and powerful and He will transform our way of thinking and in turn our actions and behaviors. He will transform our lives from the inside out. Often we make God so small and our own little lives so big, when in reality, if we focused on truly getting to know our great and majestic God in His Word, we would fall down on our faces. We would take our eyes off of our little daily struggles and truly get to know the One who created us. Join me today as I talk about how God has completely transformed my life and be encouraged.

 Giving It All Up to Follow Him: The Family Behind Schoolhouse Rocked Feature Film // ep 152 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:09

Imagine if we all truly walked the out our faith in very real and tangible ways? Leaving everything behind to follow God's calling on your life? To truly listen to God and do what He says...even if it means giving up everything? I am beyond excited about today's podcast to introduce you to a family that is doing just that. Yvette Hampton and her family left their comfy lifestyle in California three years ago, sold their home and most of their belongings, and hit the road to answer the calling on their life. As a homeschooling family with a husband/father who had worked in Hollywood, they knew that God was calling them to make a feature-length film about homeschooling and they have been working on this project ever since. Today I am talking to Yevette about what it is like to truly simplify by getting rid of all your stuff, life on the road, focusing on God and His calling, and also all about this AMAZING movie that they have produced. You will be inspired and encouraged. Join me! You will love Yvette as much as I do! Find More Info About Schoolhouse Rocked:

 Homeschooling High School and Parenting Teens: Have No Fear • ep 151 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:42

I never, ever thought I'd homeschool, let alone homeschool high school! And here we just graduated our first. I remember thinking the teens years were something to dread and homeschooling high school would be an impossibility. To my pleasant surprise, not only did we survive, we thrived. It is a joy to see my young adult children now walking in truth and launching into the world. Parents don't fear the teen years. God is in control and you can homeschool high school with joy!


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