Simply Living for Him show

Simply Living for Him

Summary: On this podcast, I talk about all things simple-life on our hobby farm, homeschooling, and always about Jesus! I believe the remedy for clutter and chaos in our world, is Jesus. The more we desire Him, the less we desire the things of this world, and the easier it is to live more simply.

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 EP 105•THIRTEEN YEARS OF HOMESCHOOLING. What We Have Learned Our Methods, and Changes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:24

We began our thirteenth year of homeschooling this year.  If you know the backstory, then you know this is nothing short of a miracle really. It has been a week full of reflection, and I wrote this earlier in the week: "No more first days. No more planning the curriculum. No more thinking, …"well if this doesn’t work, we can always change it next year…” There is no next year. This is it. We have such a story to tell. Our journey has been life-changing and very little has had to do with school. And I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It has been full of ups and downs. But I can’t believe this chapter is closing." Today on the podcast I am talking about our methods over the years, what we have learned, and how we have changed. It has sure been a journey. And even though it is nearing the end for my oldest, we have quite a bit more to go...thankfully...I'm not quite ready for it all to be over yet! ;)

 Is Your Worldview Shaped by Your Newsfeed or By the Bible? • Ep 104 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:12

These days it is much too easy to let our worldview be shaped by our Instagram or Facebook feeds. We are bombarded by so many voices, but it is necessary to have God's voice louder than the world's. And the way to do that is to listen to Him first and foremost each day. We can't live out God's Word if we aren't reading it. We can't thirst and hunger for it if we don't whet our appetite.  We must look at everything this world offers through the lens of God or we will end up floundering from one thing to the next. It will all sound true unless we are grounded in the only Truth. So ask yourself, who are you listening to first these days? God or man? Is your worldview more influenced by others or by God's truth? Join me today as talk about this important subject and we choose to listen to His voice first.

 Living Real Life in an Online World • Ep 103 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:50

Today I am talking about how our online and instantaneous culture is changing us. And is it for the better. Are we missing out on the behind the scenes stuff, the real-life connections, and the blessings in the waiting? I recently wrote this post on facebook and it resonated with many folks. "In an age of Amazon Prime, we forget that things are done right, often take time. Instant gratification isn’t necessarily better. In an age of Pinterest, we forget that life isn’t always picture-perfect. It’s the moments behind the scenes that shape us. In an age of Twitter, we forget that things worth reading often take up more space than 140 characters. Deep thoughts and real dialogue often require many more words. In an age of Facebook, we forget that life isn’t lived on a screen looking for likes and thumbs up, but out there in the real world. In real time. Often with no one watching. Those are where the best moments usually take place. In an age of YouTube, we forget that life is more than an edited version. The real-life video reel is filled with bloopers and blunders and unfiltered moments. Don’t forget the age we live in. It has changed our perspective. What we see in the media has started to shape our worldview. But real people and real life and real conversations and really hard stuff- that’s reality. Enjoy the snippets of social media but don’t get lost in them. Instead, take time for real life. In real time." So join me today as we talk about this important and necessary subject!

 The One Thing You Must Do Before You Plan Your Homeschool Year• Podcast Ep 102 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:06

It's that time of year. Time to break out the fresh pencils, the fresh notebook paper, and the planner. But, do you do this before you plan your homeschool? Listen in today as I talk about gearing up for the new year and the one thing you MUST do!

 Simple Childhood • Episode 101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:05

Years ago childhood was different. There was less technology, less materialism, and less busyness. Today's kids are faced with an unprecedented amount of all these things. How do we reconcile the culture we live in with their childhood? We don’t give kids enough credit for being able to enjoy the simple. We think they need gadgets and entertainment. But deep down, in the nature of a child, I think they have the capacity to appreciate so much more than we realize. What do I mean by a simple childhood? A childhood that is raising our children to be focused on Jesus and getting rid of the clutter and fluff that distracts us from our purpose. We are raising disciples, not staging photo. Join me today as we talk about the issues facing our kids and how to keep it simple.

 100th Podcast Episode! Giveaway Celebration: Lessons Learned on Our Journey to Simplify | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:06

Hurray! Today we celebrate our 100th episode of the Simply Living for Him podcast! I’m throwing confetti and giving away some fun prizes! It's such a fun milestone, especially when I never intended to have a podcast. On today's episode, I am talking about what we have learned along the way on our journey to simplify. Some of it may surprise you. Some of it may encourage you. Some of it may not apply to you! But I thought I would sit down and share the good, the bad, and the in-between that I have learned on this journey and the most important things to remember when living a simple life.  So, be sure to celebrate with us, enter to win, and listen in to today's conversation... ENTER GIVEAWAYS HERE:

 Simplifying Social Media • Ep 99 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:42

Social media is something people ask me about all the time. Today I am tackling the subject and how we can live with social media. It doesn't have to be so hard! Let's face it, social media isn't going anywhere, so how do we live in a world that is saturated with it? The answer is simple. Listen in today to find out how I deal with social media in my personal life and in our family.

 Simple Summer-Slowing Down to Enjoy•Ep 98 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:56

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE summer! The relaxed days, the loose schedule, and a time to let kids just be kids! Come and join me as I talk about letting go for a bit this summer and enjoying the simple days.

 My Biggest Fear for This Generation of Homeschoolers•Ep 97 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:10

Years ago, homeschoolers didn't have choices in curriculum, they didn't have co-ops or conventions, and it may have been illegal to school your children at home. Yet, I almost envy those moms. Why is that? Today I am discussing my biggest fear for new homeschoolers and the homeschoolers of this generation.

 What I Learned From Purging Clutter•Podcast 96 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:53

This week we went through a BIG purge of some of our house and boy, was it intense! We've all been there, right? Knee deep in piles of stuff and wondering how on earth this happened? Especially for me, as I try to keep our home as clutter-free as possible...this was overwhelming! Today I am talking about all the things I learned during the great purge of 2018. Come on over and listen, and hear WHY we accumulated this much, HOW we got rid of it, and what we are doing moving forward. Hear the many lessons I learned that weren't just about the clutter, but about the spirit.

 "A Couple of Things..." Podcast 95 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:48

Today I declared it a little bit of a "mish-mash" of topics on the podcast. I am starting out by discussing the idea of how our culture cultivates an atmosphere of instant gratification (hello, Amazon Prime!) and no longer are we able to wait gracefully or see the benefit of a long and sometimes difficult journey. In homeschool and in life, there is no instant-gratification. It is sometimes a few steps forward and sometimes a few steps backward...and that's okay. That is where we learn and most importantly, grow. And grow closer to God. I also talked about the new IDEA we are doing for our family Bible time that I am so excited about! And I also am talking a little bit about how to keep our summer slow and simple... Join me and then comment and let me know your thoughts!

 Your Outside Reflects Your Inside • Podcast Ep 94 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:02

In a visually saturated society, we are becoming more and more worldly in that we are focused on outward appearance before inward transformation. However, God wants to make us beautiful from the inside out. How is our home a reflection of God's love? Is it because we have the perfect decor or because they see Jesus in our homes? Do you give the illusion that you have it all together on the outside but are falling apart on the inside? Do people see your clothes or that you are clothed in humility?  Are you so filled up on Him that it flows to the outside? The most beautiful thing another person will recognize about you or your home or your Jesus.

 Your True Identity as a Child of God•Podcast Ep 93 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:39

Your identity is not what you do, where you live, how you live, or what you own. Your identity isn't from being a mom, not a being mom, or as a homeschool mom, a work at home mom, or stay at home mom. Your identity is not in your career or in your lifestyle. Your identity is in Christ. I have often times let my identity get lost in my circumstances when I focused on the externals defining me, rather than letting my externals be a reflection of who I am. And I am a daughter of the King. Join me today as we discuss your identity as a child of God.

 Cherishing Things in a "Replaceable" Culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:21

I remember the care my Grandma took in her things. She lived in a very simple space and had very little "stuff" but what she had, she cherished. Nowadays, we live in a society that has every single thing we want available to us in an instant-- and I think this has caused us to value our things less and less...because everything is so easily replaceable. This contributes to clutter and discontent even more. What if we went back to that mindset and really cherished what we had, used it until it was really worn, and were really good stewards of what we have? What if we stopped bringing more and more "stuff" into our homes and just cherished what is there already? Join me today as I talk about living in a "replaceable" culture and really cherishing our things. What if we went back to that mindset and really cherished what we had, used it until it was really worn, and  were really good stewards of what we have? What if we stopped bringing more and more "stuff" into our homes and just cherished what what is there already? Join me today as I talk about living in a "replaceable" culture and really cherishing our things.

 Is It Easier? Podcast Ep 91 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:31

Today I am exploring the topic of modern day life and if it is really easier than the days of long ago. The pioneer families (you all know I love Little House on the Prairie!) truly had to work every minute of the day in order to survive. And here in 2018 we have all the modern conveniences we can imagine, and yet, as a society we are busier than ever. Why is that? Why are we stressed and discontent when we should have more time than ever in our lives? I am also talking about how we can be a good steward of the resources God has given us. It isn't a mistake that you were born in this time period in history and God wants us to use what we have been given and use it well.. www,


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