Simply Living for Him show

Simply Living for Him

Summary: On this podcast, I talk about all things simple-life on our hobby farm, homeschooling, and always about Jesus! I believe the remedy for clutter and chaos in our world, is Jesus. The more we desire Him, the less we desire the things of this world, and the easier it is to live more simply.

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 Living Like It's Christmas All Year Long• Ep 75 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:17

Christmas may be over according to the calendar, but is it really? Let's talk about how we can live like it's Christmas all year long, and not just for a few weeks of the year. We are continually anticipating our Savior's return! Let's live like it. Posts mentioned in this podcast:

 The BEST Gift I Have Ever Received (Special Christmas Episode) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:45

Today I am sharing with you the best gift I ever received. Believe it or not, it isn't the Barbie Dream House or the Walkman I received as I child! Or the even the time we received $3,000 anonymously in the mail when Steve was out of work (but that sure was a Christmas miracle!) Nope. Today I am sharing the gift that I want to share with every single person out there... Listen in and join me as I walk down memory lane and share the best gift I have ever received.

 Q&A with Us! Podcast Ep 73 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:00

SO much fun! Steve and I are sitting down today to answer questions submitted by YOU! Come and listen to see if we answered your question! We are addressing transitioning to self-employment, hobby farming, ministry, family, marriage and more! Be sure to listen to the end for the most wise marriage advice I have been given ;)

 Stop Rushing. Slow Down and Hear His Voice. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:34

Anyone who knows me knows that I do not like to be too busy. I enjoy the simple and slow living, but even for me, it is easy to get caught up in rushing through each day and before we know it a day leads to a year and a year leads to years. And we ask, "Where did the time go?" Our life purpose is to glorify God and that means doing so in each moment. Satan wants nothing more than for us to be distracted by the busy so we can't hear Jesus's voice. In a world that is obsessed with hustle, I am encouraging you to listen to His voice and do not conform to the world (Romans 12:2). Live in His timing, not the world's.

 Homeschooling Through the Holidays• Ep 71 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:12

It's the most wonderful time of year! Or is it? Are you starting to feel overwhelmed at the thought of homeschooling and trying to finish your Christmas to-do list? Well, today I am talking about eliminating the stress of the season by incorporating Christmas into your homeschool. This is the time of year we should be anticipating our Savior, not swamped in stuff. Some ideas talked about in this episode: Unit studies- Special studies for Christmas ( Colonial Christmas unit study, studying Jesus' birth, etc.) Letting kids address Christmas card envelopes or write notes Practicing random acts of kindness Delegating by incorporating your children into all the "to-do's:- baking, wrapping, etc.

 Simplifying Christmas Ep 70 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:27

For this episode we did something different! Right there in the midst of Black Friday, I recorded this podcast LIVE on Facebook. It was an opportunity to point to Jesus right there in the midst of chaos and clutter. Listen in as I talk about how we can keep our focus in the right place this holiday season. Let's not let the enemy distract us or steal the very joy that Jesus came to bring. There is nothing godly about going into debt, fostering greed, or becoming overstressed over details. I am talking about keeping things simple but also reveling in the fact that there really is nothing simple about Christmas- it is extraordinary and immense-that God would send His Son to save us from our sins and from death. Let's show the world Jesus at Christmas.

 Hospitality Vs. Entertaining * Ep 69 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:54

With Thanksgiving and the Christmas season upon us, we can get very stressed out about making our home perfect for entertaining. But today I am talking about focusing on hospitality and how you make people feel in your home. The difference between hospitality and entertaining is that one says, "Look what I can do." The other says, "What can I do for you?" I have evolved greatly in this area over the years from seeking the perfect home for my guests, to wanting them to simply feel God's love in my home above all else. There was a time when I wouldn't dare want someone to stop over unexpectedly because things weren't perfect, to now opening my home any time any day. I would rather people leave my home saying, "Karen loves Jesus," rather than, "Karen has a perfect home." Every time you open your door, you are ministering. Remember that as you prepare to open your home this holiday season.

 Ten Things I Want You to Know About Homeschooling • Ep 68 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:44

This episode is for homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers. Today I am chatting about the things I really want you to know about homeschooling. For the past twelve school years, homeschooling has really evolved in my life from something I ran from to something I couldn't imagine not doing. I am an advocate for homeschooling and am passionate about encouraging others to see it in a light that isn't quite as complicated as it seems. Join me today to hear all the ins and outs, the good, bad and ugly, and why we continue on this journey that often has taught us about so much more than academics. Episode Highlights •It won't save your children •I believe it is best for MY family. What about yours? •It isn't picture perfect and it is not supposed to be.  We are discipling our children not staging a photo •Academics is merely a portion of the big picture •You don't have to have a teaching degree •Your children will not be socialized normally and thats a GOOD thing - •The hard days are necessary •You aren't equipped to homeschool  •It will cost you. Every hour you put into it has an eternal investment beyond compare.

 Our Journey Home• Episode 67 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:24

Story time! On the podcast today, I am telling a story. It's a story filled with twists and turns and often cries to God in times of questioning. It's a story of His faithfulness and His plans unfolding in His time. Our journey to our dream home is a story of God's provision and His faithfulness. It is a story of trusting no matter what and being content no matter where. And now we will use it for His glory and a testimony of His faithfulness. And the story isn't over. This is about so much more than a house, but we are building a home and a place to share God's love. Whatever journey you are on right now, whether you feel there is no end is sight, or prayers that don't seem to be answered, I hope this episode encourages you to keep pressing on no matter where God leads. His plans are always best.

 Finding Contentment in a Coveting Culture • Ep 66 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:44

Today I am talking about our media saturated culture and how it causes us to be discontent or to covet. This in turn causes us to break a commandment. Everywhere we look there are images showing us what our lives should look like- but are they representing the truth? You have a choice in what you put into your mind and what things will transform your mind. Are you allowing good transformation or worldly transformation? Are you being transformed in your thinking by the images you see in this world or by the renewing of your mind through His Word? Choose to be saturated with God's Word and not social media. Fill your mind with truths, and your life will reflect that accordingly.

 Seek Jesus Amidst the Chaos •Ep 65 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:12

Today is a bit different of an episode. Instead of my originally planned recording, I ended up “winging it” after a chaotic week. I am sharing how I remembered to seek Jesus amidst the chaos in what has been a week filled with trials. I saw myself slipping this week, and thankfully realigned my eyes back on Him.Whether you are walking through huge trials or chaos, I hope this encourages you to keep your eyes on Him through it all.

 Building a House Vs. Building a Home • Podcast 64 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:42

In a media-saturated culture, it is very easy to focus on making a house that looks picture-perfect. The amount of time and energy spent on making things "look" perfect is astounding.  Yet none of those things will go with us into eternity. We need to be investing our time, focus, and energy on what goes on inside those four walls of that house and building our family first. Relationships matter into eternity and material possessions will perish. I would rather people come to my house, and not remember the decor, but remember that they encountered Jesus. Today I am talking about if we are building a house or a home. Is our focus, time, and thoughts on the people inside the four walls of our home or on the way that house looks? The most beautiful part of a home, is when it is filled with Jesus. Join me and comment below to continue the discussion. I'd love for you to rate and review the podcast on iTunes. This will help spread the message further. And don't forget, share the podcast with your friends!

 My Simple Routines• Podcast Ep 63 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:24

"Everyone is selling you the be-all-end-all to how on control your life. I say, "No." Give up your control to God." Yes, routines and order are important, but I am telling you what is the core of my simple routines- getting to the heart of keeping daily life simple. Got questions that I didn't address in the episode? Please comment below and I'll do my best to answer!

 Simple Homeschool•Podcast Ep 62 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:39

Today I am talking about ways to keep it simple in your homeschool. Let's weed out the distractions that keep us from what is most important. Join me as I talk about my own experiences in the early years, and how we turn off the noise of the world to focus on our family.

 Get in the Word!• Podcast 61 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:43

Today I am asking you all to join me as we commit to getting in the Word every day. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind and by listening to your Creator. There is no greater One to listen to these days...yet, we find ourselves seeking so many other things (and people's ideas) first! My goal and mission is always to point to Jesus and I have really been passionate about pointing people directly to His Word these days. Christians everywhere are becoming complacent about their time in the Bible. We say we are too busy or it's too difficult, but what could be more important that listening to God Himself? And Who better to teach us? We must make time for Him first, and then fit everything else is. Not vice versa.  Let's vow to dig into the Word. Let's encourage one another. In our culture and in our world, now more than ever, we need to be listening to the Word of God and seeking Him above all.


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