Simply Living for Him show

Simply Living for Him

Summary: On this podcast, I talk about all things simple-life on our hobby farm, homeschooling, and always about Jesus! I believe the remedy for clutter and chaos in our world, is Jesus. The more we desire Him, the less we desire the things of this world, and the easier it is to live more simply.

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 Enough is Enough.The Need to Live More Simply • ep 150 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:26

Life is short. So why do we waste it on details that will turn to dust one day? As our society gains more and more convenience, we also gain more and more confusion and distraction from what we are really supposed to be living for. If we spent the same amount of time on things of God that we do on Internet scrolling, Netflix binging, shopping, decor, and more...we could change the world! Join me as we focus on the One who matters most and what we are truly living for! Living with less is really so much more!

 Surrender Instead of Striving//ep149 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:01

I have learned many lessons lately and one that stands out is how important it is to maintain a posture of surrender rather than striving. Surrender doesn't mean sit back and do nothing, in fact, you will get more done (in God's strength) than you ever imagined. In a world of planners and to-do lists and folks always trying to control their lives and strive for greater achievement, it is actually comforting to know every detail is controlled by God and ordained before time began. Simple living is much easier to reach in a life surrendered to God.

 Homeschool to College • ep 148 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:23

We have officially dropped my daughter off at college after homeschooling grades from K-12. What a surreal experience! And I have learned so much! I was also blindsided by some things, however. So grab your coffee and sit down with me today, as I want to share with you as a girlfriend- the good, the bad, and everything in encourage you to feel all the feels and to walk through it all in God' strength. There is so much going on at this time that is exciting, scary, happy, sad, and all of it is ok! It gives us more of an opportunity to lean on the Lord. I also want to share with you how my perspective has changed and I am even more laser-focused to simplify my life than ever!  Whether you are walking this journey now or will be someday, I hope you will be encouraged!

 The Idol of Homeschooling (and Other Things) That Distract Us• ep 147 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:12

Recently I posted on Instagram about the idol of homeschooling. It received quite a bit of feedback and I wanted to talk further about it today. Whether you are a homeschooler or not, we all can relate to getting distracted by the things we love or the things we do- before we know it, those things have been put on a pedestal while we have lost sight of Who should really be on the pedestal- the Lord. Let's stop giving glory to anything but God in our lives. Let's shed the identity of "homeschool mom," "soccer mom," "working mom," "single lady" and stand in our identity as a CHILD OF GOD! Let's shine our light for Him and not for homeschooling or whatever it is we do. Because ultimately, it is He who causes all things to work in us.

 Change Your Perspective to Simplify Your Life• ep 146 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:12

Today I am talking about something I read this week that really helped me to look at my relationship with God through a different perspective, and how that really will help me, even more, to live simply. Sometimes all it takes is to shift our focus onto something bigger than ourselves. I also asked myself a very important question this week that I am going to focus on each day. Listen in today and be encouraged. Get the BBHS e-course ON SALE NOW Instagram:

 Making Do With What We Have: in a world that strives for more | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:05

Nowadays we forget how to make do with what we have. Generations ago this was commonplace and necessary, yet in our culture that always tells us we need more, are we forgetting how to make do with what we have? And with the ability to replace things easily, have we forgotten to take care of what we have? Join me today and even take a challenge to make do with what you have and know that we have the MOST important thing- Jesus. All else is just icing on the cake. ;) Video available here:

 We Don't Need to Dress Up the Gospel: Keeping it Simple in Ministry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:03

I am in the middle of a huge ministry week and sharing some of my thoughts about keeping it simple in ministry. In a world that often makes us feel like we need to entertain people to Christ and dress up the Gospel, let's remember the Gospel is exciting enough on its own. (use code EARLYBIRD)

 Renovation: Of the Heart and Soul • 143 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:43

Today I am talking about renovations. No, not the kind you see on HGTV, but the kind that matters beyond our earthly homes. We are talking about our heart and souls. As I see the DIY craze and the emphasis on our homes in our visually saturated society, I often wonder what our world would be like if we spent that amount of time and resources on our insides. On our hearts. You see, years ago I gave up trying to create a picture-perfect home, became satisfied with what we had, and instead turned my attention toward my soul work. Renovations are hard work and often messy, but the good news is, God is the one who does the work in us, and we simply have to live a life of surrender.

 Living Simply in a Digital World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:53

The online era has made our world smaller but are we further apart? Social media has given us the ability to have connections all around the world but it has also changed the dynamics of our relationships. How do we purpose to live simply in a world that is so complex-especially our digital world? Join me today as we break it down and remember if we do this one thing, it will help us to handle the online world just a bit better!

 Slowing Down in a Busy World• ep 141 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:10

In the middle of a super busy and often overwhelming season of life right now, I am choosing to intentionally slow down. I have found this to be so necessary right now and it is so renewing and refreshing. I need to slow down in order to restore and in order to hear His voice above my own- that is often going a million miles a minute in my mind. I am talking today about how summer is a great time to slow down and truly live, instead of rushing to the next thing. And no matter what season of life you are in...a busy mom of littles, or getting ready to send your baby off to college like I am, God can give you all the strength you need to slow down. I am also talking a bit about the hard stuff this summer is far from "normal" but how I am finding solace in the slow moments.

 Faith Over Fear: A Testimony of God's Power • ep 140 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:40

Join me today as I share a very special testimony of God' faithfulness. No matter what situation you are in that is causing you to fear, choose to keep your eyes on Jesus and watch Him take you to places you never dreamed possible.

 Opening Your Door in Faith: Practice Hospitality Wherever You Are• ep 139 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:10

Today I am talking about opening up your door and practicing hospitality. No matter if you have a large house or studio apartment, no matter if you serve hamburgers or steak, you can serve others when you decide to serve others by welcoming them into your home.  Hospitality means focusing on your guests and how you can serve them. It is quite different from entertaining which says, "Look what I can do." There's no need for fancy decor or Pinterest-worthy recipes when it comes to true hospitality. It's really quite simple. So put aside any hinderances or fears, walk out in faith, and share the love of God in your home and all around you. Get the e-course-->

 HOMESCHOOLING BRAVELY WITH JAMIE ERICKSON• EP 138 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:56

Many homeschoolers are hindered by their fears, feelings of inadequacies, or lack of confidence. But we can walk bravely on this journey because we are called to this mission by God. And truly, what even defines success in homeschool? What are we afraid of? Today I have a very special guest on the podcast to talk about Homeschooling Bravely! When I read Jamie Erickson's book, I knew we were going to have a wonderful conversation- she and I share so much of the same views on homeschooling! You are going to love her and be so encouraged.

 Your Circumstances Don't Define God • ep 137 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:53

We often think that our joy is dependent on our circumstances- when things are going well, there's peace, and all is still, we have joy. We feel like God has given us favor. But what about when the storms are swirling around us? Are we being punished? Do we not have enough faith? When we say we surrender our lives to God, we must really mean it. Often, I say it but I think I secretly mean, ok God, I surrender so now you will bless me. Not always so. We must recognize that God is in the storms as much as the stillness. He wants us to surrender to Him regardless of the outcome. Join me today as I talk about the recent lesson He taught me through a literal storm and the one I have been feeling emotionally as well. I pray it encourages you to keep your eyes on Him and not your circumstances. Get the BBHS e-course-->

 Sheltering Our Children? ep 136 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:59

Today I am talking about sheltering my children. It is, of course, the most common question asked over the years. And my answer will hopefully enlighten you. I want you to hear what God taught me through this illustration from life...join me...homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers alike will be blessed by this simple lesson that God showed me. Get the e-Course!--->


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