Idols and Simplifying • ep 114

Simply Living for Him show

Summary: The first commandment is clear that we are to worship the One true God and Him alone. We bow to Him and serve Him. Yet, every single day I fail when I start to let other things occupy my thoughts and my time, and ultimately, they risk taking my eyes off God. It is very easy is in our culture to chase after false gods. Money, possessions, homes, jobs, health, and other things all become the object in which we strive for. Often times, my own self, becomes the god I serve first. Yet, if we truly live out the first commandment and honor God above all, everything else falls into its proper place. Want to simplify? Obey the first commandment. When God is first, everything else flows out from Him and is no longer the object of our desire, but an outflow of our desire for His Kingdom. Join me today as I talk about my own struggles and offer encouragement for not bowing down to the false gods of today's culture.