Your Nutrition Prescription Podcast show

Your Nutrition Prescription Podcast

Summary: Your Nutrition Prescription is a nutrition and health podcast that delivers a daily dose (M-F) of information that will help you to learn more about your body and optimize your health. Dr. Adrian Chavez has a PhD in Nutrition and works with clients to help them improve their health conditions naturally with diet and lifestyle changes along with natural supplements. This podcast is designed to help you learn more about how the body works, the true causes of disease, real super foods that have clinical research data documenting their benefits and how nutrients modify our bodies and influence health and wellness at the cellular level. We hope that you will join us in helping you TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH.

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  • Artist: Dr. Adrian Chavez
  • Copyright: Copyright 2017 Dr. Adrian Chavez


 Episode #275: A Discussion with Dr. Christian Gonzalez about the Hidden Dangers of Glyphosate, Why It's Effect on Gut Health Might be More Important Than Its Effects On Cancer and Much More. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:15

Hey everyone, I am excited  to bring your my very first of many interview episodes. In this show, I have a conversation with Dr. Miguel Gonzalez, who is a naturopathic doctor and all around health guru. We talk about Dr. G's experience working with cancer patients and what led him into this field.  We also discuss some of the hidden dangers of consuming glyphosate regularly. This discussion leads us on a long rant about the importance of gut health. Tune in to hear more

 Episode #274: How to Find and Purchase Your Own Lab Tests to Get to the Root Cause of Your Health Issues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:35

Do you have a health problem that you would like to get to the bottom of? Are you someone who likes data and would like to get some detailed information about how your body is functioning? If so, then this episode is for you. I am going to discuss some very useful lab tests that you can purchase online and usually mail off directly from your home. It is 2018 and technology is developing at an incredibly fast rate. You shouldn't be getting the same lab tests that you were getting 15 years ago...

 Episode #273: The 5,000 Year Old Herbal Medicine That Helps to Relieve Reflux, Nausea and Headaches While Also Improving Blood Sugar and Lipids | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:51

You know what I love about natural plant medicines?  Their broad scale application.  One plant can have a dozen different effects and they all turn out to be strongly positive.  Ginger is one of those plants.  Ginger does pretty much everything, but it is especially useful for a few groups of people.  Tune in the the show today to learn about who might be able to benefit the most from incorporating ginger as a supplement to their current diet. 

 Episode #272: How Your Genes Impact Your Response to Caffeine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:05

Way back on episode #129, I published a podcast episode discussing some of the health effects of coffee.  I don't want to spoil it for you, but I presented lots of research and some pretty convincing data about the positive health effects of caffeine and coffee.  Today is a follow-up to that episode where I want to delve deeper into the relationship between coffee consumption and health, because it turns out that our response to coffee is largely determined by our genetics.

 Episode #271: Ten Toxic Thought Patterns and How to Overcome Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:41

You know what is worse than toxic food? Toxic thoughts...  At least with food there is a point where the body just says no and you just can't eat anymore.  Thoughts...they linger. They can destroy you from the inside out to the point that you ruin every aspect of your life and in the worse cases people even take their own lives.  Today, I want to talk about 10 toxic thought patterns that I want you to become more aware of and avoid if you are currently having them. 

 Episode #270: Kid Friendly Healthy Snack Ideas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:07

We are approaching the beginning of the new year with a lot of kids returning to school this week and the upcoming weeks. So, today I want to give you some healthy snack ideas to help you fill up your children's lunch box.  Hope some of these are helpful.  Thank you for tuning in to another episode of Your Nutrition Prescription. If you are gaining value from listening to the show, please take a few minutes to leave us a review on Itunes!! 

 Episode #269: Is Soy Really a Toxic Death Food That Will Cause Men to Become Infertile and Women to Develop Cancer? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:08

I have heard a lot of opinions on soy over the past several years and I find that the messages that most people are putting out about soy is heavily exaggerated and not at all support by any scientific research. Today on the podcast we are going to discuss some of the science with soy and review what the conclusion is on that end (Some linked papers below). Make sure you tune in to this episode before you eat your next soy burger or drink your next glass of soy milk.

 Episode #268: Why You Might Feel Like Crap Following a Vegan Diet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:33

When figuring out Our Optimal Nutrition Strategy one of the factors that we need to consider is our genetics. Our genes do not control our health, but they do impact our response to certain nutritional states. If you have certain genetic variants you can naturally product less folate and have increased needs for B12 and choline which are found in animal foods at much higher concentrations than in plant foods. This can spell disaster for some people. Tune in to learn more.

 Episode #267: Potential Health Benefits of Turmeric and Why You Might Want to Consider Using it As a Supplement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:36

These are some of my favorite episodes, because I get really excited to introduce you to the true power of nutritional supplements when used with the right person, at the right dose, in the right form. On this episode we are going to talk about who those people are who might benefit using turmeric, what the right dose of turmeric is, and what forms of turmeric are best. If you are curious about this medicinal plant and what it can do, make sure you tune in.

 Episode #266: Don’t Let Other People’s Habits Be Your Excuse For Making Unhealthy Choices | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:25

You are the average of the 5 people that you spend the most time with. If your friends and family haven’t bought into taking better care of their health, eating well can while socializing can be difficult. Most of my best friends and family still eat what is best referred to as a “standard American diet”, so I know the struggle.  Today, I am going to talk about how to navigate being a social human, but also not falling into unhealthy habits as a result of environmental exposure.

 Episode #265: Is CBD oil legal?!?! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:02

I once made the mistake of asking the simple question...Is CBD oil legal.  This led me down a rabbit hole of epic proportions that I don't think I have fully climbed out of and I am still not quite sure if I know the answer to that specific question.  Today on the podcast, I am going to discuss what I learned when I asked google the question "Is CBD oil legal"... Tune in to find out more.   

 Episode #264: CBD Oil - What it is, What it Does and Who May Be Able to Benefit From Using it | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:41

CBD is one of the hottest supplements of 2017 and 2018 and for good reason. However, contrary to what your local CBD oil salesman might be telling you, it is JUST A SUPPLEMENT with no special healing powers in most cases, it is quite costly, and it is questionable whether or not it is actually legal.  Tune in today, where I review some of the reported benefits of CBD oil and describe the groups of people who may be able to benefit most from using CBD oil as a nutritional supplement. 

 Episode #263: Do Carbohydrates Really Make You Fat? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:03

I never thought that I would have to explain to dozens and dozens of people why carbohydrates don't make you fat and why it is probably not a good idea to drink butter.  Today on the podcast, I am going to break down why carbohdyrates don't actually make you fat and I will link lots of relevant research below.  Feel free to share this with your favorite keto-holic.

 Episode #262: Why Your Gut Issues Will Probably Never Go Away If You Only Seek Conventional Medicine Testing and Treatment Options | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:07

Every single week I speak to at least 2-3 new people who have dealt with YEARS of gastrointestinal issues. Today on the podcast, I am going to discuss why this is the case and explain how MOST GI specialists who are practicing conventional medicine are completely missing the mark in all of their testing and treatment options.  I am fired up about this episode. People dealing with GI issues YOU DESERVE BETTER CARE.  Please share this episode,

 Episode #261: Choose Your Hard | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:04

Today on the podcast, we are going to discuss how when you choose the easy route in favor of the hard route, you don't truly get an easy way out. You are simply swapping one difficult for another.  This shift in perspective had a major impact on my life and I hope it does the same for you. 


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