Your Nutrition Prescription Podcast show

Your Nutrition Prescription Podcast

Summary: Your Nutrition Prescription is a nutrition and health podcast that delivers a daily dose (M-F) of information that will help you to learn more about your body and optimize your health. Dr. Adrian Chavez has a PhD in Nutrition and works with clients to help them improve their health conditions naturally with diet and lifestyle changes along with natural supplements. This podcast is designed to help you learn more about how the body works, the true causes of disease, real super foods that have clinical research data documenting their benefits and how nutrients modify our bodies and influence health and wellness at the cellular level. We hope that you will join us in helping you TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH.

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  • Artist: Dr. Adrian Chavez
  • Copyright: Copyright 2017 Dr. Adrian Chavez


 YNP 352: How Steve Birch Lost 50 Pounds, Kicked His Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Meds, and Took Back Control of His Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:56

Today I have a special episode for you. I am going to be sharing the story of my good friend Steve Birch. Over the last year, Steve has lost 50 pounds, reversed his pre diabetes, normalized his cholesterol and blood pressure and gotten off of medications while continuing to brew and enjoy beer, traveling  frequently for work, and being a highly involved dad in the lives of his two kids. Tune in to the show today to find out how he did it and lessons learned from the process.

 YNP 351: How I Help My Clients Reverse Insulin Resistance and Pre-Diabetes in 3-6 Months | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:55

Pre-Diabetes and type 2 diabetes now affects over 100 million people in  the United States, over 40% of the population.  This is bad news. The good news is, that these conditions are mostly reversible and this can be done in a short period of time in most cases.  Today on the show, I discuss the strategy that I follow with prediabetic and diabetic clients to help them reverse their conditions in a short period of time.

 YNP 350: Why I Have Changed My Mind About Food Sensitivity Tests | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:28

There is a lot of controversy around food sensitivity testing and many people are confused as to whether or not they should run a food sensitivity test.  On one hand, it makes a lot of sense. Measure what your immune system is responding to and remove those foods from your diet.  On the other, there is a complete lack of research for the benefit of removing foods that elicit an IGG response.  Today, I am going to discuss how my thoughts about food sensitivity have changed over time and WHY. 

 YNP 349: Don't Just Listen, Take Action! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:17

Today, I want to speak to those of you who listen to the podcast, but are not applying the information.  I have some tough love for you.  Tune in to find out more. 

 YNP 348: How to Determine if You Have Candida Overgrowth and What to Do About It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:00

Do you suspect that you have candida overgrowth? Do you have digestive issues, brain fog, extreme sugar cravings, and recurrent yeast infections.  If so, then this episode is for you.  Tune in to learn more about the signs of candida overgrowth, how to test for it, and how to eradicate this nasty yeast once and for all. 

 YNP 347: Why Grains and Legumes ARE NOT Inflammatory Foods That Everyone Needs to Avoid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:42

Have you been told that you should avoid grains and legumes because they are inflammatory? Well, I am here to challenge that thinking and I want to share some evidence with you (linked below) to support my stance.  Tune in to the episode to learn why these foods are most likely good for your health and why restricting them in favor of alternative nutrition sources is probably not the ideal approach for living a long and healthy life. 

 YNP 346: Beware of Cookie Cutter Nutrition Plans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:56

Nutrition not one-size-fits-all, which is why I get incredibly frustrated with practitioners who hand out cookie cutter nutrition approaches.  Some practitioners give out programs that literally are pre-made and designed for the client to follow to a T to get results... Others simply fit every client within a nutritional framework that might be best for some, but not for others.  Today, we discuss why this is a problem and talk about what you should be getting from your nutritionist instead. 

 YNP 345: Why It Is NOT OKAY To Be Chronically Constipated | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:06

I have worked with dozens of clients with autoimmune conditions and multiple associated health issues and one of the most common factors that I find in nearly every client is chronic constipation that began years before the development of the condition.  If you are chronically constipated, it is a problem. On this episode, we discuss how chronic constipation contributes to inflammation and autoimmune disease and I give you some general tips to get things moving.  Tune in to find out more. 

 YNP 344: Your Routines Determine Your Results | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:50

If you want to know what type of results that you can expect to get in your life, just take a look at your routines.  Many of us operate in routines and habits that are largely outside of our conscious control. Changing these routines into ones that will drive the results that we seek, is one of the most powerful things that we can possibly do.  But it starts with awareness. 

 YNP 343: The Science Behind the HCG Diet and How It Works | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:53

It is the new year, which means millions of people will step into January desperate to lose weight, and many others will be right there ready to prey on those individuals and sell them any weight loss gimmick possible.  Today on the show we are going to talk about the HCG diet. Tune in to learn more about why this practice needs to stop and why any MD who prescribes and promotes this diet as an effective weight loss strategy should have their license taken away. 

 YNP 342: My Child is Overweight, What Should I Do? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:44

I have gotten several parents reaching out to me about their overweight children recently, so I decided to publish an episode on the topic.  In this episode I talk about WHAT NOT TO DO and then give you several strategies for how to make subtle changes to your child's food and their environment to get them to eat less calories and drop excess weight.  Make sure you tune in for more.

 YNP 341: Nutrition and Supplement Strategy for Psoriasis and Eczema | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:10

Millions of people suffer from psoriasis and eczema and rely solely on medications when a lot can be done elsewhere.  Today I am going to give you some nutrition and supplement strategies for dealing with these conditions.  Tune in to find out more.  Sign up for my online dispensary to get 15% off of the highest quality nutritional supplements  (Use the practitioner code 111313)  Book a consultation with me 

 YNP 340: Is Sugar More Addictive Than Cocaine? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:36

I've seen lots of articles and information surrounding this topic of the addictive properties of sugar.  Some have gone so far as to call it more addictive than cocaine.  But how true is this? Today on the show, I am going to give you my take on the topic to help you make better sense of these claims.  Make sure you tune in to learn more. 

 YNP 339: What Self Limiting Beliefs Are Holding You Back From Reaching Your Goals in 2019? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:32

Have you struggled with making the changes necessary to achieve your goals in the past despite your best efforts?  If so, then this episode might be exactly what you need on this first Monday of 2019.  Today on the show, I talk about identifying the beliefs and stories that might be holding you back from achieving your goals in 2019.  Tune in to hear more.

 YNP 338: Four Steps to Achieving Your Goals in 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:36

Lots of people set goals in the new year. Few people achieve them.  Today on the podcast, I am going to give you a 4 step process that I go through when setting new goals.  Tune in to find out more.  Here is the link to the dads fitness program  Here is the link to schedule a consultation with me


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