Your Nutrition Prescription Podcast show

Your Nutrition Prescription Podcast

Summary: Your Nutrition Prescription is a nutrition and health podcast that delivers a daily dose (M-F) of information that will help you to learn more about your body and optimize your health. Dr. Adrian Chavez has a PhD in Nutrition and works with clients to help them improve their health conditions naturally with diet and lifestyle changes along with natural supplements. This podcast is designed to help you learn more about how the body works, the true causes of disease, real super foods that have clinical research data documenting their benefits and how nutrients modify our bodies and influence health and wellness at the cellular level. We hope that you will join us in helping you TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH.

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  • Artist: Dr. Adrian Chavez
  • Copyright: Copyright 2017 Dr. Adrian Chavez


 Episode #305: Flashback Interview on the Good Dad Project | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:14

So, I have been trying to add in one interview each week on Fridays and I got a little bit ahead of myself with not scheduling out enough interviews in advance. In lieu of an interview with another expert, today I am sharing an show where I was interviewed by my friend and fellow podcast host Larry Hagner on the Dad's Edge Podcast. We talk about the relationship between gut health and anxiety/depression and some tips for avoiding antibiotics use with your children. 

 Episode #304: The Top Ten Reasons Why People See A Doctor | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:56

I was curious about the reasons that people would book an appointment too see a doctors, so naturally I did a little bit of research.  Then I figured, since I was curious about it, you might be too.  So today on the podcast, we are gong to review the top 10 reasons why people visit the Dr. I was really surprised about what #1, 2 and 3 were.

 Episode #303: How Our Gut Bacteria Can Contribute To Depression and Anxiety | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:20

There is a decently large and growing body of research that is shining some light on depression and anxiety from an angle that would have seemed absolutely absurd just 25 years ago. It turns out that the microbes that cover our body, have a pretty significant impact on our mood. Tune in to the episode to learn more.

 Episode #302: Pros And Cons Of Getting A Flu Vaccine | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:38

This is probably one of the most controversial topics this time of year... Should you get a flu vaccine?  On one end you have the CDC (government), the media, and healthcare professionals highly encouraging you to get the vaccine to protect yourself and your family.  One the other hand you have lots of naturopaths, alternative health doctors, and just flat out skeptics who have no formal training but a large platform who warn vehemently against it.  Who is right? 

 Episode #301: Eight Habits To Extend Your Healthspan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:01

We all want to live long and healthy lives right? I know I do.  I am not motivated by six pack abs, I am motivated by living a long and healthy life and staying free of any significant health issues for as long as I possibly can. This is called healthspan.  Today on the show, I am going to share with you the eight things that I believe are most important when it comes to extend your healthspan as long as possible.  You will be surprised that only a few relate to nutrition and exercise.

 Episode #300: How New Regenerative Medicine Technologies Could Help You Repair Your Damaged Joints and Avoid Surgery With Dr. Eli Loch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:12

Today, on the podcast, I am excited to be doing an interview with Dr. Eli Loch, who is an expert in the advancing technologies of regenerative medicine.  We discuss:  -How Dr. Loch's journey from conventional pain doc towards a more holistic approach. -Different types of regenerative medicine and pros and cons of each modality. -Tips to finding a good regenerative medicine doctor and best practices.  And so much more... You DO NOT want to miss this show. 

 Episode #299: Six Simple Scientifically Backed Uses For Aloe Vera | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:34

Got a Cut? Digestive Problems? Metabolic Syndrome? Ulcers? Maybe aloe can help.  Today, on the podcast we are going to discuss six uses of aloe vera that are clinically proven by scientific research and some recommended ways to incorporate aloe into your routine if you would like to take advantage of these benefits.  Hope you Enjoy! Research: 

 Episode #298: The Truth About Obesity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:04

An article was published last week in the Huffington post discussing why everything that we know about obesity is wrong.  Here is the article I think it was a pretty good article. But, rather than give you my thoughts on the article, I want to give you my thoughts on the topic and let you make your own decision about this topic.  Hope you enjoy this episode.  Schedule a FREE 15 Minute Call With Me 

 Episode #297: Nine Ways To Get Through A Cough Without Pharmaceutical Medications | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:11

Every single year most of us will come down with some sort of cold/cough and use some type of over the counter or prescription medication to help relieve the symptoms. Today, I want to give you some strategies that you can put into practice that can help you avoid using pharmaceutical medications (unless you want to).  Make sure you bookmark this episode and come back to it when you need it. 

 Episode #296: Life Is Going To Be Hard, Choose The Hard That You Want To Endure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:58

There are two types of hard:  1) The challenge of getting up and doing the work that you need to do 2) The challenge of dealing with the consequences of not doing the work that you need to do.  You get to choose which one that you want to deal with. Today on the podcast, I am going to discuss the dichotomy of hard and discuss why this simple reframing of what you consider hard might change your perspective towards doing the "hard" thing in life that help you be successful.     

 Episode #295: Interview with Justin Janoska: Why Restrictive Dieting and Taking Lots of Supplements IS NOT Your Solution to Autoimmune Disease | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:15

Today on the podcast I intervnew Justin Janoska. Justin helps women with hormonal imbalances and autoimmune disease take back their health and he is the founder of PCOS Powerhouse and Thyroid Revive programs. In this video we cover some of the true root causes of autoimmune disease, we also discuss why keto diets are great (sometimes), and why no one is healing their autoimmune disease with restrictive dieting and supplements alone. Tune in for this awesome discussion with Justin!

 Episode #294: Do You Know How Good You Are Supposed To Feel? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:24

When we experience pain and discomfort long enough, we become numb to it and the pain becomes our new normal. Every single day I speak to people who have let pain and discomfort become the new normal. I think it would be safe to say that most people don't know how good they are supposed to feel. On this episode, I talk about my thoughts on this topic and invite you to join me in a 28 Day Reset program that I am running in October. Here is the link to join if you are interested.

 Episode #293: Why Being "Normal Weight" Isn't As Important As Being Fit When It Comes To Your Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:05

Being skinny is not a prerequisite to health.  Today on the podcast, I am going to review a research paper that presented some compelling data about the relationship between fitness, weight and longevity.  We have painted fat as bad as a society, but the truth is fat is a diverse organ that plays an important role in our metabolism and health. I talk about this on episode #63 of the podcast. 

 Episode #292: Five Dangers of Restrictive Weight Loss Diets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:42

In a world where everything comes fast, easy, and cheap many of us expect for weight loss to follow those principles as well. But the hard truth, that EVERYONE knows...quick weight loss often does more harm than good.  Today, I want to talk about 5 potential negative consequences of extreme weight loss diets.  Please share this episode with someone you know who is suffering from chronic extreme dieting.   

 Episode: #291: When You Argue For Your Limitations, You Get To Keep Them | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:42

You know what the biggest thing holding most people back from achieving their optimal health?  It is beliefs. Beliefs about what is possible for your health.Beliefs about how getting healthy is going to impact your relationships about what it is going to do for your identity.  What if you identify as the fat kid. What happens if you lose weiht? Now who are you? Today I am going to talk about some of these beliefs and how they might be manifesting in your life. 


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