Your Nutrition Prescription Podcast show

Your Nutrition Prescription Podcast

Summary: Your Nutrition Prescription is a nutrition and health podcast that delivers a daily dose (M-F) of information that will help you to learn more about your body and optimize your health. Dr. Adrian Chavez has a PhD in Nutrition and works with clients to help them improve their health conditions naturally with diet and lifestyle changes along with natural supplements. This podcast is designed to help you learn more about how the body works, the true causes of disease, real super foods that have clinical research data documenting their benefits and how nutrients modify our bodies and influence health and wellness at the cellular level. We hope that you will join us in helping you TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH.

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  • Artist: Dr. Adrian Chavez
  • Copyright: Copyright 2017 Dr. Adrian Chavez


 Episode #290: Twelve Strategies for Reducing Uric Acid Levels and Preventing Gout | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:54

I gout attack can be a devastating event that few people want to experience. I recently had a couple of friends come down with gout attacks and they asked me for advice, so I figured I would record a podcast on the topic.  Today, I am going to give you twelve strategies for dealing with an ongoing and preventing a future gout attack.  Tune in to learn more: 

 Episode #289: Four Steps To Getting Rid of Relux FOREVER!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:33

One in five people are currently dealing with some type of reflux. The standard of care is to put them on a proton pump inhibitor to block stomach acid production. This is usually not a good idea. Although acid blockers can provide symptomatic relief, the long term implications of not being able to digest your food far outweigh the benefits.  Today, I am going to give you the four steps that you can take that will get rid of acid reflux nearly every time barring additional underlying issues. 

 Episode #288: The TRUTH About Advocare, Isagenix, Herbalife , ItWorks!, And Other MLM Companies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:15

I know I am going to ruffle some feathers with this episode but when I get a lot of questions on a particular topic, rather than answering them over and over again, I make an episode. I get this question at least once per week. Someone asks me what I think about a particular multi-level-marketing company and usually if I haven't heard of the company before I will go in and review their products and I have been surprised that my answer is almost always the same.  Tune in to find out more. 

 Episode #287: Five Reasons Why You Might Want To Add Collagen Into Your Diet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:43

Bone brothe and collagen have gained a massive amount of popularity over the past few years and you will see sites making claims regarding magical healing benefits of collagen. But how truthful or exaggerated are the claims?  Today, I am going to discuss the five top health benefits of collagen and also give you some tips for how to use collagen to get the results that you desire.  Tune in to find out more: 

 Episode #286: The Simple Practice That Can Supercharge When Chasing Big Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:28

It is Monday, my favorite day of the week and today, I want to talk about an important thing that many of of us forget to do... Celebrate our progress.  Many of us are too worried about "what other people might think" to stop and celebrate the achievements that we make in our lives.  But if you don't celebrate your progress, it becomes easy to forget how far you have come. I witness it all of the time with clients.  Hope you enjoy the episode. 

 Episode #285: New Study Reports That People Who Eat 50% of Their Diet From Carbohydrates Live The Longest...Is This True!?!?!?   | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:32

A new study was published recently that added yet another piece of evidence to the relationship between carbohydrate consumption and health.  In this episode we are going to break down the study, discuss the key takeaways and put the findings into context.  We are also going to talk some of the more interesting findings of the study that I think are far more important than the headlines about macronutrient composition.  Tune in to find out more.

 Episode #284: Seven Common Mistakes That Can Sabotage Your Results From Exercise Training | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:56

If you are going to invest time into exercise, you want to get the most out of that time.  Today, I am going to talk about seven common mistakes that I see people make when starting an exercise routine that can prevent them from seeing progress and ultimately could lead someone to stop exercising altogether.  If you want to get the most out of your training routine, you don't want to miss this episode. 

 Episode #283: HUGE Study Reports That Any Amount of Alcohol Consumption Is Bad For Your Health...Here Is Why The Findings Might Not Be Relevant To YOU | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:42

Another week, another study that is making headlines and confusing people...   This time it is about alcohol and this one is a doozey.    A study funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation which is the largest of its kind analyzed data from 195 countries with some complex analysis and came to the conclusion that....   ANY AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION IS HARMFUL.   AND I...respectfully (and scientifically) disagree.    Find out why in this episode.   

 Episode #282: Apple Cider Vinegar Shots...Completely Pointless Or Magical Health Elixir?!?!?! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:52

If you have ever been traumatize by a shot of apple cider vinegar this episode is for you. We are going to discuss:  1) The actual reason that one might want to use apple cider vinegar 2) Who is probably best avoiding ACV 3) How to use it effectively (if you choose to) without traumatizing yourself for life Tune in to find out more...

 Episode #281: Never Set a Long Term Goal Without Reinforcing It With This Simple Daily Habit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:28

When it comes to creating your ideal life most people talk about setting a goal and and coming up with a plan to execute that goal.  This is great advice. But in my experience in my own life and in the lives of those that I have worked with, there is something more important than goals and that is having a CLEAR VISION.  Today on the show, I am going to talk about the importance of having a vision and how you can create your vision and use it to PROPEL you towards your goals. 

 Episode #280: Why Natural Flavors Aren't As Natural As You Might Think | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:03

The term natural flavors is the 4th most common ingredient on food labels.  Seems harmless right?  Well, you would be surprised.  Regulations around food ingredients are quite lax and the marketing behind the word natural can be deceptive in some cases.  Check out today's episode to learn more about what natural flavors really means and if it is something that you should avoid when choosing food products. 

 Episode #279: The Simple Low Carb Dieting Mistake That Could Harm Your Health | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:20

There has been a lot of research published about the benefits of the ketogenic diet which has led to its increased popularity over the last several years.  However, most people following a "ketogenic diet" are actually doing it completely wrong.  Today, we are going to discuss the important mistake and why many people are really just doing an Atkin's diet under an incorrect name and WHY THAT MATTERS.  Tune in to hear more. 

 Episode #278: Give Your Body A DEEP Cleaning With These Six Detox Tips | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:46

There is a lot of value to a true functional medicine based detoxification protocol.  It is like a deep cleaning for your body and considering the fact that we are exposed to 70,000 + man-made chemicals in our environment we could use an occasional deep cleaning.  Today on the show, I am going to give you six tips for setting yourself up for success in your detoxification endeavors.  Check out the show to learn more. 

 Episode #277: Coconut Oil, Poison, or Healthy Super Food? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:22

There has been some new headlines over the past week in the nutrition world because a Harvard professor recently called coconut oil poison in a lecture that she gave somewhere in Germany.  You can find one of the articles here This has sparked a lot of discussion and I have had several people reach out to me asking for my opinion on the matter.  So today in this episode, I am going to discuss my take on the topic.  Tune in to learn more. 

 Episode #276: Why Consistency is King PLUS 100K Download Celebration and Special Giveaway | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:04

We have just reached 100,000 downloads on the podcast!! I am pretty excited and just overall humbled by reaching this milestone and excited to continue to produce this podcast and reach more people.  Today is Monday, so I am going to tie in an important message about consistency and why it can be SO VALUABLE to be extremely consistent with at least one habit in your life.  I am also going to be announcing a special giveaway for one lucky listener. Make sure you tune in to find out how to qualify.


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