The Last 10 Pounds Podcast show

The Last 10 Pounds Podcast

Summary: By Master Coach Brenda Lomeli | Women's Weight loss Expert | Holistic Nutritionist | Creator of The Last 10™ System Welcome you AMAZING WOMAN. You’ve come to the right place. On this podcast, I teach brilliant, creative, driven, inspiring, and hard-working women - how to STOP STRUGGLING with food, STOP STRUGGLING with weight loss to finally lose those last 10 stubborn pounds and get to their ideal weight. With the tools & strategies I teach you on my podcast- THIS TIME your weight loss will be PERMANENT. SIMPLE. & deprivation free. NO MORE rollercoaster dieting. If you struggle with managing your business, career or family while still prioritizing your personal weight-loss goals, health, and self-care ... SUBSCRIBE! I will give you the tools and strategies you need every week. TODAYS WOMEN'S WEIGHT-LOSS PROBLEM: You don’t have enough time. You have too much on your plate. Your business/career is doing AMAZING but at the expense of your personal weight-loss and health goals. You can’t seem to figure out how to get the results you want in both your business/career, family life AND your weight-loss at the same time. You promise yourself you will focus on weight-loss just as soon as something else in your life gets taken care of, but that time keeps getting pushed back because your responsibilities never end. You feel like you have to prioritize either your business/career, family OR your health, not both, in order to keep your sanity. You want to take better care of yourself, eat healthier and LOVE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS but there’s always another business/work or family thing that needs to be handled first. WHAT I TEACH WILL TEACH YOU | MY PHILOSOPHY It’s NOT TRUE that you have to sacrifice your personal self-care, health, and weight-loss goals to grow your business , advance in your career or meet your families needs. What IS TRUE is when you take the BEST care of yourself and feel AMAZING at your ideal weight, you will be able to truly GIVE your best, be your most creative, think with optimized clarity, and show up with true boss confidence in your business/career and family life. STOP HOLDING YOURSELF BACK. It’s all about mindset. Whatever is holding you back from reaching your goal weight is the same as what is holding you back from your reaching your dream business + life goals. WHAT I’VE LEARNED– Overcome your limitations in one area and you will overcome your limitations in the other. Getting to your goal weight & losing these last stubborn pounds where you feel like you've been stuck FOREVER is really just the beginning. It’s 100% possible to get to your dream goal weight. It's 100% possible to end your struggle with food and weight. It's 100% possible to live your life without your weight being a constant distraction, worry and problem. I will teach you how. I will coach you through implementing the necessary changes. YOU READY? JOIN ME. Let's do this! xoxo Brenda

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 EP. 173- Why It Matters (that YOU are done struggling). | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:14

This episode is a must-listen.  With everything that's happening in our world right now, I need you to hear this important message.  It is powerful & you will feel empowered to continue forging ahead.  REQUIRED LISTENING for any of my podcast listeners.  For more support- check out my FREE TRAINING: To work with me directly- LEARN MORE ABOUT MY COACHING PROGRAM HERE:

 EP. 172- Desire Volume Match | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:54

Is your biggest hang-up that you always end up overeating & you haven’t learned how to enjoy just enough? Stopping overeating can feel like a very tricky thing to figure out... I’ve figured it out and I’m committed to making sure it clicks for you too.  LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE to learn more about your cravings & how to manage them in a way that feels customized to you and truly empowered: Desire Volume Match.

 EP. 171- Weight Management Shame | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:05

Not only do women feel shame about ’needing’ to lose weight...on top of that, they feel shame that they even WANT to lose weight. It feels like there’s no escaping feeling some type of shame about your body and your weight goals. If you want to STOP FEELING SHAME and instead have the freedom to be completely comfortable in your body and to set ANY GOAL without caring what others might think about your choices... THIS EPISODE IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED. Listen now.

 EP. 170- Redefinition Opportunity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:31

You know that thing you keep 'messing up' over and over that's keeping you from losing your weight? That thing that feels the hardest and most frustrating to change... like always having sweets after dinner or always overeating on the weekends (even though you said you wouldn't). Your biggest point of stickiness & frustration is actually your GOLDEN TICKET to success. IT is your BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY to finally create the weight loss you want.

 EP. 169- Weight loss Misery or Adventure | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:51

Does the process of losing your last stubborn pounds sound dreadful, miserable, and exhausting?  You’re going to have to change the way you’re trying to lose this weight. Instead of feeling miserable, you’ll need to enjoy the process. I promise you, it's possible. Not only is it possible... it's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.  Consider this- you might actually get to your goal if you’re not feeling miserable in order to get there.

 EP. 168- Cake for Breakfast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:35

People think that weight loss is about discipline...especially the last 10 pounds! I strongly disagree! Being 'more strict' and feeling more deprived never worked for anyone... certainly not for me! In this episode, I teach you that what it really takes to lose the weight is the ability to enjoy the things you love without overdoing it and rebuilding trust with yourself! I can enjoy things like cake, fries & mimosas without worrying or sabotaging at all! I promise you, you can too!

 EP. 167- Mommy Burnout Prevention Plan [Part 2- STRATEGY] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:50

I give you a clear PLAN OF ACTION (just 3 things!) and teach you STEP-BY-STEP my personal time-management process which allows me to enjoy being a mom and run my business incredibly efficiently (20hrs a week!) while feeling calm and organized managing all my responsibilities. When you can feel calm and organized instead of burned out and overwhelmed: stress eating and eating at night for comfort stops being an issue & you can finally hit your personal weight loss goals.

 EP. 166- Mommy Burnout & Overwhelm [Part 1- MINDSET] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:58

Do you feel completely burned out and overwhelmed? You're not alone. Most moms feel this way on a regular basis, and especially right now with the unique demands of COVID-19. Preventing mommy burnout is key if you ever want to successfully & permanently lose weight, but ALSO it's important so that your life & motherhood can be filled with moments fueled by love and joy instead of constant feelings of barely surviving and running on empty.

 COVID-19 Weight loss Mindset Resource(s) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:45

HOW NOT TO EAT YOUR WAY THROUGH QUARANTINE IN A PANDEMIC- Stress eating is at an all-time high for tons of people around the world, but that doesn't have to be you! You don't need to gain the COVID-19(lbs!)... Get instant access to your COVID-19 WEIGHT LOSS RESOURCE(S) here:

 EP. 165- BOREDOM & RESTLESSNESS [How to Stop Eating out of Boredom] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:13

Do you eat because you're bored or restless? There's ONE THING you need to know to stop feeling bored/restless and enjoy feeling relaxed instead. This episode is a MUST LISTEN for everyone. For more support- check out my FREE TRAINING: To work with me directly- LEARN MORE ABOUT MY COACHING PROGRAM HERE:

 PODCAST ROADMAP [Top 10 Most Effective Episodes for losing your LAST 10 POUNDS] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:46

GET YOUR PODCAST ROADMAP HERE: The Podcast Roadmap gives you the Top 10 most effective episodes for losing your LAST 10 POUNDS plus my top favorite episodes as a guide to start losing weight in ONLY 10 DAYS. Not only that, but you'll get access to my private podcast listening page.

 EP. 164- A conversation of HOPE. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:59

Hope is important. It leaves room for the possibility of something we want to believe is possible for us. The feeling of hope for the future can even help make a difference in the way we show up to a present challenging situation- because we can still envision a different future as POSSIBLE. Possible enough to take the steps to MAKE IT HAPPEN. Listen Now. To work with me directly- LEARN MORE ABOUT MY COACHING PROGRAM HERE:

 EP. 163- Elevating your nutrition & boosting your immunity [COVID-19 special episode] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:09

Ep. 163. It's more important than ever to take the BEST care of yourself. LEARN what's the most important & how to actually implement the changes in your life beyond the pandemic in THIS SPECIAL COVID-19 EPISODE. Listen now. For more support- check out my FREE TRAINING: To work with me directly- LEARN MORE ABOUT MY COACHING PROGRAM HERE:

 EP. 162- Why it's ok to still care about your goal right now: YOU DON'T HAVE TO GAIN THE #CORONA15lbs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:36

Ep. 162. Are you already worried that you're starting to gain weight? Instead of losing it? I want you to know that it really is ok to continue to care about your personal goals right now. Throwing your goal out the window doesn't help anyone or anything. The only thing overeating (due to stress or boredom) will do is cause you to gain the #Corona15. This doesn't have to be the case. LISTEN NOW to learn how to stop feeling bad for caring about your goal.

 EP. 161- COVID-19 LIVE COACHING SUPPORT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:09

Ep 161. Listen in to some live breakthrough coaching so that you can shift your headspace about things and stop eating your way through times of uncertainty & the current covid-19 pandemic.  For more support- check out my FREE TRAINING: To work with me directly- LEARN MORE ABOUT MY COACHING PROGRAM HERE:


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