The Last 10 Pounds Podcast show

The Last 10 Pounds Podcast

Summary: By Master Coach Brenda Lomeli | Women's Weight loss Expert | Holistic Nutritionist | Creator of The Last 10™ System Welcome you AMAZING WOMAN. You’ve come to the right place. On this podcast, I teach brilliant, creative, driven, inspiring, and hard-working women - how to STOP STRUGGLING with food, STOP STRUGGLING with weight loss to finally lose those last 10 stubborn pounds and get to their ideal weight. With the tools & strategies I teach you on my podcast- THIS TIME your weight loss will be PERMANENT. SIMPLE. & deprivation free. NO MORE rollercoaster dieting. If you struggle with managing your business, career or family while still prioritizing your personal weight-loss goals, health, and self-care ... SUBSCRIBE! I will give you the tools and strategies you need every week. TODAYS WOMEN'S WEIGHT-LOSS PROBLEM: You don’t have enough time. You have too much on your plate. Your business/career is doing AMAZING but at the expense of your personal weight-loss and health goals. You can’t seem to figure out how to get the results you want in both your business/career, family life AND your weight-loss at the same time. You promise yourself you will focus on weight-loss just as soon as something else in your life gets taken care of, but that time keeps getting pushed back because your responsibilities never end. You feel like you have to prioritize either your business/career, family OR your health, not both, in order to keep your sanity. You want to take better care of yourself, eat healthier and LOVE YOUR WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS but there’s always another business/work or family thing that needs to be handled first. WHAT I TEACH WILL TEACH YOU | MY PHILOSOPHY It’s NOT TRUE that you have to sacrifice your personal self-care, health, and weight-loss goals to grow your business , advance in your career or meet your families needs. What IS TRUE is when you take the BEST care of yourself and feel AMAZING at your ideal weight, you will be able to truly GIVE your best, be your most creative, think with optimized clarity, and show up with true boss confidence in your business/career and family life. STOP HOLDING YOURSELF BACK. It’s all about mindset. Whatever is holding you back from reaching your goal weight is the same as what is holding you back from your reaching your dream business + life goals. WHAT I’VE LEARNED– Overcome your limitations in one area and you will overcome your limitations in the other. Getting to your goal weight & losing these last stubborn pounds where you feel like you've been stuck FOREVER is really just the beginning. It’s 100% possible to get to your dream goal weight. It's 100% possible to end your struggle with food and weight. It's 100% possible to live your life without your weight being a constant distraction, worry and problem. I will teach you how. I will coach you through implementing the necessary changes. YOU READY? JOIN ME. Let's do this! xoxo Brenda

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 EP. 160- Corona-Proof your weight loss: HOW TO NOT EAT 10x A DAY DURING A QUARANTINE.. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:19

Ep. 160. Does it feel hard to navigate all the changes that are happening without stress eating? It's important to not make the emotional eating you've done something devastating. There's a lot of value in being able to get playfully curious about what your brain is telling you when it suggests you go and eat in order to feel better. Listen to this episode to learn more about ONE STRATEGY I love to use when changing life-long habits.

 EP. 159- Prove to yourself what you're made of...why NOW is the time. (COVID-19 & weight loss tools PART 4) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:05

Are you feeling like you'll 'start' trying to lose the weight after things are back to 'normal'? Or maybe you're thinking that you deserve to overeat because there's 'too much' happening... WHAT IF instead: you deserve to feel like no matter what's happening in your life you can manage it without sabotaging & without creating more frustration.... If this is what you're wanting: LISTEN NOW to learn why now is the time.

 EP. 158- What are you looking for? (COVID-19 & weight loss tools PART 3) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:29

Struggling with all the news and/or all the change? Is the worry & uncertainty affecting your personal goals? This episode is a must-listen. LISTEN NOW. For more support- check out my FREE TRAINING: To work with me directly- LEARN MORE ABOUT MY COACHING PROGRAM HERE:

 EP. 157- USEFUL THINKING (COVID-19 & weight loss tools PART 2) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:25

The brain management technique that I teach my clients is NOT the same as 'positive' thinking. As you are forging ahead in your weight loss journey towards your desired weight loss results... and also as you are navigating the collective Coronavirus situation my recommendation isn't 'positive' thinking... my recommendation is: USEFUL THINKING. To work with me directly- LEARN MORE ABOUT MY COACHING PROGRAM HERE:

 Special: (COVID-19) Stress, Anxiety & Uncertainty: How to cope with the emotions without the emotional eating [PART 1] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:05

Many people are experiencing stress related to updates and changes happening in their lives with the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease. If you feel like the world is falling apart, you aren’t the only one. On this episode, I teach you how I personally navigate through experiencing uncomfortable intense emotions without stress eating or emotional eating as a momentary distraction. Listen to learn more about strategies for managing stress, fear, anxiety and overwhelm during a pandemic. With love, Bren

 EP. 156- Learning to feed yourself with love. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:34

Ep: 156. I believe in this so much, that I got a tattoo of it on my body. I struggled with my weight for decades, and this was the change that single-handedly, put an end to all my suffering about weight. I make a lot of bold statements on this episode, and I stand firmly by ALL of them. If you make this ONE change in the way you make choices about what you eat- your life (and weight loss!) will never be the same. For more support- check out my FREE TRAINING:

 EP. 155- Learning to SELF-SOOTHE [instead of emotional eating]. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:22

The reason women struggle with their weight loss even though they know what they need to do, is because most of us don't know how to self-soothe at the end of the day or a long week. Women these days have so many responsibilities and so much on their plates that knowing how to self-soothe is an important skill for successful and permanent weight loss. Listen to this episode to learn what you need to do in order to stop emotionally eating, self soothe effectively and get to your goal weight instead!

 EP. 154- Learning to RELAX & UNWIND for less late night eating. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:41

Way too many women struggle with nighttime eating. I used to be one of them. The effects of it are so frustrating because the habit of eating junk at night will keep you from experiencing the kind of results you're wanting. In this episode, I teach you the importance of learning how to relax. Most of us have not actually learned how to do it and aren't creating the time or space for it in our evening routines. If you tend to overeat at night- you can't miss this episode. Listen Now

 EP. 153- Learning to FEEL PROUD [essential for permanent weight loss] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:05

Most women are way too quick to be critical of themselves and their bodies... it's just a habit to do so at this point! Without realizing it, we don't even really know how to feel proud. No matter where you are in your weight loss journey, you're going to have to really learn how to always feel proud of yourself. When we FEEL SUCCESSFUL we create success. It's that simple. To work with me directly- LEARN MORE ABOUT MY COACHING PROGRAM HERE:

 EP. 152- Creating Disinterest for Sabotaging. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:13

In this episode, I teach HOW TO STOP SABOTAGING. I teach you how I went from having tons of desire and interest in sabotaging and overeating to completely eliminating any interest in it. The truth is: WHEN YOU ELIMINATE THE INTEREST IN OVEREATING, YOU COMPLETELY ELIMINATE THE EXHAUSTING STRUGGLE. Listen Now. For more support- check out my FREE TRAINING: To work with me directly- LEARN MORE ABOUT MY COACHING PROGRAM HERE:

 EP. 151- Peak Pleasure Principle- how to eat foods you love without overeating. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:23

Do you feel like you can't lose your last stubborn pounds because you enjoy and love food so much? Don't worry- I GOT YOU! In this episode I teach you exactly how it's possible to still enjoy and love food but NOT sabotage the weight loss results you're wanting. YES, IT'S POSSIBLE TO LOVE FOOD & ALSO STOP STRUGGLING WITH YOUR WEIGHT! Listen now to learn more... For more support- check out my FREE TRAINING:

 EP. 150- How to have fun eating socially without sabotaging. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:45

Do you feel like the hardest thing about losing weight is that it feels like you have to sacrifice all the fun? Do you love to eat socially and end up feeling deprived of that when you're trying to lose weight? In this episode, I teach you one of my mindset secrets for still enjoying eating out socially, but without the weight sabotage. THIS ONE IS A MUST LISTEN! For more support- check out my FREE TRAINING:

 EP. 149- How it’s possible to love & accept your body BUT ALSO decide to lose some weight. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:04

I often get asked how it's possible to love your body but also want to lose weight. I want you to know that it IS possible. In fact, I recommend it because it's the only thing that works. LISTEN TO THIS EPISODE to learn about how my philosophy to weight loss is aligned with also loving your body and 'health' at any size. LISTEN NOW. For more support- check out my FREE TRAINING:

 EP. 148- Decompression eating & a new approach for unwinding. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:25

Decompression eating by definition is: when we eat at the end of the day to 'relax' or to 'unwind'. If you're in the habit of eating or snacking at the end of the day in order to relax & unwind.... this is a HARD habit to break. It's a habit that will keep you stuck without weight loss results for years and even decades! I teach you how to 'trade-in' your habit of eating to decompress for a NEW & BETTER upgraded way of decompressing from those long, challenging days or even weeks. This one's a must-listen

 EP. 147- Burn the boat- for weight loss results. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:59

Do you ever wonder WHY: if you know exactly what to eat and what to do to lose weight... why you DON'T DO IT? Well, you're not the only one. This is where most people fall in the struggle with their weight loss. They 'know' what to do... but... they just can't seem to get themselves to actually do it. In this episode, I break this down so that you can understand why you do this and WHAT YOU NEED TO CHANGE to start taking action.


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