Worldview Matters show

Worldview Matters

Summary: Christian Worldview Network: Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christan Worldview. Listen to our wide selection of Christian radio shows from hosts including Brannon Howse, Frank Harber, Janet Folger, Ravi Zacharias, and many more! New shows every week day!

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 Brannon Howse: Aired August 17, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon's guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung for this week's Middle East Update. Topic: Israel more ready for War than ever with Iran. Topic: Egyptian President Morsi moves Egyptian military into Sinai near Israeli border. Topic: US and Allies discuss Syrian invasion to secure chemical weapons. Topic: We take your calls Israeli media joins Palestinian media on attacking Jewish prayers on Temple Mount.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 16, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon plays clips from two sermons by Joel Osteen that reveal that he is embracing New Age teachings or what Brannon describes as “Christianizing Shamanism.” Brannon explains the very definition of Shamanism and then reveals how this is being embraced by “evangelicals” today. One message Osteen delivered at his church is on speaking your future into being and another is on speaking “I Am” just as New Age Mormon Glenn Beck has declared. Osteen also talks about how one’s words can stop God’s plan for your life. Why is this not true? Osteen quotes Scripture but Brannon explains how the Scripture is not just being quoted out of context but misquoted. Brannon also reveals a very encouraging call from a listener that explains how the truth of what Brannon has been explaining for the past several months has set her free from the oppression of the Word of Faith theology.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 15, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: promotes an article on increasing body frequencies with essential oils. Brannon explains why he believes this is nothing more than Word of Faith theology meets New Age teachings. While it may not surprise many that Word of Faith theology proponents would embrace New Age teachings, would it surprise you if “evangelicals” embraced New Age Teachings or allowed New Age teachings to be presented at a “Christian” college or university? Brannon plays New Age Mormon Glenn Beck proclaiming New Age teachings during a 2010 commencement address at Liberty University. How did the football stadium full of “Christians” respond to Beck’s New Age spirituality? Did Christians walk out or sit in silence in disapproval or did Beck receive cheers and a standing ovation? Topic: Brannon looks at 2 Timothy that calls for Christians to “suffer hardship…as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” While evangelicals are setting aside theology and compromising the gospel in order to “reclaim the country”, Brannon details how under persecution, and through upholding the gospel, Christians in China grew from 700,000 to between 30 million and 100 million. Topic: Brannon shares the testimony of faithful men such as Andrew Melville, John Wesley, and George Whitefield that reached untold numbers for Jesus Christ but did so while not spiritually partnering with the world or compromising the gospel. In fact, these men were reviled by the world and by much of the religious establishment. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 14, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Carl Teichrib. Carl personally attended the 26th International Congress of the World Federalist Movement (WFM), the largest membership-based organization specifically designed to advance the idea of world government. Carl joins us to give us an update on what the globalist are seeing as the tipping point for bringing about a world government. Carl also reveals their current plan for implementing a global tax by which to fund their globalist agenda. The Bible speaks of a world government, one-world economy and one-world religion. Carl reveals how all three are in the works. There has also been talk of the need for a king or one-world leader.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 13, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Chris Pinto: Topic: World Magazine reports that conservative historians found Barton’s historical facts flawed. One author declared that Barton’s books and videos are full of “embarrassing factual errors, suspiciously selective quotes, and highly misleading claims.” Topic: Barton’s radio co-host accuses those that have trouble with Barton’s historical facts of being “jealous”, “elitist” and compares others as using “same as tactics of Saul Alinksy” and suggests that professors are using tool of Alinksy and Hitler. Topic: History News Network contest listed Barton’s book as “the least credible history book in print.” Topic: Why does all this matter and what does it have to do with protecting the gospel?

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 10, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung for this week’s Middle East Update. Topic: Iran Reaffirms Unbreakable Alliance with Syria. Topic: Jordan's King Abdullah says Syria's Chemical Weapons Scare all of Us. Topic: Egypt's New President Faces A Major Crisis in the Sinai As he deals with Terrorist. Topic: Palestinian Authority Television Says that Israel is Using Chemical Weapons to Erode al Aqsa Mosque even as the US State Department Report on Freedom of Religion Slams Israel for not allowing the Jews to pray on the Temple Mount. Topic: We take your calls

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 9, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Mike Gendron. Topic: What is the gospel? Topic: Rome’s Strategy for a One World Religion. Topic: We take a call from a Catholic and we have a very interesting conversation.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 8, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon's guest is Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: I know that it is completely unbiblical when people claim that Jesus took them to hell or showed them hell. But what would you say to those who have had near-death experiences and claim to have seen hell or something supernatural without Jesus involved – those who would claim to have seen their spirit out of their body, or have seen fire, heard screaming, etc.? Are such experiences biblically possible? Question: My friends and I were wondering if Scripture says anything one way or the other about cremation. Yesterday in the ladies Sunday school class the teacher stated that those saved in the tribulation will not be saved by grace but by works. Is this true? Question: In Matthew 5.21-24, who are the brothers that are being talked about? Is it fellow Christians or all mankind? Question: This is an area that confuses me, when I study Matthew 5:31, 32. Jesus said that a man cannot put away his wife unless on the grounds of adultery. I know that there is always room for forgiveness if that happens, but what if it’s so hard to forgive or the person who committed the act is not making it easy for one to move forward. Question: A difficult situation presented itself to me this morning. Just recently a couple bought the house next door to my husband and me. The husband is from India and a Hindu. The wife called me this morning to invite me to the blessing service tomorrow for the house. She described the service as a type of religious service. I accepted the offer initially and then sat down to pray about what to do. I want to start out right with my new neighbors but I do not want to offend God. I thought of many kinds of excuses that I could make to decline but rather decided to call the wife and explain that I was a devout Christian and felt it inappropriate to attend a Hindu blessing. I don’t think the wife took my explanation very well. It’s only a blessing for the house she said. What would you have done, Dr. Whitcomb? Question: I have wondered if it is idolatry to pledge allegiance to the flag. Growing up, we always did in Vacation Bible School, but it seems like it isn't right to pledge allegiance to anything other than the Lord. Question: I've heard a really well-known pastor talk about Christ being the "true" Israel. He does hold to replacement theology, but I've never heard it put that way before. What do you think are some of the promises of God that could not be fulfilled in Christ and have to be fulfilled in a literal people, namely Israel? Question: My wife and I were concerned that our church has started having a "Prophet" come to our church every 6 months or so. He gives a sermon and has "commercial breaks" to call someone out to give them a word from God. You can also stay after and see him for a word from God. We don't think it's biblical and are concerned with where our church is going.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 7, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Part two: David James is the author of a 223 page book that was released this week entitled “The Harbinger Fact or Fiction? David James, the author, and T.A. McMahon, the publisher, join Brannon to discuss these topics: Hear audio of Cahn on TBN, audio of him with Sid Roth and audio of him with Glenn Beck. James and McMahon give analysis of these three audio clips. Topic: The Harbingers were metaphors but is Cahn trying to make them exact when what he points to is not exact examples? Topic: Why Isaiah 9 has nothing to do with America. Topic: The problem with what Cahn writes about America’s economy. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 6, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Part One: David James is the author of a 223 page book that was released this week entitled “The Harbinger Fact or Fiction? David James, the author, and T.A. McMahon, the publisher, join Brannon to discuss this topic: Topic: Are you surprised by ministries you know and have supported that they are supporting and even promoting The Harbinger? Topic: A common refrain in support of the book is that the many coincidences between contemporary events and biblical prophecy cannot be just chance events but surely must be the hand of God. How do you respond to that? Topic: Jonathan Cahn, in various interviews, has accepted praises as a prophet of God. Do you think he is a prophet of God? Topic: Some have said that a number of Jonathan Cahn’s critics have never read The Harbinger. How many times have you read the book? How much time did you put into research and study for your book? Topic: Some of those who have criticized your review of The Harbinger say that you have nit-picked the book to death and missed the forest for the trees – that the book is just about repentance and turning to God. One reviewer even described your criticism as “really, really stupid.” How do you respond to that? Topic: He says he has been wrongly accused of Replacement Theology, which is especially misguided because he is a Messianic Jew. Do you think he is arguing for Replacement Theology? Topic: Jonathan Cahn says he has been misunderstood by his critics who say that he is handling Isaiah 9:10 as a prophecy concerning the United States. Do you think you have misunderstood what he is saying? Topic: Jonathan Cahn says that The Harbinger never states that America is in covenant with God – but you bring up this issue a number of times in your book and contend this is what he is saying. Why is that? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 3, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung for this week’s Middle East and Prophecy Update. Topic: Iranian President Ahmadinejad calls for world forces to annihilate Israel. Topic: Leon Pannetta visits Egypt and Israel with the agenda focused on Iran and Syria. Topic: Syrian crisis feeds Iraqi violence and Al Qaeda revival. Topic: Palestinians make plans for Palestinian State at same time - train and prepare for war.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 2, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Can Christians be demon possessed? Are Christians called to cast out demons? What happened when Pastor John MacArthur tried to cast out a demon from a woman at his church? Why did his command for the demon to leave not work? What finally released the young women from her demonic bondage? Why are Christians not to be afraid of demons? What specific Bible verses assure Christians that we do not have to be afraid of demons? What specific Bible verses tell Christians how to avoid Satan’s snare of sin, discouragement, and a damaged testimony?

 Brannon Howse: Aired July 31, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: Brannon plays audio clips of nationally known politicians that for some reason are not embarrassed to be in spiritual services with people like Lou Engle. What does this say about today’s New Religious Right politicians that they will embrace religious personalities that years ago they would surely have been embarrassed to be seen with? Topic: Brannon plays a sound clip of the late Jerry Falwell declaring the three prong approach of the religious right that might explain why the religious right was guaranteed failure from its inception and guarantee that many Christians would embrace people like Lou Engle, Glenn Beck, Cindy Jacobs, and Mike Bickle. Topic: Pat Robertson’s Operation Blessing hooks up with Glenn Beck’s spiritual rally. Topic: A talk radio station in Little Rock is dropping Glenn Beck and the reason being reported is that he has been mixing in too much of his religious beliefs into his program. Topic: September 29th is “America for Jesus” and it will include the normal bunch of New Apostolic Reformation, Word of Faith and New Religious Right trying once again to get God’s attention through a prayer rally. God is not listening to the prayers of unbelievers and false teachers asking for success in their dominion theology based activism? Topic: We take lots of your calls on what you think will be the long term impact of pastors and Christian leaders like David Jeremiah, Tony Evans, and Ravi Zacharias taking part in a spiritual enterprise that included Word of Faith proponents, Catholics, and Glenn Beck.

 Brannon Howse: Aired July 30, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Hear the audio clips of Glenn Beck’s spiritual message at the Under God Indivisible conference in Dallas on July 27th. The website boasted confirmed speakers as Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, Ravi Zacharias, Kenneth Copeland, Richard Land, a few catholic priests and others. Hear Beck as he tells these pastors how great they are for standing with him a “Mormon”. Beck then speaks of the rapture, “the Lord is coming and he is our father in heaven.” So now these evangelicals and Beck follow the same God? The LDS church teaches that the Mormon God was a man of flesh and bone that evolved to become God. Beck then spoke of his accepting Jesus and “the atonement”. What do these terms mean in Mormon theology? Beck says that “America is necessary for his [God’s] work to be done.” Brannon explains how the Mormon Church is supposed to be the outpost for the global LDS church and that Jesus will return to Independence, Missouri and set up his kingdom there in the New Jerusalem. Could this be why Beck, a Mormon, might believe God needs him and his followers to save America? What will this past weekend’s events lay the foundation for in the coming months? How many non-Christians are really confused after these “evangelicals” united in this latest spiritual enterprise with Glenn Beck? How many Mormons now believe that their religion must be acceptable if so many “evangelical” leaders are willing to declare with their participation that Mormons and Christians worship the same God?

 Brannon Howse: Aired July 26, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon and Dr. Jimmy DeYoung had decided two weeks ago that they had said all they needed to say about The Harbinger unless something new came up. Guess what? Something new came up and it was an article that was released by Joe Farah of this week that misrepresented the views of both Dr. DeYoung and Brannon. On today’s program they both set the record straight and then move onto this week’s Middle East update. Topic: As the Syrian situation deteriorates the Israeli Defense Force prepares to deal with Syria's Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction. Topic: The Palestinian Authority Television Depicts a Baby Eating Zionist Lizard in an effort to insight hatred of the Jewish people.


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