Worldview Matters show

Worldview Matters

Summary: Christian Worldview Network: Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christan Worldview. Listen to our wide selection of Christian radio shows from hosts including Brannon Howse, Frank Harber, Janet Folger, Ravi Zacharias, and many more! New shows every week day!

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 Brannon Howse: Aired October 3, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Part One: Preparing For Your Flight Out of This World" by Russell O'Quinn at a Branson Worldview Weekend. At 76 years of age Russell O'Quinn is the nation's oldest test pilot. The story and testimony of Mr. O'Quinn is an incredible adventure and yet it is deeply challenged and evangelistic. This is a presentation children and adults will view with great attention as Mr. Quinn's humor, conviction and passion inspire and teach valuable Biblical truths.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 2, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon's guest today is Dr. John Whitcomb. Listener questions include the following: Question: Can you shed some light on the exchange between Jesus and Peter in John 21:15-17? I am asking about the word play revolving around the word "love" used in these verses. Question: What does Luke 10:17-22 mean? Don't all Christians have authority over the demons since this was the 70, not just the 12 apostles? Question: Jimmy DeYoung teaches that Christ builds his own Temple and that the earthly Temple is destroyed. Dr. Whitcomb, as I heard it, said that the earthly Temple is cleansed by Jesus to be used in the Millennial Kingdom. Which one is correct? Could you clarify? Question: How is it possible that Israel could sign a peace treaty during the tribulation, when Bible prophecy clearly states that within three years the peace treaty will no longer be honored? Are the people during this period not aware of Bible prophecy? Question: Ask Dr John to explain who the saints are in Rev. 5:8 and Rev 8:3-5, along with the “golden censer” full of odors, which are the prayers of the saints. Is this a picture of what is going on in Heaven now or during the Tribulation period? Are these saints Christians now or the Tribulation saints? Question: Churches in my area canceled church services or changed their times for a ball game. It seems like this is happening more and more and not just for ball games. This really bothers me. Am I being too picky? Question: Proverbs 26:24-26 – What are the seven abominations in his heart? Question: Recently I was talking to a friend of mine who is Pentecostal. We got on the subject of the Trinity, and what we believe is not the same. He said his church teaches that there is one God but three different manifestations. They do not believe in Three in One. When I started to quote Scriptures where God is spoken of in a plural form (i.e., Gen. 1:26), he told me those passages are not translated correctly. I do not speak Hebrew, but I find it hard to believe that this is true. Question: Is there anything in Scripture that would point to a Muslim being the Antichrist? Question: Our son is engaged to a girl who isn't born again and we feel quite unsettled about this. Are we to get any guidance from Samson marrying a Philistine – that it was "of the Lord" (Judges 14:3-4)?

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 1, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon plays three audio clips from a “discernment” ministry radio program that has promoted Cahn. Brannon has stated since last summer that he believes Cahn’s book promotes a prophet that is foretelling not only forth-telling. While some have claimed this is not true, Brannon plays a sound clip from this “discernment” ministries radio program from this past weekend in which Cahn states “the man is called a prophet, really representing the Old Testament revelation of the prophets of judgment giving warning to a nation. He is revealing these mysteries through these nine seals to another man.” Brannon believes this clearly involves extra-Biblical revelations or mysteries and thus opens up a serious theological issue. While some would say the “prophet” is revealing the revelation given in the Old Testament; that would not be an accurate assumption if the “prophet” is also revealing new mysteries that are for us today. There is nothing in the text of Isaiah 9:10 that would suggest it forms a repeating pattern of judgment or a mystery that could be applied millennia later. That is completely new revelation. A mystery is something that was in the mind of God that was not revealed in the Old Testament but was revealed in the New Testament through the writers of the Bible. Thus, if Cahn’s prophet is revealing mysteries then that puts him in the category of the kind of prophet that we see in the Bible. Topic: Hear a co-host suggest we need to set aside these small issues and unite now because of what is happing in the world. Brannon explains why he believes the issues surrounding Cahn’s book are not small issues but involves the authority of the Word of God and the myth of modern day prophets. Brannon believes the suggestion that we need to set aside theological issues to unite for some earthly agenda is pragmatism at best. Topic: Another co-host suggests that George Washington, whom Cahn writes about in the Harbinger, can be understood by reading his prayer journal. There is only one problem with that. Washington’s own estate and presidential library says the prayer journal was “discovered” 100 years after his death and his not in his handwriting and is not Washington’s prayer journal. Topic: Word of Faith continues to go main stream as Mike Huckabee on Fox News Channel interviews Joyce Meyer on his program this past weekend. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 28, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Hear sound clips of the speech by Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu and the commentary of Brannon and Dr. DeYoung. This speech is very revealing on many levels. Is America about to see another “Cuban Missile Crisis” but from this time from Venezuela?

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 27, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Pastor Jesse Johnson. Topic: Donald Trump tells Christian, Liberty University students to get even. News reports state that a Liberty University representative has said this statement was acceptable because Jesus got even as well. Is this a true statement? Topic: Why are so many within evangelicalism interested in their honorary doctorates and the appearance of education while actually being anti-intellectual when it comes to understanding theology, philosophies and the worldview war going on even within the “church” and evangelicalism? Topic: Why is evangelism filled with leaders that have such little discernment? Topic: What are the red lines for discussing publically a particular person and their teachings? Topic: What are the guidelines Brannon goes by for how he talks about someone publically? Topic: Are all Christians called to studying and exposing false teachers and studying the trends within evangelicalism and the dangerous facing the church? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 26, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Today Brannon plays a powerful presentation by Pastor Eric Douma of Twin City Fellowship. Days before Jonathan Cahn appears in the Twin Cities, Pastor Douma is warning of the dangerous theological issue with Cahn’s book. Pastor Douma has done his Biblical homework and lays out point by point the serious theological errors of Cahn’s book. After listening to this program if someone can still defend Cahn’s book and theology then I think we have to seriously question their discernment and commitment to the authority of Scripture not to mention their lack of ability to study the Bible in context. Be sure to listen and post to your Facebook page.

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 25, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon's guest is Mike Genderon on the death of discernment in the 21 century church based on 2 Tim. 4:3-4. Topic: What is discernment and why do we need it? Topic: How is Satan attacking the church today? Topic: What are the causes of the pending death of discernment? Topic: Why do we need to keep it alive? Topic: What can we do to keep discernment alive in our churches? Topic: How can you tell if a pastor has discernment? Topic: Why are false teachers so successful?

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 24, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon and Justin Peters discuss the audio of Rodney Howard Browne and Kenneth Copeland as they babble at each other. Howse and Peters turn to I Corinthians 14 to explain that this babbling was the activity of the pagans that had been brought into the church. Paul tells the church at Corinth in I Corinthians 14 that they are not be involved in this activity and then explains the proper use of the gift of languages. While Brannon and Justin both believe this gift has ceased, today’s program is not focusing on that topic but rather explaining how the gift was to be used as described by Paul when it was active. The activities of Kenneth Copeland and Howard Rodney Browne do not represent the Biblical gift of languages which was an actual language. The actual gift was not for edification of the individual and the greater gift was the gift of speaking forth Biblical truth. The actual gift of languages always involved an interpreter and was a sign for unbelieving Israel as well as a sign of coming judgment. The warning of I Corinthians 14 is just as needed today for the modern church as it was for the church at Corinth.

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 21, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Today Brannon interviews Dr. DeYoung on Ezekiel and Daniel 11. Ezekiel 38 mentions Magog, (today the former Soviet Union), Persia, (which until 1936 meant Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan), Ethiopia, (which at the time would have included Sudan, and Somalia) and Gomer which today would be Turkey. Daniel 11 mentions the Kings of the South and North which today would be Syria and Egypt and verse 43 of Daniel 11 mentions Libya. The Former Soviet Union, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Turkey, Syria and Egypt are indeed in the news today. The Bible tells us that these nations will move against Israel. A few years ago, Iran and the former Soviet Union entered into a military alliance for the first time in world history. Iran either has or is about to acquire nuclear weapons. Pakistan has nuclear weapons. Syria has lots of biological chemicals and Egypt and Libya have gone extremely radical with their new leaders. Many of these nations are speaking of their hatred of Israel and the desire to eliminate her as a nation. The Bible indicates that Egypt, Syria and Libya will move against Israel and then the other nations mentioned with follow in turn. Dr. DeYoung explains where he believes these events, mentioned in the Bible and unfolding today, put us on God’s prophetic calendar. Don’t miss this program that is only a small sample of what Dr. DeYoung will present at the fall 2012 Free Biblical Worldview Weekends.

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 18, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: Listener e-mails on how lives are being changed through Biblical truth. Topic: Rick Warren is speaking at conference with Greg Laurie, James McDonald, and Mark Driscoll. Is anyone else noticing a trend here? The conference organizers have also sent out a tweet quoting Joseph Prince, a popular Word of Faith preacher. Topic: As we reported in 2010, there are more news reports of Iran and Syria working together in Venezuela. The latest report is that Iranian missile technicians are building missile sites in northern Venezuela that would put Miami within striking distance. Topic: 1,000 pastors are set to preach political sermons in hope the IRS will take action against them. Is this really how pastors should be responding? Is there a lack of freedom now for pastors to speak on the issues of the day from a Biblical perspective? Will the ability to speak for or against specific politicians really solve the spiritual problems in our nation? Is this not just a political and publicity stunt by the “culture war industrial complex”? Topic: Kirk Cameron speaks at a political function of the New Religious Right in Washington DC and continues to reveal his historical and theological error. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 17, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Part Two on “Pastor” Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, California. Brannon’s guest today is Mark Dinsmore of The Berean Call. Brannon has received several e-mails from listeners over the past few months wanting to know more about “Pastor” Johnson’s worldview and theology because even non-Pentecostal Pastors and leaders are following Johnson and promoting him. Today, Brannon plays sound clips of Johnson and what he teaches and describes the manifestations that are reportedly occurring at his church such as a “glory cloud.” What is a glory cloud and what is causing this “glory cloud” to appear?

 WVW Financial Report For September 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: Federal Reserve announces new bond-buying program. WSJ reports “…the Fed will be purchasing $85 billion worth of longer-term securities a month through the end of the year…” How will this impact you? Topic: U.S. credit rating by Egan-Jones…Again. Topic: More Americans opting out of banking system. Topic: Gold and silver jump drastically on news of more federal stimulus. Where is gold and silver likely headed?

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 14, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

When evangelicalism becomes politically correct and censors the truth. Brannon plays an audio clip of the late Dr. Walter Martin from 1982 talking about the censorship that was occurring even then by “Christian” radio and television when it came to the topic of Mormonism and the cults. Brannon reads from a 1996 article that details how one a Christian broadcaster with one of the largest Christian broadcasting associations actually recommend that one national talk show host submit all his program topics to their ethics committee before his independent radio network discussed the topics. Now we are in 2012 and the political correctness and censorship of the truth by “Christian” media personalities, “Christian” television and radio and even Christian publications, seems to be greater than ever.

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 12, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon has received several e-mails from listeners over the past few months wanting to know more about “Pastor” Johnson’s worldview and theology because even non-Pentecostal Pastors and leaders are following Johnson and promoting him. Today, Brannon plays sound clips of Johnson and what he teaches and describes the manifestations that are reportedly occurring at his church such as a “glory cloud.” What is a glory cloud and what is causing this “glory cloud” to appear?

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 11, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Question: Will you explain the meaning of it? Psalm 82:6 (NKJV): “6 I said, You are gods,[a] And all of you are children of the Most High.” Question: Is there Scriptural evidence that innocent children (and presumably people who never develop mentally beyond childlike understanding) would be snatched up at the Rapture? It would seem that all of the children perished along with the adults in Noah's Flood as well as the judgment at Sodom and Gomorrah. Question: Will the entire world hear the trumpet sound and the angel shout at the time of the rapture, or will only those being raptured hear the sounds? Question: The Mark of the Beast in Revelation: Is that before the Rapture or after the Rapture of the Christian Church from the earth ? Who will have the Mark? Rev 13:16, Rev. 15:2 Also where is the Rapture found in Scripture? Question: Dan. 7:25: “He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time.” Isn't this verse talking about the 3 1/2 years of tribulation? If so, it appears the saints are still here and not raptured making this a mid-tribulation (rapture). Question: Revelation 16 :8-9 talks about the heat from the sun – is that now or later? Everybody talks about global warming and America is having this huge drought and the farming community is suffering. Question: When the bible requires us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, isn't that really up to God how much we are filled? Are there different levels of being filled as we live out our Christian lives? Question: How are Christians to behave toward people who are under judgment from God. How can Christians tell if someone is under God's judgment, and does that matter in how we behave toward them or toward the false teachers who confirm them in their sin? Question: Please explain chapter 14 of Genesis. I do not understand any of it very much, but verses 17 through 24 are especially difficult for me. I once heard a preacher say that Melchizedek was an incarnation of Christ. If that is true, please explain how that conclusion was reached. Also, in the last part of verse 20, who is the "he" and the "him"referring to in "And he gave him tithes of all." Question: My son asked about "Nephilim" or giants. Could you ask Dr. Whitcomb about these from his Old Testament studies?


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