Worldview Matters show

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 Brannon Howse: Aired January 17, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: Obama Administration is disarming Americans while arming Muslim-Brotherhood terrorists. More proof that the Marxist and Muslims are working together in a shared goal. Topic: Perry Noble says the world refuses to receive the product the church is offering because of what the product is associated with. By product Perry Noble is referring to Jesus. Why is Jesus not a product and why should man centered marketing not be used to try and attract church attendees? Why is Perry Nobel so hostile to the Biblical church? Topic: Why does Perry Nobel not meet the qualities of a pastor/elder as found in Titus 1 & 2? Topic: Neo-Evangelicals and New Religious Right members are pushing for amnesty by taking Matthew 25 out of context. Topic: David Reagan’s magazine this month contains a mean-spirited attack on anyone that disagrees with his praise of false teacher Oral Roberts, the hermeneutically flawed book The Harbinger and his quoting a poem by a mystic Muslim about God that he declares is Biblical. How could it be Biblical when his own magazine described the poet as a mystic Muslim? How can it be biblical when Christians and Muslims don’t worship the same God? Topic: You know it is a sign of the times when discernment ministries stop being discerning in order to attract a bigger audience and watchmen on the wall start to praise false teachers and rip into those that are lovingly pointing out error. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 16, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: Who is Pastor Perry Noble and does he qualify as a pastor and could his church truly be called a New Testament Church? Topic: Perry Noble is blogging to pastors, speaking at pastor conferences and he and his church are being held up as a model to emulate. Due to several e-mails we have received from people wanting to know about Perry, we are revealing why Perry Noble’s theology and methodology is Biblical dangerous and should not be held up as an example to be duplicated. You will be stunned at the things you hear Perry Noble say. Topic: Why does Noble’s church not fit the model of New Testament church? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 15, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: Why “Christians” should be careful about talking about a civil war in America. Topic: Hear the audio of Pastor Ed Young Jr. declare that Jesus would tell Kim Kardashian to “make me famous” and would praise her for her “vulnerability”. For those that don’t know Kim was made famous by a sex tape and a vulgar reality TV show. Ed Young Jr. goes on to say that the desire to be famous was a God given desire. Really? Brannon explains why Jesus would not tell Kim Kardashian to “make me famous” and would in fact give her the Gospel and call her to repentance. Topic: Why is seeking fame not a God give desire but actually a trait of original sin, pride, selfishness, self-centeredness, and the love of self? Topic: If you want to be famous today do not preach the gospel, proclaim the exclusivity of Jesus Christ and the inerrancy of Scripture. Topic: How have Joel Osteen, Rick Warren and even Kim Kardashian become famous? Topic: We take your calls

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 14, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Special extended Worldview Weekend Radio for January 14, 2013. Topic: Hear an audio clip of President Obama’s press conference today and how Mark Levin, a U.S. Constitutional expert responded. Topic: WalMart suspends ammo orders pending gun control legislation. Topic: Why ammo and even stamps, along with other items, could be used as a medium of exchange when the U.S. dollar is completely debased. Topic: New Apostolic Reformation prophet James Goll appears to have gotten it wrong with his prophecy that Mitt Romney would become president. But wait; hear an audio of Pat Robertson admitting he got it wrong as well. So are they calling themselves false prophets? Topic: Hear a new audio of Cindy Jacobs, who hangs out with many of today’s New Religious Right, claiming that she has seen food multiply and God has kept her shoes and tires from wearing out. Topic: A December 20-21, 2012 meeting was held to continue the process of a revived Roman Empire. Did you not hear this reported in the mainstream media? Topic: Deaf twins in Belgium have a cup of coffee, say good-bye to family and are euthanized at their request. Topic: Obama is bribing states to adopt United Nation’s education standards. Topic: Republican Maco Rubio introduces plan to give 12 million illegals legal status. Why will this make the Communist in America very happy? Why do republicans seem to be assisting in guaranteeing they will never be re-elected; unless of course they plan on becoming progressives. Topic: How do so many of today’s news stories fit together?

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 11, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: Louie Giglio is not a living martyr. Topic: Hear about Brannon’s conversation with a man in his forties that told him he had never heard the gospel that Brannon shared with him. How did this man respond to the good news? Topic: Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung for a Middle East update. Topic: US Troops and Patriot Missiles Arrive in Turkey - Iran Says for Protection of Israel. Topic: The Palestinian Terror Group Fatah Celebrates 48 Years of Terrorism and Says Their Mission is to Save Jerusalem. Topic: Palestinian President Abbas Says the Most Notorious Arab Murderer of Jews is his Hero, while the President of Israel Says Prepare for a Palestinian Uprising. Topic: A Palestinian Official Joins with Many Others in the Arab World Saying that Israel is Preparing to Build the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 10, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: Dr. Stephen halbrook joins Brannon for the first segment to discuss how Hitler took the list of those who had registered their guns and used the list to take away their guns. Topic: Hear the warning from Kitty Werthmann who lived in Austria when Hitler took over. Listen as she reveals how Austrians were convinced to register their guns to deal with crime only to have their guns taken by Hitler’s regime. Topic: Former Communist newspaper of the former Soviet Union, the Pravda, warns Americans not to give up their guns. Topic: Why Christians and conservatives should not play into the hands of the global elite and Neo-Marxists by talking about revolution and civil war. Christians also need to be careful how they talk in order to preserve their testimony and not harm the gospel. Topic: Marines are told they must allow same-sex spouses into their on-base clubs. Topic: Marines expanding use of meditation training. Topic: How Hitler infiltrated his military with homosexuality and the occult. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 9, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon's guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for "Ask Dr. John." Question: Was Seth the third son or could he have had more older brothers? If Seth was the third son, then who was Cain afraid of? Was it just his sisters? Question: Since Adam was 130 when Seth was born, could Cain and Abel have been more than 100 years old when Cain killed Abel? Does this explain who Cain was afraid of? Question: Could there be any relationship between the wise men of Matthew 2:1 and the descendants of Abraham of Genesis 25:6 or the descendants of the wise men of Daniel 2:48? Question: You have said that Mary cannot be the mother of God. When Mary visited Elizabeth, Elizabeth exclaimed, "And how has it happened to me, that the mother of my Lord would come to me?" (Luke 1:43, NASB). How could calling Mary “Mother of God” not be Scriptural, given that Elizabeth clearly declared it? Question: I have not found in prophecy where the Roman Empire must fall and then later be rebuilt. What Scriptures are clear on this subject? Question: What exactly are the "essentials" of the faith and where do I find them in Scripture? It seems there is disagreement in this area. Some say eschatology is an essential and others say it is a secondary issue. Question: Can we unite with believers who differ on the essentials of the faith? Question: My wife says that not only is the Holy Spirit in me, but also Jesus. I have always thought of Christ as being before the Father interceding for me and the Holy Spirit living inside every believer. Is Jesus inside me in the same way the Holy Spirit is inside me? And by the same reasoning, is the Father also inside me? (cf. John 17:20-26) Question: In 1 Peter 3:1, women are commanded to be subject to their husbands even if they are not in obedience to God. My question is, how far must a woman obey her unbelieving husband when he is leading her into sin, and when must she disobey him? If the husband is teaching false doctrines to their children (or neglecting to teach them at all), should the wife teach the children instead? What words of wisdom can you offer a wife of a false convert? Question: My wife had alcoholic, drug-using parents. Then she was adopted and it got worse. She was verbally, physically and sexually abused for years. She has confronted her adopted parents about what happened, but they said that they did nothing wrong. Since then she has been ostracized by her family. What should be her biblical response in dealing with this situation?

 Worldview Weekend Radio 2nd Hour Sample: 01-08-13 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Worldview Weekend Radio 2nd Hour Sample for 01-08-13. Topic: The Obama Administration’s potential use of Executive Order to limit the Second Amendment Rights of Americans. Topic: Senator Feinstein’s bill requires all weapons to be registered. Topic: An historical look at how gun registration was used by Hitler to disarm Germans and then kill 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews. Topic: Hear the audio of a former CIA operative warning about Iranian terror cells in the U.S. and the potential for attack in American in 2013. Is this not one more reason to have law abiding citizens armed or is this a time for the Marxists and the Muslims to disarm Americans and make them easy targets? Topic: Why has there been a spike in the printing of $100 bills? Is this a sign of things to come?

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 8, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Part four on Passion 2013. Brannon's guest is Chris Rosebrough. Topic: President Obama has picked Passion 2013 leader Louie Giglio to pray at his 2nd Presidential Inauguration. Giglio is quoted as saying in part “May we all look to our God, from whom we receive mercy, grace, and truth to strengthen our lives, our families and our nation.” When he says “may we all look to our God”, there is a problem because we all do not worship the same God. In addition, is Louie going to give a clear gospel in his prayer and refute the pluralism of President Obama as well as set himself apart from the President’s anti-Biblical policies such as same-sex marriage and abortion? Is this one more example of the New Religious Right being co-opted by a politician in order to gain more credibility for their radical agenda? Topic: We take your calls on Passion 2013 and our past three radio programs and our phone lines light up.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 7, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Part Three on Passion 2013. Brannon’s guest is Chris Rosebrough. Topic: Did the Passion 2013 conference convey a worldview of social justice, dominion theology, community and collective salvation and if so how? Topic: Why is Passion 2013 a perfect example of how the right and left are merging both politically and spiritually? Topic: One of the speakers at Passion 2013 was Gary Haugen of International Justice Mission. Hear from an article where one of the board of directors of International Justice Mission is quoted as saying: In my cultural context, the biggest religious problem is your karma: your karmic debt. What you sow, you reap. You come to this earth with a karmic account, then you die and you’re reincarnated, and that depends on how you’ve done in this life. When I read about Jesus’ death on the Cross, it wasn’t so much the sacrifice for sin that struck me as the sacrifice for karma. The Christians I met spoke of sin in this life, but that was meaningless to me. Karma was what mattered. So I decided, When they talk about sin, I think of karma, and I believe Jesus died for my karma, so I am going to accept him on those terms… We’ve produced a series of books and cds that connect with the South Asian experience. Fortunately, I was able to pay for publication, because in the early days, not many Christian publishers were willing to take on a book that talked about Jesus as the bodhisattva who fulfilled his dharma to pay for my karma to negate samsara and achieve nirvana! Topic: Brannon and Chris respond to the above reported comments.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 4, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Part Two: Passion 2013 Examined. Brannon’s guest is Chris Rosebrough. Topic: Brannon and Chris discuss Passion 2013 taking place in Atlanta, Georgia with 60,000 Christian college students in attendance. Brannon and Chris break down some of the things being taught that do not line up with the Bible as well as analyze the worldview of some of the speakers and the musical group Jesus Culture. Topic: One of the musical groups at Passion 2013 is a group called Jesus Culture which came out of the Church of New Apostolic Reformation proponent and Pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California; Bill Johnson. Brannon plays numerous sound clips from Jesus Culture band members as well as clips by their pastor Bill Johnson and students that are part of Johnson’s church. These clips will make it clear that this group is following a different Jesus, a different gospel and embracing mysticism. Topic: A Jesus Culture member talks about working with New Apostolic Reformation leaders Cindy Jacobs, Lou Engle and Bill Johnson. You will not believe the heresy revealed in some of these audio clips so hang on. Topic: Hear audio clips of Giglio and Gary Haugen speaking at Passion 2013. Topic: When John Piper spoke at this conference last night did he call out the false teaching and false teachers? Even if Piper gave the gospel did he still violate 2 John 9-11, 2 Corinthians 6:14 and Romans 16:17 by being there? Topic: What is worship? Is worship an experience? Is worship a feeling? Is God pleased if worship songs are led by unbelievers and false teachers? Topic: Why is this conference a real case study in where and how the modern-church is being deceived and co-opted and how should Biblical Bereans respond? Topic: Why are so many pastors not informed about the biggest false teaches, and trends in the modern church today?

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 3, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Chris Rosebrough. Topic: Brannon and Chris discuss Passion 2013 taking place in Atlanta, Georgia with 60,000 “Christian” college students in attendance. Brannon and Chris break down some of the things being taught that do not line up with the Bible as well as analyze the worldview of speaker Judah Smith and organizer Louie Giglio. Topic: One of the musical groups at Passion 2013 is a group called “Jesus Culture”. Research Erin Benziger reports that this music group came out of the Church of New Apostolic Reformation proponent and Pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California; Bill Johnson. Erin reports that one of the band members by the name of Kim Walker-Smith claims that she spoke with Jesus and that He cuddled her. Is this the promotion of mysticism? Topic: Has the Passion 2013 conference been conveying a worldview of social justice, dominion theology, community and collective salvation and if so how? Topic: Why is Passion 2013 a perfect example of how the right and left are merging both politically and spiritually? Part two will air Friday and will look at how Passion 2013 is promoting social justice among other dangerous and unbiblical philosophies.

 Brannon Howse: Aired January 2, 2013 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Dr. Randy White who has authored a new article for entitled “Hobby Lobby and the Beginning of the End.” Topic: The owners of Hobby Lobby refuse to pay for their employees to receive the “morning after pill” or abortion pill as part of their company insurance. The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear their case and Hobby Lobby could be fined $1.3 million dollars per day starting January 1, 2013 until they comply. Topic: What are the finer details of this story and how does this new federal law subject Christians to being persecuted for holding to their religious beliefs? Topic: Is civil disobedience ever Biblical? Topic: What examples do we see of civil disobedience in the Bible? Topic: If civil disobedience is practiced, how should it be carried out by Christians and what consequences must Christians be prepared to accept? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 28, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung for this week’s Middle East Update and 2012's top news stories in the Middle East. Topic: Top Stories from Syria. Topic: The On-going Civil War. Topic: The Use of Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction. Topic: Top Stories from Egypt. Topic: Leader of Moslem Brotherhood Elected President. Topic: National Referendum of Islamists Constitution. Topic: Top Stories from Palestinians. Topic: United Nations General Assembly gives Palestinian Authority state status. Topic: Both Palestinian Factions - Hamas and Fatah - says Armed Struggle - the way. Topic: We take your calls

 Brannon Howse: Aired December 27, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon reveals new evidence that he believes confirms that New Religious Right and evangelical leaders embraced a political Trojan horse when they endorsed Newt Gingrich for President in 2012. In early 2012, Brannon warned that Don Wildmon, founder of the American Family Association, Tim and Bev LaHaye and Pastor Michael Youssef, among others, were making a huge mistake to embrace Newt Gingrich for President as was reported by several news sources. It now seems Newt is publically revealing what the discerning and informed already knew about Newt as he calls for the Republican Party to compromise on same-sex marriage. Newt is reported to have said that he and the party should be ready to accept same-sex marriage if the distinction was made between, “a marriage in a church from a legal document issued by the state.” Where are the press releases now from Wildmon, the LaHayes, Youssef and other New Religious Right and evangelical leaders denouncing Newt’s worldview and apologizing to conservatives and Christians for what Brannon believes is their failure in leadership by endorsing Newt for President? Brannon plays sound clips from Newt and others to reveal that Newt’s worldview has been known for years to those that did their homework, were not committed to political pragmatism or jumped on the latest political bandwagon. Has the culture war of the past twenty years been lost partly because some of the leading culture warriors were deficient theologically and philosophically?


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