Worldview Matters show

Worldview Matters

Summary: Christian Worldview Network: Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christan Worldview. Listen to our wide selection of Christian radio shows from hosts including Brannon Howse, Frank Harber, Janet Folger, Ravi Zacharias, and many more! New shows every week day!

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 Brannon Howse: September 10, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Glenn Beck does a television special on Mormonism. Hear Beck speak of why Mormons have baptism for the dead. Beck says this practice is in the Bible in I Corinthians but is it really? Brannon explains I Corinthians 15:29. Topic: Hear Beck talk about the magic underwear Mormons wear. Topic: Hear Beck speak of how Mormon marriages are for eternity.

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 6, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: Did you know that the Word of Faith movement brought down the Berlin wall? So says Kenneth Copeland when he explains that his books and those of Kenneth Hagin were smuggled to the people behind the Berlin Wall and that their books taught people to talk to the wall and command it to come down and thus it did. This is again nothing more than standard Word of Faith, law of attraction, false teaching. While Copeland makes these comments, David Barton sits with Copeland and comments in a manner that seems to affirm and agree with Copeland. Now that Barton’s history problems have been discussed it is past time for evangelicalism to have the courage to discuss his theological problems and that of many of his friends such as Copeland and Beck. Topic: In another clip hear Copeland speak of how his organization brought in 100 million in one year and over one billion in 41 years. He declares that God wants him to have lots of money to reach lots of people. Does God need people rich to reach the lost? Why have some of the leading pro-family leaders, and evangelicals united with Copeland in recent meetings? Topic: Hear some of the audio from Inside Edition which did a superb job exposing what can only be described as the greed of today’s prosperity gospel and Word of Faith heretics. Topic: Why does God not allow many Bible-based organizations and ministries to bring in $100 million each year like some false teachers? Brannon explains why and how false teachers raise such large sums of money and why this might be actually impossible for a Bible-based organizations and why it actually might be a curse. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 5, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: Why do some evangelical leaders and pastors compromise even late in life? What role if any does money and the women in their lives play in this compromise? How do the consequences of the original sin, as described in Genesis chapter three, still impact men and women in the church in regards to the Biblical roles of men and women? Topic: Hear audio clips that reveal how paganism, pragmatism, mysticism, and shamanism have become main-stream within evangelicalism. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired September 4, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: The author of a new study on politics and Christians posted on Brannon’s Facebook page last week. The description of his new study declared, “The future of America depends on what Christians do—or don’t do?” Is this a true statement or not? The description declared “So much is at stake and Christians could change everything by getting involved. But they’re nowhere to be found.” Is this a true statement? Could Christians change everything by being involved politically? Could Christians change everything even if God has chosen to turn our nation over as described in Romans 1? The description continued “If America fails it will be the fault of believers who knew the truth but refused to stand for it.” Would that include the truth of the gospel and the truth of not entering into ecumenical, spiritual enterprises for political pragmatism? An e-mail blast promoting this new study declared “…the statement ‘Christianity is above politics’ sounds holy, but actually promotes idolatry and cowardice—and prevents us from becoming more like Christ.” Is this a true statement? Is Christianity as defined by the gospel and the Great Commission not above politics? Topic: Brannon plays a clip by Dr. John MacArthur on why pastors should be known for the gospel and not political activism. MacArthur also explains why Christians must vote and be involved in upholding righteousness in the civil arena but there must be a balance and we must remember our first priority as Christians. Brannon adds to MacArthur comments by explaining the importance of not confusing the role of the Church with the role of civil government. Topic: Hear a portion of the audio of Glenn Beck being interviewed by Matthew Crouch of TBN which is the TV network filled with false teachers. Beck claims his speech in Dallas in July was given to him by God and he just dictated it as he received it. Helen Schucman also claimed to have received a message from Jesus that she dictated. Interestingly enough, Beck writes in one of his books that he read Schucman’s book that is now the Bible of the New Age. Topic: TBN is now promoting Glenn Beck? Yet, David Jeremiah claimed on TBN a few months ago that God was using TBN. Hear the audio for yourself. Why is it that the more Beck reveals about his true beliefs the more “Christians” seem to work with him or taking part in spiritual enterprises that include Beck? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 31, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung for a Middle East update. Topic: Brannon took the first 30 minutes of the program to discuss a Biblical response to this year’s Presidential options. Brannon’s main point was that Christians need to be gracious with each other and not accuse someone of not being a Christian if they choose to vote for Mitt Romney. Brannon explains that he understands why some people believe they cannot vote for Romney and that he is not going to force his conscience onto anyone on either side of this debate. Brannon explains that we are not voting for an elder, deacon, pastor or someone to fill a role in a New Testament church. We must not confuse the church with civil government. Many Christians would prefer a better choice but in the end Christians can only vote for who is on the ballot, unless they want to write in a name, but if they do vote, Christians need to look at which candidate will come closest to fulfilling the purpose of government as described in Romans 13. Unbelievers can fulfill the purpose of government at varying degrees. Daniel, the three Hebrew boys, Joseph and other Biblical figures worked inside pagan governments without approving of everything these governments stood for. Again Brannon’s main point is that Christians need to be gracious with each other and remember our first calling.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 30, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: “Discernment” ministry author writes “The second chapter of Galatians reveals that Paul rebuked Peter at Antioch…Note that Paul’s rebuke of Peter was done in a private setting and not in public.” What? This is 100% false. The verse reads in the New King James, “But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before them all…” What part of “before them all” does he think means private? This is the same “discernment” author that wrote in the same article that “unless someone disavows or adds to items listed in the Apostles Creed, they are our brother or sister in Christ…” We dealt with this last week but the Apostles Creed does not include the gospel and many non-believers, including Catholics, would say they agree with the Apostles Creed. If this is the discernment of some “discernment leaders” then how can they discern the truth about people like Jonathan Cahn that this author has defended? Topic: Christian talk show host tweets that “A Sikh will pray at the RNC. Christians should be respectful, but not bow their heads. Praying to a different God.” While this is a true statement, would this same talk show host tweet something similar over his own New Religious Right friends and the leaders of the organization he works for when they take part in prayer meetings with members of the New Apostolic Reformation and/or Word of Faith and Priests from the Church of Rome that are praying to a different Jesus? Topic: The National Day of Prayer Task force to host a prayer event October 3-7th that includes IHOP and NAR proponents as well as six of the Seven Mountain Mandates of the NAR. Topic: Even Tea Party leaders held their Tampa event at the church of Rodney Howard Browne and praised him on their conference website. Do people not think about their credibility these days? Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 29, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Today’s Topic: Conquering Anxiety and Reclaiming Peace Part Two: Description: On today’s program Brannon discusses how when we worry and are filled with despair and anxiety that we are calling into question God’s power, provision, priority and providence. Brannon reveals how God brings peace to those that obey Him, Please Him, and learn from His correction. Why do believers need to feel despair? What verses reveal that God is aware of our despair? Why is God our hope when we feel despair? Finally, what verses reveal to us that God takes care of the righteous?

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 28, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Today’s Topic: Conquering Anxiety and Reclaiming Peace. Description: In today’s program Brannon looks at Proverbs 12:25 that reports that anxiety brings depression. Many people today are suffering from depression brought on by anxiety. The Bible tells us that anxiety can be brought on by worry. When we worry we are not having faith and without faith it is impossible to please God. Worry is a sin because it is calling into question God’s sovereignty, his power, his love and care for us. Every good gift comes from the Father above. Philippians 4:19 tells us that God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Jesus, speaking to His disciples tells them in Luke 12:22-32 not to worry and not to be anxious. In verse 22 Jesus says “do not worry”, in verse 25 He asks “which of you by worrying”, in verse 26 he asks “why are you anxious”, in verse 29 He says “nor have an anxious mind” and in verse 32 He says, “Do not fear.” Many things rob us of our peace such as a home that is filled with quarreling (Prov. 17:1, & 15:17)or worrying about money. Often our worry and fretting is due to selfishness and self-centeredness or misplaced priorities. In Luke 12:34 Jesus said, “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Are we placing our treasure that includes our time, talents and money in service to God or service to self? Serving self does not bring joy but an empty return. Serving God and building his Kingdom in the spiritual realm brings great joy. In part two, that will be broadcast tomorrow, Brannon will reveal from the Scripture what gives peace, that indeed believers do at times feel despair and how to overcome such feelings.

 WVW Financial Update: 08- 27-12 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Guest: Michael Weiner. Topic: What does a strike on Iran by Israel mean for America’s economy? Topic: Jim Rogers says U.S. heads for the fiscal cliff at the end of the year. Topic: South Korea buys large amount of gold. Topic: Gold and silver jump in price and where is it heading now? Topic: The government tells banks to prepare plan for preventing collapse. Topic: Is the government going to prevent your pulling as much money as you like out of your money market and why? Topic: Quantitative easing three on its way.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 27, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Mike Gendron. Topic: Is The Apostles Creed All We Need? Recently a “discernment ministry” writer wrote that “Unless someone disavows or adds to items listed in the Apostles Creed, they are our brother and sister in Christ…” This is a false statement and it could be very deceptive to those that are hanging their eternal security on a Creed that does not actually represent the Gospel. The Apostles Creed is vague in many ways and leaves out such key doctrinal issues for salvation as repentance. In addition, the terms are such that many Catholics and Mormons would say they agree with the Apostles Creed. Brannon and Mike break down the Apostles Creed and reveal why it is NOT the standard for representing the Gospel. In addition, the Creed is worded so vaguely that it actually is embraced by the Church of Rome and thus many Catholics see it as embracing many of their teachings that are completely unbiblical. Remember the writer said “unless someone disavows or adds to items listed in the Apostles Creed, they are our brother and sister in Christ.”? Well, we are about to add to the Apostles Creed because it is incomplete. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 24, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung for this week’s Middle East Update. Topic: Israel more ready for War than ever with Iran. Topic: Egyptian President Morsi moves Egyptian military into Sinai near Israeli border. Topic: US and Allies discuss Syrian invasion to secure chemical weapons. Topic: Israeli media joins Palestinian media on attacking Jewish prayers on Temple Mount. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 23, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

The Fruit of Repentance is the theme of today’s Worldview Weekend Radio. Brannon’s main text is Matthew 3:8-12 where John the Baptist admonishes the Pharisees and Sadducees to “bear fruits worthy of repentance.” What are the fruits of someone that has repented of their sins and placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ? What is Biblical repentance? Why does Brannon say that God grants us the ability to repent of our sins? While works have no role in one being saved, a true believer will bear the fruit of good works. Brannon discuses Mark 1:14-15, Acts 2:38, 3:19, 20:21, Jonah 3:10, Isaiah 1:16, John 8:39-40 and 2 Corinthians 7:9-11. A catholic caller a few weeks ago said the I Peter revealed that one must be baptized to be saved. Brannon explains how I Peter 3:20-21 has nothing to do with Baptism and that one is not saved through works but through faith and repentance. We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 22, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb: Question: What is the difference between an Apostle with a big A, of which this office closed and an apostle with a small a? Question: Who are the elect in Matthew 24:22? Question: I was wondering if Dr. John would explain John's baptism versus being baptized in the name of Jesus. One of the Scripture passages that talk about the two baptisms is Acts 19. Acts 19:1 speaks of Apollos who, if you read Acts 18:24, 25, spoke and taught accurately things concerning Jesus but that he knew only the baptism of John. Question: In the parable of the Sower in Matthew, Mark and Luke, some state those whose seed fell where there were thorns which choked the Word are back-slid-den Christians and others say they are not Christians at all. Which is correct? Question: There are 7 Beatitudes in the book of Revelation. The two anchoring Beatitudes are Revelation 1:3 and Revelation 22:7. I understand “Hears” it read, but what does the Holy Spirit mean by “Keeps” (Revelation 1:3) or “Lays it to heart” or “Keeps” (Revelation 22:7)? Memorize it? Meditate on it? Question: Is it biblical for women to teach a teen or young adult class at church? Right now I teach Children's Church and I feel led to teach an older age group. But I don't want to violate God's Word if it says for a woman not to teach over a man. Can you clear this up for me? Question: A well-known Bible teacher in his message yesterday spoke of the need to listen to God after we pray. Do we wait to hear what God is saying to us? Is this promoting contemplative prayer? Question: Why is there no other reference in the Bible to the incident taking place in Jude 9? Question: I am involved with a Bible reading group. We are currently reading through 1 Timothy. Some people started having issues with what Paul was instructing regarding women. One man wrote, "Paul was a leader in the beginnings of the church, but … His words are not necessarily God's commands." Another lady said she felt that these were local commands dealing with the culture of that day & not for all cultures or necessarily us today. Apparently there are many who don't accept Paul's words as quite as reliable as the rest of Scripture. I would have quoted 2 Tim. 3:16 but that is Paul speaking so I'm sure they would claim he wasn't referring to his own writings. How do you respond to such accusations? Question: In Daniel 12:12 it says blessed is he who makes it to the 1,335 days after the abomination of desolation. How can there be 1,335 days – with the 1,290 days left in the great tribulation?

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 21, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Justin Peters. Topic: Several well-known New Religious right leaders that include Michele Bachman, Jim Garlow, Rick Scarborough, David Barton, Tom Minnery of Focus on the family and others are listed as speakers at a prayer rally at the church of Rodney Howard-Browne. Do these people not have search engines on their computers? Hear audio clips of Rodney Howard-Browne and learn how he brought the idea of being “drunk in the spirit”, “holy laughter” and other manifestations into churches in the early 1990s. What is the source of these manifestations? What does it tell us about the condition of modern-day evangelicalism when a man with the theology of Browne can see members of the New Religious Right take part in a prayer rally at his church? Topic: Hear an audio clip by John MacArthur on how many of the NAR and WOF proponents are committing blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Topic: We take your calls and we hear from a caller that was part of this movement and is thankful we are exposing it as not being Biblical.

 Brannon Howse: Aired August 20, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Chris Pinto: Topic: Hear a few audio clips of Glenn Beck interviewing David Barton on the controversy surrounding his book on Thomas Jefferson. During the interview Beck explains that he does not believe in the trinity. Can one be a Christian and deny the deity of Jesus Christ? Topic: Beck closes the program by stating that we all worship the same God. Topic: Barton says that Thomas Jefferson was pro-Jesus but how can he make that statement when Jefferson mocked the Apostles and called the Bible a dung hill from which he pulls the diamonds? Topic: Why are Jefferson’s and Beck’s views of Jesus and the trinity one that is of importance to the issue of defending the gospel? Topic: We take your calls.


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