Worldview Matters show

Worldview Matters

Summary: Christian Worldview Network: Your Source For Understanding The Times Through A Christan Worldview. Listen to our wide selection of Christian radio shows from hosts including Brannon Howse, Frank Harber, Janet Folger, Ravi Zacharias, and many more! New shows every week day!

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 Brannon Howse: Aired November 1, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Today Brannon plays another portion of a television interview he conducted with Carl Tiechrib. Brannon and Carl discuss how international law is making us a global village. Most people think that many of these ideas came from Europe but the reality is that many of the globalist ideas being implemented today came from America.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 31, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s topic today is unbiblical hospitality. 2 John specially warns against showing hospitality to false teachers. What does John mean when he says not to even greet false teachers? How do we distinguish between private evangelism and publically embracing known false teachers? What well-known evangelicals does Brannon believe have violated God’s strong command of entering into spiritual enterprises or publically embracing well-known false teachers? John defines love as walking according to God’s commandments. John 14:15 and 21 actually describes those that love God as those that follow His commandments. Jude 3 and Acts 20:28-31 commands Christians to warn of false teachers that are seeking to work their way into the church or Christian community. Thus, when people say that we are being unloving when we call out false teachers or those embracing false teachers, they are 100% wrong. Actually calling out false teachers is obeying God’s commandments and reveals our love for truth. In today’s program, Brannon points are as follows: 1. Show hospitality to those that embrace Biblical truth. 2. Proclaiming and defending truth is loving. 3. Christians are to love the truth, know the truth, and comply with the truth. 4. False teachers desire to gain fellowship with true believers for credibility. 5. Do not show hospitality to false teachers as this gives them credibility and leads others astray.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 30, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Theologian Dr. John Whitcomb joins Brannon for “Ask Dr. John”. Question: I struggle with immigration in America. The struggle is between looking at illegal immigrants as God does (strangers in the land needing our help, assistance and Christian love) or from a human viewpoint. When we help folks find jobs, sign up for government assistance, find housing or learn English, as many churches do, aren't we aiding them in their breaking the laws of the land? One time I look at them as people needing Christ; the next time I see people who break the law and take jobs from my kids and grandkids. Question: Please interpret 2 Thess. 2:15: "Stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle." The Catholic Church teaches that this is the reason some of their teachings are passed down by tradition and not just by the Word of God. Is that true? Question: In Matthew 18, Christ is talking to His disciples and he speaks of the "church." The church had yet to be established, and synagogue worship was still in existence even into the book of Acts. Is this a mistranslation of the word “church”? Question: Would you explain to me the meaning of Matthew 16: 18, 19? The Catholic Church interprets that as Peter being the first pope, but I have been told that Jesus was referring to Himself as the 'rock' in this passage. Also, the Catholic Church interprets v. 19 to mean that sins should be confessed to a priest and he forgives sins. The Lutheran church also has a means whereby the pastor gives absolution. Is either a correct Biblical interpretation? Question: I am very confused about purgatory. I know it is not in the Protestant Bible. However, some also try to explain it by Luke 16:22. Can you clarify this? Question: The apostles didn't, or at least shouldn't have, thought that Jesus' return was imminent. Jesus told the apostles that Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed, with no stone left upon another. That hadn't happened yet and wouldn't happen for another 40 years. The Jews would have to be back in their land before He returned and Israel didn't become a nation again until 1948. I want to know what you think about this. Question: What is the wrath of God? How is the wrath of God seen in the world today? How does the wrath of God that begins in the “day of the Lord” differ from the national judgment we see in Romans 1? Question: My pastor has been influenced by a new person in our church and her willingness to lead prayer and has even, through the denomination, made her an assistant pastor in charge of prayer and outreach. Recently at our Sunday service he has started praying that we should always have the victory. He mentioned that we should rebuke the devil and ask the Lord to bind him up and send him into the depths of hell where he belongs. I am conflicted about this – can you help me?

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 29, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Topic: Brannon shares some positive reports from this past weekend’s in-person Worldview Weekend Training Institute. Topic: Today Brannon plays another portion of a television interview he conducted with Carl Tiechrib. Brannon and Carl discuss how international law is making us a global village. Most people think that many of these ideas came from Europe but the reality is that many of the globalist ideas being implemented today came from America.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 25, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Today Brannon plays a portion of a television interview he conducted with Carl Tiechrib on technocracy. Brannon mixes in new sound bites of European Parliament member Nigel Farage warning of how the crisis in Europe is a global crisis and the International Monetary Fund is one of the groups that is behind this global Ponzi scheme and economic collapse that is coming. Just this month, October of 2012, Farage is warning that a one world government “is beginning to stare us in the face.” Farage warns that elected officials are now puppets being controlled by a small group of internationalists and unelected bureaucrats. This brings us right back to what Brannon and Carl were discussing in their television interview a few months ago. Technocracy is based on technicians, scientists, psychologists, economists, environmentalists and socialists managing one crisis after another to their advantage for the purpose of controlling the masses and implementing global socialism. The Bible makes clear that we are going to have a one-world government and a one-world economy. Brannon and Carl described how this will happen with the management of technocracy.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 24, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Bodie Hodge of Answers in Genesis and son-in-law of Ken Ham. Topic: Bodie reveals some interesting history about the Tower of Babel. Topic: AIG is building a boat that is said to be the exact size of the real Noah’s Ark. Bodie reveals some interesting facts about how many animals would have likely been on the boat and answers the question as to whether the animals were breeding while on the boat. Brannon and Bodie cover other interesting topics including atheists and skeptics that come to the AIG museum and how they have responded. Topic: We take your calls.

 Brannon Howse; Aired October 23, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Mitch and Michelle Wright of Idaho join Brannon to discuss the transformation of America’s schools and churches that went into high gear at about the same time with some of the same players following the same philosophies for the same ultimate goal. The purpose of transforming the churches of America and the schools is to use these two institutions to assist in the transformation America and bring forth the acceptance by the American people of social justice and global governance, also known as Agenda 21, Sustainable Development or Statism.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 22, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Rick Warren announces a ten year anniversary update of The Purpose Driven Life. Warren says that a whole new generation now needs this new latest update. Rick also declares the “single most important ingredient” in the growth of his church is not preaching the gospel or Biblical discipleship but the annual campaign. And just where did Warren learn the power of the campaign? Hear Rick Warren in his own words declare he learned the importance of the campaign strategy from the Communists. Now this is not shocking because Brannon believes Rick Warren, like his mentor Peter Drucker, embraces communitarianism which is communism-lite. This has also been described as the three legged stool strategy of big government, big business and churches working as equal partners for a social justice/social gospel agenda. Brannon details the unbiblical model of Rick Warren’s church growth movement and contrasts Warren’s model with the Biblical description of a New Testament church. Are you ready to explain to your pastor and church leadership the unbiblical philosophies and agenda of Rick Warren? If not, you better get up to speed because Warren is working to enlist thousands of pastors and churches into his next 40 day campaign.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 19, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us live from Israel for this week’s Middle East update. Topic: US and Israeli military begin largest-ever missile defense exercise. Topic: Hizbullah is a part of Basher Assad's "killing machine". Topic: Iranian Gestapo starts rounding up Christians. Topic: Report: Iran sanctions have failed.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 16, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Dr. John Whitcomb for “Ask Dr. John”. First Brannon discusses and interesting situation his family encountered in the middle of the night in Minneapolis this past Sunday. Brannon also reads a news report that states that a well-known evangelical author and speaker is reportedly engaged to a women while still being married to his wife. Here are the questions our listeners ask Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: I was supposed to have jury duty today, but I was able to reschedule it. They were saying that a judge was going to come in and we were to take an oath. But we are not supposed to take oaths. Our yes is to be yes and are no is no. Isn’t that correct? Question: Biblically speaking, who in the church would be qualified to select a new pastor? What should be the criteria used in deciding who should be a part of the pastoral search committee? It seems that most churches want to form a search team composed of a variety of people in the church – men, women, church leaders, lay people, long-time members and new members. Is that Biblical? Would it not be better for the elders to comprise the search team and select the new pastor? Question: I have heard you mention a couple times that baptism was a public profession of faith. This has not been my understanding of baptism. I understand baptism for the forgiveness of sins as seen in Mark 1:4 and other verses. Where does the Bible teach that baptism is a public profession of faith? Question: I just found out that the earliest manuscripts did not have Mark 16:9-20 in them. When were they added to the Bible? Verses 17 and 18 are especially problematic. I have family members who are Pentecostal and they teach these things as signs of having the Holy Ghost. Aren't these "signs" also prevalent in the New Apostolic Reformation as well? Question: Before the fall of Adam, what were parasites that have complex life cycles (such as black spot in fish and malaria) doing? Question: My understanding is that all air-breathing animals were put on the ark. Does that include gnats, termites and all other insects that we detest? Also, were whales on the ark? Question: The waters of the flood came from the earth as it opened up besides coming from the heavens. Wouldn't that have killed all the fish? If so, did God recreate some of His creatures? Question: Is the Gospel of the Kingdom proclaimed by the Lord Jesus Christ different than the Gospel of Grace proclaimed by the Apostle Paul? Question: Is the Sermon on the Mount Law? Does it apply to Christians today – not to become saved, but as a way to live after you are saved? Question: Does the Bible address whether or not people with mental illnesses will enter heaven the same as infants? What about those with mental illnesses who take their own lives? Question: I realize that the Book of Enoch is not inspired Scripture, but is it dangerous to study from it for its historical value? Is it a history book, or a dangerous, Gnostic writing?

 Brannon Howse:Aired October 15, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Dr. Jimmy DeYoung and Chris Pinto. Brannon and his family pulled into their home base just twenty minutes before air time today after Worldview Weekends in Wichita, Des Moines and Minneapolis. Hear the amazing and encouraging report by Brannon, Jimmy and Chris about their three city tour this past weekend. The true church is alive and well and eager to contend for the faith. Brannon then transitions into a Middle East update with Dr. DeYoung and topics include: Iran’s ability to carry out an EMP attack on Israel and/or America. Topic: Iran has drones with bombs. Topic: Obama’s friendship with Muslim Brotherhood throughout the Middle East.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 11, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Today Brannon does something he has not done in a few years and opens the phone lines for almost the entire program. The result is great questions on many topics from Francis Chan, to John Piper, to C.S. Lewis.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 9, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Today Brannon discusses how and why three Christian men he spent the weekend with in Destin, Florida this past weekend with his family, serve as examples and an encouragement to him. Why is the Christian male in America under assault from the culture and often from within evangelicalism? Why are men that display conviction, courage, and a willingness to confront error often ridiculed as mean, judgmental, harsh, legalistic, and intolerant even by most evangelicals? What has happen within evangelicalism over the years that have caused men like Rick Warren and Joel Osteen to be admired while men that follow in the example of William Tyndale, Charles Spurgeon, or Jonathan Edwards are now met with disdain? Today’s program will be a real encouragement to both men and women that are committed to Biblical truth to press on and that they are not alone.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 5, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon’s guest is Jonathan Cousar. Jonathan spent twenty years attending Pastor Tim Keller’s church. Today, Jonathan shares his concerns with the theological and philosophical direction of Mr. Keller. Even if Mr. Keller has not influenced you directly, chances are great he has influenced your pastor or church leadership through his many best-selling books.

 Brannon Howse: Aired October 4, 2012 | File Type: audio/x-mp3 | Duration: 00:00

Brannon plays part two of the testimony of Russell O’Quinn and then we go to this week’s Middle East update with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Jews and Christians from around the world gather in Jerusalem to celebrate Feast of Tabernacles. Topic: Thousands come to the Western Wall Plaza for the Annual Priestly Blessing. Topic: Israeli Defense Force Evacuates Tourist from Mount Hermon as Syrian Forces Approach the Golan Heights.


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