Issues Under Fire show

Issues Under Fire

Summary: no nonsence international and national news coverage for those who want their news on the go, without pretty faces graphics or commercials

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 Issues Under Fire: FBI Probe Exposes Crisis in Leadership | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:08:22

Oddly enough, it wasn't so much of what Mr. Comey said in the House intelligence Q&A, but it was the volumes of what he said he wouldn't say that was so damning. By announcing the investigation into the Trump campaign without naming or excluding anybody, including Donald Trump himself, the FBI Director essentially placed anyone even remotely close to the president on notice, that they could be a suspect. This is huge news by any measure. Stress and blood pressures levels at the White House had to be spiking throughout the entire session.

 Issues Under Fire: Is Donald Trump Living Large at the Expense of the Poor? | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:07:48

We the People can't afford to keep Donald Trump in the lifestyle he's accustom to living. While many small business are barely able to make payroll and their employees are barely able to make ends meet, watching Donald Trump fly down to Mar A Largo so frivolously on the taxpayer's dime is a behavior that won't be tolerated much longer.

 Issues Under Fire: January 20th 2017: The Day Hope Died | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:08

As we grieve Hope's sad demise, one can only wonder what Ignorance, Greed and Selfishness will replace Hope with, because the absence of Hope leaves only Misery. Hope 2009-2017 RIP.

 Issues Under Fire: How to Deal With Donald Trump | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:34

We as Americans Fu@ked up big time by allowing this creature to assume the presidency of the United States and we'll all pay a heavy price for that error over the next four years. But most nations and multinational corporations looking do business in an environment of certainty and stability can mitigate the damage of a Trump presidency by maintaining a safe distance and proceeding with caution whenever forced to engage. But complete avoidance should be the goal until "We the People" can find a more reasonable and rational replacement. Podcast below.

 Issues Under Fire: The Pins and Needles of Repeal and Replace | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:48

All over America, people from all walks of life are concerned and worried about how they're going to keep themselves healthy without mortgaging their futures for Band-Aids and aspirin. The American people are being told the Affordable Care Act will be quickly repealed and replaced simultaneously with something less costly, with richer benefits and more choices by the guy "some" will call their president this Friday. But we've done our homework and we stand by our research and analysis. None of what your being told can possibly be true. Podcast below.

 Issues Under Fire: Will Attending the Inauguration of Donald Trump Validate A Fraud | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:16

While one can only speculate as to why Russia would favored a Donald Trump presidency, U.S. Intelligence is certain Russia made a concerted effort to make a Donald Trump presidency a certainty. While one can only speculate as to why Donald Trump refuses to accept even the remotest possibility that Russia played a role in the U.S.' 2016 elections, one can certainly see the self-serving nature of his vehement denials. While one can only speculate if any role Russia played actually impacted the election's outcome in any measurable way, if Donald Trump was Russia's choice, then one can say for certain, it was Vladimir Putin who won that election.

 The Obama Legacy: In Like A Lion, Out Like A Lamb | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:40

Barack Obama may have entered America's body politic like a lion, but sadly he exits like a lamb, as the victors now write his political epitaph. And in doing so, the cackling jackals will usher in the Dark Times. The cackling jackals will claim reversing this, repealing that and overturning everything else the first Black President hoped to change is the only way to repair the damage Barack Obama did to America. The cackling jackals will claim its the only way to make America great again.

 Issues Under Fire: When The Smart Ones Became Evil: Welcome to Dark Times | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:19

If not stopped, at the pace the Smart Ones are progressing, they should have full ownership of every worthwhile resource on the planet soon. One need only take a look at the crew President-elect Trump is putting together to rule the world to understand the most frighten part of this tale. To Smart Ones of this ilk who look down upon the rest from towering penthouse in the heavens, average people are no more than scenery to confirm their superiority.

 Issues Under Fire: What If Its All Fake News? | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:47

If the best reporting Americans can get on an issues as serious as a foreign government attempting to manipulate a U.S. Presidential election is unsubstantiated accusations from anonymous sources or those with motives to modify the truth, one would be within reason to consider most news to be faked and or tained in one way or another. And if you can buy our way of thinking, then you have to give credence to the theory that America may have had a fake election and just elected a fake president. Hey, its just a theory.

 Issues Under Fire: Donald Trump Is So Smart, He Don't Need Intelligence | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:56

The world should be confident and comforted to know all of humankind's future lies in the hands of a man of such boundless intellect. Donald Trump: A multi talented mastermind capable of absorbing thousands of terabits of global data in a millisecond -entirely though osmosis-, with the ability to analyze it for the propose of providing the perfect solutions to the most complicated issues facing the planet. Lets face it, this man must be a genius if he can convince American workers to toil like Bangladeshis seamstresses and migrant tomato pickers for peanuts just to make America great again.

 Issues Under Fire: Paris Pollution Solution & Trump Selects Climate Denialist to Head EPA | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:03

Since we're well past the argument of whether mankind's activities are the cause of climate change, we have no choice but to explain the obvious. Its the greedy Big Rich and the willfully ignoramuses who'll do anything to feed their families. As long as a dollar can be found digging in a coal mine or drilling for oil beneath an aquifer, the Big Rich will pay someone ignorant of the consequences a penny to dig and drill for that coal and that oil.

 Donald Trump: Reckless Provocateur or Master Showman | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:14

When Donald Trump gives his first press conference, he'll probably want to do it by announcing his first air strikes in Iraq, as "His" military forces hunt down ISIS' Super Badass leader Abu Bakr al-Badhdadi. Let's set the scene. President Trump steps up to a bank of microphones in the White House press room, with a lackey press corps slavishly hanging on every word. President Trump will smugly and pompously ramble on about finishing the job Barack Obama couldn't and how he'll personally put an end to global terrorism once and for all. It'll be fabulous. It'll be stupendous. It'll be sensational. Of course, it'll all be bullshit, but it'll be all about Donald Trump and if our analysis is correct, his presidency will be one hell of a spectacle

 Issues Under Fire: The Big Rich & The Rest of America | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:34

If you can accept our analysis of what's been happening over the last decade, then you should understand how important it is that the Native Peoples of North Dakota win their fight against The Big Rich. "We the People", have allowed The Big Rich to systemically and systematically dismantle our lives, only to reassembled to resemble the lives of those who struggled during the industrial revolution. As we mentioned yesterday, history is repeating itself. You'd be wise to pay recognize.

 The North Dakota Pipeline and How Big Oil Used Law Enforcement to Impose it's Will | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:37

The tales of massacres, theft of land and breaking of treaties are as old to America's native peoples, as they are to any one who's had the misfortune of having their spaces and natural resources discovered by rich and powerful forces seeking conquest and

 Issues Under Fire: How the Filthy Rich Will Rule Us | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:37

Like it or not, for the time being, we're all at the mercy of the merciless. As the rich and powerful take their places atop our lives, it won't be long before you'll notice an arrogance, a swagger, a "we know what's best for you" attitude emanating from them. At first, many will accept it because they're smart, they're rich and successful people. They know how to get things done. Since none of us have found a way to reach their levels in life, many will listen, trust and wait to see what the rich and powerful will deliver. And those who voted for President-elect "Twittiot", will listen, trust and wait the longest. But little do they know, their fates, as well as the rest of ours, have been sealed.


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