Issues Under Fire show

Issues Under Fire

Summary: no nonsence international and national news coverage for those who want their news on the go, without pretty faces graphics or commercials

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 Issues Under Fire: Treated Like Royalty, Trump Takes Saudi Side in Sectarian Divide | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:42

Without considering Saudi Arabia is the cradle of Wahhabism (an extreme, unforgiving and ultraconservative strand of Islam) the United States was convinced to join the Sunni side of the fight against ISIS and Islamic inspired terrorism. The fact that ISIS was created in the minds of Saudi Arabia's hardcore Wahhabist, should've been a major issue to discuss before signing this weekend's historic ten year $350 billion weapons deal.

 Issues Under Fire: Unprepared, Trump Takes Circus of Chaos on the Road | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:00

Why someone with sense enough to understand Donald Trump is not ready for prime time and allowed him to take this trip before he was properly prepared is a mystery to be solved. No one should to no how little Donald Trump knows. Trump's ignorance should b

 Issues Under Fire: Donald Trump: Time to Shut Up and Lawyer Up | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:09

When Donald Trump took the Oath of Office on 01.20.2017 he thought being president was easy. He thought he was so smart he could run America and the world at the same time. He thought he was smarter than the courts, the intelligence community and the Fourth Estate. He thought he could snap his fingers and get anything he wanted and get away with anything he wanted. Its the latter that got him in trouble. If only he'd read more books.

 Issues Under Fire: Donald Trump and More Bad News | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:09

Without the need for any complicated algorithms, a simply daily search of Google News or any other popular search engine will give you a good idea of what the world is thinking, saying and writing about famous people, infamous characters and world leaders. So, when found our alternative views and analysis of Donald Trump had gone mainstream, we felt confident to continue on this course. Donald Trump is bad news. That's our story and we're sticking to it.

 Issues Under Fire: Did 140 Characters Seal Donald Trump's Fate? | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:04

It went like this: "James Comey better hope there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he stats leaking to the press." Yes, in our opinion, those simple, but ill advised words of anger will be the cause of Donald Trump's fall. By making that no so veil threat, Donald Trump has placed himself in the position of having to prove James Comey told Trump he was not under investigation. And according to Trump's intimations, the proof is on those tapes.

 Issues Under Fire: White House: Help Wanted, But Only Flunkies Need Apply | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:08

While others rightly focused on Trump's blatant contradictions, we couldn't get past the sense that James Comey may have been fired more for his independence, than for any shortcomings he'd been blamed for as Director of the FBI. Its no secret, Donald Trump demands loyalty and anyone wanting to work for him must past a loyalty test. Perhaps, when former Director Comey requested more funding to continue his investigation into the Russian issue, he failed that test.

 Issues Under Fire: Hillary Clinton Joins the Resistance, As the Resistance Resist Her | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:37

It has been said, "One Shouldn't Bite the Hand That Feeds You", but its also been said, "One Should Beware Greeks Bearing Gifts". And when it comes to Hillary Clinton, one would be wise to adhere to the latter. The resistance movement should be careful not to invite the fox into the hen house. Anything Hillary Clinton brings to the Trump resistance should be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism. Hillary Clinton wants to get back into the game in the worst way and she'll do and say anything to make that happen. Its tough when you're addicted to the limelight.

 While Mismanaging U.S. Foreign Policy Around the World, Trump Finds Time to Fire FBI Director | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:08:59

Unfortunately, the President of the United States just fired the Director of the FBI, setting off a firestorm of conjecture and speculation. A narrative that a cover up is occurring right before our eyes has been set ablaze. Was Mr. Comey getting too close? Was Donald Trump getting nervous? Was the White House losing control of the story? Was Mr. Comey fired to slowdown the investigation until the perfect sycophant can be found to fill that sensitive vacancy. These are all legitimate questions the people want answers to and they won't stop asking until they get them.

 Issues Under Fire: Lunacy and Leadership | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:24

If the general public can sense there's something "beyond odd" about Donald Trump's speech patterns, simplistic vernacular and rambling nonsensical responses to questions during press conferences and interviews, then those who work up close and personal with the "President" must have more than mere suspicions. Having to explain the inexplicable, defend the indefensible, while untwisting Trump's tweets daily, Sean Spicer must've concluded long ago that his boss' mind is impossible to follow. So, why stay? Its a great job with a bright and lucrative future.

 Issues Under Fire: U.S. Progressives Should Be Inspired By Emmanuel Macron | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:47

With momentum for radical political change circulating the globe, this is a time for American Progressives to seize the moment and establish themselves as the engine of economic populism. Now is the time to educate, organize and mobilize American citizens to challenge the concept that a third Party alternative is a waste of their votes. So, now that we know it can be done, the question is, who'll be America's Emmanuel Macron?

 Issues Under Fire: Why Do We Need Health Insurance Companies? | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:56

Its been said many times, if you can keep people asking all the wrong questions, you'll never have to worry about you're answers. And after observing U.S. politicians scheme for decades to scam its constituents into believing government has no place in healthcare, we thought the time has come to ask why should insurance companies have a place in healthcare. Insurance companies are nothing but middlemen. Since middlemen generally drive up cost, the obvious question to ask is, why do we need them? And if not, why not try another way?

 Issues Under Fire: Donald Trump: How to Succeed With Mental Illness | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:17

When Donald Trump announced he'd love to have a hand in mediating a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we were certain he's living in some alternative universe where fact and fiction can occupy the same space. In less than 100 days in the White House, Donald Trump has created unprecedented uncertainty among U.S. allies and partners, restarted the Cold War with Russia and lead America to the precipice of a nuclear exchange with North Korea. Yet, he thinks he can do what no U.S. president has been able to do. Donald Trump is going to bring peace to the Middle East. If this sounds strange, its only because Donald Trump is strange.

 Issues Under Fire: What If North Korea Don't Back Down, Then What? | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:10:10

Donald Trump may fancy himself the Master Negotiator or the Deal Maker-in-Chief, but a cagey bargainer would have tried engaging in direct dialog first. Using gunboat diplomacy as a first and only option was a critical error. Through dialog, the Trump administration would have learned gunboat diplomacy wouldn't work anymore than economic sanctions or pressures from regional neighbors.

 Issues Under Fire: Confused and Overwhelmed, Trump Survives First 100 Days | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:10

How Trump got elected may remain a mystery, but It should be clear to anyone paying attention, Donald Trump is an amazingly ignorant man. Donald Trump is no leader. Donald Trump has no idea WTF he's doing. And with such a steep learning curve to bring "The Donald" up to speed on how the world works, everyone should be concerned if this ignoramus can avoid a nuclear mishap on the Korean peninsular. Sadly, Keeping our fingers crossed is all we can do for now.

 Issues Under Fire: The Democratic Party Clashing With The Progressive Movement | File Type: audio/mpeg3 | Duration: 00:09:32

The event was moderated by Keli Goff, journalist and contributor to The Daily Beast. Hill Harper, Shaun King, Raqiyah Mays, Rev. Shane Harris, Paula Peebles, Ilyasah Shabazz and David Wilson participated as panelist. From the very beginning, the one could sense there'd be little if any meeting of the minds because the panel, save for Rev. Harris couldn't even define what Progressivism meant. Each was asked, and not one was able to provide an answer with any depth of understanding. It was clear to this observer, these people hadn't even seen the Bernie Sanders' political platform.


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