Master of Business Leadership Podcast show

Master of Business Leadership Podcast

Summary: The Master of Business Leadership program enables executives and their organizations to find their superpower. This happens during the process of reconnecting with their authenticity while developing their emotional intelligence. The MBL podcast highlights keystone foundations of the program and related topics. Guests of the podcast share their wealth of experiences and results.

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  • Artist: Phil Johnson
  • Copyright: 2018 Master of Business Leadership Inc


 MBL Minute: Q And A Why Is Authentic Communication A Key Soft Skill | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:40

In a look back to Episode 30 "Soft Skills," Phil Johnson and Arthur Geringas highlight why authentic communication is a cornerstone soft skill in the work environment and how it can be highlighted through the development of our emotional intelligence.

 MBL Minute: Patience And One Million Dollars | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:35

Phil Johnson explores how having patience while setting challenging goals is the key to better results. Connecting with a harmonious passion to achieve a desired result that resonates with us becomes our motivation. The true cost of education for many college graduates is over one million dollars. What should you be doing now to ensure your future employability?

 Episode 32 - The Artist's Journey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 40:23

In this feature length episode Phil Johnson and Arthur Geringas discuss the differences between the journey for authenticity of self progressing to "Mastery", progressing to the "Artist's" and concluding with the "Hero's Journey." Special return guest David Leitch expands on his journey and the impact the MBL program had on it.

 MBL Minute: Amateur Or Professional And Emotions, Thoughts And Actions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 06:03

Phil Johnson reflects on how overcoming our resistance to change is far more important than any gift or talent we may possess. Emotions are the catalysts that turn thoughts into actions and results.

 MBL Minute: C - Suite And Smart People Or Crazy People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:42

Phil Johnson contrasts the selection pressure for IQ within corporations with relatively little variation at the executive level. Conversely there has been little or no awareness or selection pressure when it comes to emotional intelligence. Smart people often sound like crazy people to those that are being blinded by the way things are instead of the way they are going to be.

 MBL Minute: Q And A How Do Executives Place Value To Their Organizational Culture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 09:07

A look back at feature length Episode 27, "Value Creation" where Phil Johnson and Artbur Geringas discuss how executives and HR departments can shift their focus of seeing the organizational workforce from labour costs to assets. By curating the growth of those assets through the development of their authenticity and emotional intelligence they can more positevly serve their clients and customers which can then lead to a higher service fee for the organization to charge.

 MBL Minute: Strategic Action And The Politics Of Fear And Anger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:19

Phil Johnson discusses the need to recognize the difference between actions we take and the results we are create. Our actions need to “move the needle” toward the vision of our desired results. A system of justice can pass laws and can enforce those laws but they cannot legislate what are in individual’s minds. This requires emotional labour.

 MBL Minute: Knowing And Learning And Brain And Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:33

Phil Johnson differentiates how the act of knowing requires intellectual labor whereas the act of learning takes emotional labor. Neurons that fire together wire together. We can build unshakeable inner strength by putting emotional intelligence into our backpack of skills and abilities.

 MBL Minute: Q And A How Does Middle Management Create A Safe Work Environment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:42

In a look back to Episode 28, "Angels, Demons And Middle Management," Phil Johnson and Arthur Geringas discuss how middle management can facilitate safe work environments and expand the conversation to discuss the middle management's role in curating culture of an organization.

 MBL Minute: Someday And The Joy Of Discomfort | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:39

Phil Johnson relates the thought that only an estimated five percent of the population is living on purpose. The choices we make today, in the present moment, can determine the trajectory of our future success. When you identify the discomfort you have identified the place where authentic emotionally intelligent leadership is needed. The willingness to engage in activities that create discomfort is essential to the health of an organization.

 Episode 31 - Worst Case Scenario | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:48

Feature length episode where Phil Johnson and Arthur Geringas discuss the emotional labour of becoming comfortable with worst case scenarios and how facing the anxiety of thinking of that as a topic can help move organizations out of their comfort zones. Special guest David Bakstran shares his experiences with the MBL Program.

 MBL Minute: Awakening And Change Your Frequency Change Your Results | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:48

Phil Johnson enlightens the listener to the translation layer between unconscious urges and choice of actions. Once awakened to the present moment and the choice available between stimulus and response the results cannot be ignored. This is made possible by emotional labour. Our emotions also have a unique frequency associated with each one. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.

 MBL Minute: Q And A Why The Executive Needs To Lead Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:07

In a look back to Episode 20 "Career Advancement," Phil Johnson and Arthur Geringas discuss discuss a key for executives to assess their organization ... and that is their assessment of themselves and the emotional intelligence by which they lead.

 MBL Minute: Standard Of Performance And Good And Bad Habits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 05:57

Phil Johnson explores the idea that when you implement an effective standard of performance within an organization successful outcomes occur without having to focus on them (non-attachment to outcome). All habits are meant to be addictive so they can be easily repeated. That is why we need to make sure the habits we are developing are good ones.

 MBL Minute: Q And A Freelancers Versus Entrepreneurs | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:01

In a look back to Episode 20 "Career Advancement," Phil Johnson and Arthur Geringas discuss the differences between freelancers who work with an organization on a specific task and entrepreneurs. The conversation looks at their potential emotional effect on the culture within an organization.


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