BioHackHumans: Advancing Human Performance Through Health, Fitness and Nutrition show

BioHackHumans: Advancing Human Performance Through Health, Fitness and Nutrition

Summary: Biohackhumans is organized to scientifically understand and develop ideas and methods to advance human performance and become fully functionised.

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  • Artist: Chantea Goetz
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 Night Time Eating, Acid Reflux, Sugar Alcohols | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:23

Jim Goetz Michael Brandon Chantea Goetz   We are joined by special guest Dane Cuccinello (Great Dane) to discuss night time eating, acid reflux and answer some questions on sugar alcohols. We begin as the Mad Scientist, Jim Goetz fills us in on how both diet and timing of what and how much we eat can cause acid reflux, and he shares his woes of what prompted him into addressing this issue. We delve into possible natural and easy remedies to help offset the burning and other symptoms that are related to stomach acid imbalances.It's overall touted that we want to eat more in the morning and less at night. There's a phrase that states eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. In general this appears to hold true, though there are a few exceptions as always, but the bigger question is, why? Why shouldn't we eat large meals at night as opposed to the morning? Usually I've been told it's because we burn most of our calories during the day so on facial value that makes sense, but once we digest, our bodies store the food as fat, so it's all there none-the-less as calories to burn. So is there a real advantage to eating earlier in the day?There have been multiple studies done inquiring this exact information. One study took 2 groups of people, gave both groups identical meals each day for 3 months. They had 1 large meal at 700kcal, 1 small meal at 200kcal, and then the last was 500kcal; breakfast was 9am, lunch was 1pm, and dinner 6pm. The only difference between the 2 groups was that half of them had the 700kcal meal for breakfast and 200kcal for diner, and the other group had the opposite. A few things were found, mostly in favor of the large breakfast group. The average weight loss over the 12 weeks tripled for the large breakfast group over the large dinner squad (9lbs and 3lbs respectively). The large breakfast group also had decreased fasting glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance scores, which all can contribute to weight loss and preventing/assisting to treat some conditions such as type 2 diabetes.PennState University did a large study to delve into this topic further to see more benefits of front loading calories. They found similar results as above, but also found that larger evening meals raised total and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, slowed down fat metabolism, increased the desire for sugary foods, and slowed down gastric emptying which can lead to constipationDiet induced thermogensis, which we talked briefly about in a previous podcast about brown fat, is simply how many calories we burn off as heat as opposed to mechanical energy to make us move, think, etc. If we can burn more kcal off as heat from sitting around, why wouldn't we desire this? Eating food after 8pm, shows to decrease this thermogensis, so more food gets stored as fat of burning off as heat. The idea of timing what you eat for specific results is known as circadian rhythm eating. The circadian rhythm also plays a factor in satiety as well with people feeling fuller longer when eating more in the morning/daytime, which is known as front loading calories. If one isn't as full for as long, they are more likely to take another snack before bed, with an increased chance of choosing a high carb snack, which will turn into more total calories and sugar which could be easily avoided. On a less physiological stand point, but still important, is it's affects on sleep quality. Many studies have suggested that eating food late at night increases the chance of having nightmares which obviously disturbs sleep, increases morning anxiety, and lowers the overall quality of the sleep that is gotten. This occurs because the boost of metabolic activity from late eating causes more REM sleep activity. Mix this with the increased internal anxiety, and nightmares can develop. This appears to be more severe with sugary foods, but can occur with fat or protein based foods as well.Also a common issue with sugar at night, is it's affects on insulin, cortisol, and ultimately our sleep. This occurs more with diabetics or anyone in a hypoglycemic state at night, which is very common and is indicated by a sweet tooth in the evening. Typically cortisol slowly raises throughout the night and it helps to break down sugar in our body for all visceral functions in our sleep. People who have erratic blood sugar, which is far more than just those diagnosed with type 2 DM, don't have enough cortisol stored up in the adrenal glands to release the sugar we require. For this reason, our adrenals than release epinephrine/norepineprhine (adrenaline) to release glucose instead. This activates our fight or flight response, and causes us to wake in the middle of the night around 3 or 4am, and/or wakes anxious and nauseous in the morning.There are some methods however that allows you to eat at night without major repercussions, as well as a few possible benefits depending on how much and what precisely you eat. Firstly, previously mentioned adverse effects of delayed eating is minimized if it is under 150kcal, if it's 1 macronutrient instead of mixed meals. So having a tablespoon of butter would affect you less than buttered toast due to the carb and fat combo. However, it has been shown that if you exercise at night either before or after the snack, this can help negate the negative side effects.. This appears to be more significant for those that are obese.For those that just have a knack for a midnight snack, there are some potential benefits depending on what you eat, how much, and who you are. For example, active males who ate 1 macro nutrient within 30 minutes of bed under 200kcal (whey protein, bread, etc) actually had an increased in metabolism in the morning, but this didn't appear to hold true for elderly, diabetics, or overweight men. Another group is overweight and obese adults who ate whole grain cereal with skim milk 90 minutes before bed (totaling 190kcal) had decreased body weight after 1 month compared to no pre-bed snack. An interesting side note, is that it appears that if these late night snack were liquid based (whey protein shake compared to protein bar), the positive effects were slightly enhanced.   Find us: Instagram (@biohackhumans)  Facebook (@biohackhumans) Twitter (@biohackhumans) Tumblr (@biohackhumans)   Contact Us:

 Dangers of the Gym | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:49

Jim Goetz Michael Brandon Chantea Goetz   This episode was recorded from our brand new studio at Functionised Integrative Therapeutics (FIT) (Get #functionised) in Colts Neck, New Jersey. We want to thank FIT for allowing us to use their facility for this and future podcasts. We look forward to a very healthy and productive relationship with their world class staff. Gyms are often though to be a place to achieve prime health. With the proper goals, plan and accountability, this is quite possible. Unfortunately, 95% of people will fail at their goals and 100% of the 95% believe that they are different than others. They will assuradely achieve their goals without having any actual goals or any aclue in what they are doing. What is even crazier, is the dangrous conditions that exist int he first place. Flooring and equipment often have PCB's emitted that is a high toxin. Combine that with excedd carbon dioxide emitted from heavier breathing and the air becomes quite unhealthy. Many gyms do not have proper ventalation causing severe respiratory problems for members. Solutions are large fans, HEPA filters and plants. Many gyms now have smothie bars, which is seen as a healthy thing. The amounts of protein and sugar often added to these smoothies is no better than having a banana split from Baskin Robins after ones workout. Even the protein bars are often no better than glorified candy bars with added protein. It is counter productive to put in such an effort at the gym only to pour sludge back into your body. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is being touted at the most efficient way to train due to the shortened duration of exercise. The unfortunate part of this is that most novice fitness enthusiasts are in no condition to put forth such a hard effort that often utilizes ballistic movements. To truly adhere to HIIT, one must raise their heart rate to 90% of their max for a short period and then allow it to go back to resting. The efforts one must put forth in order to do this should be monitored (which most do not) and adhered to (which most do not). HIIT training has indeed been shown to be of benefit to many. One must understand what they are doing though to not only train optimally but to avoid injury. Classes such as spin abuse equipment leading to injury. Push ups on a bike for instance put a strain on the equipment, which can beak and cause injury to the participant. I have seen it happen and it coudl be avoidable.  Controversey often exists over machines as the novice flocks to machines. This is due to the fact that machiens appear simple to use. There are picutres and the machines move in only one plane of motion Unfortunately they move in only one plane of motion. Repeated movements such as this lead to a decreased range of motion, a build up of fibrotic tissue and ultimately injury. Proprioception is in no way developed and an individual ultimately will decline in their potential.  Some may say that machines are better than using nothing. That is like the idea that eating crisco and drinking motor oil is better than eating nothing. I am not saying never to use machines. What I am saying is that there is a time and place for everything and relying on only one thing is most likely going to lead to burnout, injury, and failure.  One does not need to only workout in the gym. The human body can move in places such as the beach, parks, etc. The quality of air should be better, and full body calisthenics (weight can be added by means such as a vest or bringing some weights with you), have been used for centuries to create the most fiece and dominant of humans. Gyms were designed to help individuals discover better health. If done properly, they may do just this. On the flip side, if one goes into a gym with blind ignorance, money and time will be lost and frustration and the bad kind of pain will be gained.

 Killer Antioxidants and Get in Shape by Turning Fat Brown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:49

Jim Goetz Listening to a very popular biohacking podcast each week, I hear the host talking about his, "extremely expensive urine". What he is eluding to is the amount of vitamins, minerals, herbs and the like are not being absorbed into his body and therefore being excreted out in his urine. Why would anyone wish to do this? Why would one want to take their hard earned money and simply waste it? Personally, this author has no idea. Take a look at 95% of people who have a gym membership. They pay for their membership each month. Whether they show up or not is another story. The same concept goes with supplements. Many people fall prey to phenomenal marketing or stories written stating some vitamin provides a miracle cure. In looking for this "silver bullet" (there is none), people take too many vitamins and the youthful are no better than the elderly who take over a dozen pills each day. (One pill for x, another pill to counteract the side effects of that pill, and so forth).Each year, countless hopeful individuals shell out literally billions of dollars on antioxidant supplements (nearly $2 billion, in fact, just on beta carotene and vitamins C and E alone- as Americans consume over 50 billion multivitamins and mineral tablets per year). This is done with the belief that they will lower their risk of cancer, heart disease, and the loss of memory and even stave off illness or reduce the time frame of an illness. But wait!?!? Aren't mass does of anti-oxidants supposed to help? Let's get into the nitty gritty.People take anti-oxidants as it is believe oxidation is bad and individuals look to prevent this from occurring within themselves. An example of oxidation would be leaving a nail outdoors. Over time, the nail turns to rust. This is due to an event known as, "oxidation". It would be crazy to think though that the element we need most to survive (oxygen) would also be that of our demise.In 2007, a review of 47 randomized controlled trials, totaling 181,000 subjects, found that antioxidants increased mortality by 5%. Beta carotene was found to increase risk of mortality by 7%, vitamin A by 16% and vitamin E by 4% (vitamin C has no significant effect on mortality. The crazy thing about these statistics is that anti oxidants are heralded to this day as the anti-aging miracle cure! In reality, these particular anti oxidants are reducing ones life span!!!Our bodies attempt to remain in a constant state of homeostasis. Quite simply, this means our body wishes to regulate oxidative stress. A simple way to understand this is by comparing it to emotional stress. When we are overwhelmed too quickly, we crumble. Over time though, we adapt to stress levels that are not so stressful anymore. We have adapted. Our bodies to the exact same thing. By adding large doses of anti oxidants to our system, we are throwing it off kilter just as if we ingested a large amount of toxins all at the same time.When we exercise, we actually dramatically increase free- radical production in our bodies. However, these free radicals actually help the body to adapt to exercise. Many once believed that due to this increase in free- radical production, one should take anti oxidants to combat this. Quite the contrary has been discovered in that taking antioxidant supplements reduces exercise capacity and interferes with the benefits of exercise such as insulin sensitivity and boosting our resistance to disease. Do not get me wrong in saying all antioxidants are bad. High dose antioxidant supplements are far different from the physiological levels of antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables. While antioxidant supplements may not be as beneficial as once believed (before reading this article), eating vegetables and fruit in moderation is a very good idea.Before going to the fun part and seeing what each antioxidant truly does and does not do, it's important to know what free radicals are. It's time to go back to high school chemistry!!!What is a Free Radical? (The Complicated Stuff Going on Inside Our Bodies)Free radicals are a chemical species that possess an unpaired electron in the outer (valence) shell of the molecule. This is the key factor in the structure of this species  and is the reason why they are highly reactive. This species is in reality composed of a group of molecular fragments that are capable of independent existence. The fact that they are highly reactive means that they have low chemical specificity; i.e. they can react with most molecules in its vicinity. This includes proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and DNA. This means that in trying to gain stability by capturing the needed electron they don't survive in their original state for very long and quickly react with their surroundings. This is why free radicals attack the nearest stable molecule, "stealing" its electron. When the "attacked" molecule loses its electron, it becomes a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Once the process is started, it can cascade, finally resulting in the disruption of a living cell. The purpose of antioxidants is to donate a free electron so the electron in the outer (valence) shell of the molecule becomes paired. The problem with overdosing on artificial antioxidants is that you may be donating too many electrons and creating further oxidation.Vitamin C has long been touted to prevent and treat the common cold. Supplement claims state that it prevents and/ or reduces the time one has either the rhino virus or corona virus (common cold). In order to accomplish this, mega doses of vitamin C would have to be taken. Considering our body does not absorb more than 250 mg per day, it is impossible for us to realize the benefits of the mass doses of vitamin C ingested, making our urine quite expensive as what we do not absorb from the 10g-100g (note the grams not milligrams), is excreted in urine. It should be noted that in certain cases such as smoking where oxidation is at extreme high levels, more antioxidants are required to combat the effects of oxidation. Yet when the popular antioxidant beta carotene is looked at, doses greater than 8 mg per day actually increase the incidence of cancer rather than decrease it. The following are antioxidant facts to follow for your health. These will help guide you along the way to a better understanding of the specifics of antioxidants:-Lycopene, which if taken in cooked tomatoes, has been shown to have a 23% lower incidence of prostate cancer in men as compared with having less than one serving per month.​-High intakes of leutin and zeaxanthin had a 20% reduction in the rate of cataract formation. The best sources of this is in kale and spinach (EAT YOUR GREENS!!!) boating 18mg/100g and 11/mg/100g respectively.-Flavanoids, which are found in abundance in dark chocolate, green and black tea and red wine, have been shown to lower blood pressure, inhibit inflammation, inhibit cancer growth, and even protect against neurodegeneration. Japan has one of the lowest incidences of lung cancer and cardiovascular disease in the world despite such high rates of cigarette smoking. This is thought to be due to the effects of catechins (flavanoid) as the Japanese average 5 cups of green tea per day. -Selenium is currently a huge "immune booster" fad. It is seen in many immune enhancing supplements on the market today. Selenium is a well noted antioxidant and anti-aging mineral. It is known that an adequate intake of selenium, sufficient to optimize the functioning of selenoproteins, appears necessary for optimal health and to reduce cancer incidence. While those living in the United Kingdom appear to be deficient (on average), those living in the United States are already getting enough selenium in their diet. With this being said, more is not better. Selenium is a double edged sword whereas too little or too much much may increase risk of type 2 diabetes and cancer. For those living in the United States, it appears 60mcg-100mcg/day is all that is necessary for optimal health and prevention of prostate cancer. -Vitamin DIt appears those who live close to the equator are sick far less than those who live further away. Adequate vitamin D levels has shown to decrease risk of osteoporosis and minimizes fractures in the elderly. It has also been shown to reduce risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, dementia, pre-eclampsia, the flu and depression. Optimal dosing appears to be between 20 ng/ml and 30 ng/ml. However, research is still very young and the hardcore evidence (at the time of writing) is not there yet to fully understand the benefits of vitamin D and dosing. One thing on dosing is appearing to be clear though that there is a range in which too little or too much can be bad for humans. Data from the third NHANES study suggested that those with vitamin D levels less than 20n g/ml had a 28% higher mortality rate than those with 30 ng/ml and above. Yet those whose levels were greater than 24 ng/ml-30 ng/ml had mortality rates that began to rise once again. Those with vitamin D levels above 50 ng/ml had no extra health benefits than those whose levels were between 24 ng/ml-30 ng/ml.​The Parting ShotMuch of this information is obviously new. Why haven't I heard this you ask? This is nothing new however. Our bodies work how our bodies work. Most research is done in vitro, meaning outside of the cells (in a petri dish). Results from this are used and published. But to be accurate, we must instead understand that the variables in what works and occurs within the body (in vivo). Results on humans is what should be considered and not results from a lab in a dish. But in vitro results sell product and make companies a lot of money.As far back as 1931, the American Journal of Public Health declared, "We suffer in this country particularly from fads...because of the many statements of "food experts". Now almost a century later, nothing has changed.Spend your money on what you wish. You can have the most expensive urine possible and increase your risk of mortality or you can save your money and increase your life span. The choice is yours. What will you do with it?   References: 1. Bjelakovic, G., et al. JAMA, 2007; 297(8):842-572. Risgow, M., ete al. Proc Natl Acad Sci., 2009; 106(21):8665-703. Chen, L. et al. J Natl Cancer Inst., 2001; 93(24):1872-94. Brown., L. et al. Am J Clin Nutr., 1999; 70(4):509-165.​6. Sood, MM. and Sood. A.R. Amer Clin Nutr. 2007; 86(5) 7. Am Jnl Public Health Nations Health, 1931; 21(5): 543-5   Michael Brandon   Today let's talk about how to add more fat to our bodies. Yep, you read it correctly, but let's add some details. There is two main types of fat, or adipose tissue, that we have. The fat that we all think about that collects around our abdomen and buttocks is white adipose tissue (WAT). It is proinflammatory, a source of bodily calories, and in general, undesired in excess. WAT is the main reason many exercise and try to eat sensibly. Then there is BAT, or brown adipose tissue, which has gotten increased attention over the last few years. It has been known about for decades in small mammals and human infants, but only recently discovered to be in adults as well. Why is it of interest? Good question! Brown fat is thermogenic, which in short means that it mostly burns off calories, including glucose(body sugar) into heat to keep the body warm. It is thought to be a contributing reason as to why those who live in colder climates have a higher resting metabolism, or why that 1 person we all know can eat 4 buffets a day and still not gain any weight. It also helps lower blood triglycerides and cholesterol to slow down the development of conditions like atherosclerosis. We have the most BAT as babies, and it decreases as we age, which may be a major reason as to why its harder to lose weight as we increase in years. Researchers have been trying to find a drug to increase or stimulate this BAT to help with weight loss, but we figure, why not BioHack it? In fact, there has been research done that suggests a few ways to increase the amount of brown fat we have, which should raise our metabolism. The most known and studied way to increase brown fat is to stay cool. Being cold obviously causes us to shiver, but over time (as little as bouts of 10 minutes in some studies) the shivering stops and our bodies start producing more body heat via stimulating the brown fat that we have. This is called non-shivering thermogenesis. Chronic exposure to cold, such as living in a colder environment, will add a higher percentage of brown fat as an adaptive mechanism to stay warmer longer.A few studies have emerged subjects into ice baths for several times a day which caused both an increase in BAT, and as suspected, an increase in basal metabolic rate. BAT has also been increased by taking people into a colder environment for 10 days, which also showed an increase in BAT activity, showing that at least small changes can be made relatively quickly.Another method to increase BAT instead of keeping your body cold, is making your tongue hot. Capsaicin is a compound found in many hot peppers like cayenne, chili, and tabasco peppers. Adding more of these to your diet appears to stimulate BAT very similarly to the way cold does. It increases the bodies ability to enter non-shivering thermogenesis. Sweet peppers and ginger root also have capsaicin in them, but in much smaller amounts.Arginine, a nonessential amino acid in adults, also appears to help with brown fat, but so far its been primarily done in rat studies only. However, it appears promising and helps with metabolism a few ways. A few studies have highly suggested that it both helps lower the body's WAT and increases BAT for a double whammy fat benefit. It also has been shown in human trials to promote muscle over fat gain as well as it being required to increased NO (nitric oxide) which both promote fat oxidation and lower fat synthesis. If looking to increase your body's arginine concentrations, then the big hitters are turkey breast, pork loin, shrimp, lobster, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, chick peas, and dairy to name a few. The last BAT stimulator is NE, or norepinephrine/noradrenaline. It is a major contributor to our bodies “fight or flight” response, it increases our metabolism by releases stored glucose, and increases blood flow to our muscles. It is highly known to increase the creation and differentiation of brown fat, increases it's thermogenic activity, and helps mature the BAT into it's active state. NE also has shown to be drastically increased by regular exercise, which itself in many ways, increases metabolism. Certain foods contain tyrosine and/or other metabolites of dopamine. Fava beans for example directly have L-dopa in it, and many vegetables like tomatoes, avocados, spinach, and brussel sprouts also may help elevate levels for more NE to potentially be created. Curcumin, the most known constituent in tumeric, is even able to cross the blood brain barrier, so it may affect NE levels both systemically in the body as well as in the brain and nervous system.​Many people look for diets and drugs to lose weight, but here at Biohacker nation, we recommend keeping it simple and eating your way to a healthier fat accumulation and a healthier you. So pack on the brown fat and BioHack on! Jobgen, W., et al. “Dietary L-Arginine Supplementation Reduces White Fat Gain and Enhances Skeletal Muscle and Brown Fat Masses in Diet-Induced Obese Rats.” Journal of Nutrition, vol. 139, no. 2, 2008, pp. 230–237. Pubmed, doi:10.3945/jn.108.096362. ​Lans, Anouk A.j.j. Van Der, et al. “Cold Acclimation Recruits Human Brown Fat and Increases Nonshivering Thermogenesis.” Journal of Clinical Investigation, vol. 123, no. 8, 2013, pp. 3395–3403., doi:10.1172/jci68993. Saito, Masayuki, and Takeshi Yoneshiro. “Capsinoids and Related Food Ingredients Activating Brown Fat Thermogenesis and Reducing Body Fat in Humans.” Current Opinion in Lipidology, vol. 24, no. 1, 2013, pp. 71–77., doi:10.1097/mol.0b013e32835a4f40 Seale, P., and M. A. Lazar. “Brown Fat in Humans: Turning up the Heat on Obesity.” Diabetes, vol. 58, no. 7, 2009, pp. 1482–1484., doi:10.2337/db09-0622 Zheng, Jia, et al. “Dietary Capsaicin and Its Anti-Obesity Potency: from Mechanism to Clinical Implications.” Bioscience Reports, vol. 37, no. 3, 2017, doi:10.1042/bsr20170286.   Find us: Instagram (@biohackhumans)  Facebook (@biohackhumans) Twitter (@biohackhumans) Tumblr (@biohackhumans)   Contact Us:

 Anti- Aging, SARMS, Ethics in Sports | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:07

Jim Goetz We begin the show by stating that eveything discussed is for education purposes only. Nothing contained in the biohackhumans podcast are intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Seek out the care of a competent health care provider. Biohackers Inc is a 501c3 non profit organization. To keep bringing top notch education each week, we are requesting donations. Patrons may receive shout outs, biohackers gear, spots on the show and advertising. If you enjoy the show, we ask you not only ensure all your friends and family subscribe on iTunes, Google Play or iHeart Radio and very soon Spotify, but also to leave an honest 5 star review. We are joined this week by top New Jersey personal trainer Jared Rappoport. Jared currently trains at Ovox Gym in Morganville, New Jersey. Jared specializes in both body building and total body transformations. He has been a personal trainer for over a decade and there's no slowing down now.  Clients and patients alike both bring up different ideas and concepts they hear about that they are unsure about.  As individuals are always lookig for the competitive edge, more and beginning to turn to SARMS, which is an acronym for Selective Androgen Modulator Receptors. These chemicals have been around since the 1940's but really only have become a part of the main stream (filled with controversey) since the 1990's. The initial purpose of the development of SARMS was to treat a plethora of diseases such as cancer, hypogonadism, osteoporosis, Alzheimers, catexia and more.  The best way to describe how SARMS work is to think of them as a puzzle piece. These puzzle pieces can only fit into specific slots in your body (receptor sites). Therefore, SARMS may float around the body and do nothing until they attach themselves to the appropriate receptor site, unlocking specific aspects of ones DNA such as preventing muscle and bone wasting.  In comparing SARMS to testosterone cypionate, it appears SARMS may actually be 200 times more anabolic and 80 times more selective for the receptor sites. This means side effects are limited at best as compared to anabolic steroids for the treatment of diseases.  While most research on SARMS has been conducted in lab mice, phase 1 trails on humans have begun. This is why SARMS are only available for purchase for research purposes only and not for human consumption.  Some of the most popular SARMS are: LGD-4033- prevents catexia by enhancing lean muscle mass and reduces body fat. MK-2866- also prevents catexia by maintaining and increasing lean body mass and recomping. S4- designed to cure osteoporosis and increases bone density RAD140- possible cure for Alzheimers A substance which is in the SARMS family but would be considered more of a distant cousin as it's not technically a SARM is GW 501516. This may greatly increase ones physical endurance and is one of the two substances used and detected that had top 2017 Cross Fit Games athlete Ricky Gerard disqualified, suspended and outcasted by his peers. However, until the detection of this substance, he was giving 3 time Cross Fit Games Champion Mat Fraser, a run for his money. Some benefits of SARMS are: Non-toxic. Prevents calcium depletion (bone loss). Decreases the risk of prostate dysfunction.  Will not interfere with ones HPTA. Will not convert to estrogen. Some human performance benefits include: Increased muscle strength. Increased muscle size. Tissue selective. Inhibits cancer cell division. Regulates libido. Side Effects of SARMS I would like to be able to comfortably list the known side effects of SARMS but in reality, thus far long term research has not been available to understand what these effects may be. Any known side effects may occur due to unregulated SARMS being laced with anabolic steroids and pro-hormones. This is why if a qualified individual does research on SARMS, they should ensure the laboratory they obtain their research chemicals from is up to par.   Ethics of Using SARMS, HGH and Steroids in Sports This is a highly controversial and debatable topic.  Individuals ask all the time what they should take. My advice (Jim Goetz) is to wake up each morning and have a very large glass of hard work. One should have a steady diet of determination and persistence. Supplements, SARMS, steroids, HGH and the like are often relied upon to get an athlete to the level of super human. However, when relied upon, one never achieves their true potential. While certain substances such as human growth hormone may prolong the careers of many athletes, especially foot ball players, due to the ability to speed healing, it is still a banned substance in the NCAA and National Football League.  Any banned substance on the list provided by the World Anti- Doping Association should be avoided by any athlete competing in a sport they may be tested in. When one tests positive, they not only lose the chance to maximize their profits to play a game, but may result in suspension and become ostrasized by your peers.  So many athletes believe they will never be caught. No one is smarter than the system as someone some where will do something and then rat them out.  While some substances may actually be legal in certain sports, remember that how one obtains them must also be legal. Buying steroids from the shady guy in the gym is illegal!!!  As we state in the beginning of each show, ensure you contact a qualified and good health care provider and not get your information from uneducated meat heads on a blog somewhere that have never truly accomplished anything in their lives other than huge arms that may have impressed girls back in undergrad. Anti-Aging This topic could literally be the topic all podcasts are dedicated to as it is such an emerging field in medicine yet humans have been chasing anti-aging and ways to remain young forever since the dawn of time. From Ponce de Leon and his search for the Fountain of Youth to the mention of the philosophers stone going back to 300 A.D., mankind has been searching for ways to remain youthful. Why would one not want to remain youthful and vibrant for an eternity? Aging brings reduced cognitive function, diminished strength, speed and endurance, aches and pains and diseases and ultimately death. Why would anyone want this?  Some aspects of anti-aging are mere superficial remedies such as botox or using ceremides to reduce wrinkles. None of these treatments though slow down the reduction of telmomeres. It's been theorized that telomeres in our DNA reduce in length with age. It's like our internal clock. Once the telomeres are gone, the cell dies. Humans are made of cells. Therefore, once the telomere countdown ends, we die. Some methods though that are being realizes to help prolong life are not drug related. Believe it or not they are natural things we can do each and every day. Some believe that statins help prevent heart attacks but now being shown that not only do they not prevent heart attacks like previoulsy believed but reduce cognitive function, increase idiopathic muscular pains and even reduce longevity. The popular diabetes drug metformin is theorized to reduce the rate of telomere shortening. If one begins metformin at the age of three (3) they may life to 120 to 150 years of age. However, metformin does not come without side effects. Berberine has been shown to have these same effects as metformin though and without the harmful side effects. Other methods to delay telomere shortening are: -calorie restriction (see the biohackhumans podcast on intermittent fasting and the future podcast on autophagy). -proper anti-oxidant intake (not simply a cheap multi- vitamin). This may reduce aging through oxidation and fight reactive oxygen species (ROS). As we age, hormones are reduced. When we have lab work done, physicians typically look at ones hormone levels as compared to the age they are. One feels much different though at the age of 25 than they do at 65. Individuals may utilize hormone replacement therapy to match their hormones to that of the age of 25 and perform as they did at this age. Activities of daily living become easier and more fulfilling.  DHEA may improve memory, immune function, muscle mass, libido and the endocrine system. Melatonin is now being understood to have some anti- oxidant characteristics in addition to improve circadian rythms. While melatonin thus far has been unsuccessful in preliminary research to show increases in life span, it is being used now in cancer treatments (mega doses) and may improve ones daily life through increased cognitive function by improving sleep. Pregnenalone is another natural substance that is the precursor to 50 other hormones that are often reduced with age. .  In females, estrogen therapy has been shown to be beneficial to increase bone density and protects against heart disease.  Stem cell therapy may help regenerate cells to prevent cardiovascular disease and improve or eliminate autoimmune diseases. It has been found in preliminary research that messenchymal stem cells of younger donors (mice) estends the lifespan in older recipients. ALT-711 may be useful in preventing heart disease by reducing pulse prressure and improving arterial elasticity. This occurs through breaking advanced glycosylation end product crosslinks. There are some current anti-aging developments but not worth mentioning until further credible research is completed.  At the end of the day, so far there is no magic bullet of anti-aging. If the fountain of youth truly exists, then perhaps a glass of water each day from it will allow us to live for eternity. Until then, understanding the information listed above in addition to a diet that consists of organically grown produce rich in phytonutrients, a non-processed ketogenic diet, limiting alcohol intake, not smoking, and moderate exercise each day. Observational studies do show that individuals who laugh, smile and have purpose in life end up living longer than those who are unhappy and lack ambition. In the coming weeks, myself the madscientist Jim Goetz, Dr. Mike Brandon and Beauty, Brains, Brawn Chantea Goetz will be discussing more on concussion testing, protocols and utilizing the services of expert health care providers to ensure healthy cognitive function after a traumatic head injry (any blow to the head is traumatic). We will also be discussing energy levels and adrenal dysfunction. Some call adrenal dysfunction, adrenal fatigue, but we will dispell this terminological snafu.   Find us: Instagram (@biohackhumans)  Facebook (@biohackhumans) Twitter (@biohackhumans) Tumblr (@biohackhumans)   Contact Us:

 Using HRV to Improve Performance, Why We Got into Biohackng and the Myths of Water | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:02

What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV)? -Chantea Goetz Heart rate variability is the change in the time intervals between consecutive heartbeats. Variations can be due to age, gender, athletic ability, circadian rhythms, core body temperature, and metabolism. 24-hour recordings are the gold standard. To measure the autonomic, cardiovascular, & respiratory systems a short-term reading of 5 minutes a day is sufficient. HRV is a critical indicator of health, resilience, well-being, and performance. Several research studies indicate that lowered HRV values lead to increased reports of diabetes, coronary disease, anxiety, depression, asthma, and poor performance. These aliments are due to autonomic dysregulation. HRV biofeedback positively effects the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, performance, and behavior. The benefits of using HRV biofeedback has the ability for people to become aware of their proper breathing rate, also known as resonant frequency. Proper breathing patterns can improve professional and athletic performance, improve focus and concentration, reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, improve overall health and mental well-being, while reducing risk factors for disease. HRV biofeedback training involves slowing the breathing rate to achieve the RF breathe. For most people the respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) is maximized when breathing at a rate of 6 breaths per minute. In order to obtain an ideal HRV there needs to be a balance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. When a person is over-stressed and under-recovered there will be a decline in performance. Some ways in which to separate emotional responses from physical actions are to practice mindfulness and meditation. My Journey in BioHacking Functional Fitness-Jim Goetz​I work with people daily in order to help them achieve their goals and improve their way of life. What good is life if it’s a life that’s not worth living? Everyone deserves a happy and healthy life but many lack any clue on how to achieve this. Goals are an essential part of health and happiness. Without setting objective goals, having a plan and being accountable to this plan, success will not happen.  What biohacking is and some thoughts on this were discussed in a recent interview I gave with The Vitamin Shoppe in their publication, What is Good. My journey is not unlike any other. However the plan I use to achieve my goals is highly researched. As goals may be and should be in different aspects of life, this article focuses on health and fitness goals. I began working out in the fourth grade. My grammar school teacher was not the best and as a result I became very unhappy. I found enjoyment through running, push ups, and sit ups. There was a burning sensation in either my legs, chest and arms or abs that was perplexing. The more I did, the more it burned. As an eight year old, this confusing sensation led to greater experimentation, which essentially meant to do more exercises. I would do these exercises daily, timing myself to see how long I could do them until the burn began and then how long I could push through the burn until I literally could not move that body part any longer. I was utilizing the most unscientific manner to increase lactic threshold and muscular endurance and function but for an eight year old, it made sense.My life was always filled with sports. Grammar school through high school it was cross country, basketball and baseball. In college it was baseball. Like most, I only did what the coach had me do. Like most I did not realize the coach had no clue himself in how to make better athletes. It was in undergrad when I changed majors to exercise science that I began to learn new techniques in how to improve athletic ability. Some ideas worked for me, some did not. For instance, increasing carbohydrate intake before and after working out caused a dissipation of the visual appearance of muscle. In other words, carbs for energy and replenishment caused me to gain body fat. I also noticed that by consuming high carb meals the nigh before an event, I would wake up in the morning lethargic and with stomach pangs. I would also find that during a distance event, I would eventually feel depleted of all energy and not flow through the event as planned.Training for my first Tough Mudder was also an experiment. Though I ran long distances all my life, I loathed running at this point in my life. Instead of running, I did a spin class each morning and then later on would complete two circuits of six exercises with extremely heavy weight, being able to complete no more than 1-3 reps. I would move through this as fast yet efficient as possible. In the three months leading up to the Tough Mudder, I inadvertently lost 16 lbs and gained an incredible amount of strength. For example, before I began training I could do six pull ups. By the time three months passed, I was doing twenty pull ups at a time with ease.Through these two experiences and examples, I had self discovered methods that indeed were topics of research yet had no idea about it at the time. My journey to biohacking was well on the way before I had even heard of the idea of biohacking.​I went through an arduous two year period without access to a gym. I became weak to the point of no longer being able to do a pull up or a full range of motion dip. I lost forty pounds and was emaciated. Refusing to be beat, I adapted and learned  I needed to make some changes and utilize every ounce of exercise science, physiology and neurology that I knew. I found rocks, concrete, steel pipes and built some awkward equipment that I could use and train in a functional manner. Each day I would apply the lessons I knew from the text books and research journals to my personal physical development.Some say nutrition is 80% of the solution when it comes to lean muscle gain and body fat loss. I personally believe it is closer to 90% of the solution. During the two year period without access to a gym, my access to nutritious food of any sort, even food in any quantity was limited at best. I was able to find access to large amounts of peanut butter, to which I hoarded and lived off of.In January of 2017, I weighed 160 lbs. I began to hone eating a ketogenic diet that I plan on keeping a lifestyle for the rest of my life. The science appears to be there for my Genotype that my physiology thrives on this manner of eating.I combined daily undulating periodization with cross fit workout of the days, power lifting for the lower extremity, Pilates, Olympic lifting and moderate distance running. On certain days, I utilize KAATSU and ensure I train all muscles every day in some manner yet ensure I do not go past no return so that I may properly recover.There is no one size fits all formula for success. Each individual has goals. Each individuals goals are unique and important to that person. Yet 95% of people will fail in their workout routine. This is due to a lack of setting a proper goal, lack of a plan towards that goal, and most importantly accountability to execute this plan on a daily basis. The book BioHacking Your Brain for Success: Becoming a True Champion in All Aspects of Life  written by myself and Chantea Goetz discusses this in great detail. There's a reason some people are successful in all they do. Others make excuses for their failure, which really is a result of never actually putting in any effort. The most important aspect of success is passion!!! People tell me all the time they want to lose weight. I often tell them that there's no chance they will lose the weight and keep it off. They should save their money and do something enjoyable with it. Yes, these individuals are shocked at what I say but it is true. When one gets out of bed in the morning, they need to have a true passion and meaning in why they put their feet on the ground. If there's no passion for getting up, then the odds of success at an idea are futile at best. Does anyone really have a true passion for losing 20 lbs? They have the best intentions in the world but will assuredly fail. Take that same person who is 20 lbs overweight and sign them up for a competition and they may find that passion in training. The 20 lb weight loss will occur as a result. As Yogi Berra once said, "half of the game is ninety percent mental". I can write the greatest program in the universe for someone to succeed. If there's no passion behind it then success is not happening. One has to show up to the field to play the game.Exercise is a lot more than simply opening up a magazine and doing chest and tri's on Monday, back and bi's on Tuesday, shoulders on Wednesday, skipping legs on Thursday because let's face it, doing legs suck and with all good intention of doing something Friday, it just does not happen. Most do "abs" every day, without ever being able to see a true six pack. So many aspects of this model are flawed from the get go. First and foremost, muscles only stay anabolic for around 48 hours. This means that after a tough "chest" day, by Wednesday this muscle ceases growth. Unfortunately, the overzealous weight lifter has damaged their muscle fibers too great to be able to work it again and is left with a muscle that is catabolic. Bodybuilders can get away with this because they are taking anabolic steroids. This keeps them anabolic all day and every day. For those of us not on performance enhancing drugs, we need to stay a few steps ahead of the game and can use science (BioHack) our way to our goals.Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So why do the majority of individuals do this single or double body part split day week after week, month after month, and think they are making progress? If someone goes to the gym with no plan, how can they see if they are progressing and progressing in the right manner? That would be like a strength and conditioning coach having a professional football team "just go lift" as opposed to having a highly specialized and detailed season long program. Perhaps progress can be optimized if they followed the rules of human physiology. Yet people do this day after day, week after week, month after month until they realize they "will never" reach their goals and eventually give up.Daily undulated periodization (DUP) has a key, which is getting in maximum workout volume, without impacting recovery, which is why the undulating and periodization aspects are critical. One trains the entire body multiple times per week and utilizes different repetition ranges, thus focusing in on more specific muscle fiber types. Training in this manner has been shown to be more effective than linear exercise programming in terms of muscular hypertrophy, strength and endurance. Combine DUP with KAATSU (vascular occlusion moderation training) and you get extreme muscle strength and growth in a far shorter time frame than would be believed. It is believed that the restricted blood flow recruits a greater number of fast twitch muscle fibers and even converts fibers to fast twitch. This combined with the increase in chemical mediators to repair tissues has been shown to have phenomenal results.High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has it's place for fat burning and strength training. Some utilize it to save time in a day. Others can utilize it to have amazing physical performance results. ​Pilates is utilized for dexterity, flexibility, and fine tuning a strong core. This can be done literally by anyone.Never let a fat person on statins tell you how to eat. Never let a skinny person tell you how to lift. And never get accurate information from the media. Open up recent text books. Read peer reviewed journals and do critical appraisals on each article you consider utilizing. In the end, set your goals to mirror your passions. Set a realistic plan to achieve them and stay accountable each day towards it. Do this and welcome into your life the success you very much deserve.My goal...pull a 500 lb deadlift and on the same day run and complete an Iron Man triathalon. What's yours? Let's get to BioHacking our way there!!!!References:Jennifer T. Fine, Graham A. Colditz, Eugenie H. Coakley, George Moseley, JoAnn E. Manson, Walter C. Willett, and Ichiro Kawachi. A Prospective Study of Weight Change and Health-Related Quality of Life in Women . JAMA 1999 282: 2136-2142.Alfred Wirth and Jutta Krause. Long-term Weight Loss With Sibutramine: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA 2001 286: 1331-1339Shinichi Amano, Arimi Fitri Mat Ludin, Rachel Clift, et al. Effectiveness of blood flow restricted exercise compared with standard exercise in patients with recurrent low back pain: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials201617:81Zourdos, Michael C.; Jo, Edward; Khamoui, Andy V. et al. Modified Daily Undulating Periodization Model Produces Greater Performance Than a Traditional Configuration in Powerlifters. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research: March 2016 - Volume 30 - Issue 3 - p 784–791Nicholas J Krilanovich. Benefits of ketogenic diets. Am J Clin Nutr January 2007 vol. 85 no. 1 238-239BioHacking the Myths of Water-Dr. Michael Brandon, DCWe all know that as long as we drink 8 cups of water a day our skin will be softer and glisten, we'll have a faster metabolism, better kidney function, we'll clear out toxins from our body, perform better, and lose weight.​Well, now it's time to state that you have been lied to. In fact, only about half of that appears to hold any truth. The other half has either never been proven, or worse, been proven incorrect but is yet repeated to everybody as health advice. So what is false tales vs true benefits? Lets do what biohackers do best and get to the science of the life requiring, ultimate biohack of H2O!Let's begin with hacking the untruths, and target the big one. There is NO proof or reason to have 8 cups of water each day. Yep, I said it. In fact, there has been multiple studies done proving this is illegitimate! In reality, there are too many variables that effect hydration requirements such as weight, gender, activity levels, what/how much you have eaten, heat, and heart or kidney pathologies just to name a few, so no one amount will work for even half of the population. The Committee at the Institute of Medicine even states that “While it might appear useful to estimate an average requirement (an EAR) for water, an EAR based on data is not possible” There are 2 easy guidelines to account for this and the first is quite simple. If you are thirsty or active, you should drink some water. You can over do it, but it takes a lot to do so. Again, everyone is different, but typically after a gallon or so within 2-3 hours is too much for almost everybody and can cause some acute health issues. At that point you almost literally have to force water down your throat which brings us to guideline number 2; if you're drinking and it becomes physically difficult to drink water, you've probably had enough. We have a reflex that slows down our swallowing strength when we are over full of food and fluids, so as always, listen to your body, it knows best. Also, our bodies can only absorb about a quart an hour, so even if you are in heavy exercise, any more than that is going in and straight out without any benefit anyway other then depleting your body of more salt and electrolytes.The next myth to bust is that caffeine dehydrates you, so here you go, it doesn't. Well not if you're used to drinking it, and it only minimally does if you are a caffeine novice. Moderate amounts of caffeine usage (4 cups of coffee or 100mg of caffeine) showed no significant diuretic effects leading to lower hydration levels. This is not to be confused with saying that coffee and water are equal, as caffeine does lower our bodies' salt levels and does not give all the same effects as water which will be covered down the page. ​Based on the most current research, increasing water intake alone also DOES NOT provide the following benefits as many have proclaimed; healthier and shinier skin, better kidney functions, clearing out toxins, and giving more energy. These were all thought up by one industry or another to help promotions and as far as could be found, held no scientific support.So what does drinking water help with? Still quite a bit, I mean it is necessary for a reason! Staying hydrated is great for both physical and mental performance.Muscle is 80% water, so staying fully hydrated helps prevent early muscle fatigue, cramping, and may allow for an extra rep or 2 in the gym. Also when dehydrated, our bodies release less anabolic hormones and more catabolic hormones including cortisol, so having sufficient water levels may help with exercise gains.Though these effects of dehydration effect all activities, it appears that it hampers high intensity and endurance activities like long distance running significantly more than anaerobic ones like weight lifting. ​Being dehydrated, also can effect short term memory, focus, visual perception, and other cognitive factors. Both these and the physical decreases can occur once someone has lost as little as 2% of weight from water such as sweating. This would be about 3lbs for someone weighing initially 150lbs, and it's not uncommon for many athletes to lose 6-8% in any given workout.Drinking water can also help with weight loss, and this is 2 fold. First the simple mechanism; drinking 500ml of water (around 16 oz) before a meal helps with satiety and forces us to eat less. However, there is more to it then that. The same amount also is shown to increase metabolic rate by roughly 30%. This increase in metabolism begins in only 10 minutes and peaks after about 30-40 minutes and can last up to 3 hours. So you can burn a few extra calories a day just by staying hydrated; sounds worth-while to me. Even if water doesn't hold up to all the “facts” that many of us have heard time and time again, it is still the item which should be consumed the most by everybody on any given day. With all the benefits mentioned, let alone the thousands of physiological reactions it helps with in the body, I say bottoms up with the bottle to good health!References:​Boschmann, Michael, et al. “Water Drinking Induces Thermogenesis through Osmosensitive Mechanisms | The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism | Oxford Academic.”OUP Academic, Oxford University Press, 1 Aug. 2007,​Killer, Sophie C., et al. “No Evidence of Dehydration with Moderate Daily Coffee Intake: A Counterbalanced Cross-Over Study in a Free-Living Population.” PLOS ONE, Public Library of Science, Popkin, Barry M., et al. “Water, Hydration and Health.” Nutrition Reviews, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Aug. 2010, University of Michigan. Myth of 8 Glasses of Water a Day. 24 Aug. 2015, “What Is Hyponatremia?” WebMD, WebMD,   Find us: Instagram (@biohackhumans)  Facebook (@biohackhumans) Twitter (@biohackhumans) Tumblr (@biohackhumans)   Contact Us:

 The Greatest Biohack of All Time Chiropractic and How Best to Absorb Your Vegetables | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:47

By: Jim Goetz and Dr. Michael BrandonWe begin the show with the disclaimer that nothing heard on the show is in any way intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease. Consult your competent health care provider for all health care matters. We ask you subscribe to our podcast on iTunes or your Google Play app. If you find you enjoy the show, we request you have your friends, family and colleagues subscribe as well. A 5 star review will also go a very long way to help us get our show out and distribute the educational materials that can help others perform better on a daily basis.We are also looking to improve upon the quality of the Biohackhumans show. In order to do this, we have set up a crowdfunding campaign. Donations are greatly appreciated and you can benefit with all sort of biohackhumans gear, contributions and advertisement for you and/ or your organization as a thank you.In the coming weeks, we will be releasing the Insiders Only section of , which will have a plethora of cutting edge information on nutrition, fitness, health and wellness including specific routines that have been used with professional athletes and major colleges, recipes and videos.Vegetable Nutrient AbsorptionTo review from weeks previous, there are ways to ensure better absorption of our foods. In previous weeks, we discussed that breaking down the cellulose on vegetables allows our body to absorb nutrients as our bodies lack the ability to break down cellulose. Therefore all the kale we desire to eat raw does nothing more than roto rooter our colon without the intended benefit of the plethora of vitamins, minerals and other valuable nutrients contained within.Another important aspect of nutrient absorption comes from eating our vegetable with fat. Fat soluble vitamins (A,E,D,K) as well as beta carotene are all fat soluble. Therefore research has shown that the way best to absorb these nutrients is to eat with fat. In fact, we absorb these nutrients up to 16x more efficiently if eaten with a fat than without.The Greatest Biohack of All Time- ChiropracticThe greatest biohack of all time is without a doubt chiropractic. A profession that has been shrouded in mystery and lies, chiropractic has proven time and time again to be able to help individuals heal their bodies and function better as a result.Joint manipulation (adjusting) has been around since the times of ancient Egypt and Hippocrates. It was only when an individual who used magnets on individuals to heal them of their ailments did DD Palmer bring adjusting into the main stream. DD Palmer and later his son BJ Palmer (a phenomenal marketer), touted chiropractic as a cure all for literally everything. DD Palmer and his students were accused of practicing medicine without a license and were often jailed for adjusting patients. As a result, DD Palmer began to create the illusion that chiropractic was more of a religion than a healing art. This is where much of the confusion began in what chiropractic truly is and can do.Chiropractic is not so much a treatment for a diagnosis. It is not a band aid as medicine is often used for. Chiropractic adjustments are utilized to remove interference in the human body in order to allow it to heal itself. As a result, our bodies may perform better neurologically, muscularly and skeletally. Doctors of chiropractic receive a 4 year post graduate education as well as passing four parts of a National Board exam and an additional section on physiotherapy. Chiropractic colleges require 2,419 hours of classroom work as compared to 2,047 hours in a medical college. Chiropractic colleges require:456 hours Anatomy and Embryology243 hours Physiology296 hours Pathology145 hours Microbiology61 hours Chemistry408 hours Diagnosis149 hours Neurology271 hours x-Ray56 hours Psychology and Psychiatry66 hours Obstetrics and Gyneclogy168 hours OrthopedicsMedical Colleges Require:215 hours Anatomy and Embryology174 hours Physiology507 hours Pathology145 hours Microbiology100 hours Chemistry113 hours Diagnosis171 hours Neurology13 hours x-Ray323 hours Psychology and Psychiatry284 hours Obstetrics and Gyneclogy2 hours OrthopedicsThe main differences between the education of doctors of chiropractic and doctors of medicine is that of the treatments. Doctors of medicine utilize pharmaceuticals while doctors of chiropractic utilize non- invasive manual medicine. As opposed to having the two professions battle one another, true patient centered care is best found when the two professions compliment one another. At the end of the day it is about the patient, not the physician.Some misnomers about chiropractic is that chiropractors put bones back into place when they are misaligned. This could be further from the case. Bones lie where they lie. Due to tendons, ligaments, fascia and muscles, the bones are where they are. However, improper movement of a bone through it's desired range of motion can cause inflammation and dysfunction. A properly executed adjustment may correct this aberrant motion and allow for proper function and improve the performance of the individual.Another misnomer is that chiropractic adjustments cause stroke. This is absolute hogwash. The research has shown that one is no more likely to have a stroke from a chiropractic adjustment than one can from drinking water at a water fountain. This poor research was done in an effort to discredit the profession and executed in poor taste with sever lack of personal ethics.Some proven benefits of chiropractic though are:-decreases back pain-decreases neck pain-eliminates head aches-improves bowel regularity-improves mental clarity-decreases ear infections-decreases arthritis and joint pain-may improve asthma-may improve blood pressure-may ensure a healthier pregnancy-may improve organ function-may prevent surgery-may improve athletic performance-may improve vertigo and other dizziness-improved Bells Pallsy-may improve sleep quality-reduces inflammation-may reduce anxietyThe quality of chiropractic physician is the same as any other physician of any other profession. some simply use heat, ice, stim and do what is called, "the flying seven", which means they go head to toe and adjust everything, even if asymptomatic. Then there is a newer breed of doctor who has a very intensive education and takes the time to make a proper diagnosis and delivers a very specific treatment.Chiropractic is by no means a cure all for every disease known to man. It certainly does though improve upon human performance and in doing so through the extremely intricate physiological changes that occur as a result, can be seen and known as the greatest biohack of all time.Next Week On next weeks podcast, we will be joined by Chantea Goetz, MS who will be discussing with us heart rate variability as it applies to human performance and the advancements of what we can learn from it and to create a truly functionised human.   Find us: Instagram (@biohackhumans)  Facebook (@biohackhumans) Twitter (@biohackhumans) Tumblr (@biohackhumans)   Contact Us:

 The Myth of Healthy Dairy, Osteoporosis and a Follow Up on Intermittent Fasting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:49

By Jim Goetz and Dr. Michael Brandon, DCWe begin the show off by asking our listeners to make sure they subscribe to our podcast either via iTunes or Google Play. The more subscribers we have the more listeners we can dispense the latest research to best understand human health, function and fitness.If you like our show, tell a friend to subscribe and give an honest 5 star review. You can also be a patron and donate to our show so we may reinvest in our efforts for you.Follow Up on Intermittent FastingThis past week we have been receiving countless emails and approached by individuals asking about muscle growth and fasting. Some believe that they feel stronger while fasting for brief durations and this may lead to enhanced muscular development. The results of short term fasting may be near negligible in terms of both subjective and objective muscular development. However, if you have ever seen anyone who is truly starving; they appear emaciated. When one fasts for 16 hours to multiple days at a time, the body acts in many phenomenal physiological ways (as was discussed last week). One of these ways though is to shut off mTOR. This is directly proportional to protein synthesis. If the mTOR pathways are shut down, your body is no longer developing muscle. This is because all your body's resources are focused in efforts to keep your organs functioning. This is the main reason your body will go through autophagy. It is the effort to rid itself of non- essential cells. Afterwards, the body may be strengthened (if done properly and under the direct supervision of an educated healthcare professional). This in a way is a metaphor to "Sharpening the Saw", as described in the book Seven Habits of Highly Successful People by Steven Covey. ​We will cover much more in depth the concept of autophagy in a future podcast.   Milk and Osteoporosis Prevention Next we tackle the concept of osteoporosis prevention. There's typically two things that first come to thought with protecting/reversing brittle bones, and that is increasing calcium stores and adding resistance training. Exercise appears to be the #1 preventative measure for keeping our bones nice and strong. This concept is supported with “Wolf”s Law” which states how when bone is stressed and used with impact like running or being pressured by the extra weight of resistance training, our body lays down more bone to make it thicker, and helping to prevent fractures.  We then discuss the power, or cautions of calcium supplementation. Studies have repetitively shown that moderate to high does of calcium supplements increase the risk for stroke and myocardial infarction, especially in those predisposed like post menopausal women. This seems to be from the high does of calcium increasing clotting factors and promoting atherothrombic events, like blood clots which can embolize and go through our blood stream and cause a stroke or get stuck in our hearts causing a myocardial infarction. Another caution with supplements, as Dr. Brandon and The Mad Scientist Jim Goetz, spoke about in week 1's podcast, is we only absorb so much of any given nutrient at a time, and not all forms of a supplement are created equal. For example, calcium carbonate is a common form in supplements and is often found cheaper than calcium citrate, which has over double the bio-availabilty and we absorb much more of it. If you supplement with a higher dose then we can absorb, it just gets push through and we have a little more calcium in our urine that day. Supplementation is just that, its to supplement what we aren't getting in our diet. To note on that, getting calcium, and all nutrients for that matter via food is by far the best. It is already in the best bio-available form because we evolved to be able to break those down and get the most absorption possible from it. So what is the best sources to eat for calcium? Good Question! The best sources of calcium appear to be from leafy greens such as turnips, kale, and the like. They also have other nutrients involved which help with calcium absorption, such as magnesium. The most commonly advertised source however, as most are aware of, is dairy, and milk specifically. So what's the story with milk? There's been multiple epidemiological studies that have shown that countries and  even regions within countries that have the highest milk intake, also have the highest amount of fractures, specifically broken hips. How can this be? There's been some studies to suggest that cow's milk “strips” calcium from the bones due to high phosphorous levels, and high protein content. The theory is that the high protein and phosphorus makes the body more acidic, so our bones break down the calcium they hold to help balance the acid/alkaline ratios of our body. This makes sense until you realize that milk doesn't appear to make the body's PH more acidic! Furthermore, if this were true, we would find this occurring with high protein diets as well, which is also simply not the case. What seems to be the main cause, goes back to the bio availability and absorption rates. Milk does have high levels of phosphorus, and that alone decreases the body's ability to absorb calcium. Mix in the low magnesium levels (which helps Ca+ absorption), and the fact that the calcium in milk isn't easily absorbed, it makes sense that we aren't using it to strengthen our bones, because our body simply cant! We weren't made to digest cow's milk properly. It's made for cows, baby cows, which grow approximately 10x faster than humans. Is all dairy bad? It doesn't seem so. Similar studies have been performed on cheese and fermented dairy products like kefir and yogurt, and these do appear to help decrease mortality and hip fractures in women by over %15! It's amazing what the difference of proper absorption does. So the good news is, it appears that you can have your dairy, and eat it too.     -Jim Goetz -Michael Brandon -Chantea Goetz   Find us: Instagram (@biohackhumans)  Facebook (@biohackhumans) Twitter (@biohackhumans) Tumblr (@biohackhumans)   Contact Us:

 Intermittent Fasting and Fasting in General and Keto | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:42

Show Notes:By Jim Goetz    We first visit with Jersey Strong Gym General Manager Dane Cuccinello. Dane has developed the reputation for bieng able to build and grow successful teams to ensure the success of an organization. We biohack ways to do the same and apply these principles to any organization. Dane also agreed to take a 30 Day Keto Challenge. For 30 days and 30 nights, Dane will eat only a ketogenic diet. Any deviation of this and he has agreed to allow Dr. Mike and Jim to dry shave his head on a future Biohackhumans podcast. "I fast for greater physical and mental efficiency" - PlatoThere is a commercial out now that asks, what if you only had one car for the rest of your life. How would you treat it? We go through vehicles every few years. If a lease is up, one trades it in. If one finds a newer model, one trades in their vehicle for it. With this mindset, one may not take care of their vehicle as well as they should but it is amazing how most will put in the right fuel, change the oil regularly, ensure the fluids are filled and clean, wash their cars, etc. In reality, we only have one vehicle for the rest of our lives. It's our body. We have but one body for an entire lifetime but we often abuse it. Due to the abuse, we end up spending too much time and money to patch it up in order to enjoy our activities of daily living to the fullest as opposed to living activities of daily living to the fullest without the aspect of self damage.Fasting has been an idea around as long as time can remember. Plutarch was quoted as saying, "Instead of using medicine, rather, fast a day."  Today it appears all the rage has become an idea of intermittent fasting. Individuals believe they will be healthier as a result of intermittent fasting. Unfortunately, most cannot define health for themselves and what it truly means. However, understanding what they are doing or not may prove beneficial to some while having no effect on others, which depends on the purpose and methods utilized.Beginning with intermittent fasting in humans; the general health benefits have not been fully explored in literature. While most human results in research are found to be inconclusive, they do show a tendency to improve metabolic conditions (glycemia and blood lipids), which could possibly reflect in the reduction of cardiovascular events, the reversal of diabetes mellitus type 2, and a plethora of other neurological and inflammatory conditions.What most utilize intermittent fasting for is not what it is designed to do. Many believe when they fast for short periods of time, they detoxify their bodies and lose body fat. In reality, short fasts such as a 16/8 or a 5/2 for example really help some individuals lose weight. Instead of reducing portion sizes, they reduce a time frame for feeding, thus reducing caloric intake of their diets, which most likely may be lacking in proper nutrients in the first place. If one consumes an abundance of sugar and other processed foods, they will continuously spike their insulin levels and as a result, continue to store fat as opposed to releasing it into the system to be processed as energy and eliminated. Intermittent fasting only reduces the amount of unhealthy calories consumed. However, it does appear intermittent fasting has been made popular by Hollywood celebrities such as Hugh Jackman praising their success on intermittent fasting (not the hypothetical anabolic steroids, SARMS and clenbuterol). It does however appear that longer term fasting may have positive benefits other than reduction of weekly caloric intake. None of the benefits however have any research that point to detoxification. Heavy metals are stored in bone, which is not released with lack of food. It does appear a shorter fast (just water) such as 48 hours may result in higher parasympathetic activity and decreased resting frontal brain activity, increased anger (yes, it makes one cranky) and improved prefrontal cortex related cognitive functions, such as mental flexibility and set shifting. However, no functions of the hippocampus are affected. Fasting for 48 hours (prior to contrary belief) has not shown to improve working memory, visuospacial discrimination or spatial orientation ability. With a lack of food intake, one increases HGH output, increased cortisol release and increased catechlomines. This is a part of gluconeogenesis. Larger meals increase parasympathetic activity as one does not need to release epinephrine/ norepinephrine in order to release glucose into the system. This may put one in a more relaxed state and allowing blood to flow to organs and heal and repair any possible damage that has occurred from abuse over the years.In the brain, intermittent fasting may reduce the effects of aging as reducing food intake (especially incidence of unknown inflammatory foods) has anti-inflammatory effects. Here is how it works:At six hours of non- food intake, the body becomes catabolic, tearing down damaged cells in a process known as apoptosis. The cells recycle waste material, regulate waste products and regenerate. These mechanisms are enacted through the release of human growth hormone (HGH). With the release of HGH, the body may repair tissue collagen, therefore improving the strength of joints (tendons, ligaments), bones, muscles and skin. Burns heal faster and wrinkles may diminish. Research has shown that men who have fasted for only 24 hours have a 2000% increase in circulating HGH. Women have an increase of 1300%. Individuals who fast for a prolonged period of time have reduced levels of triglycerides and boosted HDL cholesterol with more stabilized blood sugar levels (inhibited insulin release.) While a high fat (ketogenic) diet will inhibit insulin release, it does inhibit the release of HGH (as do carbohydrates and proteins). When it comes to the disruption of neuronal autophagy, disruption of this increases neurodegenerative states throughout the brain. Elevated circulating levels of insulin reduce the amount of neuronal autophagy and cause metabolic dysfunction and accelerated degenerative states.It may be essential for bouts of fasting for the brain to "clean itself up" in order to improve cognitive function and less "clutter" that blocks healthy cognitive function. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)  levels govern the creation of neural and synaptic formation. High levels of BDNF lead to healthier neurons and increased synaptic transmission processes between neurons. Low levels of BDNF have been shown to be linked to dementia (Alzheimers), Parkinsons and  oher cognitive disruption. Fasting for 36 hours has been shown to boos BDNF levels by up to 400%.Having just completed 5 days of fasting (water only), 36 hours is extremely difficult. One is choosing to cause pain upon themselves to improve themselves on many levels. As with exercise; one push up will not build muscle or prevent any diseases. It is the culmination of multiple movements such as push ups done each day for long periods of time to see benefits. In the same regard, one long and painful fast will not cause lifelong health. It is the culmination of prolonged fasts that may possibly accomplish this. However, research has yet to prove this so it is purely theoretical at this point. There are ideas of how best to fast such as drinking herbal teas, taking cleanses, etc. No research has yet to fully back this up. What is known about fasting thus far is that it may have improved cardiovascular health, reduces cancer risk, repairs genes and may increase longevity (due to a retarding of the shortening of telomeres). The primary mechanism of intermittent fasting is due to the impact on insulin sensitivity. Reduced insulin levels does allow your body to burn fat for fuel (ketosis). Mounting evidence shows that as a result of ketosis, you have a reduced risk of chronic disease. Before fasting, one should understand what the purpose of it is. What are you trying to achieve? Some believe not eating will help them lose weight. In reality, your body does go into a self preservation state (during longer fasts) and when it does, your resting metabolic rate slows (reduced metabolism). Doing any type of fast then should be done with not only a deep understanding of human physiology but also with the oversight of a seasoned healthcare professional.Warning:Those that should avoid fasting are those who have chronic stress, cortisol dysregulation, pregnant and nursing mothers, and those who do not understand the science and efficacy of long term fasting and intermittent fasting.   Find us: Instagram (@biohackhumans)  Facebook (@biohackhumans) Twitter (@biohackhumans) Tumblr (@biohackhumans)   Contact Us:                                             

 Nutrient Timing, When to Consume Protein and Clean Eating Answered Once and for All | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:36

The MadScientist Jim Goetz and Dr. Mike delve into nutrient timing. Should nutrients be ingested all at once or spread out? How often? Why? What's the proper way to increase anabolic effects in the body?  Is the timing of protein better to be injested pre or post exercise? The results may surprise you! We delve into the anabolic window and decipher between gym smarts and real smarts. What really is clean eating? It's something different to everyone. We discuss clean eating and what it truly means.  Lastly we find how to increase testosterone levels using low level laser therapy.   Find us: Instagram (@biohackhumans)  Facebook (@biohackhumans) Twitter (@biohackhumans) Tumblr (@biohackhumans)   Contact Us:

 How Much Protein to Consume, How to Stretch to Affect Your DNA | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:59

Dr. Mike and Jim discuss stretching that lasts by changing the DNA of ones muscle cells (myocytes). They also uncover the most recent research on how much protein is enough and what is too much. Lastly, they touch upon Earthing and it's benefits.   Find us: Instagram (@biohackhumans)  Facebook (@biohackhumans) Twitter (@biohackhumans) Tumblr (@biohackhumans)   Contact Us:


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