Intermittent Fasting and Fasting in General and Keto

BioHackHumans: Advancing Human Performance Through Health, Fitness and Nutrition show

Summary: Show Notes:By Jim Goetz    We first visit with Jersey Strong Gym General Manager Dane Cuccinello. Dane has developed the reputation for bieng able to build and grow successful teams to ensure the success of an organization. We biohack ways to do the same and apply these principles to any organization. Dane also agreed to take a 30 Day Keto Challenge. For 30 days and 30 nights, Dane will eat only a ketogenic diet. Any deviation of this and he has agreed to allow Dr. Mike and Jim to dry shave his head on a future Biohackhumans podcast. "I fast for greater physical and mental efficiency" - PlatoThere is a commercial out now that asks, what if you only had one car for the rest of your life. How would you treat it? We go through vehicles every few years. If a lease is up, one trades it in. If one finds a newer model, one trades in their vehicle for it. With this mindset, one may not take care of their vehicle as well as they should but it is amazing how most will put in the right fuel, change the oil regularly, ensure the fluids are filled and clean, wash their cars, etc. In reality, we only have one vehicle for the rest of our lives. It's our body. We have but one body for an entire lifetime but we often abuse it. Due to the abuse, we end up spending too much time and money to patch it up in order to enjoy our activities of daily living to the fullest as opposed to living activities of daily living to the fullest without the aspect of self damage.Fasting has been an idea around as long as time can remember. Plutarch was quoted as saying, "Instead of using medicine, rather, fast a day."  Today it appears all the rage has become an idea of intermittent fasting. Individuals believe they will be healthier as a result of intermittent fasting. Unfortunately, most cannot define health for themselves and what it truly means. However, understanding what they are doing or not may prove beneficial to some while having no effect on others, which depends on the purpose and methods utilized.Beginning with intermittent fasting in humans; the general health benefits have not been fully explored in literature. While most human results in research are found to be inconclusive, they do show a tendency to improve metabolic conditions (glycemia and blood lipids), which could possibly reflect in the reduction of cardiovascular events, the reversal of diabetes mellitus type 2, and a plethora of other neurological and inflammatory conditions.What most utilize intermittent fasting for is not what it is designed to do. Many believe when they fast for short periods of time, they detoxify their bodies and lose body fat. In reality, short fasts such as a 16/8 or a 5/2 for example really help some individuals lose weight. Instead of reducing portion sizes, they reduce a time frame for feeding, thus reducing caloric intake of their diets, which most likely may be lacking in proper nutrients in the first place. If one consumes an abundance of sugar and other processed foods, they will continuously spike their insulin levels and as a result, continue to store fat as opposed to releasing it into the system to be processed as energy and eliminated. Intermittent fasting only reduces the amount of unhealthy calories consumed. However, it does appear intermittent fasting has been made popular by Hollywood celebrities such as Hugh Jackman praising their success on intermittent fasting (not the hypothetical anabolic steroids, SARMS and clenbuterol). It does however appear that longer term fasting may have positive benefits other than reduction of weekly caloric intake. None of the benefits however have any research that point to detoxification. Heavy metals are stored in bone, which is not released with lack of food. It does appear a shorter fast (just water) such as 48 hours may result in higher parasympathetic activity and decreased resting frontal brain activity, increased anger (yes, it makes one cranky) and improved prefrontal cortex related cognitive functions, such as mental flexibility and set shifting. However, no functions of the hippocampus are affected. Fasting for 48 hours (prior to contrary belief) has not shown to improve working memory, visuospacial discrimination or spatial orientation ability. With a lack of food intake, one increases HGH output, increased cortisol release and increased catechlomines. This is a part of gluconeogenesis. Larger meals increase parasympathetic activity as one does not need to release epinephrine/ norepinephrine in order to release glucose into the system. This may put one in a more relaxed state and allowing blood to flow to organs and heal and repair any possible damage that has occurred from abuse over the years.In the brain, intermittent fasting may reduce the effects of aging as reducing food intake (especially incidence of unknown inflammatory foods) has anti-inflammatory effects. Here is how it works:At six hours of non- food intake, the body becomes catabolic, tearing down damaged cells in a process known as apoptosis. The cells recycle waste material, regulate waste products and regenerate. These mechanisms are enacted through the release of human growth hormone (HGH). With the release of HGH, the body may repair tissue collagen, therefore improving the strength of joints (tendons, ligaments), bones, muscles and skin. Burns heal faster and wrinkles may diminish. Research has shown that men who have fasted for only 24 hours have a 2000% increase in circulating HGH. Women have an increase of 1300%. Individuals who fast for a prolonged period of time have reduced levels of triglycerides and boosted HDL cholesterol with more stabilized blood sugar levels (inhibited insulin release.) While a high fat (ketogenic) diet will inhibit insulin release, it does inhibit the release of HGH (as do carbohydrates and proteins). When it comes to the disruption of neuronal autophagy, disruption of this increases neurodegenerative states throughout the brain. Elevated circulating levels of insulin reduce the amount of neuronal autophagy and cause metabolic dysfunction and accelerated degenerative states.It may be essential for bouts of fasting for the brain to "clean itself up" in order to improve cognitive function and less "clutter" that blocks healthy cognitive function. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)  levels govern the creation of neural and synaptic formation. High levels of BDNF lead to healthier neurons and increased synaptic transmission processes between neurons. Low levels of BDNF have been shown to be linked to dementia (Alzheimers), Parkinsons and  oher cognitive disruption. Fasting for 36 hours has been shown to boos BDNF levels by up to 400%.Having just completed 5 days of fasting (water only), 36 hours is extremely difficult. One is choosing to cause pain upon themselves to improve themselves on many levels. As with exercise; one push up will not build muscle or prevent any diseases. It is the culmination of multiple movements such as push ups done each day for long periods of time to see benefits. In the same regard, one long and painful fast will not cause lifelong health. It is the culmination of prolonged fasts that may possibly accomplish this. However, research has yet to prove this so it is purely theoretical at this point. There are ideas of how best to fast such as drinking herbal teas, taking cleanses, etc. No research has yet to fully back this up. What is known about fasting thus far is that it may have improved cardiovascular health, reduces cancer risk, repairs genes and may increase longevity (due to a retarding of the shortening of telomeres). The primary mechanism of intermittent fasting is due to the impact on insulin sensitivity. Reduced insulin levels does allow your body to burn fat for fuel (ketosis). Mounting evidence shows that as a result of ketosis, you have a reduced risk of chronic disease. Before fasting, one should understand what the purpose of it is. What are you trying to achieve? Some believe not eating will help them lose weight. In reality, your body does go into a self preservation state (during longer fasts) and when it does, your resting metabolic rate slows (reduced metabolism). Doing any type of fast then should be done with not only a deep understanding of human physiology but also with the oversight of a seasoned healthcare professional.Warning:Those that should avoid fasting are those who have chronic stress, cortisol dysregulation, pregnant and nursing mothers, and those who do not understand the science and efficacy of long term fasting and intermittent fasting.   Find us: Instagram (@biohackhumans)  Facebook (@biohackhumans) Twitter (@biohackhumans) Tumblr (@biohackhumans)   Contact Us: