Dangers of the Gym

BioHackHumans: Advancing Human Performance Through Health, Fitness and Nutrition show

Summary: Jim Goetz Michael Brandon Chantea Goetz   This episode was recorded from our brand new studio at Functionised Integrative Therapeutics (FIT) (Get #functionised) in Colts Neck, New Jersey. We want to thank FIT for allowing us to use their facility for this and future podcasts. We look forward to a very healthy and productive relationship with their world class staff. Gyms are often though to be a place to achieve prime health. With the proper goals, plan and accountability, this is quite possible. Unfortunately, 95% of people will fail at their goals and 100% of the 95% believe that they are different than others. They will assuradely achieve their goals without having any actual goals or any aclue in what they are doing. What is even crazier, is the dangrous conditions that exist int he first place. Flooring and equipment often have PCB's emitted that is a high toxin. Combine that with excedd carbon dioxide emitted from heavier breathing and the air becomes quite unhealthy. Many gyms do not have proper ventalation causing severe respiratory problems for members. Solutions are large fans, HEPA filters and plants. Many gyms now have smothie bars, which is seen as a healthy thing. The amounts of protein and sugar often added to these smoothies is no better than having a banana split from Baskin Robins after ones workout. Even the protein bars are often no better than glorified candy bars with added protein. It is counter productive to put in such an effort at the gym only to pour sludge back into your body. High intensity interval training (HIIT) is being touted at the most efficient way to train due to the shortened duration of exercise. The unfortunate part of this is that most novice fitness enthusiasts are in no condition to put forth such a hard effort that often utilizes ballistic movements. To truly adhere to HIIT, one must raise their heart rate to 90% of their max for a short period and then allow it to go back to resting. The efforts one must put forth in order to do this should be monitored (which most do not) and adhered to (which most do not). HIIT training has indeed been shown to be of benefit to many. One must understand what they are doing though to not only train optimally but to avoid injury. Classes such as spin abuse equipment leading to injury. Push ups on a bike for instance put a strain on the equipment, which can beak and cause injury to the participant. I have seen it happen and it coudl be avoidable.  Controversey often exists over machines as the novice flocks to machines. This is due to the fact that machiens appear simple to use. There are picutres and the machines move in only one plane of motion Unfortunately they move in only one plane of motion. Repeated movements such as this lead to a decreased range of motion, a build up of fibrotic tissue and ultimately injury. Proprioception is in no way developed and an individual ultimately will decline in their potential.  Some may say that machines are better than using nothing. That is like the idea that eating crisco and drinking motor oil is better than eating nothing. I am not saying never to use machines. What I am saying is that there is a time and place for everything and relying on only one thing is most likely going to lead to burnout, injury, and failure.  One does not need to only workout in the gym. The human body can move in places such as the beach, parks, etc. The quality of air should be better, and full body calisthenics (weight can be added by means such as a vest or bringing some weights with you), have been used for centuries to create the most fiece and dominant of humans. Gyms were designed to help individuals discover better health. If done properly, they may do just this. On the flip side, if one goes into a gym with blind ignorance, money and time will be lost and frustration and the bad kind of pain will be gained.