"A Couple of Things..." Podcast 95

Simply Living for Him show

Summary: Today I declared it a little bit of a "mish-mash" of topics on the podcast. I am starting out by discussing the idea of how our culture cultivates an atmosphere of instant gratification (hello, Amazon Prime!) and no longer are we able to wait gracefully or see the benefit of a long and sometimes difficult journey. In homeschool and in life, there is no instant-gratification. It is sometimes a few steps forward and sometimes a few steps backward...and that's okay. That is where we learn and most importantly, grow. And grow closer to God. I also talked about the new IDEA we are doing for our family Bible time that I am so excited about! And I also am talking a little bit about how to keep our summer slow and simple... Join me and then comment and let me know your thoughts! www.simplylivingforhim.com