The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast

Summary: If you’re looking for political podcasts you might want to check out The Christopher Scott Radio Talk Show Podcast. It is an independent channel, and Christopher Scott is considered one of the country’s top political commentators. ​Why is it better? Because it's the most popular independent podcast. Listened to in countries around the world. Often copied, never replicated and never compromised. It's the highest level of integrity available in broadcasting.  ​Chris is an author, speaker and an American political commentator who also offers an independent alternative. Christopher Scott is not just a news host. Much of his political commentary is shaped by perspective of Common Sense by Thomas Paine. ​ Christopher Scott is the author of Common Sense By Thomas Paine in Modern English which he spent over a year translating form the original manuscript. Making him, arguably the authority on Common Sense. This common sense perspective sets his commentary apart from other podcast channels. Because it’s a podcast about ideas it also sets the Christopher Scott Show apart from other political commentators. ​It’s a podcast that belongs in the top 15 political podcast channels to follow. Check it out for yourself.

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  • Artist: Christopher Scott Show
  • Copyright: Copyright Christopher Scott (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Impeach Trump? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:00

Will President Trump be impeached? Today House Dems introduce articles of impeachment against Trump. Why are there democrats so hell bent on getting this president out of office? What exactly is impeachment? Will it actually happen and what does all this mean to the country? Ok so there's a bunch of questions here and quite a bit to consider when you look at everything going on. So let me just make it plain and simple what's going on because it really isn't very complicated. it's not very hard to understand what's going on when you look beyond the headlines. Impeachment has to come from the House of Representatives and today six Democrat representatives introduced five articles of impeachment against President Trump. They say they have decided that President Trump is a danger to the country. A danger to who? That's the question that needs to be answered to understand what all this is about. Who is danger because of President Trump? Who has Donald Trump put in danger that he should be removed from office? That's the basic question that has to be answered to understand what this is really about So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 New Tax Plan or Scam? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:00

Congress is working on a republican sponsored tax plan. Are you in favor of it? How can you be? How can you understand it? It started as tax reform now their calling it tax cuts. Which is it and why the confusion on such a basic thing? These are the questions we're discussing today. So the president and at least some members of congress think lowering taxes will push more money into the economy, create economic growth and actually increase tax revenues. Basically a lower tax rate on a larger amount of money. There is some analysis to support the idea and of course the whole concept is championed by Ronald Reagan who is hailed in conservative circles as some kind of economic guru. But, was he? Was Reagan really that great? Not everyone thinks so. I think the thing on just about everybody's mind is how do we lower taxes when there's so much debt. And that needs to be a part of this conversation. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Election Day: The Big Picture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

How are elections decided? Why does it seem like the winning candidate is never the most popular with voters? How and who is influencing our elections? Those are the questions we're asking today. Of course last week's election results produced plenty of drama. But, what about the big picture? How are elections decided and do the election results reflect popular opinions? Probably not is the short answer. How does voter turnout skew the results so that the elected candidates don't necessarily reflect popular opinion. The answer might surprise you. Well talk through the election process and ask the tough the questions. How do age demographics impact the election? What about unions, should government employee unions such as the teachers union be prohibited from political involvement. It's a contentious question but one thing is for sure, the union exercises a big influence in our elections. With all that, one can be done to make the election process easier and attract more voters? Why is here in America we only get 50-60% turnout but places like Belgium get as high as 95%? Maybe this is a crazy question but why are the elections fixed on just one day? What would happen is say it were  spread out over a month? Find out the answers, hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Racism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:00

The Democrat National Committee just sent out an email for 8 new job openings saying whites need not apply. They said, straight, white males need not apply, their already in the majority. They basically just said white people aren't welcome. And the reason, they said because they're already in the majority. I'm no lawyer but do anti-discrimination laws allow an employer to discriminate because of the number currently employed? So if a company has too many women can they say women need not apply? And, boy they really narrowed this down didn't they? They said straight, white males need not apply. So I guess it's open to gay, white males? What if somebody's confused but unsure, does that qualify? If someone is unsure about their sexual identity how's that fit in? And, how do they check? I thought it was illegal to even ask questions like this. Now some people will make the argument that it's for diversity. We need more diversity because well diversity is a good thing and we're going to get diversity one way or the other even if it means going the racist route and even if it means breaking laws. But they didn't say anything about diversity. They said white people stay away - because your white. Imagine for a second the NFL came out and said black males need not apply. Imagine they said no more black males. No more black males their already in the majority. What would people be saying if the NFL said no more black players, we have enough. How do you think people would react to that? What would people say? Don't you think there'd be people screaming from the rooftops? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Sunday: Special Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:00

This show is my masterful attempt to humbly, bring some common sense thinking and intriguing discussion based on facts to a world that has become full of fake news, fake headlines and fake Personalities. This is the real deal. I'm not beholden to a political viewpoint, political party or big sponsors. So you get real, fact based talk without all the nonsense. I'm not here to be some talking head but to engage you in a conversation and encourage you to think and make up your own mind. I know it's not for everyone and I know you won't always agree with me! And, honestly that's good. Visit: Facebook:

 What Is Veterans Day? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:00

This show is dedicated to all those who said Yes. Dedicated to all those that answered the call. To all those who set aside what was easy, decided to do what was hard and made a commitment, took on the obligation to defend the constitution of the United States. To all those who swore and put themselves in harms way and sacrificed in order to ensure the ideals of our country endure. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Happy Birthday! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

You may not have thought about this but do you know what today is? You don't know? It's the birthday of the United States Marine Corps I want to talk about what that means but also what every American can learn from it. Earlier this week we were talking about this Kevin Spacey thing. And have considered the practical implications of our moral views? Specifically what I mean is, where is the line drawn between normal, healthy sexual behavior and deviant, destructive behavior. You might have heard this: More news came out about the corruption in the Hilary campaign and how they robbed Bernie Sanders. Who cares if Bernie Sanders got robbed but have you considered why do we need political parties? You might have heard enough of this and you might be confused about it but I have some information on these fake Russian ads but more importantly the current state of disinformation. But, hey it's Friday! Visit: Facebook:   So hit the play button!

 Political Turmoil | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Did you hear about the John McCain interview? He came out and said, "we're going through a period of turmoil politically". It's NOT what he said that I find interesting. It's the source. Is he speaking of all the damage he's done in his 35 years in office? What exactly is he talking about and why would he say this now. Remember this is the guy that turned over the fake trump dossier to the FBI and claims that he had no further communication with the FBI in regard to the dossier. And I want to know if he turned over that dossier after the election because if he did I think he should be investigated for treason. Is that the political turmoil he's talking about? So here's another career politician a guy who's made millions of dollars in office a guy who's built his platform on the basis of being a veteran and veterans can't stand him He's gotten himself involved in this Trump dossier scandal, He's a traitor to the party he no longer represents the American people. He did a complete about-face on repealing Obamacare and now he's gonna sit here and lecture us on political turmoil. Fantastic politics as usual. We're also talking about the shooting in Texas. Of course it brings up the argument of gun control. And, I also we'll talk about the new tax bill and a bunch of other great stuff! So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Bizarre World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

I don't know if you'll agree with this or nor but, When I look at everything going on right now I feel like either nobody's making any sense or I've lost all sensibilities, almost like up in alternate freaking universe. Some of the stuff going on is bizarre. Like this one: Is Russia giving up on democracy? The answer on that is not yet but moving closer. Imagine if it were a crime for not standing for the anthem, what do you think of that? Well it's a real thing and I'll tell you about it.   Are we all paying a tax for football, yeah sort of, – this will blow your mind. Then we have North Korea and I’m revising my prediction again. Imagine there were trips you could take to Mars. Would you want to check it out? It's being worked on. Also, the Marine Corps Birthday is coming up in 2 days and I want to talk about some of the accomplishments of female Marines I’ve mentioned a few times about how robots will soon be available for personal use. What questions do you have on the advancement of technology and the future of man kind? Are you aware the president has authorized more aid going to Puerto Rico. Is it good or too little too late? And consider the impact of this! The presidents Twitter account was shut down. Is this a good thing or an all out crisis? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Sex and Scandals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

Would you drop off and leave your 14 year old child at an adult party? I've asked this question of a few people and they all looked at me like I had 3 heads. So let me ask it a different way, do you think a parent that drops their 14 year old child off at adult parties is a bad parent? Would that be a bad parent to drop their child off at a party like that? Why are officials not releasing any more information on the Las Vegas shooting? Some people are saying it's to cover up a conspiracy. Is it? Could it be? Would you ride in a driverless car? I've been asking people this and it's about 50/50. Is climate change a real thing or not? After the trifecta hurricane hits on Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico some of the climate change people were screaming, I told you so, I told you so.  Are you afraid to talk about politics? And if you are is it because of Trump? One of the biggest hypocrisies I see in the political divide and the never Trump crowd, the socialist calling Trump a fascist are not the ones afraid to speak out and I've got the poll numbers to prove it.  While we're on the subject of that, are we still a republic? Are we now a one party state? Why do we even have political parties? Are we still a government based on the rule of law? With all the corruption and double standards it's hard to think we are.  That's some of the things I thought you might be interested in talking about So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Day 289 of Draining the Swamp | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

Day 289 of draining the swamp. Let me ask you something of liberals are so liberal why do they work so hard to shut up and shut down conservatives. No jail time for Bird Gal - the Army traitor - makes me sick. The whole world has to be just laughing at this. The whole stinkin thing the way Obama paraded this jerk and weirdo family around to the way they released 5 guys from Gitmo for this loser. The lousey judge comes out and says Trumps comments would be viewed as mitigating circumstances?  Would you vote for Mark Zuckerberg for president. He's considering running. The NFL is destroying itself from within. Now the owners and players are fighting.  Have you noticed how many people have tattoos? Why? What suddenly made tattoos so popular? Could it be possible there really was a mass alien abduction? This one is fascinating. How often do you see a genuinely evil person? Have you ever? You know a person that you can just feel it in your spine the evil exuding from the person. Wait until you hear the story of Niko Jenkin. No surprise here, they've been rounding up and arresting Trump campaign people. Do you notice anything interesting about the timing?  A federal court judge, here we go again with the judges, bans Trump from banning transgender in the military. Why do you think this is happening? Why would this be so important in the name of this so-called equality? The black plague is back but this one is different. Let me ask you this, if there was a widespread outbreak here do you think the government is prepared to deal with it? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Sunday: Special Edition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:00

The Trump dossier has been talked to death and yet no one is reporting the whole story, why? This is probably the biggest news in a hundred years and nobody is catching the main point. I know you’re probably not interested in talking about taxes and budgets but why are republicans proposing a budget that increases federal spending 2,3,4 times the rate of inflation? There’s no reason or explanation just FAT spending covered in veil of small tax cuts. Are the earthquakes in California affecting people’s brains? I have to ask because there's a story about a California billionaire running a $10 million dollar campaign to unseat the president of the United States – this story will blow your mind. And this is a small issue but I wonder why it is so hard to get decent, accurate information about a basic issue. Is the new $15 minimum wage in Seattle killing restaurants? You might be surprised. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Thumb Madness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

I want to talk a little bit on the movement to stop president Trump. This has reached an epic scale. It just doesn't stop. And I often say that the democrat party of today is really socialist but I think a big part of it is just anarchists. And, that's a big problem for the democrats the party has moved too far off center. Citizenship Applications in the U.S. have Surged! Have you heard that? So tell me again what immigrants are afraid of? Are you telling me their like sheep lining up to be slaughtered by this evil fascist? Seattle $15 minimum wage: People are saying the $15 an hour minimum wage is killing restaurants in Seattle. So like I do with everything I check. Guess what I found out? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Boulevard of Broken Dreams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:00

Let me ask you something, do you feel optimistic? When you see everything going on in the news do you get a warm and fuzzy? A poll by CNBC says Americans are really optimistic about the economy. Have you ever participated in a pole. I've asked this question before and nobody has ever told me yes. So, who's doing these polls? I don’t know if you remember this. TV before cable. It was basically the nightly news and maybe a show here and there or a movie feature once in a while. Then cable came along and HBO was big. All the sudden people were watching a lot more TV. PRISM became big then sports were available on cable. Then, it was just 2008 MySpace was big - that was social media. That year MySpace had more visitors than google. It was basically I way to share photos with family and friends. But look how it's all changed and so quickly. And, look how people are spending their time. Here's my question: Have you ever considered how much time you waste between TV and social media. There's a guy in California, a billionaire, that just launched himself into the lime light last week when started a $10 dollar campaign to impeach Trump. Well I thought it might be fun to talk about who he is and what he stands for. The question here is do you agree with wealthy individuals using advertising and media to try and over throw the president? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 What do you believe in a world of lies. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:00

Lies, lies and more lies. What do you believe in a world of lies. Yesterday I laid out in detail the treasonist attempts to bring down the duly elected president of the United States. And, despite all the evidence that attack continues. I don't think anybody cares. I'm talking about the news of the dossier. But the whole situation is much is more than that. A few NFL team owners and players had an interesting meeting. I guess you could  say. I'm not surprised they're fighting now. This has just begun. The NFL made a very poor decision to allow these protests. Sex Dolls and Robots - as wives and citizens. I'm not kidding this is a thing now. Is this an attack on humanity? And if women can be replaced what makes you think men can't be replaced even easier? That should be interesting to talk about. And, I don't know if your even aware of this but the media is going through a big shake up. And it's across the board. Its doesn't really matter and this isn't going to change your life one bit but I thought it would be interesting to talk about. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:


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